subroutine infile(imodel,ibrkpt,ncrop,jstruc,nsurf,nrots,nyears, 1 iofe,iwpass) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Opens input files for the reading in of the slope, c cropping practice, soil, and management files. c c Called from: SR CONTIN c Author(s): Livingston, Flanagan, Ascough II c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: This module not yet recoded. c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c Input files are read in the following subroutines: c c Input File Unit # Subroutine c ---------- ------ ---------- c Slope file 10 PROFIL c Soil file 11 INPUT c Management file 12 INFILE, TILAGE c Storm file 13 STMGET c Fixed date irrigation file 14 IRINPT c Depletion level irrigation file 15 IRINPT c Watershed structure file 17 WSHINP c Watershed channel data file 18 WSHINP c Hillslope\watershed pass file 19 WSHINP, WSHDRV c Watershed impoundment file 20 IMPINT c c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer imodel, ibrkpt, ncrop, jstruc, nsurf, nrots, nyears, iofe, 1 iwpass c real irdchk,irfchk c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c imodel - c ibrkpt - c ncrop - c jstruc - c nsurf - c nrots - number of times rotation is repeated c nyears - number of years in a single rotation c iofe - c iwpass - hillslope pass file creation flag c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c modify: idrain, ddrain, drainc, sdrain, drainq, satdep, c drdiam, drseq c include '' c read: iclig c include '' c include '' c modify: ibyear, numyr c include '' c modify: cntslp, rowspc, rowlen, rdghgt c include '' c modify: cancov, inrcov, rilcov, lanuse, daydis, c include '' c modify: rescov(mxplan) c include '' c read: yld, betemp c include '' c read: be,otemp,hi,hia,vdmx,beinp,daymin,daylen,ytn,y4 c include '' c modify: pltol(ntype) c include '' c modify: resamt, cn(ntype), aca(ntype), as(ntype), cf(ntype), c ar(ntype), sminit, rminit, fct1(mxplan), fct2(mxplan), c vdmt(mxplan) c include '' c modify: hmax(ntype), crit(ntype), bb(ntype), bbb(ntype), c rsr(ntype), spriod(ntype), dlai(ntype), gssen(ntype), c xmxlai(ntype), rdmax(ntype), gddmax(ntype), decfct(ntype), c dropfc(ntype), mfocod(ntype) c include '' c modify: pltsp(ntype), diam(ntype) c include '' c modify: cuthgt(ntype), oratea(ntype), orater(ntype) c include '' include '' c include '' c read: yldflg c include '' c modify: irsyst,irschd(1) c include '' c read: rro1(ntype*2), rho1(ntype*2), rint1(ntype*2), tdmea1(ntype*2), c mfo11(ntype*2), mfo21(ntype*2), code1, numof1, cltps1 c include '' c modify: lantyp, mdat1, tilde1, op c include '' c modify: iscen, itype, tilse1, conse1, irrset, imngm1, c tilla1(1,i), tilla1(2,i), jdpl1, jdhar1, r1, resmg1, c jdher1, jdbur1, fbrno1, fbrna1, jdslg1, jdcu1, frcu1, c jdmov1, frmov1, jdsto1, mgtop1, ncu1, cutda1, ncycl1, c gda1, gen1, anima1, bodyw1, are1, diges1, jfdat, ihdat1, c grazi1, ntill, ityp1 c include '' c read: impond c include '' c read: ksflag include '' c read: plunit,numof,rmfo1,rmfo2,deglon,elev,obsyrs c (variables read but not used at this time) c read: manver include '' c include '' c modify: obmaxt,obmint,radave,obrain c include '' include '' c include '' c read: pptg(ntype), rootf(ntype), rdf(ntype), pscday(ntype), c strrgc(ntype), cshape(ntype), dshape(ntype), scday2(ntype), c strgc2(ntype), eshape(ntype), fshape(ntype), rgcmin(ntype), c cf1(ntype), cf2(ntype), gtemp(ntype),tempmn(ntype), c root10(ntype), ffp(ntype) c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: iplane, nplane c include '' c include '' c modify: tillay(1,iplane), tillay(2,iplane) c include '' c modify: deglat c include '' c modify: wshcli(mxhill) c read: watfil c include '' c modify: mdate c c internal version control c include '' include '' c c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real canco1(ntype), inrco1(ntype), rilco1(ntype), widt1(ntype), 1 rspac1(ntype), rrini1(ntype), rhini1(ntype), bdtil1(ntype), 1 rfcu1(ntype), snodp1(ntype), frd1(ntype), thd1(ntype), 1 rmog1(ntype), rmag1(ntype), wc1(ntype), crypt1(ntype), 1 ppt1(ntype), rroug1(ntype), daydi1(ntype), datver, tiltmp, 1 rtm1(ntype), smrm1(ntype), litcv1(ntype), rokcv1(ntype), 1 bascv1(ntype), crycv1(ntype), fresr1(ntype), fresi1(ntype), 1 frokr1(ntype), froki1(ntype), fbasr1(ntype), fbasi1(ntype), 1 fcryr1(ntype), fcryi1(ntype) c c* **Added by Kidwell on 5/25/95 c real rescof1(ntype), cancof1(ntype) c c* **Added by Kidwell on 6/6/95 c real resr1(ntype), resi1(ntype), rokr1(ntype), roki1(ntype), 1 basr1(ntype), basi1(ntype), cryr1(ntype), cryi1(ntype) c c integer i, j, itemp, jtemp, ktemp, nop, nini, ncnt, ndrain, 1 nmscen, lanus1(ntype), icont(ntype), rtyp1(ntype), 1 ires1(ntype), imngm2(ntype), dshar1(ntype), flag, inindx, 1 inyr, iout, irrig, nowres, nwsofe, ijunk c character*1 ans character*51 scenam character*51 filen, manfil, solfil, clifil, slpfil, strfil, 1 chnfil, impfil character*65 istrng character*75 stmid character*21 mesg, solcom c c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Real Variables: c c canco1(ntype) - c inrco1(ntype) - c rilco1(ntype) - c widt1(ntype) - c rspac1(ntype) - c rrini1(ntype) - c rhini1(ntype) - c bdtil1(ntype) - c rfcu1(ntype) - c snodp1(ntype) - c frd1(ntype) - c thd1(ntype) - c rmog1(ntype) - c rmag1(ntype) - c wc1(ntype) - c crypt1(ntype) - c ppt1(ntype) - c rroug1(ntype) - c daydi1(ntype) - c datver - data file compatibility number c tiltmp - c c Integer Variables: c c i - c j - c itemp - c jtemp - c ktemp - c nop - number of different operations used by tillage sequences c nini - c ncnt - c ndrain - c nmscen - c lanus1(ntype) - c icont(ntype) - c rtyp1(ntype) - c ires1(ntype) - c imngm2(ntype) - c dshar1(ntype) - c flag - c inindx - c inyr - c iout - c irrig - c nowres - c nwsofe - c c Character Variables: c c ans - c scenam - c filen - c manfil - c solfil - c clifil - c slpfil - c strfil - c chnfil - c impfil - c mancom(3) - c istrng - c stmid - c mesg - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c eatcom c getdat c open c readin c scenhd c verchk c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c if (imodel.eq.2) iout = 32 if ( iout = 31 c if (ivers.eq.3) iout = 38 c write (iout,1300) ver, vermon, veryr c if (ivers.eq.1) write (iout,1400) ver, vermon, veryr if (ivers.eq.2) write (iout,1500) ver, vermon, veryr if (ivers.eq.3) write (iout,1600) ver, vermon, veryr c c if watershed version then open watershed pass, structure c and channel files and perform version checks c if (ivers.eq.3) then c c************************************************* c c WATERSHED VERSION PASS FILE SECTION c (UNIT=49, STATUS='OLD') c c************************************************* c c watershed master pass file is opened in MAIN c read (49,*) read (49,*) c read (49,5800) datver c if ( then backspace (49) c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct c mesg = 'WATERSHED MASTER PASS' call verchk(49,datver,hilchk,mesg,ver) c c no further checks because no ofe information in c hillslope/watershed file c end if c write (iout,1700) 'WATERSHED PASS:', watfil c c************************************************* c c WATERSHED STRUCTURE FILE SECTION c (UNIT=17, STATUS=2) c c************************************************* c istrng = 'Enter name of file containing watershed structure data 1 -->' call open(17,2,65,istrng,strfil) c call eatcom(17) read (17,*) datver c if ( then backspace (17) c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct c mesg = 'WATERSHED STRUCTURE' call verchk(17,datver,strchk,mesg,ver) c c no further checks because no ofe information in c watershed structure file c end if c write (iout,1700) 'WAT. STRUCTURE:', strfil c c************************************************* c c WATERSHED CHANNEL FILE SECTION c (UNIT=18, STATUS=2) c c************************************************* c istrng = 1 'Enter name of file containing watershed channel data -->' call open(18,2,65,istrng,chnfil) c call eatcom(18) read (18,*) datver c if ( then backspace (18) c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct c mesg = 'WATERSHED CHANNEL' call verchk(18,datver,chnchk,mesg,ver) c c checks on number of channels in the channel file versus c number of channels in the structure file made in SR WSHINP c end if c write (iout,1700) 'WAT. CHANNEL:', chnfil c c************************************************* c c WATERSHED IMPOUNDMENT FILE SECTION (ONLY c IMPOUNDMENTS ARE MODELED) c c (UNIT=20, STATUS=2) c c************************************************* c if ( then c istrng = 'Enter name of file containing impoundment data -->' call open(20,2,65,istrng,impfil) c call eatcom(20) read (20,*) datver c if ( then backspace (20) c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct c mesg = 'WATERSHED IMPOUNDMENT' call verchk(20,datver,impchk,mesg,ver) c c checks on number of impoundments in the impoundment c file versus number of impoundments in the structure c file made in SR IMPINT c end if c write (iout,1700) 'IMPOUNDMENT:', impfil c end if c end if c irsyst = 0 irabrv = 0 rngout = 0 c c******************************* c c MANAGEMENT FILE SECTION c (UNIT=12, STATUS=2) c c******************************* c istrng = 'Enter name of file containing management data -->' flag = 1 c call open(12,2,flag,istrng,manfil) c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct. c mesg = 'MANAGEMENT' c if the management file is older than manchk exit c with an error call verchk(12,datver,manchk,mesg,95.7) manver=datver c c following values required for the file builder but are not c used elsewhere in the code c call readin(12,iofe,1,ntype,'iofe ') call readin(12,inyr,1,1000,'inyr ') c c c******************************* c c PLANT GROWTH PARAMETERS SECTION c c******************************* c c c ncrop = NUMBER OF PLANT SCENARIOS c call readin(12,ncrop,1,ntype,'ncrop ') c c c LOOP NCROP TIMES c do 10, i = 1, ncrop c c read the scenario name, comments, and landuse. c call scenhd(12,crpnam(i),iplant(i)) c c c if yield output requested (yldflg=1) then write crop index(i) c and name associated with that number c if (yldflg.eq.1) write (46,3500) i, crpnam(i) c if (iplant(i).eq.1) then c c CROPLAND PLANT c read (12,2100) plunit c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) bb(i), bbb(i), beinp(i), btemp(i), cf(i), 1 crit(i), critvm(i), cuthgt(i), decfct(i), diam(i) c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) dlai(i), dropfc(i), extnct(i), fact(i), 1 flivmx(i), gddmax(i), hi(i), hmax(i) c gddmip(i) = gddmax(i) c if (extnct(i).le.0.0) extnct(i) = 0.65 c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) mfocod(i) c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) oratea(i), orater(i), otemp(i), pltol(i), 1 pltsp(i), rdmax(i), rsr(i), rtmmax(i), spriod(i), 1 tmpmax(i) c if (spriod(i).eq.0) spriod(i) = 14 call eatcom(12) read (12,*) tmpmin(i), xmxlai(i), yld(i) c partcf(i) = cuthgt(i) / hmax(i) c else if (iplant(i).eq.2) then c c RANGELAND PLANT c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) aca(i), aleaf(i), ar(i), bbb(i), bugs(i), cf1(i), 1 cf2(i), cn(i), cold(i), ffp(i) call eatcom(12) read (12,*) gcoeff(i), gdiam(i), ghgt(i), gpop(i), gtemp(i), 1 hmax(i), plive(i,1), pltol(i), pscday(i), rgcmin(i) c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) root10(i), rootf(i), scday2(i), scoeff(i), 1 sdiam(i), shgt(i), spop(i), tcoeff(i), tdiam(i), 1 tempmn(i) c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) thgt(i), tpop(i), wood(i) c else if (iplant(i).eq.3) then c c FOREST PLANT c write (6,5100) 'FOREST', 'PLANTS' stop c else c c ROAD PLANT c write (6,5100) 'ROAD', 'PLANTS' stop c end if c c detailed rangeland outputs c if (iplant(i).eq.2) rngout = 1 c 10 continue c if (rngout.eq.1) then ans = 'N' write (6,3600) read (5,3800,err=20) ans c c print*,'range?',ans c 20 if (ans.eq.'Y'.or.ans.eq.'y') then ans = 'Y' end if c if (ans.eq.'Y') then c c open file for rangeland plant output c istrng = 'Enter name of range plant output file -->' call open(44,iost,65,istrng,filen) write (44,3900) rngplt = 2 end if c write (6,3700) ans = 'N' read (5,3800,err=30) ans c c print*,'range?',ans c 30 if (ans.eq.'Y'.or.ans.eq.'y') then ans = 'Y' end if c if (ans.eq.'Y') then c c open file for rangeland animal output c istrng = 'Enter name of animal output file -->' call open(45,iost,1,istrng,filen) write (45,4000) rnganm = 2 end if c rngout = 2 c end if c c******************************* c c OPERATIONS SECTION c c******************************* c c nop = number of unique surface operation types c call readin(12,nop,0,ntype*2,'nop ') c c c LOOP NOP TIMES c do 40, i = 1, nop c c read the scenario name, comments, and landuse c call scenhd(12,scenam,iop(i)) c c if cropland operation if (iop(i).eq.1) then c c CROPLAND OPERATION c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) mfo11(i), mfo21(i), numof c c flag for cultivator type if less than 5 c flag for residue management if greater than 9 c call readin(12,code1,1,13,'code ') resma1(i)=code1 if (code1.le.4)then c if (code1.eq.3) then call readin(12,cltpos,1,2,'cltpos ') end if c end if c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) rho1(i), rint1(i), rmfo1(i), rmfo2(i), rro1(i), 1 surdi1(i), tdmea1(i) c if( c if (resma1(i).eq.10.or.resma1(i).eq.12)then c c RESIDUE ADDITION, additional data line for new files c resma1(i) = residue management flag c 10 = residue addition without surface disturbance c 12 = residue addition with disturbance c iresa1(i) = index of residue pointer c c call readin(12,iresa1(i),1,ncrop,'iresad ') c c resad1(i) = amount of residue added (kg/m^2) c c call eatcom(12) c read(12,*)resad1(i) end if c if (resma1(i).eq.11.or.resma1(i).eq.13)then c RESIDUE REMOVAL additional data line for new files c resma1(i) = residue management flag c 11 = residue removal without surface disturbance c 13 = residue removal with disturbance c frmov1(i)=fraction of residue removed (0-1) c call eatcom(12) c read (12,*) frmov1(i) end if end if c else if (iop(i).eq.2) then c c RANGELAND OPERATION c write (6,5100) 'RANGELAND', 'OPERATIONS' stop c else if (iop(i).eq.3) then c c FOREST OPERATION c write (6,5100) 'FOREST', 'OPERATIONS' stop c else c c ROAD OPERATION c write (6,5100) 'ROAD', 'OPERATIONS' stop c end if 40 continue c c******************************* c c OVERLAND FLOW ELEMENT INITIAL CONDITIONS SECTION c c******************************* c c nini = NUMBER OF INITIAL CONDITION SCENARIOS c call readin(12,nini,1,ntype,'nini ') c c c LOOP NINI TIMES c do 50, i = 1, nini c c read the scenario name, comments, and landuse c call scenhd(12,scenam,lanus1(i)) c if (lanus1(i).eq.1) then c c CROPLAND INITIAL CONDITION c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) bdtil1(i), canco1(i), daydi1(i), dshar1(i), 1 frd1(i), inrco1(i) c call readin(12,ires1(i),1,ncrop,'iresd ') call readin(12,imngm2(i),1,3,'imngm2 ') c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) rfcu1(i), rhini1(i), rilco1(i), rrini1(i), 1 rspac1(i) c call readin(12,rtyp1(i),0,2,'rtype ') call eatcom(12) read (12,*) snodp1(i), thd1(i), tilla1(i), tilla2(i), 1 widt1(i) c c ADD read of initial conditions for submerged residue mass c and dead roots - use version control to determine if file c will contain these values. dcf 5/3/94 c if ( then call eatcom(12) read (12,*) rtm1(i), smrm1(i) else rtm1(i) = 0.0 smrm1(i) = 0.0 end if c else if (lanus1(i).eq.2) then c c RANGELAND INITIAL CONDITION c call eatcom(12) c if ( then read (12,*) crypt1(i), frd1(i), ppt1(i), rmag1(i), 1 rmog1(i), rroug1(i), snodp1(i), thd1(i), tilla1(i), 1 tilla2(i) call eatcom(12) read (12,*) wc1(i) write (6,5900) write (iout,5900) stop else call eatcom(12) read (12,*) frd1(i), ppt1(i), rmag1(i), rmog1(i), 1 rroug1(i), snodp1(i), thd1(i), tilla1(i), tilla2(i) call eatcom(12) c* **Modified by Kidwell on 6/6/95 read (12,*) resi1(i), roki1(i), basi1(i), cryi1(i), 1 resr1(i), rokr1(i), basr1(i), cryr1(i), canco1(i) c* **Added by Kidwell on 5/25/95 call eatcom(12) c read (12,*) rescof1(i), cancof1(i) c c anything other than 0 for rescof1 and cancof1 c causes WEPP to BOMB under Rangeland 06-20-95 02:33pm sjl c rescof1(i)=0.0 cancof1(i)=0.0 c c* **Added by Kidwell on 6/6/95 c Calculate totals of all cover components c litcv1(i) = resi1(i) + resr1(i) rokcv1(i) = roki1(i) + rokr1(i) bascv1(i) = basi1(i) + basr1(i) crycv1(i) = cryi1(i) + cryr1(i) c c* **Added by Kidwell on 5/25/95 c Limit input value of litter cover to between 0 and 0.9999 c if(litcv1(i) .lt. 0.0) litcv1(i)=0.0 if(litcv1(i) .gt. 0.9999) litcv1(i)=0.9999 if(rokcv1(i) .lt. 0.0) rokcv1(i)=0.0 if(rokcv1(i) .gt. 0.9999) rokcv1(i)=0.9999 if(bascv1(i) .lt. 0.0) bascv1(i)=0.0 if(bascv1(i) .gt. 0.9999) bascv1(i)=0.9999 if(crycv1(i) .lt. 0.0) crycv1(i)=0.0 if(crycv1(i) .gt. 0.9999) crycv1(i)=0.9999 if(canco1(i) .lt. 0.0) canco1(i)=0.0 if(canco1(i) .gt. 0.9999) canco1(i)=0.9999 c c* **Commented out by Kidwell on 5/25/95 c Compute the initial residue mass on the soil surface. c c* rmog1(i) = (log(1.