subroutine impint c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR IMPINT is the front end user interface portion of the c impoundment element. It develops stage-discharge, c stage-length, and stage-area functions from user-input c structure and geometry information. c c Called from: MAIN c Author(s): Mark Lindley, Jim Ascough II c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: 2/08/95 c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: ipdout c include '' include '' c include '' c write: a,b,c,d,e,ha,ht,hlm,a0,a1,a2,l0,l1,l2,qinf,isize c include '' include '' c include '' c write: h,deltat c include '' c write: bwes,sses,nes,pypos,zes,mdwit,dwt,rfrac,yc,qesr, c depth,ncross c include '' c write: d0,di,d100,sg,ndiv,ctd,cdp,hmin,hset,co,vs,cot c include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real af(15,10), bf(15,10), cf(15,10), df(15,10), ef(15,10), 1 haf(15,10), htf(15,10), qes(100), hest(100), hlf(15,10) c real hl(15,30), hal(100), length(100), lbl, sbl, hblot, ke, kb, 1 kc, hrs, coefw, coefo, lenrs, widrs, diabl, hitbl, wdbl, arcv, 1 hitcv, hcv, lcv, scv, hcvot, kus, mus, cs, ys, lnrf, hrf, 1 hotrf, wdrf, diarf, arf, arf1, arf2 c real area(100), ltrns(100), atrns(100), brf, cores, aes(5), qesii, 1 hes, hmxes, ses1, les1, ses2, les2, ses3, vsl, wdff, hff, 1 hotff, aout(5), lout(5), diars, qesi c real qpr(100), hpr(100), qb, hp, hpdel, qs, apr(5), hs, hr, as, 1 diab, cb, y, ko, ab, qw, hf, hrh, yci, ynes c real cl0, cl100, sl0, sl100, sa0, sa100, sd0, sd100, la0, la100, 1 diar, hb, hd, qo11, a0tmp, hfltmp, hmntmp, hottmp, l0tmp, 1 qnftmp, dltimp, htmp c integer ids, icv, ies, nfr(15), is, itf, ir(15), itr, ncv, ipr, 1 irf, nalpts, iff, i, npts, idcul, strcnt, isztmp, j, ndvtmp, k c character*72 strdes, impdes(3) c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c a0tmp - temprary variable for area power function coefficient c ab - area of barrel c aes(i) - coefficients for the fourth degree polynomial utilized in the c open channel/emergency spillway function development as c returned from SR POLY c af(i,j) - used for initial outflow functions, structure i, flow regime j c aout(i) - coefficients for the stage-area power function as returned c from SR POWER c apr(i) - power function from stage-discharge relationship c arcv - flow area of a culvert c area(i) - area corresponding to hal(i) c atrns(i) - area at hal(i) transformed by the area at hmin c arf - constant used in the porous rockfill outflow function c arf1 - variable used in the interpolation to get arf c arf2 - variable used in the interpolation to get arf c as - area of slots in perforated riser c bf(i,j) - used for initial outflow functions, structure i, flow regime j c brf - constant used in the porous rockfill outflow function c cb - orifice coefficient used for perforated riser restricting orifice c cf(i,j) - used for initial outflow functions, structure i, flow regime j c cl0 - clay 0% particle size diameter c cl100 - clay 100% particle size diameter c coefo - orifice flow coefficient (0.6) c coefw - weir flow coefficient (3.2) c cores - correction for entrance head loss for emergency spillway c cs - constant used in culvert flow relationship c df(i,j) - used for initial outflow functions, structure i, flow regime j c diab - diameter of the restricting orifice used in perforated riser c diabl - diameter of drop spillway or perforated riser barrel c diar - diameter of the perforated riser c diarf - average diameter of rock used in rockfill c diars - diameter of drop inlet riser c dltimp - temporary time step variable c ef(i,j) - used for initial outflow functions, structure i, flow regime j c haf(i,j) - adjustment stage used in initial outflow function i, flow regime j c hal(i) - stage corresponding to area(i) and length(i) c hb - height below hd of the restricting orifice in a perforated riser c hblot - height of the barrel outlet above the outlet channel bottom c hcv - stage of the culvert inlet c hcvot - height of the culvert outlet above the outlet channel bottom c hd - stage at which the slots begin in a perforated riser c hes - stage of the emergency spillway c hest(i) - stage coressponding to emergency spillway outflow qes(i) c hf - dummy stage used in emergency spillway section c hff - stage at the bottom of a filter fence or straw bale structure c hfltmp - temporary variable for stage full of sediment variable c hitbl - height of a rectangular barrel c hitcv - height of a rectangular culvert c hl(i,j) - limiting lowest stage for outflow function i, flow regime j c hlf(i,j) - limiting lowest stage for initial outflow function i, flow regime j c hmntmp - temporary variable for minimum stage variable c hmxes - maximum stage for flow in the emergency spillway c hotff - stage at which filter fence is overtopped c hottmp - temporary variable for stage overtopping variable c hotrf - stage at which porous rockfill is overtopped c hp - temporary perforated riser stage height c hpdel - change in stage for perforated riser stage discharge relationship c hpr(i) - array of perforated riser stages c hr - height of perforated riser inlet c hrf - stage at which flow through porous rockfill begins c hrh - height of the riser inlet above the barrel inlet c hrs - stage of the riser inlet c hs - height of the slotted portion of a perforated riser c htf(i,j) - transition stage at which flow regime j begins for outflow function i c htmp - temporary variable for stage c icv - type of culvert c idcul - flag for culvert #1 or culvert #2 c ids - type of drop spillway c ies - emergency spillway indicator c iff - filter fence or straw bale indicator c ipr - perforated riser indicator c ir - initial flow regime dummy variable c irf - porous rock fill indicator c is - dummy do loop variable c isztmp - temporary variable for isize c itf - dummy variable c itr - flow regime indicator c kb - bend loss coefficient c kc - friction loss coefficient c ke - entrance loss coefficient c