subroutine input(imodel,ncrop,jstruc,nsurf,iwpass) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Reads in the management and soil data c from input data files. c c Called from subroutine CONTIN. c Author(s): Livingston, Ferris, Flanagan c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: This module not yet recoded. c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c real sdist(mxplan) integer imodel, ncrop, jstruc, nsurf, iwpass c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c imodel - c ncrop - c sdist - c jstruc - c nsurf - c iwpass - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c include '' c modify: chnx(mxplan,mxcseg),chnslp(mxplan,mxcseg) c include '' c modify: ctlslp(mxplan) include '' c modify: cntslp(mxplan),rowspc(mxplan),rowlen(mxplan), c rdghgt(mxplan) c include '' c modify: cancov(mxplan),inrcov(mxplan),rilcov(mxplan), c ntill(mxtlsq),lanuse(mxplan),daydis(mxplan) c include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: mfo(tiltyp,ntype),pltol(ntype),rmogt(mxres,mxplan), c rmagt(mxplan) c include '' c modify: cn(ntype),aca(ntype),cf(ntype),as(ntype),ar(ntype) c include '' c modify: gddmax(ntype),bbb(ntype),rdmax(ntype),rsr(ntype), c hmax(ntype) c include '' c modify: pltsp(ntype), diam(ntype) c include '' c include '' c modify: slplen(mxplan),xinput(101,mxplan) c include '' include '' c include '' c read: yldflg c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: sat(mxplan) c include '' c include '' c modify: imngmt(ntype),tmpmin(ntype),tmpmax(ntype),rtmmax(ntype), c fact(ntype) c include '' c modify: iridge(mxtlsq) c include '' c modify: bugs(ntype),cold(ntype) c include '' c modify: getmp(ntype),tempmn(ntype),pscday(ntype),ffp(ntype), c cf1(ntype),cf2(ntype),root10(ntype),rootf(ntype) c include '' c modify: shgt(ntype),spop(ntype),sdiam(ntype),scoeff(ntype) c include '' c modify: thgt(ntype),tpop(ntype),tdiam(ntype),tcoeff(ntype) c include '' c include '' c modify: rrinit(mxplan),rhinit(mxplan),bdtill(mxplan), c rfcum(mxplan) c include '' c modify: nslpts(mxplan),slpinp(mxslp,mxplan) c include '' c modify: xdel(100),xslp(100),fwidth(mxplan),itop,ninpts, c harea(mxhill),hslop,hleng c include '' c include '' c modify: iplane c include '' c include '' c modify: orgma1(mxnsl,mxplan), bd1(mxnsl,mxplan), rfg1(mxnsl,mxplan), c solth1(mxnsl,mxplan), ssc1(mxnsl,mxplan), sand1(mxnsl,mxplan), c clay1(mxnsl,mxplan), nslorg(mxplan) c include '' c modify: rro(tiltyp), rho(tiltyp), tdmean(tiltyp), c tildep(10,mxplan), typtil(10,mxplan), nrplt, nrdril, nrcul, c cltpos c include '' c modify: mdate(mxtill,tlsq) c include '' c modify: ssc(mxnsl,mxplan), salb(mxplan) c include '' c modify: azm(mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real rint, ddg(mxnsl), bd2(mxnsl), ssc2(mxnsl), thetf2(mxnsl), 1 thetd2(mxnsl), sand2(mxnsl), clay2(mxnsl), orgma2(mxnsl), 1 cec2(mxnsl), rfg2(mxnsl), del, dep, ksinv(mxnsl), slayth, 1 hslope,sleng,yy(mxslp),avslp,totthk,thkadd