-litcv1(i))/(-13.5)) c c c* **Modified/Added by Kidwell on 6/6/95 c c Calculate values for the fraction of litter, rocks, c basal vegetation and cryptogams for rill and interrill c areas. c if (litcv1(i) .eq. 0.0) then fresr1(i) = 0.0 else fresr1(i) = resr1(i)/litcv1(i) end if if (rokcv1(i) .eq. 0.0) then frokr1(i) = 0.0 else frokr1(i) = rokr1(i)/rokcv1(i) end if if (bascv1(i) .eq. 0.0) then fbasr1(i) = 0.0 else fbasr1(i) = basr1(i)/bascv1(i) end if if (crycv1(i) .eq. 0.0) then fcryr1(i) = 0.0 else fcryr1(i) = cryr1(1)/crycv1(i) end if c fresi1(i) = 1.0 - fresr1(i) froki1(i) = 1.0 - frokr1(i) fbasi1(i) = 1.0 - fbasr1(i) fcryi1(i) = 1.0 - fcryr1(i) c end if c else if (lanus1(i).eq.3) then c c FOREST INITIAL CONDITION c write (6,5100) 'FOREST', 'INITIAL CONDITIONS' stop c else c c ROAD INITIAL CONDITION c write (6,5100) 'ROAD', 'INITIAL CONDITIONS' stop c end if 50 continue c c******************************* c c SURFACE EFFECTS SECTION c c******************************* c c nsurf = NUMBER OF SURFACE EFFECT SCENARIOS c call readin(12,nsurf,0,ntype,'nsurf ') c c LOOP NSURF TIMES c do 70, i = 1, nsurf c c read the scenario name, comments, and landuse. c call scenhd(12,scenam,lantyp(i)) c c c GET NUMBER OF OPERATIONS FOR THIS SURFACE EFFECT SCENARIO c call readin(12,ntill(i),1,ntype,'ntill ') c print*,ntill(i) c c LOOP NTILL TIMES c do 60, j = 1, ntill(i) c if (lantyp(i).eq.1) then c c CROPLAND SURFACE EFFECT c call getdat(12,mdate(j,i),1,'mdate ') c c print*, mdate(j,i) c call readin(12,op(j,i),1,nop,'op ') c c print*,op(j,i), nop c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) tildep(j,i) c call readin(12,typtil(j,i),1,2,'typtil ') c c print*,typtil(j,i) c else if (lantyp(i).eq.2) then c c RANGELAND SURFACE EFFECT c write (6,5100) 'RANGELAND', 'SURFACE EFFECTS' stop c else if (lantyp(i).eq.3) then c c FOREST SURFACE EFFECT c write (6,5100) 'FOREST', 'SURFACE EFFECTS' stop c else c c ROAD SURFACE EFFECT c write (6,5100) 'ROAD', 'SURFACE EFFECTS' stop c end if c 60 continue 70 continue c c******************************* c c CONTOUR SCENARIO SECTION c c******************************* c c ncnt = NUMBER OF CONTOUR SCENARIOS c call readin(12,ncnt,0,ntype,'ncnt ') c c LOOP NCNT TIMES c do 80, i = 1, ncnt c c read the scenario name, comments, and landuse. c call scenhd(12,scenam,icont(i)) if (icont(i).eq.1) then c c CROPLAND CONTOUR c call eatcom(12) if( 1 read (12,*) cntslp(i), rdghgt(i), rowlen(i), rowspc(i), 1 cntday(i), cntend(i) c if(datver.le.98.4) 1 read (12,*) cntslp(i), rdghgt(i), rowlen(i), rowspc(i) c c c correction by dcf to prevent model bombing - do not c allow cntslp=0 5/4/94 c c Change from Baffaut - 1996 - dcf 3/14/97 c if (cntslp(i).le.0.0) cntslp(i) = 0.00001 if (cntslp(i).le.0.0) cntslp(i) = 0.000001 c else if (icont(i).eq.2) then c c RANGELAND CONTOUR c write (6,5100) 'RANGELAND', 'CONTOUR' stop c else if (icont(i).eq.3) then c c FOREST CONTOUR c write (6,5100) 'FOREST', 'CONTOUR' stop c else c c ROAD CONTOUR c write (6,5100) 'ROAD', 'CONTOUR' stop c end if 80 continue c c******************************* c c DRAINAGE SCENARIO SECTION c c******************************* c c ndrain = NUMBER OF DRAINAGE SCENARIOS c call readin(12,ndrain,0,ntype,'ndrain ') c c LOOP NDRAIN TIMES c do 90, i = 1, ndrain c c read the scenario name, comments, and landuse. c call scenhd(12,scenam,idrai1(i)) if (idrai1(i).eq.1) then c c CROPLAND DRAINAGE c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) ddrain(i), drainc(i), drdiam(i), sdrain(i) c else if (idrai1(i).eq.2) then c c RANGELAND DRAINAGE c write (6,5100) 'RANGELAND', 'DRAINAGE' stop c else if (idrai1(i).eq.3) then c c FOREST DRAINAGE c write (6,5100) 'FOREST', 'DRAINAGE' stop c else c c ROAD DRAINAGE c write (6,5100) 'ROAD', 'DRAINAGE' stop c end if 90 continue c c******************************* c c YEARLY SCENARIO SECTION c c******************************* c c nmscen = NUMBER OF YEARLY SCENARIOS c call readin(12,nmscen,1,ntype,'nmscen ') c c LOOP NMSCEN TIMES c do 130, i = 1, nmscen c c read the scenario name, comments, and landuse. c call scenhd(12,scenam,iscen(i)) if (iscen(i).eq.1) then c c CROPLAND YEARLY c c read plant growth scenario pointer call readin(12,ityp1(i),1,ncrop,'ntype ') c c read operations sequence scenario pointer call readin(12,tilse1(i),0,nsurf,'tilseq ') c c read contours scenario pointer call readin(12,conse1(i),0,ncnt,'conseq ') c c read drainage scenario pointer call readin(12,drseq1(i),0,ndrain,'drseq ') c c read in management option flag call readin(12,imngm1(i),1,3,'imngmt ') c c if option is cropland annual or cropland fallow then c proceed if (imngm1(i).eq.1.or.imngm1(i).eq.3) then c c ANNUAL/FALLOW CROPPING SYSTEM c call getdat(12,jdhar1(i),0,'jdharv ') call getdat(12,jdpl1(i),0,'jdplt ') c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) r1(i) call readin(12,resmg1(i),1,6,'resmgt ') c if (resmg1(i).eq.1) then c c HERBICIDE c call getdat(12,jdher1(i),1,'jdherb ') c c print*, jdher1(i) c else if (resmg1(i).eq.2) then c c BURNING c call getdat(12,jdbur1(i),1,'jdburn ') c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) fbrna1(i), fbrno1(i) c else if (resmg1(i).eq.3) then c c SILAGE HARVEST c call getdat(12,jdslg1(i),1,'jdslge ') c else if (resmg1(i).eq.4) then c c CUTTING c call getdat(12,jdcu1(i),1,'jdcut ') c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) frcu1(i) else if ( c c RESIDUE REMOVAL c call getdat(12,jdmov1(i),1,'jdmove ') c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) frmov1(i) else c write(6,6100) c end if c else c c PERRENIAL CROPLAND c call getdat(12,jdhar1(i),0,'jdharv ') call getdat(12,jdpl1(i),0,'jdplt ') call getdat(12,jdsto1(i),0,'jdstop ') c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) r1(i) c call readin(12,mgtop1(i),1,3,'mgtopt ') c if (mgtop1(i).eq.1) then c c CUTTING c call readin(12,ncu1(i),1,ntype2,'ncut ') c c LOOP NCUT TIMES c do 100, j = 1, ncu1(i) call getdat(12,cutda1(i,j),1,'cutday ') 100 continue c else if (mgtop1(i).eq.2) then c c GRAZING c call readin(12,ncycl1(i),1,ntype2,'ncycle ') c