subroutine impmai(htw,pet) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR IMPMAI is the main driver for the impoundment element. c It utilizes the stage-discharge, stage-area and stage-length c functions defined in SR IMPINT and the incoming daily c rectangular input hydrograph and sediment graph. c It outputs daily peak outflow, peak volume, and average c sediment concentration. c c Called from: c Author(s): Mark Lindley, Jim Ascough II c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: 3/05/94 c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real htw, pet c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c htw - c pet - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: ipdout, idflag c include '' include '' c include '' c read: a,b,c,d,e,ha,ht,hlm,a0,a1,a2,l0,l1,l2,qinf,isize c include '' include '' c include '' c read: deltat c modify: qo,qon,h,hn,t,tn,dttry,dtdid,dtnext c include '' c read: d0,di,d100,sg,ndiv,vs c modify: ctd,cdp,hmin,hset,co,vs,cot c include '' c include '' c read: ielmt c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real ai, havg, hihr8, hti, qoqi, qoti, td, td100, vmx, qi, vol, 1 ti, voli, l, ln, an, cont, w, rt(100), dep(100), voln, 1 con(100), ci(100), ds, ar, pot(100), clt, sat, slt, sdt, lat, 1 coit(100), totdep, dept, aset(100), cset(100), clset, slset, 1 saset, sdset, laset, volset(100), volm, perc, perc1, perc2, 1 hihr, qoaivs, qoaive, qoarvs, qoqi2, vmxvi, vold, voldep, vpi c integer is, itr, icnt, n, i, ig, ip, iv, ntn c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c ai - area of the impoundment at the average stage during the c time of inflow, hti c an - area at the stage at the end of a time step, hn c ar - area at the stage at the beginning of a time step, h c aset(i) - area at settling depth i c ci(i) - concentration of sediment in the ith size subclass c clset - lbs of clay size sediment in impoundment c clt - dummy variable used in determining cl50o c coit(i) - total outgoing sediment in size subclass i c con(i) - outgoing sediment concentration for size subclass i c at the end of a time step c cont - total outgoing sediment concentration at the end of a c time step c cset(i) - settling concentration for particle size class i c dep(i) - deposition of particle size subclass i over a time step c dept - volume of sediment deposited over a time step c ds - dead storage c havg - variable used to determine the average stage c hihr - dimensionless head variable c hihr8 - dimensionless head variable c hti - average stage during the time of inflow c htw - height above the outlet channel of the tail water c icnt - particle size do-loop counter c ig - hydrograph counter c ip - percentage in particle class do-loop counter c is - sediment graph counter c itr - flow regime transition counter c iv - flow volume do-loop counter c l - length of the impoundment at the beginning of the time step c laset - lbs of large aggregate size sediment in impoundment c lat - dummy variable used in determining la50o c ln - length of the impoundment at the end of the time step c ntn - counter for adjusting time step c pot(i) - dummy variable used in determining the outgoing d50's c pet - potential evapotranspiration (pan evaporation) c perc - dummy % variable used to determine ci(i) c perc1 - dummy % variable used to determine ci(i) c perc2 - dummy % variable used to determine ci(i) c qi - inflow c qoaive - variations on overflow rate for Ct and Cd calculations c qoaivs - variations on overflow rate for Ct and Cd calculations c qoarvs - variations on overflow rate for Ct and Cd calculations c qoqi - dimensionless outflow/inflow ratio c qoqi2 - square of qoqi c qoti - average outflow during the time of inflow c rt(i) - ratio of the actual detention time to the detenion time c required for 100% settling c saset - lbs of small aggregate size sediment in impoundment c sat - dummy variable used in determining sa50o c sdset - lbs of sand size sediment in impoundment c sdt - dummy variable used in determining sd50o c slset - lbs of silt size sediment in impoundment c slt - dummy variable used in determining sl50o c td - actual detention time c td100 - detention time required for 100% settling c ti - duration of inflow c totdep - total sediment volume deposited