ko - orifice loss coefficient c kus - constant used in culvert outflow function c l0tmp - temporary variable for length power function variable c la0 - large aggregate 0% particle size diameters c la100 - large aggregate 100% particle size diameters c lbl - length of the barrel c lcv - length of culvert c length(i) - length corresponding to hal(i) c ltrns(i) - length at hal(i) transformed by the length at hmin c lenrs - length of the riser opening for a rectangular riser c les1 - length of approach section of the emergency spilmway c les2 - length of the second section of the emergency spillway c lnrf - length of porous rock fill c lout(i) - coefficients for the stage-length power function as c returned from SR POWER c mus - constant used in culvert outflow function c nalpts - number of stage-area-length points c ncv - number of identical culverts c ndvtmp - temporary variable for ndiv c nfr(i) - number of flow regimes for outflow function i c npts - number of user specified stage-discharge points c qb - flow through bottom orifice of perforated riser c qes(i) - emergency spillway outflow corresponding to hest(i) c qesi - initial flow for emergency spillway stage-discharge relationship c qesii - incremental flow for emergency spillway stage-discharge relationship c qnftmp - temporary variable for infiltration variable c qo11 - emergency spillway flow used to check for control section c qpr(i) - array of perforated riser flow rates c qs - flow through slots of perforated riser c sbl - slope of the barrel c scv - slope of culvert c sa0 - small aggregate 0% particle size diameter c sa100 - small aggregate 100% particle size diameter c sd0 - sand 0% particle size diameter c sd100 - sand 100% particle size diameter c sl0 - silt 0% particle size diameter c sl100 - silt 100% particle size diameter c sg(i) - specific gravity for size subclass i c ses1 - slope of emergency spillway approach c ses2 - slope of second emergency spillway section c ses3 - slope of exit emergency spillway section c strcnt - counter for number of structures on an impoundment c strdes - brief description of impoundment structure c vsl - slurry flow rate for filter fence and straw bales c wdbl - width of rectangular cross section barrel c wdff - width of filter fence c wdrf - width of rockfill c widrs - width of rectangular cross section riser c y - flow depth c yci - initial critical depth c ynes - test depth for emergency spillway control section c ys - constant used in culvert outflow function c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c eatcom c imppol c imppow c imppro c impris c c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c open hydraulic file c open (unit=50,form='unformatted') c c open auxiliary files if only one impoundment and c impoundment output requested c if (npond.eq.1.and.ipdout.eq.1) then open (unit=54,file='sedout',status='unknown') open (unit=55,file='hydout',status='unknown') open (unit=56,file='sediment',status='unknown') open (unit=57,file='hydraulc',status='unknown') end if c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1200) if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1300) c c initialize impoundment common block (cim*.inc) variables c c initialize daily output array variables c do 50 i = 1, mximp c vi(i) = 0.0 qiin(i) = 0.0 qomx(i) = 0.0 hmax(i) = 0.0 totin(i) = 0.0 clin(i) = 0.0 slin(i) = 0.0 sain(i) = 0.0 sdin(i) = 0.0 lain(i) = 0.0 cout(i) = 0.0 clout(i) = 0.0 slout(i) = 0.0 saout(i) = 0.0 sdout(i) = 0.0 laout(i) = 0.0 ret(i) = 0.0 clret(i) = 0.0 slret(i) = 0.0 saret(i) = 0.0 sdret(i) = 0.0 laret(i) = 0.0 cpeak(i) = 0.0 ca(i) = 0.0 volo(i) = 0.0 ciin(i) = 0.0 pla(i) = 0.0 psa(i) = 0.0 psl(i) = 0.0 pcl(i) = 0.0 psd(i) = 0.0 totco(i) = 0.0 c c initialize monthly output array variables c vim(i) = 0.0 qiinm(i) = 0.0 qomxm(i) = 0.0 hmaxm(i) = 0.0 totinm(i) = 0.0 clinm(i) = 0.0 slinm(i) = 0.0 sainm(i) = 0.0 sdinm(i) = 0.0 lainm(i) = 0.0 coutm(i) = 0.0 cloutm(i) = 0.0 sloutm(i) = 0.0 saoutm(i) = 0.0 sdoutm(i) = 0.0 laoutm(i) = 0.0 retm(i) = 0.0 clretm(i) = 0.0 slretm(i) = 0.0 saretm(i) = 0.0 sdretm(i) = 0.0 laretm(i) = 0.0 cpeakm(i) = 0.0 cpkim(i) = 0.0 cam(i) = 0.0 vom(i) = 0.0 tem(i) = 0.0 cainm(i) = 0.0 c c initialize yearly output array variables c viy(i) = 0.0 qiiny(i) = 0.0 qomxy(i) = 0.0 hmaxy(i) = 0.0 totiny(i) = 0.0 cliny(i) = 0.0 sliny(i) = 0.0 sainy(i) = 0.0 sdiny(i) = 0.0 lainy(i) = 0.0 couty(i) = 0.0 clouty(i) = 0.0 slouty(i) = 0.0 saouty(i) = 0.0 sdouty(i) = 0.0 laouty(i) = 0.0 rety(i) = 0.0 clrety(i) = 0.0 slrety(i) = 0.0 sarety(i) = 0.0 sdrety(i) = 0.0 larety(i) = 0.0 cpeaky(i) = 0.0 cpkiy(i) = 0.0 cay(i) = 0.0 voy(i) = 0.0 tey(i) = 0.0 cainy(i) = 0.0 c c initialize end of simulation output array variables c vie(i) = 0.0 qiine(i) = 0.0 qomxe(i) = 0.0 hmaxe(i) = 0.0 totine(i) = 0.0 cline(i) = 0.0 sline(i) = 0.0 saine(i) = 0.0 sdine(i) = 0.0 laine(i) = 0.0 coute(i) = 0.0 cloute(i) = 0.0 sloute(i) = 0.0 saoute(i) = 0.0 sdoute(i) = 0.0 laoute(i) = 0.0 rete(i) = 0.0 clrete(i) = 0.0 slrete(i) = 0.0 sarete(i) = 0.0 sdrete(i) = 0.0 larete(i) = 0.0 cpeake(i) = 0.0 cpkie(i) = 0.0 cae(i) = 0.0 voe(i) = 0.0 tee(i) = 0.0 caine(i) = 0.0 rett(i) = 0.0 coutt(i) = 0.0 totint(i) = 0.0 c c initialize hydraulic outflow function array variables c do 20 j = 1, mxstc c do 10 k = 1, mxrgm a(j,k,i) = 0.0 b(j,k,i) = 0.0 c(j,k,i) = 0.0 d(j,k,i) = 0.0 e(j,k,i) = 0.0 ha(j,k,i) = 0.0 10 continue c 20 continue c do 30 j = 1, mxrgm ht(j,i) = 0.0 hlm(j,i) = 0.0 30 continue c a0(i) = 0.0 a1(i) = 0.0 a2(i) = 0.0 l0(i) = 0.0 l1(i) = 0.0 l2(i) = 0.0 qinf(i) = 0.0 isize(i) = 0 hot(i) = 0.0 hfull(i) = 0.0 nt(i) = 0 c c initialize numerical integration routine array variables c qo(i) = 0.0 qon(i) = 0.0 h(i) = 0.0 hn(i) = 0.0 t(i) = 0.0 tn(i) = 0.0 dttry(i) = 0.0 dtdid(i) = 0.0 dtnext(i) = 0.0 deltat(i) = 0.0 c c initialize sediment concentration array variables c do 40 j = 1, mxsub d0(j,i) = 0.0 di(j,i) = 0.0 d100(j,i) = 0.0 sg(j,i) = 0.0 hset(j,i) = 0.0 