c LOOP NCYCLE TIMES c do 110, j = 1, ncycl1(i) c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) anima1(i,j), are1(i,j), bodyw1(i,j), 1 diges1(i,j) c call getdat(12,gda1(i,j),1,'gday ') call getdat(12,gen1(i,j),1,'gend ') c 110 continue c end if c end if c else if (iscen(i).eq.2) then c c RANGELAND YEARLY c call readin(12,ityp1(i),1,ncrop,'itype ') call readin(12,tilse1(i),0,nsurf,'tilseq ') call readin(12,drseq1(i),0,ndrain,'drseq ') call readin(12,grazi1(i),0,1,'grazig ') c if (grazi1(i).eq.1) then c c GRAZING c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) are2(i), acces1(i), digma1(i), digmi1(i), 1 suppm1(i) c call readin(12,jgra1(i),1,ntype2,'jgraz ') c c c LOOP JGRAZ1 TIMES c do 120, j = 1, jgra1(i) c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) anima1(i,j), bodyw1(i,j) c call getdat(12,gda1(i,j),1,'gday ') call getdat(12,gen1(i,j),1,'gend ') call getdat(12,sen1(i,j),0,'send ') call getdat(12,ssda1(i,j),0,'ssday ') c 120 continue c end if c call getdat(12,ihdat1(i),0,'ihdate ') c if (ihdat1(i).gt.0) then c c HERBICIDE c call readin(12,activ1(i),0,1,'active ') c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) dlea1(i), her1(i), regro1(i), updat1(i) c call readin(12,wood1(i),0,1,'woody ') c end if c call getdat(12,jfdat1(i),0,'jfdate ') c if (jfdat1(i).gt.0) then c c BURNING c call eatcom(12) read (12,*) alte1(i), burne1(i), chang1(i), hur1(i), 1 reduc1(i) c end if c else if (iscen(i).eq.3) then c c FOREST YEARLY c write (6,5100) 'FOREST', 'MANAGEMENT' stop c else c c ROAD YEARLY c write (6,5100) 'ROAD', 'MANAGEMENT' stop c end if 130 continue c c******************************* c c MASTER SCENARIO SECTION c c******************************* c c MASTER SCENARIO NAME (8 CHAR) c call eatcom(12) read (12,2000) scenam c c COMMENTS TO BE PRINTED ON OUTPUT (60 CHAR) c AND INITIAL CONDITION SCENARIO c do 140, i = 1, 3 read (12,2200) mancom(i) 140 continue c c c number of ofes on hillslope c call readin(12,nwsofe,1,ntype,'nwsofe ') jstruc = nwsofe c c******************************* c c OFE SCENARIO INDEX AND CONVERSION TO WEPP VALUES c c******************************* c do 150, iplane = 1, nwsofe c call readin(12,inindx,1,nini,'inindx ') c if (lanus1(inindx).eq.1) then nowres = 1 lanuse(iplane) = lanus1(inindx) cancov(iplane) = canco1(inindx) inrcov(iplane) = inrco1(inindx) rilcov(iplane) = rilco1(inindx) rtm(nowres,iplane) = rtm1(inindx) smrm(nowres,iplane) = smrm1(inindx) width(iplane) = widt1(inindx) rspace(iplane) = rspac1(inindx) iresd(nowres,iplane) = ires1(inindx) imngmt(nowres+3,iplane) = imngm2(inindx) rrinit(iplane) = rrini1(inindx) rhinit(iplane) = rhini1(inindx) bdtill(iplane) = bdtil1(inindx) rfcum(iplane) = rfcu1(inindx) daydis(iplane) = daydi1(inindx) dsharv(iplane) = dshar1(inindx) snodpy(iplane) = snodp1(inindx) frdp(iplane) = frd1(inindx) thdp(iplane) = thd1(inindx) tillay(1,iplane) = tilla1(inindx) tillay(2,iplane) = tilla2(inindx) c c ------------ prevent secondary tillage depth from being c greater than primary. c if (tillay(1,iplane).gt.tillay(2,iplane)) then tiltmp = tillay(2,iplane) tillay(2,iplane) = tillay(1,iplane) tillay(1,iplane) = tiltmp end if c c ------------ if entered as zero, use default values. c if (tillay(2,iplane).le.0.0) tillay(2,iplane) = 0.2 if (tillay(1,iplane).le.0.0) tillay(1,iplane) = 0.1 c c Check to prevent negative values for input rill width. c For negative or zero values for rill spacing - set to c default spacing of 1 rill per meter. c if (width(iplane).lt.0.0) width(iplane) = 0.0 if (rspace(iplane).le.0.0) rspace(iplane) = 1. c c Use input flag for type of rills (temporary or permanent) c to set the rill width flag used in subroutines SOIL and SHEARS c For temporary situations and continuous simulations - set c width to a default 0.15 meters if user has entered a 0 value. c For temporary situations and single storm simulations use c whatever value user has provided for rill width. c if (rtyp1(inindx).eq.1) then rwflag(iplane) = 1 if (imodel.eq.1.and.width(iplane).le.0.0) width(iplane) = 1 0.15 c c ELSE for PERMANENT type rills - set rwflag to 2 and use the c input value for rill width always. IF the user has input c a value of zero rill width - assume that he/she actually c wants flow across the entire area and set rill width equal c to rill spacing. (since the program will bomb if a constant c value of rill width = 0 meters is used). c else rwflag(iplane) = 2 if (width(iplane).le.0.0) width(iplane) = rspace(iplane) end if c c Check to make sure that rill width is not greater than c rill spacing. If it is, set width to rill spacing. c if (width(iplane).gt.rspace(iplane)) width(iplane) = 1 rspace(iplane) c c c CONVERT BDTILL FROM GM/CM3 TO KG/M3 c bdtill(iplane) = bdtill(iplane) * 1000.0 c c c CONVERT RFCUM FROM MM TO M c rfcum(iplane) = rfcum(iplane) / 1000.0 c c Calculate initial kecum based on approximate average of 15 J/m2 per c mm of rainfall. Risse 11/4/93 c rkecum(iplane) = rfcum(iplane) * 1000.0 * 15.0 c c if (cancov(iplane).ge..999) cancov(iplane) = 0.999 if (inrcov(iplane).ge..999) inrcov(iplane) = 0.999 if (rilcov(iplane).ge..999) rilcov(iplane) = 0.999 c c Changed minimum value on RRINIT and RHINIT both to 0.006 meters c based on conversation with John Gilley 7/16/93 and based on c minimum roughness for a smooth surface reported by c (Zobeck and Onstad, 1987) dcf 7/16/93 c if (rrinit(iplane).lt.0.01) rrinit(iplane) = 0.01 c if (rhinit(iplane).lt.0.02) rhinit(iplane) = 0.02 c if (rrinit(iplane).lt.0.006) rrinit(iplane) = 0.006 if (rhinit(iplane).lt.0.006) rhinit(iplane) = 0.006 c c ADDED BY DCF - 7/6/90 DUE TO ERRORS CAUSED WHEN RILL COVER c OF 0.0 IS ENTERED. c c THIS ERROR CORRECTED c IF (RILCOV(IPLANE) .LE. 0.001) RILCOV(IPLANE) = 0.001 c IF (INRCOV(IPLANE) .LE. 