over a day c vmx - volume at the maximum stage c vmxvi - volume ratio vmx/vi c vol - volume at the beginning of the time step c voli - volume that has entered the impoundment c vold - deposition volume c voldep - second deposition volume c volm - volume of the deposited sediment (hmin) c voln - volume of the new stage c volset(i) - volume of settling portion of impoundment for c particle size class i c vpi - average volume of the pond over the period of inflow c w - average width of the impoundment over a time step c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c impflo c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c variable initialization c n = 0 voli = 0.0 volo(ipond) = 0.0 vol = 0.0 volm = 0.0 c do 10 i = 1, 5 volm = volm + ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i)*hmin(ipond)/5.)** 1 a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i-1)*hmin(ipond)/5.) 1 **a2(ipond))) / 2.0 * (float(i)*hmin(ipond)/5.-float(i-1)* 1 hmin(ipond)/5.) 10 continue c do 20 i = 1, 20 vol = vol + ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i)*h(ipond)/20.)** 1 a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i-1)*h(ipond)/20.)** 1 a2(ipond))) / 2.0 * (float(i)*h(ipond)/20.-float(i-1)* 1 h(ipond)/20.) 20 continue c vol = vol - volm c c adjusting the inlet stage for hmin c do 30 itr = 2, nt(ipond) c if (hmin(ipond).gt.ha(10,itr,ipond)) then c if (a(10,itr,ipond).gt.0.0) then ha(10,itr,ipond) = hmin(ipond) if (hmin(ipond).gt.hlm(itr,ipond)) hlm(itr,ipond) = 1 hmin(ipond) if (hmin(ipond).gt.e(10,itr,ipond)) e(10,itr,ipond) = 1 hmin(ipond) end if c end if c if (hmin(ipond).gt.ha(12,itr,ipond)) then c if (a(12,itr,ipond).gt.0.0) then ha(12,itr,ipond) = hmin(ipond) if (hmin(ipond).gt.hlm(itr,ipond)) hlm(itr,ipond) = 1 hmin(ipond) if (hmin(ipond).gt.d(12,itr,ipond)) d(12,itr,ipond) = 1 hmin(ipond) end if c end if c if (hmin(ipond).gt.ha(13,itr,ipond)) then if (a(13,itr,ipond).gt.0.0) then ha(13,itr,ipond) = hmin(ipond) if (hmin(ipond).gt.hlm(itr,ipond)) hlm(itr,ipond) = 1 hmin(ipond) + 0.0001 if (hmin(ipond),ipond)) ht(itr,ipond) = 1 hmin(ipond) + 0.0001 end if end if c 30 continue c c entering hydrograph info c c read (ipond+9,*) qiin(ipond), vi(ipond), htw, pet c qiin(ipond) = qiin(ipond) * 3.281 ** 3.0 vi(ipond) = vi(ipond) * 3.281 ** 3.0 c htw = htw * 3.281 pet = pet * 3.281 c if (qo(ipond).le.0.00001.and.qiin(ipond).le.0.00001) then go to 510 else ig = 0 totco(ipond) = 0.0 havg = h(ipond) hmax(ipond) = h(ipond) hti = h(ipond) qomx(ipond) = qo(ipond) qoti = 0.0 ai = a0(ipond) + a1(ipond) * hti ** a2(ipond) vmx = 0.0 n = 0 ntn = 0 t(ipond) = 0.0 ti = 0.0 c if (qiin(ipond).gt.0.00001) ti = vi(ipond) / qiin(ipond) / 1 3600.0 c dttry(ipond) = deltat(ipond) itr = 1 c rewind (50) c write (50) t(ipond), h(ipond), qo(ipond) c c write (6,1050) c write (6,1060) t(ipond),h(ipond),qi,qo(ipond),itr, c 1 ht(itr+1,ipond) c c starting hydraulic simulation c write (6,1100) ipond c 40 qi = 0.0 c if (t(ipond).lt.ti) qi = qiin(ipond) c c determine flow regime and call ouflow subroutine to c calculate time step, new stage, and new outflow c 50 if (h(ipond),ipond)) then c call impflo(itr,qi,htw) c c checking for ti and 24 hr approach and setting max values c ig = ig + 1 c if (hn(ipond).gt.hmax(ipond)) hmax(ipond) = hn(ipond) c if (hn(ipond).lt.(hmin(ipond)+0.001)) then hn(ipond) = hmin(ipond) qon(ipond) = 0.0 if (t(ipond).gt.ti) tn(ipond) = 24.000 end if c if (abs(qo(ipond)-qi).lt.0.0001) then if (abs(qon(ipond)-qi).lt.0.0001) ntn = ntn + 1 if ( tn(ipond) = ti + 0.0001 end if c write (50) tn(ipond), hn(ipond), qon(ipond) if (qon(ipond).gt.qomx(ipond)) qomx(ipond) = qon(ipond) c havg = ((hn(ipond)-h(ipond))/2.0+h(ipond)) * (tn(ipond)- 1 t(ipond)) + havg volo(ipond) = volo(ipond) + (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 3600. * ( 1 qon(ipond)+qo(ipond)) / 2.0 dttry(ipond) = dtnext(ipond) t(ipond) = tn(ipond) h(ipond) = hn(ipond) qo(ipond) = qon(ipond) c if ( itr = 1 if ( itr = itr - 2 c if (tn(ipond).lt.ti) then if ((tn(ipond)+dttry(ipond)).gt.ti) dttry(ipond) = ti - 1 tn(ipond) end if c if (tn(ipond).lt.24.0) then if ((tn(ipond)+dttry(ipond)).gt.24.0) dttry(ipond) = 24.0 - 1 tn(ipond) end if c if (tn(ipond).ge.ti) then n = n + 1 if (n.eq.1) dttry(ipond) = deltat(ipond) end if c if (tn(ipond).lt.