subroutine irrig( i iiyear,imodel,nowcrp,pkrmax,runmax) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subprogram determines if irrigation is available and if so, c reads parameters for the type of irrigation available and passes c control to the proper subprogram(s). c c Called from CONTIN c Author(s): E. R. Kottwitz. c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 12 c c Changes: c 1) Restructured code to eliminate embedded GOTO's. c 2) Introduced TMPVR1 to eliminated some repeated calculations. c 3) Made changes by Kottwitz, as indicated by ~kottwitz/JUNE.MOD1. c (Caused no changes in results from TEST6-10 & TEST18-20.) c E. Kottwitz; December, 1994; changes 4 and 5 c 4) Added iiyear to argument list, declaration, and definition. c All occurrences of the variable year replaced with iiyear. c 5) Modified L1 if statement to include imodel. If user specifies c single event run with irrigation, the model assumes irrigation c is to occur instead of checking dates. This eliminates the c need to make the dates of the climate and irrigation files c coincide. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 93.06. c Date recoded: 06/06/93 - 06/17/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer iiyear,imodel,nowcrp(mxplan) real pkrmax,runmax c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c iiyear - simulation year (iiyear = 1 for the first year of the c simulation) c imodel - single storm or continuous simulation flag c nowcrp - number of current crop c pkrmax - maximum of the peak runoff rates of the overland flow c elements making up the equivalent plane (m/s) c runmax - maximum of the runoff values of the overland flow c elements making up the equivalent plane (m) c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: ioutas,ioutpt include '' c read ' include '' c modify: tr, r, rr include '' c modify: nf include '' c read: dur c include '' c read: ip c include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) c include '' c read: rain(mxplan), effdrn(mxplan), stmdur c include '' c read: deplev(mxplan),iramt c modify: depsev,irbeg(mxplan),irend(mxplan),yrbeg(mxplan), c yrend(mxplan) c include '' c modify: irday(mxplan),iryr(mxplan) c include '' c read: filrat(mxplan) c modify: depsrg(mxplan),endpln(mxplan),florat(mxplan), c qspply(mxsrg),splyvm,surges(mxplan),tend(mxsrg), c timest(mxplan),tstart(mxsrg) c write: endofe,infvlm(mxplan),irapld(mxplan),surge,timtot c include '' c modify: irdept(mxplan),irofe,irschd(mxplan),irsyst,noirr c write: irfrac c include '' c read: aprati(mxplan),nozzle(mxplan) c modify: irdur,irint(mxplan),irrate(mxplan) c write: noirr2(mxplan) c include '' c read: ks(mxplan) c include '' c read: norain(mxplan) c include '' c read: nplane c modify: iplane c include '' c modify: ncommm,ncommt,ncommy,nirrm,nirrt,nirry,tirrm, c tirrt,tirry c include '' c modify yirrig include '' c read: mon,sdate c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer i,irtemp,ofeflg real dpsvmx,liramt,minks,pkint,rwdth,totlen real tmpvr1 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c i - do loop counter c irtemp - variable used to determine whether all irrigations have c been completed c ofeflg - overland flow element flag which is compared to current c overland flow element being processed c dpsvmx - variable for use with non-uniform hydrology, the maximum c of the values calculated for the variable DEPSEV for the c current day of simulation (m/m) c liramt - previously determined irrigation depth c minks - minimum ks(mxplan) for all planes c pkint - peak intensity of a rainfall event, used to determine if c furrow irrigation is allowed (m/s) c rwdth - row width of overland flow element into which water is c introduced (m) c totlen - total length of profile (m) c c + + + SAVES + + + save liramt c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c deplet c furrow c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + data liramt/0.0/ c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + 2010 format( 1/2x,'Lines of data in the fixed date irrigation scheduling file' 2/2x,'are in the incorrect order. Irrigations will not occur as' 3/2x,'planned.'