0.001) INRCOV(IPLANE) = 0.001 c else if (lanus1(inindx).eq.2) then nowres = 1 lanuse(iplane) = lanus1(inindx) snodpy(iplane) = snodp1(inindx) frdp(iplane) = frd1(inindx) thdp(iplane) = thd1(inindx) rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmog1(inindx) rmagt(iplane) = rmag1(inindx) c wcf(iplane) = wc1(inindx) c crypto(iplane) = crypt1(inindx) pptg(iplane) = ppt1(inindx) rrough(iplane) = rroug1(inindx) tillay(1,iplane) = tilla1(inindx) tillay(2,iplane) = tilla2(inindx) rescov(iplane) = litcv1(inindx) bascov(iplane) = bascv1(inindx) rokcov(iplane) = rokcv1(inindx) crycov(iplane) = crycv1(inindx) fresr(iplane) = fresr1(inindx) fresi(iplane) = fresi1(inindx) frokr(iplane) = frokr1(inindx) froki(iplane) = froki1(inindx) fbasr(iplane) = fbasr1(inindx) fbasi(iplane) = fbasi1(inindx) fcryr(iplane) = fcryr1(inindx) fcryi(iplane) = fcryi1(inindx) cancov(iplane) = canco1(inindx) rkecum(iplane) = rfcum(iplane) * 1000.0 * 15.0 c* **Added by Kidwell on 5/25/95 rescof(iplane) = rescof1(inindx) cancof(iplane) = cancof1(inindx) c* **Added by Kidwell on 6/6/95 resr(iplane) = resr1(inindx) resi(iplane) = resi1(inindx) rokr(iplane) = rokr1(inindx) roki(iplane) = roki1(inindx) basr(iplane) = basr1(inindx) basi(iplane) = basi1(inindx) cryr(iplane) = cryr1(inindx) cryi(iplane) = cryi1(inindx) c else if (lanus1(inindx).eq.3) then write (6,5100) 'FOREST', 'INITIAL CONDITIONS' else write (6,5100) 'ROAD', 'INITIAL CONDITIONS' end if c c c Commented out following line 6/8/94 - Now set densg to 100 in c INIDAT. dcf c if (snodpy(iplane).gt.0) densg(iplane) = 0.225 c 150 continue c c NUMBER OF ROTATION REPETITIONS c call readin(12,nrots,1,200,'nrots ') c c c NUMBER OF YEARS IN EACH ROTATION c call readin(12,nyears,1,500,'nyears ') c c******************************* c c SLOPE FILE SECTION c (UNIT=10, STATUS=2) c c******************************* c istrng = 'Enter name of file containing slope data -->' 160 call open(10,2,65,istrng,slpfil) c call eatcom(10) read (10,*) datver c if ( then backspace (10) c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct. c mesg = 'SLOPE' call verchk(10,datver,slpchk,mesg,ver) else c c assuming that the 1st line is nwsofe c reset pointer to beginning of line and assume pre 93.005 c backspace (10) c end if c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct. c call readin(10,nwsofe,1,ntype,'nwsofe ') c if ( then c if (nwsofe.eq.1) then write (6,2500) write (6,2600) else write (6,2500) write (6,2700) nwsofe end if c if (ibomb.eq.1) stop close (unit=10) c go to 160 end if c write (iout,1700) 'MANAGEMENT:', manfil write (iout,1800) 'MAN. PRACTICE:', (mancom(i),i = 1,3) write (iout,1700) 'SLOPE:', slpfil c c******************************* c c CLIMATE FILE SECTION c (UNIT=13, STATUS=2) c c******************************* c istrng = 'Enter name of file containing storm data -->' c 170 call open(13,2,65,istrng,clifil) c c Set initial value for station elevation (needed in EVAP c and IMPEO) to 1000.0 meters as a default). If climate c file contains data - will use that value instead. c elev = 1000.0 c read (13,*) datver c if ( then write (6,1000) c c assuming that the 1st line is itemp and ibrkpt c reset pointer to beginning of line and assume CLIGEN 2.3 c backspace (13) c read (13,*) itemp, ibrkpt iwind = 0 c if ( then c if (itemp.eq.1) then write (6,2800) else write (6,2900) end if c close (unit=13) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 170 end if c c c CHECK IF OLD CLIMATE FILE IS REALLY FROM VER 2.3 c read (13,2300) stmid, datver c if (datver.eq.0.0) then c c if user sets CLIGEN version number to 0.0, then use the c actual values in the CLIGEN file for Ip and duration iclig = 0 c else if ( then c c if the user is running the new CLIGEN version (4.0+) c which has the corrected durations, then use the value c for storm duration with no correction. Make an adjustment c to the Ip to account for the steady-state erosion assump. c iclig = 1 c else c c if the user is running a CLIGEN version between 2.3 and c 3.1, make the old adjustments to duration and Ip, and c warn the user that the CLIGEN file being used is out of c date. c iclig = 2 c end if c if ( then write (6,1100) stop end if c if (iclig.eq.2) write (6,1200) read (13,*) c c LATITUDE c read (13,*) deglat c c BEGINNING YEAR (IBYEAR) AND NUMBER OF YEARS (NUMYR) c read (13,2400) ibyear, numyr c else if ( then c c CLIMATE FILE FROM VER 3.0 (format) OR GREATER a value of DATVER c equal to 0.0 indicates that observed precipitation duration c data has been input and should be used - variable ICLIG c needs to be passed to subroutine STMGET dcf 11/15/93 c if ( then iclig = 0 else iclig = 1 end if c read (13,*) itemp, ibrkpt, iwind c c print*,'iwind= ',iwind c if ( then c if (itemp.eq.1) then write (6,2800) else write (6,2900) end if c close (unit=13) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 170 end if c read (13,2300) stmid read (13,*) c c LATITUDE LONGITUDE ELEVATION, OBSERVED YEARS, BEGINNING, NUMBER c read (13,*) deglat, deglon, elev, obsyrs, ibyear, numyr c c limit elevation to reasonable values (-200 < elev < 10000) if( elev = -200.0 if( elev = 10000.0 c else write (6,2500) write (6,5200) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 170 end if c read (13,*) read (13,*) (obmaxt(i),i = 1,12) read (13,*) read (13,*) (obmint(i),i = 1,12) read (13,*) read (13,*) (radave(i),i = 1,12) read (13,*) read (13,*) (obrain(i),i = 1,12) c c SKIP TWO LINES IN THE CLIMATE INPUT FILE (HEADINGS) c CHANGED FROM SLASHES AT END OF 701 WHICH WILL NOT WORK WITH c LPI FORTRAN (UNIX COMPILER) c read (13,*) read (13,*) c c hillslope/watershed version stores climate file name c for consistency checking between hillslopes c if ((iwpass.eq.1).or.