integer i, j, k, l, iout, ibdf(mxnsl), ithf(mxnsl), ithd(mxnsl), 1 issc(mxnsl), iii, iiii, n , km character*20 slid, texid c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c i - c j - c k - c l - c iplant - id for plant type (1 - crop, 2 - range vegetation) c iout - c slid - c texid - c rint - c totthk - total thickness of soil profile c thkadd - amount to add to lowest soil layer if totthk is less c than 0.2m c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c irinpt c profil c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c if (imodel.eq.2) iout = 32 if ( iout = 31 if (ivers.eq.3) iout = 38 c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c CROP GROWTH PARAMETERS READ IN INFILE SJL 12/15/92 c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c if (yldflg.eq.1) write (46,1000) c for the number(nsurf) of surface effect scenarios do 30, i = 1, nsurf if (lantyp(i).eq.1) then c c c ASSIGN CROPLAND TILLAGE values based on operation pointer(op(j,i)) c for the number of tillage operations(j) in each surface c effect scenario(i) c do 20 j = 1, ntill(i) rro(j,i) = rro1(op(j,i)) rho(j,i) = rho1(op(j,i)) rint = rint1(op(j,i)) tdmean(j,i) = tdmea1(op(j,i)) surdis(j,i) = surdi1(op(j,i)) resman(j,i)=resma1(op(j,i)) c if(,i).le.4)then c pre 98.3 management code do 10, k = 1, ncrop if (mfocod(k).eq.1) then mfo(j,i,k) = mfo11(op(j,i)) rmfo(j,i,k) = rmfo1(op(j,i)) else mfo(j,i,k) = mfo21(op(j,i)) rmfo(j,i,k) = rmfo2(op(j,i)) end if 10 continue else c New residue management code for management files >= 98.3 c residue addition operation performed with no disturbance c iresad=index of residue type c resad=amount of residue added (kg/m^2) c if(resman(j,i).eq.10.or.resman(j,i).eq.12)then iresad(j,i)=iresa1(op(j,i)) resad(j,i)=resad1(op(j,i)) end if c c residue removal operation performed c if(resman(j,i).eq.11.or.resman(j,i).eq.13) 1 frmove(j,i)=frmov1(op(j,i)) c do 15, k = 1, ncrop if (mfocod(k).eq.1) then c tillage intensity for non-fragile residue on interrill areas c c no surface disturbance if(resman(j,i).eq.10.or.resman(j,i).eq.11)then mfo(j,i,k)=0.0 rmfo(j,i,k) = 0.0 c c surface disturbance c else if(resman(j,i).le.4.or.resman(j,i).ge.12)then mfo(j,i,k) = mfo11(op(j,i)) rmfo(j,i,k) = rmfo1(op(j,i)) end if else c tillage intensity for fragile residue on interrill areas c c no surface disturbance if(resman(j,i).eq.10.or.resman(j,i).eq.11)then mfo(j,i,k)=0.0 rmfo(j,i,k) = 0.0 c surface disturbance else if(resman(j,i).le.4.or.resman(j,i).ge.12)then mfo(j,i,k) = mfo21(op(j,i)) rmfo(j,i,k) = rmfo2(op(j,i)) end if end if 15 continue end if c c TDMEAN NOT YET USED REPLACED WITH TMP TO SAVE SPACE c RINT ONLY USED HERE SO REDUCED (ARRAY NOT NEEDED) c 1 RINT(J, I), TDMEAN(J, I), (MFO(J, I, K), K = 1, NCROP) c IF(J.GT.1) THEN c IF(MDATE(J,I).LE.MDATE(J-1,I)) MDATE(J,I)=MDATE(J-1,I)+1 c ENDIF c c TO IDENTIFY IF THE TILLAGE SYSTEM IS A RIDGE FALLOW SYSTEM c c print,' INPUT rro= ',rro(j,i) c print,' INPUT