(ti+0.00001)) then hti = havg / ti qoti = volo(ipond) / (ti*3600.) ai = a0(ipond) + a1(ipond) * hti ** a2(ipond) end if c if ( then hti = hmax(ipond) qoti = qomx(ipond) end if c c write (6,1060) t(ipond),h(ipond),qi,qo(ipond),itr, c 1 ht(itr+1,ipond) c if (tn(ipond).lt.24.0) go to 40 c else c itr = itr + 1 c write (6,1060) t(ipond),h(ipond),qi,qo(ipond),itr, c 1 ht(itr+1,ipond) c go to 50 end if c c calculate the time of concentration for the impoundment c if (qomx(ipond).gt.0.0) then tcf(ipond) = ((((vi(ipond)/qomx(ipond))/2.0)/3600.0)-(ti/2.0)) 1 / 0.60 else tcf(ipond) = 0.0 end if c c set tcf(ipond) to zero if less than zero - technically c this should never happen (ti > to) but does because of c instabilities in the numerical solution for low flow c structures (i.e., filter fences, straw bales, rock fill c check dams, etc.) c if (tcf(ipond).lt.0.0) tcf(ipond) = 0.0 c c restrict tcf(ipond) to 24 hours if greater than 24 hours c because of 24 hour hydrograph limitation c if (tcf(ipond).gt.24.0) tcf(ipond) = 24.0 c c write (6,1000) ielmt, vi(ipond), ipond, tcf(ipond) c c sedimentation simulation c c reading values and setting variables c c read (ipond+9,*) ciin(ipond) c read (ipond+9,*) pcl(ipond), psl(ipond), psd(ipond), c 1 psa(ipond), pla(ipond) c read (ipond+9,*) cl50, sl50, sd50, sa50, la50 c read (ipond+9,*) c if (ciin(ipond).gt.cpkim(ipond)) cpkim(ipond) = ciin(ipond) if (ciin(ipond).gt.cpkiy(ipond)) cpkiy(ipond) = ciin(ipond) if (ciin(ipond).gt.cpkie(ipond)) cpkie(ipond) = ciin(ipond) c ciin(ipond) = ciin(ipond) * 0.00006241778465 c cout(ipond) = 0.0 clout(ipond) = 0.0 slout(ipond) = 0.0 saout(ipond) = 0.0 sdout(ipond) = 0.0 laout(ipond) = 0.0 c clt = 0.0 slt = 0.0 sat = 0.0 sdt = 0.0 lat = 0.0 c ret(ipond) = 0.0 clret(ipond) = 0.0 slret(ipond) = 0.0 saret(ipond) = 0.0 sdret(ipond) = 0.0 laret(ipond) = 0.0 c i = 1 c 60 if (,ipond)) then perc = (log10(cl50)-log10(d0(i,ipond))) / ( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond))) perc1 = float(i-1) + perc perc2 = 2.0 * float(ndiv(ipond)) - perc1 c do 70 ip = 1, i - 1 ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * pcl(ipond) / (2.0*perc1) 70 continue c ci(i) = (perc/perc1+(1.0-perc)/perc2) * ciin(ipond) * 1 pcl(ipond) / 2.0 c do 80 ip = i + 1, 2 * ndiv(ipond) ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * pcl(ipond) / (2.0*perc2) 80 continue c else i = i + 1 go to 60 end if c i = 2 * ndiv(ipond) + 1 c 90 if (,ipond)) then perc = (log10(sl50)-log10(d0(i,ipond))) / ( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond))) perc1 = float(i-(2*ndiv(ipond)+1)) + perc perc2 = 2.0 * float(ndiv(ipond)) - perc1 c do 100 ip = 2 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, i - 1 ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * psl(ipond) / (2.0*perc1) 100 continue c ci(i) = (perc/perc1+(1.0-perc)/perc2) * ciin(ipond) * 1 psl(ipond) / 2.0 c do 110 ip = i + 1, 4 * ndiv(ipond) ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * psl(ipond) / (2.0*perc2) 110 continue c else i = i + 1 go to 90 end if c i = 4 * ndiv(ipond) + 1 c 120 if (,ipond)) then perc = (log10(sa50)-log10(d0(i,ipond))) / ( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond))) perc1 = float(i-(4*ndiv(ipond)+1)) + perc perc2 = 2.0 * float(ndiv(ipond)) - perc1 c do 130 ip = 4 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, i - 1 ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * psa(ipond) / (2.0*perc1) 130 continue c ci(i) = (perc/perc1+(1.0-perc)/perc2) * ciin(ipond) * 1 psa(ipond) / 2.0 c do 140 ip = i + 1, 6 * ndiv(ipond) ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * psa(ipond) / (2.0*perc2) 140 continue c else i = i + 1 go to 120 end if c i = 6 * ndiv(ipond) + 1 c 150 if (,ipond)) then perc = (log10(sd50)-log10(d0(i,ipond))) / ( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond))) perc1 = float(i-(6*ndiv(ipond)+1)) + perc perc2 = 2.0 * float(ndiv(ipond)) - perc1 c do 160 ip = 6 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, i - 1 ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * psd(ipond) / (2.0*perc1) 160 continue c ci(i) = (perc/perc1+(1.0-perc)/perc2) * ciin(ipond) * 1 psd(ipond) / 2.0 c do 170 ip = i + 1, 8 * ndiv(ipond) ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * psd(ipond) / (2.0*perc2) 