subroutine imphnw(hin,flg,tinit,hout,qin,itr,htw) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR IMPHNW is an impoundment element subroutine that computes a c new stage given the current stage and time step. c c Called from: IMPFLO c Author(s): Mark Lindley c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: 3/6/94 c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real hin, tinit, hout, qin, htw integer flg, itr c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c tinit - initial time step c flg - flag indicating too large a time step (flg = 1) c hin - stage at the beginning of the time step c hout - stage at the end of the time step c itr - outflow regime number c htw - depth of tailwater flow in downstream channel c qin - inflow rate c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: a,b,c,d,e,ha,ht,hlm,a0,a1,a2,l0,l1,l2,qinf,isize c include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real qo1, qo2, qo3, qo4, qo5, qo6, qo7, qo8, qo9, qo10, qo11, 1 qo12, qo13, qo14, qo15, qout, tt, t6, dht, htp, dhm, dhdt c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c dhdt - intermediate change in stage over change in time c dhm - intermediate change in stage over change in time c dht - intermediate change in stage over change in time c htp - intermediate stage c t6 - averaging term used for computation of hout c tt - intermediate time step c qo1,15 - outflow contribution for each stage-discharge function c qout - outflow rate c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c computing dh/dt at hin = h c if (,ipond)) then flg = 1 return end if c qo1 = (b(1,itr,ipond)*(hin-ha(1,itr,ipond))**c(1,itr,ipond)) c qo2 = (b(2,itr,ipond)*(hin-ha(2,itr,ipond))**c(2,itr,ipond)) c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo3 = (b(3,itr,ipond)*(hin-(ha(3,itr,ipond)+htw-a(3,itr,ipond))) 1 **c(3,itr,ipond)) else qo3 = (b(3,itr,ipond)*(hin-ha(3,itr,ipond))**c(3,itr,ipond)) end if c qo4 = a(4,itr,ipond) * ((hin-ha(4,itr,ipond))/b(4,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(4,itr,ipond) c qo5 = a(5,itr,ipond) * (((hin-ha(5,itr,ipond))/b(5,itr,ipond)+ 1 c(5,itr,ipond))/d(5,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo6 = b(6,itr,ipond) * (hin-(ha(6,itr,ipond)+htw- 1 a(6,itr,ipond))) ** c(6,itr,ipond) else qo6 = b(6,itr,ipond) * (hin-ha(6,itr,ipond)) ** c(6,itr,ipond) end if c qo7 = a(7,itr,ipond) * ((hin-ha(7,itr,ipond))/b(7,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(7,itr,ipond) c qo8 = a(8,itr,ipond) * (((hin-ha(8,itr,ipond))/b(8,itr,ipond)+ 1 c(8,itr,ipond))/d(8,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo9 = b(9,itr,ipond) * (hin-(ha(9,itr,ipond)+htw- 1 a(9,itr,ipond))) ** c(9,itr,ipond) else qo9 = b(9,itr,ipond) * (hin-ha(9,itr,ipond)) ** c(9,itr,ipond) end if c qo10 = a(10,itr,ipond) * ((hin-ha(10,itr,ipond))/b(10,itr,ipond)) 1 ** c(10,itr,ipond) + d(10,itr,ipond) * (hin-e(10,itr,ipond)) 1 ** 1.5 c qo11 = a(11,itr,ipond) + b(11,itr,ipond) * (hin-ha(11,itr,ipond)) 1 + c(11,itr,ipond) * (hin-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 2. + 1 d(11,itr,ipond) * (hin-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 3. + 1 e(11,itr,ipond) * (hin-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 4.0 c qo12 = a(12,itr,ipond) * (hin-ha(12,itr,ipond)) + ( 1 b(12,itr,ipond)+c(12,itr,ipond)*(hin-d(12,itr,ipond))) * (hin- 1 d(12,itr,ipond)) ** 1.5 c qo13 = a(13,itr,ipond) / (b(13,itr,ipond)+c(13,itr,ipond)/(hin- 1 ha(13,itr,ipond))**1.5) c qo14 = a(14,itr,ipond) * (hin-ha(14,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c qo15 = b(15,itr,ipond) * (hin-ha(15,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(15,itr,ipond) c qout = min(qo1,qo2,qo3) + min(qo4,qo5,qo6) + min(qo7,qo8,qo9) + 1 qo10 + qo11 + qo12 + min(qo13,qo14,qo15) c dhdt = (qin-qout) / (a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*hin**a2(ipond)) tt = 3600. * tinit * 0.5 t6 = 3600. * tinit / 6.0 htp = hin + tt * dhdt c if (,ipond)) then flg = 1 return end if c c computing dh/dt at hin = htp (half the time step) c qo1 = (b(1,itr,ipond)*(htp-ha(1,itr,ipond))**c(1,itr,ipond)) c qo2 = (b(2,itr,ipond)*(htp-ha(2,itr,ipond))**c(2,itr,ipond)) c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo3 = (b(3,itr,ipond)*(htp-(ha(3,itr,ipond)+htw-a(3,itr,ipond))) 1 **c(3,itr,ipond)) else qo3 = (b(3,itr,ipond)*(htp-ha(3,itr,ipond))**c(3,itr,ipond)) end if c qo4 = a(4,itr,ipond) * ((htp-ha(4,itr,ipond))/b(4,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(4,itr,ipond) c qo5 = a(5,itr,ipond) * (((htp-ha(5,itr,ipond))/b(5,itr,ipond)+ 1 c(5,itr,ipond))/d(5,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo6 = b(6,itr,ipond) * (htp-(ha(6,itr,ipond)+htw- 1 a(6,itr,ipond))) ** c(6,itr,ipond) else qo6 = b(6,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(6,itr,ipond)) ** c(6,itr,ipond) end if c qo7 = a(7,itr,ipond) * ((htp-ha(7,itr,ipond))/b(7,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(7,itr,ipond) c qo8 = a(8,itr,ipond) * (((htp-ha(8,itr,ipond))/b(8,itr,ipond)+ 1 c(8,itr,ipond))/d(8,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo9 = b(9,itr,ipond) * (htp-(ha(9,itr,ipond)+htw- 1 a(9,itr,ipond))) ** c(9,itr,ipond) else qo9 = b(9,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(9,itr,ipond)) ** c(9,itr,ipond) end if c qo10 = a(10,itr,ipond) * ((htp-ha(10,itr,ipond))/b(10,itr,ipond)) 1 ** c(10,itr,ipond) + d(10,itr,ipond) * (htp-e(10,itr,ipond)) 1 ** 1.5 c qo11 = a(11,itr,ipond) + b(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) 1 + c(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 2. + 1 d(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 3. + 1 e(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 4.0 c qo12 = a(12,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(12,itr,ipond)) + ( 1 b(12,itr,ipond)+c(12,itr,ipond)*(htp-d(12,itr,ipond))) * (htp- 1 d(12,itr,ipond)) ** 1.5 c qo13 = a(13,itr,ipond) / (b(13,itr,ipond)+c(13,itr,ipond)/(htp- 1 ha(13,itr,ipond))**1.5) c qo14 = a(14,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(14,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c qo15 = b(15,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(15,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(15,itr,ipond) c qout = min(qo1,qo2,qo3) + min(qo4,qo5,qo6) + min(qo7,qo8,qo9) + 1 qo10 + qo11 + qo12 + min(qo13,qo14,qo15) c dht = (qin-qout) / (a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*htp**a2(ipond)) htp = hin + tt * dht c if (,ipond)) then flg = 1 return end if c c computing dh/dt at hin = htp (half the time step) c qo1 = (b(1,itr,ipond)*(htp-ha(1,itr,ipond))**c(1,itr,ipond)) c qo2 = (b(2,itr,ipond)*(htp-ha(2,itr,ipond))**c(2,itr,ipond)) c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo3 = (b(3,itr,ipond)*(htp-(ha(3,itr,ipond)+htw-a(3,itr,ipond))) 1 **c(3,itr,ipond)) else qo3 = (b(3,itr,ipond)*(htp-ha(3,itr,ipond))**c(3,itr,ipond)) end if c qo4 = a(4,itr,ipond) * ((htp-ha(4,itr,ipond))/b(4,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(4,itr,ipond) c qo5 = a(5,itr,ipond) * (((htp-ha(5,itr,ipond))/b(5,itr,ipond)+ 1 c(5,itr,ipond))/d(5,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo6 = b(6,itr,ipond) * (htp-(ha(6,itr,ipond)+htw- 1 a(6,itr,ipond))) ** c(6,itr,ipond) else qo6 = b(6,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(6,itr,ipond)) ** c(6,itr,ipond) end if c qo7 = a(7,itr,ipond) * ((htp-ha(7,itr,ipond))/b(7,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(7,itr,ipond) c qo8 = a(8,itr,ipond) * (((htp-ha(8,itr,ipond))/b(8,itr,ipond)+ 1 c(8,itr,ipond))/d(8,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo9 = b(9,itr,ipond) * (htp-(ha(9,itr,ipond)+htw- 1 