rho= ',rho(j,i) c print,' INPUT j= ',j c print,' INPUT i= ',i c c PROBLEM WITH RINT - REAL NUMBER BUT CHECKING FOR EQUALITY TO c INTEGER 1 CHANGED CODE 9/20/91 DCF c c 1 RINT .EQ. 1) THEN c 1 RINT(J, I) .EQ. 1) THEN c c MARK RISSE IDENTIFIED A PROBLEM WITH THESE NEW LIMITS - IF THE USER c DID NOT REALLY WANT TO DENOTE A SYSTEM AS A RIDGE TILLAGE ONE - c IT MIGHT GET SET TO ONE ANYWAY IF ALL CONDITIONS MET FOR ONE OF c THE TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS IN A SEQUENCE - DCF 2/10/92 c if (iridge(i).eq.0.and.rho(j,i).ge.0.10.and.( 1 then iridge(i) = 1 end if c print,' INPUT iridge= ',iridge(i) 20 continue end if c c ...NO OTHER LAND TYPES HAVE SURFACE DISTURBANCES YET c 30 continue c c NUMOF AND CLTPOS ARE READ IN INFILE, NOT CURRENTLY USED IN c MODEL, THEREFORE NOT DIMENSIONED. c c READ IN CONTOUR SETS c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c CONTOUR VALUES READ IN INFILE (SJL) c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c THE CALL TO IRINPT MUST BE OUT OF THE 500 LOOP JEF 4/12/91 c c IMODEL REMOVED FROM IRINPT CALL c OLD c c IF (IRSYST .NE. 0) CALL IRINPT( IMODEL, IPLANT) c NEW c nplane = jstruc c if ( call irinpt(iplant(1)) c hslope = 0.0 c do 110 iplane = 1, nplane c c********************* SLOPE INPUT ************************* c c azm and fwidth dimensioned and read for hillslope c profile (hillslope and hillslope/watershed versions) c and for each plane or channel (watershed version) c if (ivers.eq.3) then call eatcom(10) read (10,*) azm(iplane), fwidth(iplane) else if (iplane.eq.1) then call eatcom(10) read (10,*) azm(1), fwidth(1) else azm(iplane) = azm(1) fwidth(iplane) = fwidth(1) end if end if c call eatcom(10) read (10,*) nslpts(iplane), slplen(iplane) c call eatcom(10) read (10,*) (xinput(l,iplane),slpinp(l,iplane),l = 1, 1 nslpts(iplane)) c if (ivers.eq.3) then sleng = xinput(nslpts(iplane),iplane) yy(nslpts(iplane)) = 0.0 do 11 k = 1, nslpts(iplane) - 1 km = nslpts(iplane) - k yy(km) = yy(km+1) + (xinput(km+1,iplane)- 1 xinput(km,iplane)) * (slpinp(km,iplane)+ 1 slpinp(km+1,iplane)) / 2.0 11 continue avslp = yy(1) / sleng c write (38,*) 'avslp = ',avslp c c save last slope segment if icntrl = 0 c if(icntrl(iplane).eq.0) then slplst = slpinp(nslpts(iplane),iplane) end if c c set the slope of each segment to the average slope of the c channel do 35 l = 1,nslpts(iplane) chnx(iplane,l) = xinput(l,iplane) * slplen(iplane) chnslp(iplane,l) = avslp c c watershed bombs when slope=0.0 c if(chnslp(iplane,l).le.0) 1 chnslp(iplane,l)=0.0001 35 continue c end if c c sdist(iplane) = xinput(nslpts(iplane),iplane) c call profil(iplane) c if ( then totlen(iplane) = totlen(iplane-1) + slplen(iplane) else totlen(iplane) = slplen(iplane) end if c if ((iwpass.eq.1).or.