subroutine initd(iplane) c c initialize cumulative environmental indices from harvest c of the previous crop to January 1 (1st day of simulation) c with the following assumtions: c 1. use the calculated soil moisture (on January 1st) c for the entire period c 2. Temperatures are observed average monthly max and min values c 3. Rainfall is the observed average monthly c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c c include '' include '' include '' include '' c integer xmonth, iplane, i integer hdate, days, month, nc(13) real tave, envinx, fwatfc, opttmp, optwat, swatfc, t1, t2, tfc, 1 tmpfac data nc /0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 1 366/ c c initialize local variables c optwat = 0.35 tfc = 6.10 opttmp = 30.0 c c Added trap to prevent HDATE from going negative for situation c of a fallow period (or perennial crop with over 1 year since c harvest). This is probably not best fix - but it will give c one year of initialization for those situations. dcf 2/14/94 c if (dsharv(iplane).le.365) then hdate = 366 - dsharv(iplane) else hdate = 1 end if c month = xmonth(hdate) c do 10 i = month, 12 days = nc(i+1) - nc(i) tave = (obmaxt(i)+obmint(i)) / 2 c c if (obrain(i)/ then swatfc = obrain(i) / 4.0 else swatfc = 1.0 end if c c number of days of the first month c if (i.eq.month) then days = nc(i+1) - hdate end if c c Changed following equations in IF-ELSE to match those c in DECOMP.FOR. dcf 2/14/94 c if (soilw(1,iplane).lt.optwat) then fwatfc = (soilw(1,iplane)/dg(1,iplane)) / optwat else fwatfc = optwat / (soilw(1,iplane)/dg(1,iplane)) end if c c Determination of daily temperature factor c if ( then t1 = tave + tfc t1 = t1 * t1 t2 = opttmp + tfc t2 = t2 * t2 tmpfac = (2*t1*t2-t1*t1) / (t2*t2) else tmpfac = 0.0 end if c c Calculation of cumulative environmental index; separate indices c for standing, flat, and buried residues; later calculations for c roots use the same indice as the buried residues c envinx = min(swatfc,tmpfac) * days senvin(iplane) = senvin(iplane) + envinx envinx = min(fwatfc,tmpfac) * days fenvin(1,iplane) = fenvin(1,iplane) + envinx 10 continue benvin(1,iplane) = fenvin(1,iplane) c return end