a(9,itr,ipond))) ** c(9,itr,ipond) else qo9 = b(9,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(9,itr,ipond)) ** c(9,itr,ipond) end if c qo10 = a(10,itr,ipond) * ((htp-ha(10,itr,ipond))/b(10,itr,ipond)) 1 ** c(10,itr,ipond) + d(10,itr,ipond) * (htp-e(10,itr,ipond)) 1 ** 1.5 c qo11 = a(11,itr,ipond) + b(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) 1 + c(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 2. + 1 d(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 3. + 1 e(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 4.0 c qo12 = a(12,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(12,itr,ipond)) + ( 1 b(12,itr,ipond)+c(12,itr,ipond)*(htp-d(12,itr,ipond))) * (htp- 1 d(12,itr,ipond)) ** 1.5 c qo13 = a(13,itr,ipond) / (b(13,itr,ipond)+c(13,itr,ipond)/(htp- 1 ha(13,itr,ipond))**1.5) c qo14 = a(14,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(14,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c qo15 = b(15,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(15,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(15,itr,ipond) c qout = min(qo1,qo2,qo3) + min(qo4,qo5,qo6) + min(qo7,qo8,qo9) + 1 qo10 + qo11 + qo12 + min(qo13,qo14,qo15) c dhm = (qin-qout) / (a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*htp**a2(ipond)) htp = hin + 3600. * tinit * dhm dhm = dht + dhm c if (,ipond)) then flg = 1 return end if c c computing dh/dt at hin = htp (the whole time step) c qo1 = (b(1,itr,ipond)*(htp-ha(1,itr,ipond))**c(1,itr,ipond)) c qo2 = (b(2,itr,ipond)*(htp-ha(2,itr,ipond))**c(2,itr,ipond)) c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo3 = (b(3,itr,ipond)*(htp-(ha(3,itr,ipond)+htw-a(3,itr,ipond))) 1 **c(3,itr,ipond)) else qo3 = (b(3,itr,ipond)*(htp-ha(3,itr,ipond))**c(3,itr,ipond)) end if c qo4 = a(4,itr,ipond) * ((htp-ha(4,itr,ipond))/b(4,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(4,itr,ipond) c qo5 = a(5,itr,ipond) * (((htp-ha(5,itr,ipond))/b(5,itr,ipond)+ 1 c(5,itr,ipond))/d(5,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo6 = b(6,itr,ipond) * (htp-(ha(6,itr,ipond)+htw- 1 a(6,itr,ipond))) ** c(6,itr,ipond) else qo6 = b(6,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(6,itr,ipond)) ** c(6,itr,ipond) end if c qo7 = a(7,itr,ipond) * ((htp-ha(7,itr,ipond))/b(7,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(7,itr,ipond) c qo8 = a(8,itr,ipond) * (((htp-ha(8,itr,ipond))/b(8,itr,ipond)+ 1 c(8,itr,ipond))/d(8,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c if (,itr,ipond)) then qo9 = b(9,itr,ipond) * (htp-(ha(9,itr,ipond)+htw- 1 a(9,itr,ipond))) ** c(9,itr,ipond) else qo9 = b(9,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(9,itr,ipond)) ** c(9,itr,ipond) end if c qo10 = a(10,itr,ipond) * ((htp-ha(10,itr,ipond))/b(10,itr,ipond)) 1 ** c(10,itr,ipond) + d(10,itr,ipond) * (htp-e(10,itr,ipond)) 1 ** 1.5 c qo11 = a(11,itr,ipond) + b(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) 1 + c(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 2. + 1 d(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 3. + 1 e(11,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(11,itr,ipond)) ** 4.0 c qo12 = a(12,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(12,itr,ipond)) + ( 1 b(12,itr,ipond)+c(12,itr,ipond)*(htp-d(12,itr,ipond))) * (htp- 1 d(12,itr,ipond)) ** 1.5 c qo13 = a(13,itr,ipond) / (b(13,itr,ipond)+c(13,itr,ipond)/(htp- 1 ha(13,itr,ipond))**1.5) c qo14 = a(14,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(14,itr,ipond)) ** 0.5 c qo15 = b(15,itr,ipond) * (htp-ha(15,itr,ipond)) ** 1 c(15,itr,ipond) c qout = min(qo1,qo2,qo3) + min(qo4,qo5,qo6) + min(qo7,qo8,qo9) + 1 qo10 + qo11 + qo12 + min(qo13,qo14,qo15) c dht = (qin-qout) / (a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*htp**a2(ipond)) c c computing hout c hout = hin + t6 * (dhdt+dht+2.0*dhm) c return end