/) 2020 format( 1/2x,'Lines of data in the depletion level irrigation scheduling' 2/2x,'file are in the incorrect order. Irrigations will not occur' 3/2x,'as planned.'/) c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ********************************************************************** c * (NOTE from E. R. Kottwitz explaining variable IRSCHD:) * c * * c * The variable IRSCHD(MXPLAN) keeps track of the irrigation sched- * c * duling option for each OFE. The model expects IRSCHD(MXPLAN) * c * values to equal 0, 1, 2, or 3. A value of 0 should be read from * c * the management file if IRSYST=0. If IRSYST is not equal to 0 * c * then a value of 1, 2, or 3 should be read from the management * c * file. * c * * c * 1 = depletion level scheduling is used. * c * 2 = fixed date scheduling is used. * c * 3 = both depletion level and fixed date scheduling are used * c * (combination scheduling). * c * * c * If IRSCHD(n)=1 ... * c * and the model finds no more depletion level periods for OFE n, * c * then IRSCHD(n) is set to 0 (no irrigation for OFE n). * c * * c * If IRSCHD(n)=2 ... * c * and the model finds no more fixed date irrigations for OFE n, * c * IRSCHD(n) is set to 0 (no irrigation for OFE n). * c * * c * If IRSCHD(n)=3 ... * c * and the model finds no more depletion level periods for OFE n, * c * IRSCHD(n) is set equal to 2 (fixed date scheduling for OFE n). * c * * c * and the model finds that no more fixed date irrigations exist * c * for OFE n, then IRSCHD(n) is set to 1 (depletion level * c * scheduling for OFE n). * c ********************************************************************** c c Initialize/reinititialize variables c noirr = 0 irofe = 0 do 10 iplane = 1, nplane irdept(iplane) = 0.0 irint(iplane) = 0.0 10 continue irdur = 0.0 c c --- Initialize sprinkler irrigation variables if(irsyst.eq.1)then do 20 iplane = 1, nplane noirr2(iplane) = 0 20 continue c c --- Initialize furrow irrigation variables else totlen = 0.0 splyvm = 0.0 minks = 1.0 do 30 iplane = 1 , nplane infvlm(iplane) = 0.0 irapld(iplane) = 0.0 totlen = totlen+slplen(iplane) minks = min(minks,ks(iplane)) 30 continue endif c c This section checks whether all irrigations have been completed c irtemp = 0 do 40 iplane = 1, nplane irtemp = max(irtemp,irschd(iplane)) 40 continue c c *** X0 IF *** c If the following is true then all irrigations were completed c earlier but the model needed variable reinitializations above c if(irtemp.eq.0)then irsyst = 0 c c *** X0 ELSE *** else c c c ----- FIXED DATE SCHEDULING ----- c For given scheduling routine determine if irrigation occurs now c c ---- Loop through the planes do 50 iplane = 1, nplane c *** L0 IF *** if(irschd(iplane).ge.2)then c c *** L1 IF *** c ---- If irrigation occurs today or single event simulation if((sdate.eq.irday(iplane) .and. iiyear.eq.iryr(iplane)) 1 .or. imodel.eq.2)then c c *** L2 IF *** c ---- If solid-set, side-roll or handmove irrig. system is c available.... if(irsyst.eq.1)then noirr = 2 noirr2(iplane) = 1 c c fixed date sprinkler file less than currently available c version if( read(14,*)irint(iplane),irdept(iplane) nozzle(iplane)=1.0 write(31,1000)irfsch else read(14,*)irint(iplane),irdept(iplane),nozzle(iplane) endif read(14,*)ofeflg,irday(iplane),iryr(iplane) if(,2010) c c This next line of code sets irofe equal to the first OFE c irrigated. Each