(ivers.eq.2)) then hslope = hslope + (avgslp(iplane) * slplen(iplane)) if (iplane.eq.nplane) then harea(ihill) = fwidth(1) * totlen(iplane) hleng = totlen(iplane) hslop = hslope / totlen(iplane) end if end if c c********************** SOIL INPUT ************************* c c LINE 1: SOIL NAME, SOIL TEXTURE, NO. SOIL LAYERS, SOIL c ALBEDO, EFFECTIVE RELATIVE SATURATION, KI, KR c c LINE 2 TO NO. SOIL LAYERS: THICKNESS OF SOIL LAYER, BULK c DENSITY, SATURATED COND., AVAILABLE WATER, WILTING PT, c % SAND, SILT, CLAY, ORG MATTER, SOIL CONSTANT, ROCK FRAGMENTS, c UPPER LIMIT FOR CROP ROUTINES (UL4) c c ... SOIL DATA c call eatcom(11) c c Don't read in AVKE (effective hydraulic conductivity of c surface soil) if pre V94.1 or superuser c if ( then read (11,*) slid, texid, nslorg(iplane), salb(iplane), 1 sat(iplane), ki(iplane), kr(iplane), shcrit(iplane) else c c Read in AVKE if v94.1 or greater. This value will be c passed to subroutine TILAGE to set the ssc values for c soil layers 1 and 2. c read (11,*) slid, texid, nslorg(iplane), salb(iplane), 1 sat(iplane), ki(iplane), kr(iplane), shcrit(iplane), 1 avke(iplane) c c Convert input value of effective conductivity from mm/h to m/s c avke(iplane) = avke(iplane) / 3.6e6 c end if c c c Initialize ddg, ssc2, ..., error reported in SalfordFTN95, sjl do 39 i=1,mxnsl ibdf(i) = 0 issc(i) = 0 ithf(i) = 0 ithd(i) = 0 thetd2(i) = 0.0 orgma2(i) = 0.0 cec2(i) = 0.0 clay2(i) = 0.0 sand2(i) = 0.0 thetf2(i) = 0.0 bd2(i) = 0.0 ssc2(i) = 0.0 rfg2(i) = 0.0 ddg(i) = 0.0 ksinv(i) = 0.0 39 continue c Write soil information to the top of the erosion summary c output file. c if ( write (iout,1200) if (solwpv.eq.7777.and.iplane.eq.1) write (iout,1300) c if ( write (iout,1100) iplane, slid, texid if (ivers.eq.3) write (iout,1150) iplane, slid, texid c if (nslorg(iplane).gt.mxnsl-1) nslorg(iplane) = mxnsl - 1 if (sat(iplane).gt.0.95) sat(iplane) = 0.95 c totthk=0.0 do 40 i = 1, nslorg(iplane) call eatcom(11) if ( then read (11,*) solth1(i,iplane), bd2(i), ssc2(i), thetf2(i), 1 thetd2(i), sand2(i), clay2(i), orgma2(i), cec2(i), 1 rfg2(i) else read (11,*) solth1(i,iplane), sand2(i), clay2(i), 1 orgma2(i), cec2(i), rfg2(i) end if c totthk=totthk+solth1(i,iplane) if(i.eq.nslorg(iplane))then if( thkadd=200.0 - totthk write(6,1400)totthk,iplane,i,solth1(i,iplane),thkadd solth1(i,iplane) = solth1(i,iplane) + thkadd end if end if 1400 format(/,' *** WARNING ***',/,' INCORRECT SOIL THICKNESS',/, 1 ' TOTAL SOIL THICKNESS WAS ',f5.1,'mm', 1 ' ON OFE ',i2,'-- THICKNESS MUST BE >= 200.0mm',/, 1 ' THE BOTTOM LAYER (LAYER ',i2,') HAS BEEN CHANGED from ', 1 f5.1,'mm to ',f5.1,'mm',/,' *** WARNING ***',/) c c Reset pre-94.1 values to 0.0, set 94.1+ values, and c leave 77770 (superuser) values alone. c if ( then bd2(i) = 0.0 ssc2(i) = 0.0 thetf2(i) = 0.0 thetd2(i) = 0.0 end if c if (solth1(i,iplane).gt.1800.0) solth1(i,iplane) = 1800.0 c c ... INITIALIZE AVAILABLE WATER CONTENT PER SOIL LAYER AT THE c BEGINNING OF SIMULATIONS ... c c SET THE UPPER AND LOWER LIMITS TO INPUT c c c NEUTERING OF KSAT CHANGES - prevent input Ks value from being c too small (LESS THAN 0.07 mm/h) dcf 6/3/93 if (ssc2(i).lt.0.07) ssc2(i) = 0.07 c if (orgma2(i).gt.10.) orgma2(i) = 10. if ((bd2(i).lt.0.8).and.