subroutine impmon(nmon) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR IMPMON outputs and resets monthly impoundment variables. c c Called from: SR WSHDRV c Author(s): Jim Ascough II c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer nmon c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c nmon - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: ipdout c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c character*4 otchar character*6 filchr c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c otchar - overtopping character string c filchr - sediment filling character string c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c begin multiple impoundment loop c do 10 ipond = 1, npond c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) then write (57,1100) write (56,1200) end if c otchar = ' ' filchr = ' ' c retm(ipond) = totinm(ipond) - coutm(ipond) clretm(ipond) = clinm(ipond) - cloutm(ipond) slretm(ipond) = slinm(ipond) - sloutm(ipond) saretm(ipond) = sainm(ipond) - saoutm(ipond) sdretm(ipond) = sdinm(ipond) - sdoutm(ipond) laretm(ipond) = lainm(ipond) - laoutm(ipond) c c calculate monthly trapping efficiency c if (totinm(ipond).ne.0.0) tem(ipond) = ((totinm(ipond)- 1 coutm(ipond))/totinm(ipond)) * 100.0 c c convert monthly inflow and outflow average c concentrations from kg/m^3 to mg/l c if (vom(ipond).ne.0.0) then cam(ipond) = coutm(ipond) / vom(ipond) * 1000.0 else cam(ipond) = 0.0 end if c if (vim(ipond).ne.0.0) then cainm(ipond) = totinm(ipond) / vim(ipond) * 1000.0 else cainm(ipond) = 0.0 end if c hmin(ipond) = hmin(ipond) / 3.281 c if (hmaxm(ipond).gt.(hot(ipond)/3.281)) then c if (hmin(ipond).gt.hfull(ipond)) then c c case 1: impoundment overtopped and filled with sediment c otchar = '>Hot' filchr = '>Hfull' else c c case 2: impoundment overtopped but not filled with sediment c otchar = '>Hot' end if c else c if (hmin(ipond).gt.hfull(ipond)) then c c case 3: impoundment not overtopped but filled with sediment c filchr = '>Hfull' else c c case 4: impoundment not overtopped and not filled with sediment c c otchar, filchr initialized above c end if end if c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) then write (57,1000) nmon, qomxm(ipond), vom(ipond), qiinm(ipond), 1 vim(ipond), hmaxm(ipond), otchar, cpeakm(ipond), 1 cam(ipond), cainm(ipond), tem(ipond), hmin(ipond), filchr c write (56,1300) nmon, totinm(ipond), coutm(ipond), 1 retm(ipond), clinm(ipond), cloutm(ipond), clretm(ipond), 1 slinm(ipond), sloutm(ipond), slretm(ipond), sainm(ipond), 1 saoutm(ipond), saretm(ipond), sdinm(ipond), 1 sdoutm(ipond), sdretm(ipond), lainm(ipond), 1 laoutm(ipond), laretm(ipond) c end if c hmin(ipond) = hmin(ipond) * 3.281 c c reset monthly variables c vim(ipond) = 0.0 vom(ipond) = 0.0 c qiinm(ipond) = 0.0 qomxm(ipond) = 0.0 c hmaxm(ipond) = 0.0 cpeakm(ipond) = 0.0 c totinm(ipond) = 0.0 c clinm(ipond) = 0.0 slinm(ipond) = 0.0 sainm(ipond) = 0.0 sdinm(ipond) = 0.0 lainm(ipond) = 0.0 c coutms(ipond) = coutm(ipond) clotms(ipond) = cloutm(ipond) slotms(ipond) = sloutm(ipond) saotms(ipond) = saoutm(ipond) sdotms(ipond) = sdoutm(ipond) laotms(ipond) = laoutm(ipond) coutm(ipond) = 0.0 cloutm(ipond) = 0.0 sloutm(ipond) = 0.0 saoutm(ipond) = 0.0 sdoutm(ipond) = 0.0 laoutm(ipond) = 0.0 c if ((npond.eq.1).and.(ipdout.eq.1)) then write (57,1100) write (56,1200) end if c c end multiple impoundment loop c 10 continue c return c 1000 format ('MON = ',i2,2x,f10.6,f10.2,f10.6,f10.2,f6.2,2x,a4,3f8.0,f6 1 .1,f6.2,2x,a6) 1100 format (110('-')) 1200 format (165('-')) 1300 format ('MON = ',i2,5x,3(e12.6,1x),4x,'N/A',9x,15(e12.6,1x)) end