ctd(j,i) = 0.0 cdp(j,i) = 0.0 co(j,i) = 0.0 vs(j,i) = 0.0 40 continue c ndiv(i) = 0 hmin(i) = 0.0 cot(i) = 0.0 c c initialize overtopping and impoundment fill flag variables c filday(i) = 0 filflg(i) = 0 filyr(i) = 0 otflg(i) = 0 otyr(i) = 0 oteos(i) = 0 c c initialize time of concentration variable c tcf(i) = 0.0 c 50 continue c c initialize miscellaneous non-arry variables contained c in the impoundment cim*.inc common blocks c cl50 = 0.0 sl50 = 0.0 sd50 = 0.0 sa50 = 0.0 la50 = 0.0 c tcf(0) = 0.0 c bwes = 0.0 sses = 0.0 nes = 0.0 mdwit = 0 dwt = 0.0 rfrac = 0.0 yc = 0.0 qesr = 0.0 ncross = 0 c do 60 i = 1, 30 pypos(i) = 0.0 zes(i) = 0.0 depth(i) = 0.0 60 continue c c beginning of multiple impoundment loop c do 390 ipond = 1, npond c c open hydraulic/sediment input file(s) c c open (unit=ipond+9,file=filein(ipond),status='old') c c initialize outflow function and stage variables c do 80 i = 1, 15 nfr(i) = 1 c do 70 j = 1, 10 af(i,j) = 0.0 bf(i,j) = 0.0 cf(i,j) = 0.0 df(i,j) = 0.0 ef(i,j) = 0.0 haf(i,j) = 0.0 hlf(i,j) = 0.0 htf(i,j) = 0.0 70 continue c 80 continue c c initialize counter for number of impoundment structures c strcnt = 0 c c read three line description of impoundment file c do 90 i = 1, 3 read (20,1000) impdes(i) 90 continue c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1400) ipond c c write three line description of impoundment file c do 100 i = 1, 3 if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1100) impdes(i) 100 continue c c drop spillway (outflow functions #1 = weir flow, c #2 = orifice flow, #3 = pipe flow) c read (20,*) ids c c setting outflow functions for no flow condition c (flow regime #1) c cf(1,1) = 1.0 cf(2,1) = 1.0 cf(3,1) = 1.0 c haf(3,1) = -200.0 c if ( then c if (ids.eq.1) then c strcnt = strcnt + 1 c c setting outflow functions for flow in drop spillway with c circular riser and barrel (flow regime #2) c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) diars, hrs, coefw, coefo read (20,*) diabl, hrh, lbl, sbl, hblot read (20,*) ke, kb, kc c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1700) diars, hrs, coefw, coefo, 1 diabl, hrh, lbl, sbl, hblot, ke, kb, kc c diars = diars * 3.281 hrs = hrs * 3.281 diabl = diabl * 3.281 hrh = hrh * 3.281 lbl = lbl * 3.281 hblot = hblot * 3.281 c af(1,2) = 1.0 af(2,2) = 1.0 af(3,2) = hblot + 0.6 * diabl c bf(1,2) = coefw * 22.0 / 7.0 * diars bf(2,2) = coefo * 22.0 / 7.0 * diars ** 2.0 / 4.0 * (2*32.2) 1 ** 0.5 bf(3,2) = 22.0 / 7.0 * diabl ** 2.0 / 4.0 * (2*32.2) ** 0.5 1 / (1.0+ke+kb+kc*(lbl+hrh)) ** 0.5 c cf(1,2) = 1.5 cf(2,2) = 0.5 cf(3,2) = 0.5 c haf(1,2) = hrs haf(2,2) = hrs haf(3,2) = hrs - (hrh+sbl*lbl-0.6*diabl) c else if (ids.eq.2) then c strcnt = strcnt + 1 c c setting outflow functions for flow in drop spillway with c rectangular riser and circular barrel (flow regime #2) c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) lenrs, widrs, hrs, coefw, coefo read (20,*) diabl, hrh, lbl, sbl, hblot read (20,*) ke, kb, kc c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1800) lenrs, widrs, hrs, coefw, 1 coefo, diabl, hrh, lbl, sbl, hblot, ke, kb, kc c lenrs = lenrs * 3.281 widrs = widrs * 3.281 hrs = hrs * 3.281 diabl = diabl * 3.281 hrh = hrh * 3.281 lbl = lbl * 3.281 hblot = hblot * 3.281 c af(1,2) = 1.0 af(2,2) = 1.0 af(3,2) = hblot + 0.6 * diabl c bf(1,2) = coefw * 2.0 * (lenrs+widrs) bf(2,2) = coefo * lenrs * widrs * (2*32.2) ** 0.5 bf(3,2) = 22.0 / 7.0 * diabl ** 2.0 / 4.0 * (2*32.2) ** 0.5 1 / (1.0+ke+kb+kc*(lbl+hrh)) ** 0.5 c cf(1,2) = 1.5 cf(2,2) = 0.5 cf(3,2) = 0.5 c haf(1,2) = hrs haf(2,2) = hrs haf(3,2) = hrs - (hrh+sbl*lbl-0.6*diabl) c else if (ids.eq.3) then c strcnt = strcnt + 1 c c setting outflow functions for flow in drop spillway with c rectangular riser and barrel (flow regime #2) c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) lenrs, widrs, hrs, coefw, coefo read (20,*) hitbl, wdbl, hrh, lbl, sbl, hblot read (20,*) ke, kb, kc c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1900) lenrs, widrs, hrs, coefw, 1 coefo, hitbl, wdbl, hrh, lbl, sbl, hblot, ke, kb, kc c lenrs = lenrs * 3.281 widrs = widrs * 3.281 hrs = hrs * 3.281 hitbl = hitbl * 3.281 wdbl = wdbl * 3.281 hrh = hrh * 3.281 lbl = lbl * 3.281 hblot = hblot * 3.281 c af(1,2) = 1.0 af(2,2) = 1.0 af(3,2) = hblot + 0.6 * hitbl c bf(1,2) = coefw * 2.0 * (lenrs+widrs) bf(2,2) = coefo * lenrs * widrs * (2*32.2) ** 0.5 bf(3,2) = hitbl * wdbl * (2*32.2) ** 0.5 / (1.0+ke+kb+kc*( 1 lbl+hrh)) ** 0.5 c cf(1,2) = 1.5 cf(2,2) = 0.5 cf(3,2) = 0.5 c haf(1,2) = hrs haf(2,2) = hrs haf(3,2) = hrs - (hrh+sbl*lbl-0.6*hitbl) c end if c do 110 i = 1, 3 hlf(i,2) = haf(i,2) htf(i,2) = haf(1,2) nfr(i) = 2 110 continue c end if c c culvert #1 (outflow functions #4 = inlet control unsubmerged, c #5 = inlet control submerged, #6 = pipe flow) c read (20,*) icv, ncv c c setting outflow functions for no flow condition c (flow regime #1) c c added 7/5/95 from M. Linley's suggestions af(5,1) = 10.0**8 c bf(4,1) = 1.0 bf(5,1) = 1.0 c cf(4,1) = 1.0 c added 7/5/95 from M. Linley's suggestions cf(5,1) = 10.0**8 cf(6,1) = 1.0 c df(5,1) = 1.0 c haf(6,1) = -200.0 c if ( then c idcul = 1 strcnt = strcnt + 1 c c setting outflow functions for flow in culvert (flow regime #2) c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) arcv, hitcv, hcv, lcv, scv, hcvot read (20,*) ke, kb, kc, kus, mus, cs, ys c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,2000) idcul, ncv, arcv, hitcv, hcv, 1 lcv, scv, hcvot, ke, kb, kc, kus, mus, cs, ys c arcv = arcv * 3.281 ** 2.0 hitcv = hitcv * 3.281 hcv = hcv * 3.281 lcv = lcv * 3.281 hcvot = hcvot * 3.281 c nfr(4) = 2 nfr(5) = 2 nfr(6) = 2 c af(4,2) = arcv * hitcv ** 0.5 * float(ncv) af(5,2) = arcv * hitcv ** 0.5 * float(ncv) af(6,2) = hcvot + 0.6 * hitcv c bf(4,2) = hitcv * kus bf(5,2) = hitcv bf(6,2) = arcv * (2.