170 continue c else i = i + 1 go to 150 end if c i = 8 * ndiv(ipond) + 1 c 180 if (,ipond)) then perc = (log10(la50)-log10(d0(i,ipond))) / ( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond))) perc1 = float(i-(8*ndiv(ipond)+1)) + perc perc2 = 2. * float(ndiv(ipond)) - perc1 c do 190 ip = 8 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, i - 1 ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * pla(ipond) / (2.0*perc1) 190 continue c ci(i) = (perc/perc1+(1.0-perc)/perc2) * ciin(ipond) * 1 pla(ipond) / 2.0 c do 200 ip = i + 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) ci(ip) = ciin(ipond) * pla(ipond) / (2.0*perc2) 200 continue c else i = i + 1 go to 180 end if c do 210 i = 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) coit(i) = 0.0 210 continue c c determining Ct and Cd c if (qiin(ipond).ge.0.00001) then c if (isize(ipond).eq.1) then vpi = 0.0 vmx = 0.0 c do 220 i = 1, 30 c vpi = vpi + ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i)*hti/30.)** 1 a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i-1)*hti/30.)** 1 a2(ipond))) / 2. * (float(i)*hti/30.-float(i-1)*hti/ 1 30.) c vmx = vmx + ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i)*hmax(ipond)/ 1 30.)**a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i-1)* 1 hmax(ipond)/30.)**a2(ipond))) / 2. * (float(i)* 1 hmax(ipond)/30.-float(i-1)*hmax(ipond)/30.) c 220 continue c vpi = vpi / 43560.0 vmx = vmx / 43560.0 hihr = (hti-ht(2,ipond)) if(hihr.le.0.0) hihr = 0.0 qoqi = qoti / qiin(ipond) qoqi2 = qoqi ** 2 vmxvi = vmx / vi(ipond) qoaivs = (qoti/ai) / 0.00001124 c do 230 i = 1, 2 * ndiv(ipond) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.039954 + 0.011496 * qoaivs cdp(i,ipond) = 4.0665 230 continue c do 240 i = 2 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, 4 * ndiv(ipond) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.013980 + 0.110453 * qoqi cdp(i,ipond) = 0.755060 + 1.304780 * vmxvi + 0.131947 * 1 vpi 240 continue c do 250 i = 4 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, 6 * ndiv(ipond) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.014586 + 0.127389 * qoqi2 cdp(i,ipond) = 0.466084 + 2.752976 * vmxvi + 0.058282 * 1 vmx 250 continue c qoaivs = (qoti/ai) / 0.0063578458 c do 260 i = 6 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, 8 * ndiv(ipond) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.005945 + 0.254620 * qoaivs cdp(i,ipond) = 0.63185 * qoaivs 260 continue c qoaivs = (qoti/ai) / 0.1637373 c do 270 i = 8 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.005527 + 12.588091 * qoaivs cdp(i,ipond) = 41.670461 * qoaivs + 0.004962 * hihr 270 continue c else c hihr8 = (hti-ht(2,ipond)) / hti ar = a0(ipond) + a1(ipond) * ht(2,ipond) ** a2(ipond) qoqi = qoti / qiin(ipond) vmx = 0.0 c do 280 i = 1, 30 vmx = vmx + ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i)*hmax(ipond)/ 1 30.)**a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i-1)* 1 hmax(ipond)/30.)**a2(ipond))) / 2. * (float(i)* 1 hmax(ipond)/30.-float(i-1)*hmax(ipond)/30.) 280 continue c vmxvi = vmx / vi(ipond) c do 290 i = 1, 2 * ndiv(ipond) qoaivs = qoti / ai / 0.00001124 ctd(i,ipond) = 0.100954 + 0.049397 * qoaivs - 0.117660 * 1 hihr8 if (ctd(i,ipond).lt.0.0005) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.0005 cdp(i,ipond) = 1.0 290 continue c do 300 i = 2 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, 4 * ndiv(ipond) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.002119 + 0.125354 * qoqi cdp(i,ipond) = 0.001641 * vmx / 43560.0 + 3.830727 * hihr8 if (ctd(i,ipond).lt.0.004) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.004 if (cdp(i,ipond).lt.0.0005) cdp(i,ipond) = 0.0005 300 continue c do 310 i = 4 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, 6 * ndiv(ipond) ctd(i,ipond) = -0.040098 + 0.193138 * qoqi + 0.041245 * 1 vmxvi cdp(i,ipond) = 0.004276 * vmx / 43560.0 + 3.123986 * hihr8 if (ctd(i,ipond).lt.0.005) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.005 if (cdp(i,ipond).lt.0.0005) cdp(i,ipond) = 0.0005 310 continue c do 320 i = 6 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, 8 * ndiv(ipond) qoarvs = qoti / ar / 0.063578458 qoaive = 1.0 - exp(-qoti/ai/0.063578458) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.003719 + 3.104505 * qoaive - 0.004918 * 1 hihr8 cdp(i,ipond) = -0.074626 + 17.705171 * qoarvs + 0.000178 * 1 vi(ipond) / 43560.0 if (ctd(i,ipond).lt.0.002) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.002 if (cdp(i,ipond).lt.0.0005) cdp(i,ipond) = 0.0005 320 continue c do 330 i = 8 * ndiv(ipond) + 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) qoarvs = qoti / ar / 0.1637373 qoaive = 1.0 - exp(-qoti/ai/0.1637373) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.008442 + 12.443736 * qoaive - 0.011869 * 1 hihr8 cdp(i,ipond) = -0.575718 + 0.358606 * vmxvi + 172.424594 * 1 qoarvs if (ctd(i,ipond).lt.0.006) ctd(i,ipond) = 0.006 if (cdp(i,ipond).lt.0.0005) cdp(i,ipond) = 0.0005 330 continue c end if end if c c reading hydraulics file c volo(ipond) = 0.0 c totco(ipond) = 0.0 totdep = 0.0 cpeak(ipond) = 0.0 c rewind (50) read (50) t(ipond), h(ipond), qo(ipond) c cot(ipond) = cot(ipond) / 0.00006241778465 c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) write (55,1000) t(ipond), 1 h(ipond), qo(ipond), cot(ipond) c cot(ipond) = cot(ipond) * 0.00006241778465 ar = a0(ipond) + a1(ipond) * h(ipond) ** a2(ipond) l = l0(ipond) + l1(ipond) * h(ipond) ** l2(ipond) c do 380 is = 1, ig c read (50) tn(ipond), hn(ipond), qon(ipond) c qi = 0.0 if (t(ipond).lt.ti) qi = qiin(ipond) c c determining deposition c an = a0(ipond) + a1(ipond) * hn(ipond) ** a2(ipond) ln = l0(ipond) + l1(ipond) * hn(ipond) ** l2(ipond) c voln = 0.0 c do 340 i = 1, 20 voln = voln + ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i)*hn(ipond)/20.) 1 **a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i-1)* 1 hn(ipond)/20.)**a2(ipond))) / 2.0 * (float(i)* 1 hn(ipond)/20.-float(i-1)*hn(ipond)/20.) 340 continue c voln = voln - volm c if (voln.le.volm) voln = 0.00001 voli = voli + (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 3600. * qi volo(ipond) = volo(ipond) + (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 3600. * ( 1 qon(ipond)+qo(ipond)) / 2.0 w = ((ar+an)/2.0) / ((l+ln)/2.0) c if ((((l+ln)/2.0)/w).ge.2.0) ds = 0.15 if ((((l+ln)/2.0)/w).lt.2.0) ds = 0.25 c cont = 0.0 dept = 0.0 c do 350 i = 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) c if (qo(ipond).le.0.0) then rt(i) = 1.0 else td = ctd(i,ipond) * (1.0-ds) * ((vol+voln)/2.0) / 1 qo(ipond) td100 = (1.0-ds) * ((vol+voln)/2.0) / ((ar+an)/2.0) / 1 vs(i,ipond) c if ((td/td100).ge.1.0) rt(i) = 1.0 if ((td/td100).lt.1.0) rt(i) = td / td100 c end if c if (qi.le.0.0) dep(i) = cdp(i,ipond) * rt(i) * co(i,ipond) * 1 vs(i,ipond) * ((ar+an)/2.0) * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 1 3600.0 c c if (qi.le.0.0) then c if (vs(i,ipond)*(ar+an)/2.0*(tn(ipond)-t(ipond))*3600.0 c 1 .le.(vol+voln)/2.0) then c dep(i) = cdp(i,ipond) * rt(i) * co(i,ipond) * c 1 vs(i,ipond) * ((ar+an)/2.0) * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * c 1 3600.0 c else c dep(i) = cdp(i,ipond) * rt(i) * co(i,ipond) * c 1 (vol+voln)/2.0 * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 3600.0 c endif c endif c if ( dep(i) = rt(i) * ci(i) * qi * (tn(ipond)- 1 t(ipond)) * 3600.0 c c new overall and size class outflow concentrations c con(i) = (co(i,ipond)*((1.0-ds)*(vol+voln)/2.-(tn(ipond)- 1 t(ipond))/2.*3600.*qi)+qi*ci(i)*(tn(ipond)-t(ipond))* 1 3600.-dep(i)) / ((tn(ipond)-t(ipond))*3600./2.*qi+(1.0- 1 ds)*(vol+voln)/2.) c if (con(i).le.0.0) then con(i) = 0.0 dep(i) = co(i,ipond) * ((1.0-ds)*(vol+voln)/2.-( 1 tn(ipond)-t(ipond))/2.*3600.*qi) + qi * ci(i) * ( 1 tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 3600. end if c cont = cont + con(i) dept = dept + dep(i) / (sg(i,ipond)*62.4) coit(i) = coit(i) + 3600. * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * ( 1 qon(ipond)+qo(ipond)) / 2. * (con(i)+co(i,ipond)) / 2.0 c 350 continue c totco(ipond) = ((cont+cot(ipond))/2.0) * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) 1 * 3600. * (qo(ipond)+qon(ipond)) / 2. + totco(ipond) totdep = totdep + dept cont = cont / 0.00006241778465 c if ( cpeak(ipond) = cont if ( cpeakm(ipond) = cont if ( cpeaky(ipond) = cont if ( cpeake(ipond) = cont c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) write (55,1000) 1 tn(ipond), hn(ipond), qon(ipond), cont c cont = cont * 0.00006241778465 havg = ((hn(ipond)-h(ipond))/2.0+h(ipond)) * (tn(ipond)- 1 t(ipond)) + havg c do 360 i = 1, 2 * ndiv(ipond) clout(ipond) = clout(ipond) + 3600. * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 1 (qon(ipond)+qo(ipond)) / 2. * (con(i)+co(i,ipond)) / 2. slout(ipond) = slout(ipond) + 3600. * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 1 (qon(ipond)+qo(ipond)) / 2. * (con(i+2*ndiv(ipond))+ 1 co(i+2*ndiv(ipond),ipond)) / 2. saout(ipond) = saout(ipond) + 3600. * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 1 (qon(ipond)+qo(ipond)) / 2. * (con(i+4*ndiv(ipond))+ 1 co(i+4*ndiv(ipond),ipond)) / 2. sdout(ipond) = sdout(ipond) + 3600. * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 1 (qon(ipond)+qo(ipond)) / 2. * (con(i+6*ndiv(ipond))+ 1 co(i+6*ndiv(ipond),ipond)) / 2. laout(ipond) = laout(ipond) + 3600. * (tn(ipond)-t(ipond)) * 1 (qon(ipond)+qo(ipond)) / 2. * (con(i+8*ndiv(ipond))+ 1 co(i+8*ndiv(ipond),ipond)) / 2. 360 continue c cot(ipond) = cont c do 370 i = 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) co(i,ipond) = con(i) 370 continue c ar = an l = ln vol = voln t(ipond) = tn(ipond) h(ipond) = hn(ipond) qo(ipond) = qon(ipond) c 380 continue c c determining outputs, peak outflow, volume, and c average sediment concentration c if (volo(ipond).le.0.0) ca(ipond) = 0.0 if (volo(ipond).gt.0.0) ca(ipond) = (totco(ipond)/volo(ipond)) / 1 0.00006241778465 c qomx(ipond) = qomx(ipond) / 3.281 ** 3.0 volo(ipond) = volo(ipond) / 3.281 ** 3.0 c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) write (54,1000) 1 qomx(ipond), volo(ipond), ca(ipond) c qomx(ipond) = qomx(ipond) * 3.281 ** 3.0 volo(ipond) = volo(ipond) * 3.281 ** 3.0 c cout(ipond) = totco(ipond) if (cout(ipond).le.0.0) cout(ipond) = 0.00001 c c percent in size class c clot = clout(ipond) / cout(ipond) slot = slout(ipond) / cout(ipond) saot = saout(ipond) / cout(ipond) sdot = sdout(ipond) / cout(ipond) laot = laout(ipond) / cout(ipond) c if ( then clot = 1.0 else if ( then slot = 1.0 else if ( then saot = 1.0 else if ( then sdot = 1.0 else if ( then laot = 1.0 end if c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) write (54,1000) clot, slot, 1 sdot, saot, laot c c determining new d50's c icnt = 0 c do 390 i = 1, 2 * ndiv(ipond) c if ( then c if (clout(ipond).le.0.001) then cl50o = d0(1,ipond) go to 400 else clt = clt + coit(i) pot(i) = clt / clout(ipond) c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if ( then cl50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(i,ipond)))) else cl50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 390 continue c icnt = 0 c 400 do 410 i = (2*ndiv(ipond)+1), 4 * ndiv(ipond) c if ( then c if (slout(ipond).le.0.001) then sl50o = d0(2*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) go to 420 else slt = slt + coit(i) pot(i) = slt / slout(ipond) c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if (*ndiv(ipond)+1)) then sl50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(i,ipond)))) else sl50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 410 continue c icnt = 0 c 420 do 430 i = (4*ndiv(ipond)+1), 6 * ndiv(ipond) c if ( then c if (saout(ipond).le.0.001) then sa50o = d0(4*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) go to 440 else sat = sat + coit(i) pot(i) = sat / saout(ipond) c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if (*ndiv(ipond)+1)) then sa50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(i,ipond)))) else sa50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 430 continue c icnt = 0 c 440 do 450 i = (6*ndiv(ipond)+1), 8 * ndiv(ipond) c if ( then c if (sdout(ipond).le.0.001) then sd50o = d0(6*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) go to 460 else sdt = sdt + coit(i) pot(i) = sdt / sdout(ipond) c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if (*ndiv(ipond)+1)) then sd50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(i,ipond)))) else sd50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 450 continue c icnt = 0 c 460 do 470 i = (8*ndiv(ipond)+1), 10 * ndiv(ipond) c if ( then c if (laout(ipond).le.0.001) then la50o = d0(8*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) go to 480 else lat = lat + coit(i) pot(i) = lat / laout(ipond) c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if (*ndiv(ipond)+1)) then