(bd2(i).gt.0.00)) bd2(i) = 0.8 if (bd2(i).gt.2.0) bd2(i) = 2.0 if (rfg2(i).gt.50.0) rfg2(i) = 50. c c CONVERT SOIL THICKNESS (SOLTHK) FROM MM TO METERS. c bd2(i) = bd2(i) * 1000. solth1(i,iplane) = solth1(i,iplane) * .001 c c CONVERT MM/HR TO M/SEC c ssc2(i) = ssc2(i) / 3.6e6 c c CONVERT INPUT TO DECIMAL c sand2(i) = sand2(i) / 100.0 clay2(i) = clay2(i) / 100.0 orgma2(i) = orgma2(i) / 100.0 rfg2(i) = rfg2(i) / 100. 40 continue ddg(1) = solth1(1,iplane) c c Following section added to limit initial frost and thaw c depths to the soil thickness (max of 1.8 meters). Savabi c originally had code to limit in INFILE, but did not know c soil depth at that point. dcf 11/25/96 c Additionally changed so that if thaw depth is entered as c deeper than the soil thickness, both thaw depth and frost c depth are reset to zero. dcf 3/17/97 if(frdp(iplane).gt.solth1(nslorg(iplane),iplane)) 1 frdp(iplane) = solth1(nslorg(iplane),iplane) if(thdp(iplane).gt.solth1(nslorg(iplane),iplane))then thdp(iplane) = 0.0 frdp(iplane) = 0.0 endif c End new section to limit initial frost/thaw depths dcf c do 50 i = 2, nslorg(iplane) ddg(i) = solth1(i,iplane) - solth1(i-1,iplane) 50 continue c slayth = 0.20 dep = 0.0 c c WARNING: Following 3 do loops (60,70,90) must be kept as c separate loops and not combined do 60 i = 1, mxnsl - 1 dep = dep + slayth iii = nint(dep*1000.0) iiii = nint(solth1(nslorg(iplane),iplane)*1000.0) if (iii.le.iiii) n = i 60 continue dep = 0.0 c do 70 i = 1, n dep = dep + slayth solth1(i,iplane) = dep ksinv(i) = 0.0 70 continue nslorg(iplane) = n j = 1 c do 90 i = 1, nslorg(iplane) del = slayth ibdf(i) = 0 issc(i) = 0 ithf(i) = 0 ithd(i) = 0 80 if (ddg(j).le.del) then c c The following IF statements for bd1, ssc1, thetf1, thetd1 c maintain the integrity of user input zero values. Without c them, the averaged values may be much too small because of c user input zero values, but the model will not recognize c that the values must be calculated. This also means that c the user should use a minimum top layer thickness of 200 mm c if the model is to recognize the user input K-sat values. c if (bd2(j).lt.0.001) then ibdf(i) = 1 else bd1(i,iplane) = bd1(i,iplane) + (ddg(j)/slayth) * bd2(j) end if c if (ssc2(j).lt.2.0e-8) then issc(i) = 1 else c NOTE that ssc uses a geometric rather than arithmetic mean ksinv(i) = ksinv(i) + (ddg(j)/ssc2(j)) end if c if (thetf2(j).lt.0.00001) then ithf(i) = 1 else thetf1(i,iplane) = thetf1(i,iplane) + (ddg(j)/slayth) * 1 thetf2(j) end if c if (thetd2(j).lt.0.00001) then ithd(i) = 1 else thetd1(i,iplane) = thetd1(i,iplane) + (ddg(j)/slayth) * 1 thetd2(j) end if c sand1(i,iplane) = sand1(i,iplane) + ((ddg(j)/slayth)* 1 sand2(j)) clay1(i,iplane) = clay1(i,iplane) + ((ddg(j)/slayth)* 1 clay2(j)) orgma1(i,iplane) = orgma1(i,iplane) + (ddg(j)/slayth) * 1 orgma2(j) cec1(i,iplane) = cec1(i,iplane) + ((ddg(j)/slayth)*cec2(j)) rfg1(i,iplane) = rfg1(i,iplane) + ((ddg(j)/slayth)*rfg2(j)) del = del - ddg(j) c if (abs(del).le.0.001) then j = j + 1 go to 90 else j = j + 1 go to 80 end if c else c if (bd2(j).lt.0.001) then ibdf(i) = 1 else bd1(i,iplane) = bd1(i,iplane) + (del/slayth) * bd2(j) end if c if (ssc2(j).lt.2.0e-8) then issc(i) = 1 else ksinv(i) = ksinv(i) + (del/ssc2(j)) end if c if (thetf2(j).lt.0.00001) then ithf(i) = 1 else thetf1(i,iplane) = thetf1(i,iplane) + (del/slayth) * 1 thetf2(j) end if c if (thetd2(j).lt.0.00001) then ithd(i) = 1 else thetd1(i,iplane) = thetd1(i,iplane) + (del/slayth) * 1 thetd2(j) end if c sand1(i,iplane) = sand1(i,iplane) + ((del/slayth)*sand2(j)) clay1(i,iplane) = clay1(i,iplane) + ((del/slayth)*clay2(j)) orgma1(i,iplane) = orgma1(i,iplane) + (del/slayth) * 1 orgma2(j) cec1(i,iplane) = cec1(i,iplane) + ((del/slayth)*cec2(j)) rfg1(i,iplane) = rfg1(i,iplane) + ((del/slayth)*rfg2(j)) ddg(j) = ddg(j) - del c if (abs(ddg(j)).le.0.001) then j = j + 1 go to 90 else continue end if c end if c 90 continue c c The following loop (100) must be outside the previous loop (90) c or there will be errors for certain cases of averaging c do 100 i = 1, nslorg(iplane) if (ibdf(i).eq.1) bd1(i,iplane) = 0.00 c if (issc(i).eq.1) then ssc1(i,iplane) = 0.07 / 3.6e6 else ssc1(i,iplane) = slayth / ksinv(i) end if c if (ithf(i).eq.1) thetf1(i,iplane) = 0.0 if (ithd(i).eq.1) thetd1(i,iplane) = 0.0 100 continue c c MOVED the following lines of CODE from subroutine INFILE, since c values for ssc1 are not read in until this point. c dcf 11/17/93 c ... SATURATED CONDUCTIVITY FOR THE SINGLE STORM VERSION c if (imodel.eq.2) ks(iplane) = ssc1(1,iplane) c c prevent tillage depths from being greater c than the depths of the soil profile. c tillay(1,iplane) = 0.1 tillay(2,iplane) = 0.2 if (tillay(2,iplane).gt.solth1(nslorg(iplane),iplane)) 1 tillay(2,iplane) = solth1(nslorg(iplane),iplane) c if (tillay(1,iplane).gt.solth1(nslorg(iplane),iplane)) 1 tillay(1,iplane) = solth1(nslorg(iplane),iplane) c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c MANAGEMENT INITIAL CONDITION INFO READ IN INFILE AS OF VER 92.4 c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 110 continue c close (10) close (11) c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c DRAINAGE INPUT IN INFILE SJL c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c return c 1000 format (/,' Yields Through the Simulation Period: ',/) 1100 format (6x,'PLANE',i3,1x,2a20) 1150 format (6x,'CHANNEL',i3,1x,2a20) 1200 format (/,' *** WARNING ***',/,' SOIL FILE FORMAT IS PRE-94.1',/, 1 ' Model will recalculate soil layer values', 1 ' for BD, conductivity,',/, 1 ' thetfc, thetdr, and will adjust hydraulic', 1 ' conductivity with time',/,' *** WARNING ***',/) 1300 format (/,' *** CAUTION ***',/,' SOIL FILE FORMAT IS NON-STANDARD' 1 ,' WEPP ',/, 1 ' User is solely responsible for entering CORRECT ',/, 1 ' values for BD, SSC, THETFC, THETDR',/,' *** CAUTION ***',/) end