*32.2) ** 0.5 * float(ncv) / (1.0+ke+kb+kc 1 *lcv) ** 0.5 c cf(4,2) = 1 / mus cf(5,2) = 0.5 * scv - ys cf(6,2) = 0.5 c df(5,2) = cs c haf(4,2) = hcv haf(5,2) = hcv haf(6,2) = hcv - scv * lcv + 0.6 * hitcv c hlf(4,2) = hcv hlf(5,2) = (haf(5,2)-cf(5,2)*bf(5,2)) + 0.0001 hlf(6,2) = haf(6,2) c htf(4,2) = hcv c htf(5,2) = haf(5,2) - cf(5,2) * bf(5,2) + 0.0001 htf(5,2) = hcv + hitcv - 0.0001 htf(6,2) = hcv c end if c c culvert #2 (outflow functions #7 = inlet control unsubmerged, c #8 = inlet control submerged, #9 = pipe flow) c read (20,*) icv, ncv c c setting outflow functions for no flow condition c (flow regime #1) c af(8,1) = 10.0**8 c bf(7,1) = 1.0 bf(8,1) = 1.0 c cf(7,1) = 1.0 cf(8,1) = 10.0**8 cf(9,1) = 1.0 c df(8,1) = 1.0 c haf(9,1) = -100.0 c if ( then c idcul = 2 strcnt = strcnt + 1 c c setting outflow functions for flow in culvert (flow regime #2) c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) arcv, hitcv, hcv, lcv, scv, hcvot read (20,*) ke, kb, kc, kus, mus, cs, ys c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,2000) idcul, ncv, arcv, hitcv, hcv, 1 lcv, scv, hcvot, ke, kb, kc, kus, mus, cs, ys c arcv = arcv * 3.281 ** 2.0 hitcv = hitcv * 3.281 hcv = hcv * 3.281 lcv = lcv * 3.281 hcvot = hcvot * 3.281 c nfr(7) = 2 nfr(8) = 2 nfr(9) = 2 c af(7,2) = arcv * hitcv ** 0.5 * float(ncv) af(8,2) = arcv * hitcv ** 0.5 * float(ncv) af(9,2) = hcvot + 0.6 * hitcv c bf(7,2) = hitcv * kus bf(8,2) = hitcv bf(9,2) = arcv * (2.*32.2) ** 0.5 * float(ncv) / (1.0+ke+kb+kc 1 *lcv) ** 0.5 c cf(7,2) = 1 / mus cf(8,2) = 0.5 * scv - ys cf(9,2) = 0.5 c df(8,2) = cs c haf(7,2) = hcv haf(8,2) = hcv haf(9,2) = hcv - scv * lcv + 0.6 * hitcv c hlf(7,2) = hcv hlf(8,2) = (haf(8,2)-cf(8,2)*bf(8,2)) + 0.0001 hlf(9,2) = haf(9,2) c htf(7,2) = hcv c htf(8,2) = haf(8,2) - cf(8,2) * bf(8,2) + 0.0001 htf(8,2) = hcv + hitcv - 0.0001 htf(9,2) = hcv c end if c c porous rockfill (outflow function #10) c read (20,*) irf c c setting outflow function for no flow condition c (flow regime #1) c bf(10,1) = 1.0 cf(10,1) = 1.0 c if ( then c strcnt = strcnt + 1 c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) lnrf, hrf, hotrf, wdrf, diarf c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,2100) lnrf, hrf, hotrf, wdrf, diarf c c setting outflow functions for flow through the porous media c (flow regime #2) and for flow overtopping porous media c (flow regime #3) c if ( then arf1 = 3.041846 * diarf ** (-0.34677) arf2 = 1.910413 * diarf ** (-0.34935) arf = arf1 - (arf2-arf1) / 0.5 * (0.5-lnrf) c else if ( then c arf1 = 3.041846 * diarf ** (-0.34677) arf2 = 1.910413 * diarf ** (-0.34935) arf = arf1 + (arf2-arf1) / 0.5 * (lnrf-0.5) c else if ( then c arf1 = 1.910413 * diarf ** (-0.34935) arf2 = 1.19637 * diarf ** (-0.35422) arf = arf1 + (arf2-arf1) * (lnrf-1.0) c else if ( then c arf1 = 1.19637 * diarf ** (-0.35422) arf2 = 0.909902 * diarf ** (-0.35705) arf = arf1 + (arf2-arf1) * (lnrf-2.0) c else c arf1 = 1.19637 * diarf ** (-0.35422) arf2 = 0.909902 * diarf ** (-0.35705) arf = arf2 + (arf2-arf1) * (lnrf-3.0) end if c brf = 1.0 / (1.5005609-0.00013171905*log(diarf)/diarf) c haf(10,2) = hrf * 3.281 haf(10,3) = haf(10,2) c htf(10,2) = hrf * 3.281 htf(10,3) = hotrf * 3.281 c hlf(10,2) = haf(10,2) hlf(10,3) = htf(10,3) c af(10,2) = wdrf * 3.281 ** 3.0 af(10,3) = af(10,2) c bf(10,2) = lnrf * arf * 3.281 bf(10,3) = bf(10,2) c cf(10,2) = 1 / brf cf(10,3) = cf(10,2) c df(10,3) = 3.087 * wdrf * 3.281 c ef(10,3) = htf(10,3) c nfr(10) = 3 c end if c c emergency spillway (outflow function #11) c 4th degree polynomial utilized for open channel outlets and c user defined stage-discharge relationships c mdwit = 1500 dwt = 0.1 rfrac = 0.005 c read (20,*) ies c if (ies.eq.1) then c strcnt = strcnt + 1 c c open channel outlet c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) bwes, sses, nes, hes, hmxes read (20,*) ses1, les1, ses2, les2, ses3 c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,2200) bwes, sses, nes, hes, hmxes, 1 ses1, les1, ses2, les2, ses3 c bwes = bwes * 3.281 hes = hes * 3.281 hmxes = hmxes * 3.281 les1 = les1 * 3.281 les2 = les2 * 3.281 c c checking for control section using critical depth c ynes = ((10.0*nes)/(1.49*ses3**0.5)) ** (3.0/5.0) c if ( then c c control section exists c ncross = 11 pypos(1) = hes - ses1 * les1 - ses2 * les2 zes(1) = 0.0 c do 120 i = 2, 6 zes(i) = zes(i-1) + les1 / 5.0 pypos(i) = pypos(i-1) + ses1 * les1 / 5.0 120 continue c do 130 i = 7, 11 zes(i) = zes(i-1) + les2 / 5.0 pypos(i) = pypos(i-1) + ses2 * les2 / 5.0 130 continue c yci = 0.1 yc = yci c 140 i = 1 c 150 qes(i) = (32.2*(bwes*yc+sses*yc**2.0)/(bwes+2.0*sses*yc)) ** 1 0.5 * (bwes*yc+sses*yc**2.0) c qesr = qes(i) c c run routing routine from control section with yc and qesr c call imppro c cores = (qes(i)/(bwes*depth(1)+sses*depth(1)**2)) ** 2 / (2. 1 *32.2) hest(i) = depth(1) + cores + pypos(1) - hes c if (hest(i).gt.(hmxes-hes)) then c if ( then c c run polynomial regression routines on hest and qes c call imppol(i,hest,qes,aes) c else c yci = 0.5 * yci yc = yci go to 140 end if c else c if ( then yc = yc + yci i = i + 1 go to 150 else yci = 2.0 * yci yc = yci go to 140 end if c end if c else c c control section does not exist: assume open channel and route c from 1000 ft downstream c ncross = 16 pypos(1) = hes - ses1 * les1 - ses2 * les2 zes(1) = 0.0 c do 160 i = 2, 6 zes(i) = zes(i-1) + les1 / 5.0 pypos(i) = pypos(i-1) + ses1 * les1 / 5.0 160 continue c do 170 i = 7, 11 zes(i) = zes(i-1) + les2 / 5.0 pypos(i) = pypos(i-1) + ses2 * les2 / 5.0 170 continue c do 180 i = 12, 16 zes(i) = zes(i-1) + 200.0 pypos(i) = pypos(i-1) - ses3 * 200.0 180 continue c i = 1 qesi = 2.0 qes(i) = qesi c 190 qesr = qes(i) c yc = ((qesr*nes)/(1.49*ses3)) ** (3.0/5.0) c c run routing routine from 1000 ft downstream with yc and qesr c call imppro c cores = (qes(i)/(bwes*depth(1)+sses*depth(1)**2)) ** 2 / (2. 1 *32.2) hest(i) = depth(1) + cores + pypos(1) - hes c if (hest(i).gt.