(ivers.eq.2)) wshcli(ihill) = clifil c write (iout,1700) 'CLIMATE:', clifil write (iout,1900) stmid, datver c c******************************* c c SOIL FILE SECTION c (UNIT=11, STATUS=2) c c******************************* c istrng = 'Enter name of file containing soil data -->' 180 call open(11,2,65,istrng,solfil) c call eatcom(11) read (11,*) datver c if ( then c backspace (11) c version control check - will exit with message if not correct. c mesg = 'SOIL' c call verchk(11,datver,solchk,mesg,ver) c call eatcom(11) if ( read (11,6000) solcom c call readin(11,itemp,1,ntype,'itemp ') c c reset the pointer to the beginning of the line and now check c to see what preference the user has for the internal Ksat c adjustments. If ksflag=0 use no adjustments c ksflag=1 use all internal Ks adjustments c backspace (11) c c use the version control value to determine whether or c not an ksflag value should be expected in the SOIL file c if ( then read (11,*) ijunk, ksflag if ( ksflag = 1 c c Commented out the following line. KSFLAG should not be c set to 0 regardless of the user's wishes. If anything, c it should be set to 1, so that values for conduct. are c recalculated on a daily basis. dcf 11/29/95 c if (lanuse(1).eq.2) ksflag = 0 c else read (11,*) ijunk ksflag = 1 c c see above - dcf 11/29/95 c if (lanuse(1).eq.2) ksflag = 0 c end if c else c c assuming that the 1st line is itemp c reset pointer to beginning of line and assume pre 93.005 c backspace (11) call readin(11,itemp,1,ntype,'itemp ') c c If the data file is old format with no version control, c assume that it will not have the flag to use or not c use the internal Ksat adjustments. Set ksflag to 1, c which means USE all internal Ksat adjustments. dcf 1/11/94 c ksflag = 1 c end if c c Calculate the soil input file WEPP version variable to be c used in subroutine INPUT for determining how to read the c soil file c c Only multiply version values that are less than 100 by ten. c This prevents a problem (bug?) with Salford compiler for a c real number having a value of 77770, which is too large for c it to convert to an integer. (Super user) c if ( datver = datver * 10.0 solwpv = nint(datver) c c if ( then c if (itemp.eq.1) then write (6,3000) else write (6,3100) itemp end if c close (unit=11) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 180 end if c write (iout,1700) 'SOIL:', solfil c c create header for initial condition scenario header c if (ifile.eq.2) then write (47,*) ver write (47,5300) ver, manfil, clifil, solfil, slpfil end if c c******************************* c c IRRIGATION FILE SECTION c c (DEPLETION -> UNIT=15, STATUS=2) c (FIXED-DATE -> UNIT=14, STATUS=2) c c******************************* c c c IRRIGATION OUTPUT OPTIONS c irrig = 0 c write (6,4100) read (5,5700,err=190) irrig c 190 if (( then write (6,5600) irrig = 0 end if c if (irrig.eq.0) then c c NO IRRIGATION c irsyst = 0 write (6,4200) c else if (irrig.eq.1) then c c SPRINKLER FIXED DATE c irsyst = 1 irschd(1) = 2 else if (irrig.eq.2) then c c SPRINKLER DEPLETION c irsyst = 1 irschd(1) = 1 else if (irrig.eq.3) then c c SPRINKLER COMBINATION c irsyst = 1 irschd(1) = 3 else if (irrig.eq.4) then c c FURROW FIXED DATE c irsyst = 2 irschd(1) = 2 else if (irrig.eq.5) then c c FURROW DEPLETION c irsyst = 2 irschd(1) = 1 else if (irrig.eq.6) then c c FURROW COMBINATION c irsyst = 2 irschd(1) = 3 end if c if ( irabrv = irsyst c if ( then c c sprinkler irrigation c if (irsyst.eq.1) then write (iout,4500) write (6,4300) else write (iout,4600) write (6,4400) end if c c sprinkler depletion c if (irschd(1).ne.2) then istrng = 'Enter name of file containing depletion level irriga 1tion data-->' 200 call open(15,2,65,istrng,filen) write (iout,4700) filen c if (ifile.eq.2) then write (47,4800) filen end if c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct. c read (15,*) datver if ( then c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct. c backspace (15) c c mesg = 'DEPLETION IRRIGATION' c if(irschd(1).eq.1)irdchk=irdsch c if(irschd(1).eq.2)irdchk=irdfch c call verchk(15,datver,irdchk,mesg,ver) c read (15,*) datver c if (irsyst.eq.1) then idsver = datver else idfver = datver end if c if (irsyst.eq.1) then c if ( then write (6,5400) irdsch write (iout,5400) irdsch else end if c else c end if c else c c assuming that the 1st line is itemp c reset pointer to beginning of line and assume pre 93.005 c backspace (15) c end if c read (15,*) itemp, jtemp, ktemp c if ( then write (6,2500) write (6,3300) close (unit=15) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 200 else if ( then write (6,2500) write (6,3400) close (unit=15) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 200 else if ( then write (6,2500) write (6,3200) close (unit=15) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 200 end if end if c if (irschd(1).ne.1) then istrng = 'Enter name of file containing fixed date irrigation 1data -->' 210 call open(14,2,61,istrng,filen) write (iout,4900) filen c if (ifile.eq.2) then write (47,5000) filen end if c read (14,*) datver if ( then c c version control check - will exit with message if not correct. c backspace (14) c c mesg = 'FIXED-DATE IRRIGATION' c if(irschd(1).eq.1)irdchk=irfsch c if(irschd(1).eq.2)irdchk=irffch c read (14,*) datver c if ( then c if (irsyst.eq.1) then write (6,5500) irfsch write (iout,5500) irfsch end if c else c end if c c call verchk(14,datver,irfchk,mesg,ver) c if (irsyst.eq.1) then ifsver = datver else iffver = datver end if c else c c assume that the 1st line is itemp c reset pointer to beginning of line and assume pre 93.005 c backspace (14) end if c read (14,*) itemp, jtemp, ktemp c if ( then write (6,2500) write (6,3300) close (unit=14) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 210 