la50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(1,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(i,ipond)))) else la50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 470 continue c 480 sa50o = sa50o / (0.8/1.65) ** 0.5 la50o = la50o / (0.6/1.65) ** 0.5 c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) write (54,1000) cl50o, 1 sl50o, sd50o, sa50o, la50o c c adjusting stage for evaporation, infiltration, and deposition c h(ipond) = h(ipond) - qinf(ipond) - 0.7 * pet vold = 0.0 c 490 voldep = vold + 0.01 * ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(hmin(ipond)+0.01) 1 **a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(hmin(ipond))**a2(ipond))) 1 / 2 c if ( then hmin(ipond) = hmin(ipond) + 0.01 * (totdep-vold) / (voldep- 1 vold) else hmin(ipond) = hmin(ipond) + 0.01 vold = voldep go to 490 end if c c need to put a maximum value on totdep or on hmin, c otherwise the variable totdep (total volume deposited) can c get very big which gives impossibly high values of hmin c if (h(ipond).lt.hmin(ipond)) then h(ipond) = hmin(ipond) qo(ipond) = 0.0 end if c end if c do 500 i = 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) hset(i,ipond) = h(ipond) 500 continue c c convert outflow volume from ft^3 to m^3 c volo(ipond) = volo(ipond) / 3.281 ** 3 c c convert sediment from lbs to kg c cout(ipond) = totco(ipond) * 0.4536 clout(ipond) = clout(ipond) * 0.4536 slout(ipond) = slout(ipond) * 0.4536 saout(ipond) = saout(ipond) * 0.4536 sdout(ipond) = sdout(ipond) * 0.4536 laout(ipond) = laout(ipond) * 0.4536 c if (cpeak(ipond) cpeak(ipond) = ca(ipond) c c go to 690 return c c determining deposition during no flow conditions c 510 continue c volo(ipond) = 0.0 qomx(ipond) = 0.0 c cout(ipond) = 0.0 clout(ipond) = 0.0 slout(ipond) = 0.0 saout(ipond) = 0.0 sdout(ipond) = 0.0 laout(ipond) = 0.0 c clot = 0.0 slot = 0.0 sdot = 0.0 saot = 0.0 laot = 0.0 c ret(ipond) = 0.0 clret(ipond) = 0.0 slret(ipond) = 0.0 saret(ipond) = 0.0 sdret(ipond) = 0.0 laret(ipond) = 0.0 c ca(ipond) = 0.0 cpeak(ipond) = 0.0 c cl50o = d0(1,ipond) sl50o = d0(2*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) sd50o = d0(6*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) sa50o = d0(4*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) la50o = d0(8*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) then write (54,1000) qomx(ipond), volo(ipond), cout(ipond) write (54,1000) clot, slot, sdot, saot, laot write (54,1000) cl50o, sl50o, sd50o, sa50o, la50o end if c c read (ipond+9,*) ciin(ipond) c read (ipond+9,*) pcl(ipond), psl(ipond), psd(ipond), c 1 psa(ipond), pla(ipond) c read (ipond+9,*) cl50, sl50, sd50, sa50, la50 c read (ipond+9,*) c if (h(ipond).gt.hmin(ipond)) then c totdep = 0.0 c clset = 0.0 slset = 0.0 saset = 0.0 sdset = 0.0 laset = 0.0 c clt = 0.0 slt = 0.0 sat = 0.0 sdt = 0.0 lat = 0.0 c volm = 0.0 c do 520 i = 1, 5 volm = volm + ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i)*hmin(ipond)/5.) 1 **a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i-1)* 1 hmin(ipond)/5.)**a2(ipond))) / 2.0 * (float(i)* 1 hmin(ipond)/5.-float(i-1)*hmin(ipond)/5.) 520 continue c vol = 0.0 c do 530 i = 1, 20 vol = vol + ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i)*h(ipond)/20.)** 1 a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(i-1)*h(ipond)/20.) 1 **a2(ipond))) / 2.0 * (float(i)*h(ipond)/20.-float(i-1)* 1 h(ipond)/20.) 530 continue c vol = vol - volm c do 550 i = 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) hset(i,ipond) = hset(i,ipond) - vs(i,ipond) * 24.0 * 3600.0 c if (hset(i,ipond).lt.hmin(ipond)) then hset(i,ipond) = hmin(ipond) aset(i) = a0(ipond) + a1(ipond) * hset(i,ipond) ** 1 a2(ipond) volset(i) = 0.0 cset(i) = 0.0 dep(i) = co(i,ipond) * vol co(i,ipond) = 0.0 else aset(i) = a0(ipond) + a1(ipond) * hset(i,ipond) ** 1 a2(ipond) volset(i) = 0.0 c do 540 iv = 1, 20 volset(i) = volset(i) + ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(float(iv)* 1 hset(i,ipond)/20.)**a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*( 1 float(iv-1)*hset(i,ipond)/20.)**a2(ipond))) / 2.0 * ( 1 float(iv)*hset(i,ipond)/20.-float(iv-1)* 1 hset(i,ipond)/20.) 540 continue c volset(i) = volset(i) - volm cset(i) = co(i,ipond) * vol / volset(i) dep(i) = cset(i) * vs(i,ipond) * aset(i) * 24. * 3600. c if (dep(i).gt.