(hmxes-hes)) then c if ( then c c run polynomial regression routines on hest and qes c call imppol(i,hest,qes,aes) c else c qesii = 0.5 * qesi qes(1) = qesii i = 1 go to 190 c end if c else c if ( then i = i + 1 qesii = qesii * 1.5 qes(i) = qes(i-1) + qesii go to 190 else qesii = 2.0 * qesi qes(1) = qesii i = 1 go to 190 end if c end if c end if c c setting outflow functions for flow in channel (flow regime #2) c af(11,2) = aes(1) bf(11,2) = aes(2) cf(11,2) = aes(3) df(11,2) = aes(4) ef(11,2) = aes(5) c haf(11,2) = hes hlf(11,2) = hes c hf = hes c 200 qo11 = af(11,2) + bf(11,2) * (hf-haf(11,2)) + cf(11,2) * (hf- 1 haf(11,2)) ** 2.0 + df(11,2) * (hf-haf(11,2)) ** 3.0 + 1 ef(11,2) * (hf-haf(11,2)) ** 4.0 c if ( then hlf(11,2) = hf htf(11,2) = hf else hf = hf + 0.001 go to 200 end if c nfr(11) = 2 c else if (ies.eq.2) then c strcnt = strcnt + 1 c c user specified stage-discharge relationship c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) npts read (20,*) hes c call eatcom(20) c read (20,*) (hest(i),i = 1,npts) c call eatcom(20) c read (20,*) (qes(i),i = 1,npts) c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,2300) hes c do 210 i = 1, npts if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,2400) hest(i), qes(i) 210 continue c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,2500) hes = hes * 3.281 c do 220 i = 1, npts hest(i) = hest(i) * 3.281 - hes qes(i) = qes(i) * 3.281 ** 3 220 continue c c run polynomial regression routines on hest and qes c call imppol(npts,hest,qes,aes) c c setting outflow functions for flow (flow regime #2) c af(11,2) = aes(1) bf(11,2) = aes(2) cf(11,2) = aes(3) df(11,2) = aes(4) ef(11,2) = aes(5) c haf(11,2) = hes hlf(11,2) = hes c hf = hes c 230 qo11 = af(11,2) + bf(11,2) * (hf-haf(11,2)) + cf(11,2) * (hf- 1 haf(11,2)) ** 2.0 + df(11,2) * (hf-haf(11,2)) ** 3.0 + 1 ef(11,2) * (hf-haf(11,2)) ** 4.0 c if ( then hlf(11,2) = hf htf(11,2) = hf else hf = hf + 0.001 go to 230 end if c nfr(11) = 2 c end if c c straw bales, filterfence, or trash barriers c (outflow function #12) c read (20,*) iff c if ( then c strcnt = strcnt + 1 c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) vsl, wdff, hff, hotff c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes c if (ipdout.eq.1) then if (iff.eq.1) write (51,2600) if ( write (51,2700) end if c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,2800) vsl, wdff, hff, hotff c vsl = vsl * 3.281 wdff = wdff * 3.281 hff = hff * 3.281 hotff = hotff * 3.281 c c setting outflow equation for flow through the filter fence c (flow regime #2) c af(12,2) = wdff * vsl c haf(12,2) = hff hlf(12,2) = hff htf(12,2) = hff c c setting outflow function for flow overtopping filter fence c (flow regime #3) c af(12,3) = wdff * vsl c if (iff.eq.1) then c c choosing sharp crested weir for filter fence c bf(12,3) = 3.27 * wdff cf(12,3) = 0.4 / (hotff-hff) * wdff else c c choosing broad crested weir for straw bales/trash barrier c bf(12,3) = 3.087 * wdff end if c df(12,3) = hotff c haf(12,3) = hff hlf(12,3) = hotff htf(12,3) = hotff c nfr(12) = 3 c end if c c perforated riser (outflow functions #13 - flow does not c submerge riser, #14 - submerged flow controlled by the c perforater riser orifice, #15 - submerged flow controlled c by barrel c read (20,*) ipr c c setting outflow functions for no flow condition c (flow regime #1) c bf(13,1) = 1.0 c cf(13,1) = 1.0 cf(15,1) = 1.0 c haf(13,1) = -0.01 c if ( then c strcnt = strcnt + 1 c read (20,1000) strdes read (20,*) hr, hb, hs, hd, diar, as, diab read (20,*) hrh, lbl, sbl, diabl read (20,*) cb, coefw, coefo, cs read (20,*) ke, kb, kc c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1500) strcnt if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,1600) strdes if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,2900) hr, hb, hs, hd, diar, as, 1 diab, hrh, lbl, sbl, diabl, cb, coefw, coefo, cs, ke, kb, 1 kc c hr = hr * 3.281 hb = hb * 3.281 hd = hd * 3.281 hs = hs * 3.281 as = as * 3.281 ** 2 diab = diab * 3.281 diar = diar * 3.281 hrh = hrh * 3.281 lbl = lbl * 3.281 diabl = diabl * 3.281 ko = exp(-0.60721+0.329229*diab/diar) ab = 22.0 / 7.0 * diab ** 2 / 4.0 c c determining stage discharge relationship for unsubmerged c flow in riser c i = 1 hpdel = 0.05 hp = hpdel y = -hb c 240 qb = cb * ab * (64.4*(hb+y)) ** 0.5 c if ( then i = 1 hpdel = hpdel * 2.0 hp = hpdel y = -hb go to 240 end if c if ( then c if (y.le.0.0) then qs = 2.0 / 3.0 * (cs*as/hs) * 64.4 ** 0.5 * hp ** 1.5 else qs = (cs*as/hs) * 64.4 ** 0.5 * (y*(hp-y)**0.5+(2./3.)*(hp 1 -y)**1.5) end if c else c if ( then c if (y.le.0.0) then qs = (2./3.) * (cs*as/hs) * 64.4 ** 0.5 * (hp**1.5-(hp- 1 hs)**1.5) c else if (y.le.hs) then c qs = (cs*as/hs) * 64.4 ** 0.5 * (y*(hp-y)**0.5+(2./3.)*( 1 (hp-y)**1.5-(hp-hs)**1.5)) else qs = (cs*as) * (64.4*(hp-y)) ** 0.5 end if c else qw = coefw * 22.0 / 7.0 * diar * (hp-hr) ** 1.5 qo(ipond) = coefo * 22.0 / 7.0 * diar ** 2 / 4.0 * (hp-hr) 1 ** 0.5 c if (y.le.0.0) then qs = (2./3.) * (cs*as/hs) * 64.4 ** 0.5 * (hp**1.5-(hp- 1 hs)**1.5) + min(qw,qo(ipond)) c else if (y.le.hs) then c qs = (cs*as/hs) * 64.4 ** 0.5 * (y*(hp-y)**0.5+(2./3.)*( 1 (hp-y)**1.5-(hp-hs)**1.5)) + min(qw,qo(ipond)) else qs = (cs*as) * (64.4*(hp-y)) ** 0.5 + 1 min(qw,qo(ipond)) end if c end if c end if c if ( then y = y + 0.0001 c if ( then qpr(i) = qb hpr(i) = hp i = i + 1 hp = hp + hpdel go to 240 c else if ( then c i = i - 1 go to 250 end if c go to 240 c else c qpr(i) = (qb+qs) / 2. hpr(i) = hp i = i + 1 hp = hp + hpdel go to 240 end if c c run regression routine on hpr and qpr to determine function c coefficients c 250 call impris(i,hpr,qpr,apr) c af(13,2) = 1.0 af(14,2) = cb * ab * 64.4 ** 0.5 c bf(13,2) = apr(1) bf(15,2) = 22.0 / 7.0 * diabl ** 2.0 / 4.0 * (2*32.2) ** 0.5 / 1 (1.0+ke+kb+kc*lbl+ko) c cf(13,2) = apr(2) cf(15,2) = 0.5 c haf(13,2) = hd haf(14,2) = -hb haf(15,2) = hr - (hrh+sbl*lbl-0.6*diabl) c hlf(13,2) = hd hlf(14,2) = -hb hlf(15,2) = haf(15,2) c htf(13,2) = hd htf(14,2) = hd htf(15,2) = hd c c setting outflow functions for flow through a submerged riser c (flow regime #3) c af(13,3) = 10000000.0 bf(13,3) = 1.0 cf(13,3) = 1.0 c