else if ( then write (6,2500) write (6,3400) close (unit=14) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 210 else if ( then write (6,2500) write (6,3200) close (unit=14) if (ibomb.eq.1) stop go to 210 end if end if end if c c Do not arbitrarily set ksflag to 0 for the case of rangeland c dcf 11/29/95 After repeated attempts to obtain information c from Tucson ARS group (Weltz, Kidwell) on whether or not to c keep these changes, changed back 3/5/97 - dcf if (lanuse(1).ne.1) ksflag = 0 c return c 1000 format (' ***NOTE***',/, 1 ' PRE CLIGEN 3.0 CLIMATE FILE, ASSUMING CLIGEN 2.3',/, 1 ' ASSUMING WIND DATA , DEW POINT TEMP. AVAILABLE') 1100 format ('***ERROR*** CLIMATE FILE OLDER THAN CLIGEN 2.3 ',/, 1 ' USE CLIGEN 2.3 OR GREATER') 1200 format (' *** WARNING *** ',/, 1 'CLIMATE FILE OLDER THAN CLIGEN 4.0 ',/, 1 ' UPDATE YOUR CLIMATE FILES USING CLIGEN 4.0 OR GREATER',/, 1 ' *** WARNING ***',/) 1300 format (//10x,'USDA WATER EROSION PREDICTION PROJECT',/,10x,37('-' 1 ),//,10x,'HILLSLOPE PROFILE AND WATERSHED MODEL',/,20x, 1 ' VERSION',1x,f9.3,/,10x,a17,1x,i4///,15x, 1 'TO REPORT PROBLEMS OR TO BE PUT ON THE MAILING',/,15x, 1 'LIST FOR FUTURE WEPP MODEL RELEASES, PLEASE CONTACT:',//,20x, 1 'WEPP TECHNICAL SUPPORT',/,20x, 1 'USDA-AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE',/,20x, 1 'NATIONAL SOIL EROSION RESEARCH LABORATORY',/,20x, 1 '1196 BUILDING SOIL, PURDUE UNIVERSITY',/,20x, 1 'WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47907-1196 USA',//,20x, 1 'PHONE: (765) 494-8673',/,20x, 1 ' FAX: (765) 494-5948',/,20x, 1 'email:',/,20x, 1 ' URL:' 1 ,//) 1400 format (5x,'HILLSLOPE INPUT DATA FILES - VERSION ',f7.3,/,5x,a17,1 1 x,i4//) 1500 format (5x,'HILLSLOPE/WATERSHED INPUT DATA FILES - VERSION ',f7.3, 1 /,5x,a17,1x,i4//) 1600 format (5x,'WATERSHED INPUT DATA FILES - VERSION ',f7.3,/,5x,a17,1 1 x,i4//) 1700 format (a15,1x,a50) 1800 format (a15,1x,a60,2(/16x,a60)) 1900 format (4x,a75,f5.2) 2000 format (a8) 2100 format (a16) 2200 format (a60) c 2000 format (a51) 2300 format (a75,f5.2) 2400 format (20x,i3,30x,i3) 2500 format (' ***ERROR***') 2600 format (/' *** MULTIPLE ELEMENTS WERE CHOSEN ***'/ 1 ' *** SLOPE FILE IS FOR A SINGLE ELEMENT ***'/) 2700 format (/' *** INCORRECT NUMBER OF ELEMENTS WERE CHOSEN ***'/ 1 ' *** SLOPE FILE IS FOR ',i2,' ELEMENTS ***'/) 2800 format (/' *** SINGLE STORM SIMULATION WAS CHOSEN ***'/ 1 ' *** CLIMATE FILE IS FOR CONTINUOUS SIMULATION'/) 2900 format (/' *** CONTINUOUS SIMULATION WAS CHOSEN ***'/ 1 ' *** CLIMATE FILE IS FOR SINGLE STORM SIMULATION'/) 3000 format (/' *** MULTIPLE ELEMENTS WERE CHOSEN ***'/ 1 ' *** SOIL FILE IS FOR A SINGLE ELEMENT ***'/) 3100 format (//' *** INCORRECT NUMBER OF ELEMENTS WERE CHOSEN ***'/ 1 ' *** SOIL FILE IS FOR ',i2,' ELEMENTS ***'/) 3200 format (/ 1 ' *** IRRIGATION FILE IS FOR INCORRECT NUMBER OF ELEMENTS', 1 ' ***'/) 3300 format (/' *** IRRIGATION FILE IS FOR THE WRONG SYSTEM TYPE ***'/) 3400 format (/ 1 ' *** IRRIGATION FILE IS FOR THE WRONG SCHEDULING SCHEME', 1 ' ***'/) 3500 format (' Crop Type # ',i2,' is ',a50) 3600 format (/,' Do you want rangeland plant outputs (y/n)? [N] -->') 3700 format (/,' Do you want rangeland animal outputs (y/n)? [N] -->') 3800 format (a1) 3900 format (' sdate rgc growth vdmt tlive ', 1 'slive rmagy sdead rmogt') 4000 format (' date yield utiliz tfood', 1 ' food suppmt totsup rsupp rtotsupp ') 4100 format (' Please enter the irrigation option',/, 1 ' ----------------------------------',/,' [0] no irrigation', 1 /,' 1 sprinkler, fixed date',/, 1 ' 2 sprinkler, depletion level',/, 1 ' 3 sprinkler, combination',/,' 4 furrow, fixed date', 1 /,' 5 furrow, depletion',/,' 6 furrow, combination' 1 /,' -----------------------------------',/, 1 ' Enter irrigation option [0]',/) 4200 format (/,' NO IRRIGATION SELECTED.',/) 4300 format (/2x,'SOLID-SET, SIDE-ROLL OR HAND-MOVE IRRIGATION SYSTEM ' 1 /2x,'HAS BEEN INDICATED.') 4400 format (/2x,'FURROW IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN INDICATED.') 4500 format (' SPRINKLER IRRIGATION OPTION') 4600 format (' FURROW IRRIGATION OPTION') 4700 format (' DEPLETION IRRIGATION: ',a50) 4800 format ('#DEPLETION IRRIGATION: ',a50) 4900 format (' FIXED DATE IRRIGATION: ',a50) 5000 format ('#FIXED DATE IRRIGATION: ',a50) c 4600 format (a) c 4700 format (/' *** THE NUMBER OF CHANNELS IN THE CHANNEL FILE ***'/ c 1 ' *** DIFFERS FROM THE WATERSHED STRUCTURE FILE ***'/) 5100 format (/' *** ERROR ***',/,a10,a20,' CURRENTLY NOT SUPPORTED ***' 1 /) 5200 format (' Invalid climate file, please check versions, must be', 1 ' version 2.3 or greater') 5300 format ('#',/, 1 '###########################################################', 1 /,'# This scenario was created using WEPP Version ',f7.3,/, 1 '# Contains Initial Condition and related Scenarios',/, 1 '# Management: ',a51,/,'# Climate: ',a51,/, 1 '# Soil: ',a51,/,'# Slope: ',a51,/, 1 '###########################################################') c4900 format (//'*** BEGINNING YEARS OF HILLSLOPE CLIMATE FILES ', c 1 ' ARE NOT THE SAME ***',//,'** SIMULATION STOPPED ***'//) 5400 format (/,' *** WARNING ***',/, 1 ' DEPLETION LEVEL SPRINKLER IRRIGATION FILE IS PRE ',f7.3, 1 ', nozzle factor set to 1.0',/, 1 ' *** WARNING ***',/) 5500 format (/,' *** WARNING ***',/, 1 ' FIXED DATE SPRINKLER IRRIGATION FILE PRE ',f7.3,', nozzle',/ 1 ,' factor set to 1.0',/,' *** WARNING ***',/) 5600 format (' *** WARNING ***',/,'IRRIGATION OPTION SET TO 0',/, 1 ' *** WARNING ***',/) 5700 format (i1) 5800 format (f6.3) 5900 format (' *** WARNING ***',/,' Rangeland inputs are pre-95.102', 1 ' format.',/,' PROGRAM STOPPED ',/,' *** WARNING ***',/) 6000 format (a80) 6100 format (' *** WARNING ***',/,'Error in residue management input ', 1 /,' *** WARNING ***',/) end