(co(i,ipond)*vol)) then dep(i) = co(i,ipond) * vol co(i,ipond) = 0.0 else co(i,ipond) = (co(i,ipond)*vol-dep(i)) / vol end if c end if c totdep = totdep + dep(i) / (sg(i,ipond)*62.4) ret(ipond) = ret(ipond) + dep(i) + co(i,ipond) * vol 550 continue c do 560 i = 1, 2 * ndiv(ipond) clset = clset + co(i,ipond) * vol clret(ipond) = clret(ipond) + dep(i) + co(i,ipond) * vol slset = slset + co(i+2*ndiv(ipond),ipond) * vol slret(ipond) = slret(ipond) + dep(i+2*ndiv(ipond)) + 1 co(i+2*ndiv(ipond),ipond) * vol saset = saset + co(i+4*ndiv(ipond),ipond) * vol saret(ipond) = saret(ipond) + dep(i+4*ndiv(ipond)) + 1 co(i+4*ndiv(ipond),ipond) * vol sdset = sdset + co(i+6*ndiv(ipond),ipond) * vol sdret(ipond) = sdret(ipond) + dep(i+6*ndiv(ipond)) + 1 co(i+6*ndiv(ipond),ipond) * vol laset = laset + co(i+8*ndiv(ipond),ipond) * vol laret(ipond) = laret(ipond) + dep(i+8*ndiv(ipond)) + 1 co(i+8*ndiv(ipond),ipond) * vol 560 continue c c determining new d50's c icnt = 0 c do 570 i = 1, 2 * ndiv(ipond) if ( then c if (clset.le.0.001) then cl50o = d0(1,ipond) go to 580 else clt = clt + co(i,ipond) * vol pot(i) = clt / clset c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if ( then cl50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(i,ipond)))) else cl50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 570 continue c icnt = 0 c 580 do 590 i = (2*ndiv(ipond)+1), 4 * ndiv(ipond) c if ( then c if (slset.le.0.001) then sl50o = d0(2*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) go to 600 else slt = slt + co(i,ipond) * vol pot(i) = slt / slset c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if (*ndiv(ipond)+1)) then sl50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(i,ipond)))) else sl50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 590 continue c icnt = 0 c 600 do 610 i = (4*ndiv(ipond)+1), 6 * ndiv(ipond) c if ( then c if (saset.le.0.001) then sa50o = d0(4*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) go to 620 else sat = sat + co(i,ipond) * vol pot(i) = sat / saset c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if (*ndiv(ipond)+1)) then sa50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(i,ipond)))) else sa50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 610 continue c icnt = 0 c 620 do 630 i = (6*ndiv(ipond)+1), 8 * ndiv(ipond) c if ( then c if (sdset.le.0.001) then sd50o = d0(6*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) go to 640 else sdt = sdt + co(i,ipond) * vol pot(i) = sdt / sdset c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if (*ndiv(ipond)+1)) then sd50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(i,ipond)))) else sd50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 630 continue c icnt = 0 c 640 do 650 i = (8*ndiv(ipond)+1), 10 * ndiv(ipond) c if ( then c if (laset.le.0.001) then la50o = d0(8*ndiv(ipond)+1,ipond) go to 660 else lat = lat + co(i,ipond) * vol pot(i) = lat / laset c if (pot(i).ge.0.5) then icnt = icnt + 1 c if (*ndiv(ipond)+1)) then la50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+(0.5-pot(i-1))/( 1 pot(i)-pot(i-1))*(log10(d100(i,ipond))- 1 log10(d0(1,ipond)))) else la50o = 10.0 ** (log10(d0(i,ipond))+0.5/pot(i)*( 1 log10(d100(i,ipond))-log10(d0(i,ipond)))) end if c end if end if end if 650 continue c 660 sa50o = sa50o / (0.8/1.65) ** 0.5 la50o = la50o / (0.6/1.65) ** 0.5 c c adjusting stage for evaporation, infiltration, and deposition c hmax(ipond) = h(ipond) h(ipond) = h(ipond) - qinf(ipond) - 0.7 * pet vold = 0.0 c 670 voldep = vold + 0.01 * ((a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(hmin(ipond)+0.01) 1 **a2(ipond))+(a0(ipond)+a1(ipond)*(hmin(ipond))**a2(ipond))) 1 / 2 c if ( then hmin(ipond) = hmin(ipond) + 0.01 * (totdep-vold) / (voldep- 1 vold) else hmin(ipond) = hmin(ipond) + 0.01 vold = voldep go to 670 end if c if (h(ipond).lt.hmin(ipond)) h(ipond) = hmin(ipond) c do 680 i = 1, 10 * ndiv(ipond) if (hset(i,ipond).ge.h(ipond)) hset(i,ipond) = h(ipond) 680 continue c else c h(ipond) = hmin(ipond) hmax(ipond) = hmin(ipond) end if c return c c1000 format ('ELEMENT = ',i3,' RUNOFF = ',f10.4,' IPOND = ',i3, c 1 ' TOC = ',f10.4) 1000 format (5(f12.6,',')) 1100 format (6x,'ROUTING runoff through impoundment ',i2) end