htf(13,3) = hpr(i) c nfr(13) = 3 nfr(14) = 2 nfr(15) = 2 c end if c c ordering transition stages to define outflow functions #1 - #15 c for the entire range of stages c read (20,*) hottmp, hfltmp, htmp, dltimp, qnftmp read (20,*) isztmp, ndvtmp c hot(ipond) = hottmp hfull(ipond) = hfltmp h(ipond) = htmp deltat(ipond) = dltimp qinf(ipond) = qnftmp isize(ipond) = isztmp ndiv(ipond) = ndvtmp c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,3000) hot(ipond), hfull(ipond), 1 h(ipond), deltat(ipond), qinf(ipond), isize(ipond), 1 ndiv(ipond) c qinf(ipond) = qinf(ipond) * 3.281 hot(ipond) = hot(ipond) * 3.281 h(ipond) = h(ipond) * 3.281 itr = 1 c do 260 i = 1, 15 ir(i) = 1 260 continue c ht(itr,ipond) = 0.0 c do 270 is = 1, 15 af(is,(nfr(is)+1)) = af(is,nfr(is)) bf(is,(nfr(is)+1)) = bf(is,nfr(is)) cf(is,(nfr(is)+1)) = cf(is,nfr(is)) df(is,(nfr(is)+1)) = df(is,nfr(is)) ef(is,(nfr(is)+1)) = ef(is,nfr(is)) htf(is,(nfr(is)+1)) = htf(is,nfr(is)) haf(is,(nfr(is)+1)) = haf(is,nfr(is)) hlf(is,(nfr(is)+1)) = hlf(is,nfr(is)) 270 continue c 280 itf = 0 c do 290 is = 1, 15 c if (ht(itr,ipond).ge.htf(is,ir(is))) then a(is,itr,ipond) = af(is,ir(is)) b(is,itr,ipond) = bf(is,ir(is)) c(is,itr,ipond) = cf(is,ir(is)) d(is,itr,ipond) = df(is,ir(is)) e(is,itr,ipond) = ef(is,ir(is)) ha(is,itr,ipond) = haf(is,ir(is)) hl(is,itr) = hlf(is,ir(is)) c if (ir(is).eq.(nfr(is)+1)) then a(is,itr,ipond) = af(is,(ir(is)-1)) b(is,itr,ipond) = bf(is,(ir(is)-1)) c(is,itr,ipond) = cf(is,(ir(is)-1)) d(is,itr,ipond) = df(is,(ir(is)-1)) e(is,itr,ipond) = ef(is,(ir(is)-1)) ha(is,itr,ipond) = haf(is,(ir(is)-1)) hl(is,itr) = hlf(is,(ir(is)-1)) else ir(is) = ir(is) + 1 itf = 1 end if c else c c continue c a(is,itr,ipond) = af(is,(ir(is)-1)) b(is,itr,ipond) = bf(is,(ir(is)-1)) c(is,itr,ipond) = cf(is,(ir(is)-1)) d(is,itr,ipond) = df(is,(ir(is)-1)) e(is,itr,ipond) = ef(is,(ir(is)-1)) ha(is,itr,ipond) = haf(is,(ir(is)-1)) hl(is,itr) = hlf(is,(ir(is)-1)) end if c 290 continue c if (itf.eq.1) then itr = itr + 1 ht(itr,ipond) = ht(itr-1,ipond) + 0.005 else ht(itr,ipond) = ht(itr,ipond) + 0.005 end if c if (ht(itr,ipond).ge.(hot(ipond)+5.0)) then ht(itr,ipond) = hot(ipond) + 200.0 nt(ipond) = itr go to 300 else go to 280 end if c c determining the stage below which one of the outflow functions c blows up c 300 do 320 itr = 1, nt(ipond) hlm(itr,ipond) = 0.0 c do 310 is = 1, 15 if (hl(is,itr).ge.hlm(itr,ipond)) then hlm(itr,ipond) = hl(is,itr) end if 310 continue c 320 continue c c area and length power functions determined from user-input c stage-area-length points c read (20,*) nalpts read (20,*) hmntmp, a0tmp, l0tmp c call eatcom(20) c read (20,*) (hal(i),i = 1,nalpts) c call eatcom(20) c read (20,*) (area(i),i = 1,nalpts) c call eatcom(20) c read (20,*) (length(i),i = 1,nalpts) c hmin(ipond) = hmntmp a0(ipond) = a0tmp l0(ipond) = l0tmp c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,3100) hmin(ipond), hmin(ipond), 1 a0(ipond), l0(ipond) c do 330 i = 1, nalpts if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,3200) hal(i), area(i), length(i) 330 continue c hmin(ipond) = hmin(ipond) * 3.281 a0(ipond) = a0(ipond) * 3.281 ** 2 l0(ipond) = l0(ipond) * 3.281 c do 340 i = 1, nalpts hal(i) = hal(i) * 3.281 area(i) = area(i) * 3.281 ** 2 length(i) = length(i) * 3.281 atrns(i) = area(i) - a0(ipond) ltrns(i) = length(i) - l0(ipond) 340 continue c c run power function regression on hal, atrns and ltrns c call imppow(nalpts,hal,atrns,aout) c a1(ipond) = 10. ** (aout(1)) a2(ipond) = aout(2) c call imppow(nalpts,hal,ltrns,lout) c l1(ipond) = 10. ** (lout(1)) l2(ipond) = lout(2) c c setting initial impoundment conditions c qo(ipond) = 0.0 cot(ipond) = 0.0 c do 350 i = 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) co(i,ipond) = 0.0 hset(i,ipond) = h(ipond) 350 continue c c defining sediment size class subdivisions c cl50 = 0.002 cl100 = 0.004 sl0 = 0.004 sl50 = 0.016 sl100 = 0.063 sa0 = 0.0028 sa50 = 0.014 sa100 = 0.0408 sd0 = 0.063 sd50 = 0.2 la0 = 0.0408 la50 = 0.4 c sa50 = sa50 * (0.8/1.65) ** 0.5 la50 = la50 * (0.6/1.65) ** 0.5 cl0 = 10.0 ** (log10(cl50)-(log10(cl100)-log10(cl50))) la100 = 10.0 ** (log10(la50)+(log10(la50)-log10(la0))) sd100 = 10.0 ** (log10(sd50)+(log10(sd50)-log10(sd0))) c do 360 i = 1, ndiv(ipond) c di(i,ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(cl0)+float(2*i-1)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(cl50)-log10(cl0))) di(i+ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(cl50)+float(2*i-1)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(cl100)-log10(cl50))) di(i+2*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sl0)+float(2*i-1)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sl50)-log10(sl0))) di(i+3*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sl50)+ 1 float(2*i-1)/float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sl100)- 1 log10(sl50))) di(i+4*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sa0)+float(2*i-1)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sa50)-log10(sa0))) di(i+5*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sa50)+ 1 float(2*i-1)/float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sa100)- 1 log10(sa50))) di(i+6*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sd0)+float(2*i-1)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sd50)-log10(sd0))) di(i+7*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sd50)+ 1 float(2*i-1)/float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sd100)- 1 log10(sd50))) di(i+8*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(la0)+float(2*i-1)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(la50)-log10(la0))) di(i+9*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(la50)+ 1 float(2*i-1)/float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(la100)- 1 log10(la50))) c d100(i,ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(cl0)+float(2*i)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(cl50)-log10(cl0))) d100(i+ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(cl50)+float(2*i)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(cl100)-log10(cl50))) d100(i+2*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sl0)+float(2*i)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sl50)-log10(sl0))) d100(i+3*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sl50)+ 1 float(2*i)/float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sl100)- 1 log10(sl50))) d100(i+4*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sa0)+float(2*i)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sa50)-log10(sa0))) d100(i+5*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sa50)+ 1 float(2*i)/float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sa100)- 1 log10(sa50))) d100(i+6*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sd0)+float(2*i)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sd50)-log10(sd0))) d100(i+7*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(sd50)+ 1 float(2*i)/float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(sd100)- 1 log10(sd50))) d100(i+8*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(la0)+float(2*i)/ 1 float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(la50)-log10(la0))) d100(i+9*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 10.0 ** (log10(la50)+ 1 float(2*i)/float(2*ndiv(ipond))*(log10(la100)- 1 log10(la50))) c sg(i,ipond) = 2.65 sg(i+ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 2.65 sg(i+2*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 2.65 sg(i+3*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 2.65 sg(i+4*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 1.65 sg(i+5*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 1.65 sg(i+6*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 2.65 sg(i+7*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 2.65 sg(i+8*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 1.65 sg(i+9*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = 1.65 c 360 continue c do 370 i = 1, ndiv(ipond) c if (i.eq.1) then d0(i,ipond) = cl0 d0(i+ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+2*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = sl0 d0(i+3*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+3*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+4*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = sa0 d0(i+5*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+5*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+6*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = sd0 d0(i+7*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+7*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+8*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = la0 d0(i+9*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+9*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) else d0(i,ipond) = d100(i-1,ipond) d0(i+ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+2*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+2*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+3*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+3*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+4*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+4*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+5*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+5*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+6*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+6*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+7*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+7*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+8*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+8*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) d0(i+9*ndiv(ipond),ipond) = d100(i+9*ndiv(ipond)-1,ipond) end if c 370 continue c do 380 i = 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) c if (di(i,ipond).ge.0.08393) then vs(i,ipond) = 10.0 ** (-0.342463*(log10(di(i,ipond)))**2+ 1 0.989122*(log10(di(i,ipond)))-0.33801) else vs(i,ipond) = 2.81 * di(i,ipond) ** 2 end if c 380 continue c c end of multiple impoundment loop c 390 continue c if (ipdout.eq.1) write (51,3300) c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) then write (56,3400) write (57,3500) write (57,3600) end if c return c 1000 format (a) 1100 format (5x,a) 1200 format (5x,'WEPP SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT ELEMENT OUTPUT FILE'/) 1300 format (5x,'SECTION I. SUMMARY OF WEPP IMPOUNDMENT ELEMENT ', 1 'INPUTS'/) 1400 format (//5x,'Description of Impoundment Number ',i2,':'/) 1500 format (/5x,'Structure ',i1,/,5x,11('-')/) 1600 format (5x,'Structure Description: ',a50/) 1700 format (5x,'Type: Drop Spillway With Circular Riser and ', 1 'Barrel',//,5x,'Dimensions:',//,5x,'riser diameter =',8x,f5.2, 1 ' m',5x,'riser inlet stage =',3x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'weir flow coef =',8x,f5.2,7x,'orifice flow coef =',3x,f5.2,/, 1 5x,'barrel diameter =',7x,f5.2,' m',5x,'height of riser =',5x, 1 f5.2,' m',/,5x,'length of barrel =',6x,f5.1,' m',5x, 1 'slope of barrel =',5x,f5.2,' m/m',/,5x, 1 'barrel outlet height =',2x,f5.2,' m',5x, 1 'entrance loss coef =',2x,f5.2,/,5x,'bend loss coef =',8x,f5 1 .2,7x,'friction loss coef =',2x,f5.2//) 1800 format (5x,'Type: Drop Spillway With Rectangular Riser and ', 1 'Circular Barrel',//,5x,'Dimensions:',//,5x,'riser length =',7 1 x,f5.2,' m',5x,'riser width =',14x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'riser inlet stage =',2x,f5.2,' m',5x,'weir flow coef =',11x, 1 f5.2,/,5x,'orifice flow coef =',2x,f5.2,7x, 1 'barrel diameter =',10x,f5.2,' m',/,5x,'height of riser =',4x, 1 f5.2,' m',5x,'length of barrel =',9x,f5.1,' m',/,5x, 1 'slope of barrel =',4x,f5.2,' m/m',3x,'barrel outlet ', 1 'height =',5x,f5.2,' m',/,5x,'entrance loss coef = ',f5.2,7x, 1 'bend loss coef =',11x,f5.2,/,5x,'friction loss coef = ',f5.2 1 //) 1900 format (5x,'Type: Drop Spillway With Rectangular Riser and ', 1 'Barrel',//,5x,'Dimensions:',//,5x,'riser length =',13x,f5.2, 1 ' m',3x,'riser width =',10x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'riser inlet stage =',8x,f5.2,' m',3x,'weir flow coef =',7x,f5 1 .2,/,5x,'orifice flow coef =',8x,f5.2,5x,'barrel height =',8x, 1 f5.2,' m',/,5x,'barrel width =',13x,f5.2,' m',3x, 1 'height of riser =',6x,f5.2,' m',/,5x,'length of barrel =',9x, 1 f5.1,' m',3x,'slope of barrel =',6x,f5.2,' m/m',/,5x, 1 'barrel outlet height =',5x,f5.2,' m',3x, 1 'entrance loss coef = ',2x,f5.2,/,5x,'bend loss coef =',11x,f5 1 .2,5x,'friction loss coef =',3x,f5.2//) 2000 format (5x,'Type: Culvert # ',i1,5x, 1 'Number of Identical Culverts: ',i3,//,5x,'Dimensions:',//,5x, 1 'culvert flow area =',7x,f5.2,' m^2',2x, 1 'cross sectional height =',3x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'culvert inlet stage =',5x,f5.2,' m',4x,'length of culvert =', 1 8x,f5.1,' m',/,5x,'slope of culvert =',8x,f5.2,' m',4x, 1 'height of culvert outlet =',1x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'entrance loss coef =',6x,f5.2,6x,'bend loss coef =',11x,f5.2, 1 /,5x,'friction loss coef =',6x,f5.2,6x, 1 'unsubmerged flow coef K =',2x,f5.2,/,5x, 1 'unsubmerged flow coef M =',1x,f5.2,6x, 1 'unsubmerged flow coef C =',2x,f5.2,/,5x, 1 'unsubmerged flow coef Y =',1x,f5.2//) 2100 format (5x,'Type: Rock Fill Checkdam',//,5x,'Dimensions:',//,5x, 1 'length of rock fill =',6x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'rock fill inlet stage =',4x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'rock fill overtop stage =',2x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'width of rock fill =',7x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'average rock diameter =',4x,f5.3,' m'//) 2200 format (5x,'Type: Emergency Spillway or Open Channel',//,5x, 1 'Dimensions:',//,5x,'channel bottom width =',4x,f5.2,' m',3x, 1 'channel side slopes =',4x,f5.2,' m/m',/,5x, 1 'mannings n for surface =',2x,f5.2,5x,'channel inlet stage =', 1 4x,f5.2,' m',/,5x,'channel maximum stage =',3x,f5.2,' m',3x, 1 'entrance section slope =',1x,f5.2,' m/m',/,5x, 1 'entrance section length =',1x,f5.1,' m',3x, 1 'middle section slope =',3x,f5.2,' m/m',/,5x, 1 'middle section length =',3x,f5.1,' m',3x, 1 'exit section slope =',5x,f5.2,' m/m'//) 2300 format (5x,'Type: Emergency Spillway or Open Channel With',/,11x, 1 'User Specified Stage-Discharge Relationship',//,5x, 1 'Dimensions:',//,5x,'Flow Begins at =',1x,f5.2,' m',//,5x, 1 'Stage (m)',5x,'Discharge (m^3/s)',/,5x,9('-'),5x,17('-')) 2400 format (7x,f5.2,13x,f5.2) 2500 format (//) 2600 format (5x,'Type: Filter Fence',//,5x,'Dimensions:'/) 2700 format (5x,'Type: Straw Bales or Trash Barrier',//,5x, 1 'Dimensions:'/) 2800 format (5x,'slurry flow rate =',6x,f7.5,' m/s',/,5x, 1 'cross sectional width =',1x,f7.2,' m',/,5x,'inlet stage =',11 1 x,f7.2,' m',/,5x,'overtop stage =',9x,f7.2,' m'//) 2900 format (5x,'Type: Perforated Riser',//,5x,'Dimensions:',//,5x, 1 'stage of riser opening =',3x,f5.2,' m',3x, 1 'datum to restrict orifice=',1x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'height of slots =',10x,f5.2,' m',3x,'stage of datum =',11x,f5 1 .2,' m',/,5x,'diameter of riser =',8x,f5.2,' m',3x, 1 'area of the slots =',8x,f5.3,' m^2',/,5x, 1 'restricting orifice dia =',2x,f5.2,' m',3x, 1 'height of riser =',10x,f5.2,' m',/,5x,'length of barrel =',9 1 x,f5.1,' m',3x,'slope of barrel =',10x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'barrel diameter =',10x,f5.2,' m',3x, 1 'restricting orifice coef =',1x,f5.2,/,5x,'weir flow coef =', 1 11x,f5.2,5x,'orifice flow coef =',8x,f5.2,/,5x, 1 'slot orifice coef =',8x,f5.2,5x,'entrance loss coef =',7x,f5 1 .2,/,5x,'bend loss coef =',11x,f5.2,5x,'friction loss coef =', 1 7x,f5.2//) 3000 format (5x,'General Impoundment Characteristics',/,5x,35('-'),//,5 1 x,'overtop stage =',12x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'full of sediment stage =',3x,f5.2,' m',/,5x, 1 'beginning stage =',10x,f5.2,' m',/,5x,'initial time step =',8 1 x,f5.2,' hr',/,5x,'infiltration rate =',5x,f8.6,' m/d',/,5x, 1 'structure size flag =',6x,i5,/,5x,'size class divisions =',5 1 x,i5) 3100 format (5x,'min stage =',16x,f5.2,' m',//,5x,'stage (m)',6x, 1 'area (m^2)',6x,'length (m)',/,5x,9('-'),6x,10('-'),6x,10('-' 1 ),/,1x,f11.4,6x,f11.4,5x,f11.4) 3200 format (1x,f11.4,6x,f11.4,5x,f11.4) 3300 format (//5x,'SECTION II. WEPP IMPOUNDMENT ELEMENT OUTPUT'/) 3400 format (16x,'WEPP SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT ELEMENT SEDIMENT OUTPUT'//, 1 18x,'SEDIMENT BREAKDOWN BY SIZE CLASS (KILOGRAMS)',///,29x, 1 'TOTAL',49x,'CLAY',35x,'SILT',32x,'SMALL AGG',33x,'SAND',35x, 1 'LARGE AGG',/,29x,5('-'),49x,4('-'),35x,4('-'),32x,9('-'),33x, 1 4('-'),35x,9('-'),/,52x,'TOTAL IN',/,1x,'DATE',2x,'YEAR',6x, 1 'IN',11x,'OUT',6x,'RETAINED',4x,'IMPOUNDMENT',8x,5('IN',11x, 1 'OUT',6x,'RETAINED',9x),/,1x,4('-'),2x,4('-'),6x,2('-'),11x,3( 1 '-'),6x,8('-'),4x,11('-'),8x,5(2('-'),11x,3('-'),6x,8('-'),9x) 1 ) 3500 format (15x,'WEPP SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT ELEMENT HYDRAULIC OUTPUT'//, 1 22x,'DEFINITIONS OF OUTPUT VARIABLES',/,22x,31('-'),//,22x, 1 'QPO = PEAK OUTFLOW RATE (M^3/S)',/,22x, 1 'VOLO = VOLUME OF OUTGOING FLOW (M^3)',/,22x, 1 'QPIN = PEAK INFLOW RATE (M^3/S)',/,22x, 1 'VOLIN = VOLUME OF THE INCOMING FLOW (M^3)',/,22x, 1 'HMAX = MAXIMUM STAGE ATTAINED (M)',/,22x, 1 'COUTPK = PEAK OUTFLOW CONCENTRATION (MG/L)',/,22x, 1 'COUTAV = AVERAGE OUTFLOW CONCENTRATION (MG/L)',/,22x, 1 'CINAV = AVERAGE INFLOW CONCENTRATION (MG/L)',/,22x, 1 'TE = OVERALL TRAPPING EFFICIENCY (%)',/,22x, 1 'HMIN = MINIMUM STAGE AFTER DEPOSITION (M)'//) 3600 format ('YEAR',2x,'DATE',4x,'QPO',7x,'VOLO',6x,'QPIN',5x,'VOLIN',4 1 x,'HMAX',3x,'OT?',2x,'COUTPK',2x,'COUTAV',2x,'CINAV',3x,'TE',4 1 x,'HMIN',2x,'FULL?',/,4('-'),2x,4('-'),4x,3('-'),7x,4('-'),6x, 1 4('-'),5x,5('-'),4x,4('-'),3x,3('-'),2x,6('-'),2x,6('-'),2x,5( 1 '-'),3x,2('-'),4x,4('-'),2x,5('-')/) end