irrigated OFE might have different c operating parameters. The calculation of r5 (in SR c CONTIN) can not be done properly until r5 is modified to c include the array dimension mxplan. ERK 6-1-93. c if(irofe.eq.0)irofe = iplane c c *** L2 ELSE *** c ---- Furrow irrigation system is available else irofe = iplane noirr = 2 read(14,*)surges(iplane) c do 60 i = 1, surges(iplane) read(14,*)qspply(i),tstart(i),tend(i) splyvm = splyvm+qspply(i)*(tend(i)-tstart(i)) if(ivers.eq.3) then if (i.eq.1) then k = 1 tr(k) = tstart(i) r(k) = qspply(i) rr(k) = 0 else k = k + 1 if(tstart(i).eq.tend(i-1)) then tr(k) = tstart(i) r(k) = qspply(i) rr(k) = rr(k-1) + r(k-1)*(tr(k)-tr(k-1)) else tr(k) = tend(i-1) r(k) = 0 rr(k) = rr(k-1) + r(k-1)*(tr(k)-tr(k-1)) k = k + 1 tr(k) = tstart(i) r(k) = qspply(i) rr(k) = rr(k-1) + r(k-1)*(tr(k)-tr(k-1)) end if end if end if 60 continue if(ivers.eq.3) then k = k + 1 tr(k) = tend(surges(iplane)) r(k) = 0 rr(k) = rr(k-1) + r(k-1)*(tr(k)-tr(k-1)) nf = k end if c read(14,*)ofeflg,irday(iplane),iryr(iplane) if(ofeflg .ne. iplane)write(6,2010) c c ---- Skip irrigation if rainfall occurs and the peak c intensity is greater than the saturated hydraulic c conductivity or rainfall exceeded 1 mm. c if(rain(iplane).le.0.0001)then pkint = 0.0 else pkint = rain(iplane)/stmdur*ip endif c if((norain(iplane).eq.1 .and. .or. 1 (rain(iplane).gt.0.001))then irofe = 0 noirr = 0 endif c c *** L2 ENDIF *** endif c c Check for no more fixed date irrigations c if(irday(iplane) .eq. 0)then if(irschd(iplane) .eq. 3)then irschd(iplane) = 1 else irschd(iplane) = 0 endif endif c c *** L1 ENDIF *** endif c c *** L0 ENDIF *** endif 50 continue c c ----- DEPLETION LEVEL SCHEDULING ----- c dpsvmx = 0.0 iramt = 0.0 c c ---- Loop through the planes do 70 iplane = 1, nplane c c *** M0 IF *** if(irschd(iplane).ne.2)then c c *** M1 IF *** if((yrbeg(iplane).le.iiyear) .and. (irbeg(iplane).le.sdate) 2 .and. (yrend(iplane).ge.iiyear) 3 .and. (irend(iplane).ge.sdate))then c c *** M2 IF *** c If a fixed date irrigation does not occur then calculate c depletion level c if(noirr.eq.0)then c c *** M3 IF *** c Call subprogram DEPLET if (1) a sprinkle irrigation c system exists or (2) a furrow irrigation system exists c and no rain occurs for the current simulation day. c if(irsyst.eq.1 .or. 1 (irsyst.eq.2 .and. norain(iplane).eq.0))then liramt = iramt call deplet c c *** M4 IF *** c If the following is true then an irrigation will occur c if( dpsvmx = max(dpsvmx,depsev) c c *** M5 IF *** c If the current plane has the greatest value for c depsev then this plane will be irrigated (unless a c later plane has a still greater value for depsev) c if(dpsvmx.eq.depsev)then irofe = iplane noirr = 1 c c If the following is true then calculate solid-set, c side-roll, or hand-move irrigaion system parameters. c Otherwise calculate furrow irrigation system c parameters c if(irsyst.eq.1)then irdept(iplane) = iramt irint(iplane) = irrate(iplane) noirr2(iplane) = 1 else tstart(1) = 0.0 tend(1) = 86400.0 timtot = timest(iplane) endofe = endpln(iplane) surge = depsrg(iplane) qspply(1) = florat(iplane) endif c c *** M5 ENDIF *** endif c c *** M4 ELSE *** else iramt = liramt c c *** M4 ENDIF *** endif c c *** M3 ENDIF *** endif c c *** M2 ENDIF *** endif c c *** M1 ENDIF *** endif c c *** M0 ENDIF *** endif 70 continue c c *********************************************************** c * If irrigation occurs, determine irrigation parameters * c *********************************************************** c c *** P0 IF *** c ---- If a depletion level or scheduled irrigation occurs.... if( c c *** P1 IF *** c ---- If a furrow irrigation system is used.... if(irsyst.eq.2)then irfrac = 1.0 call furrow(imodel,nowcrp,pkrmax,runmax,rwdth) irdur = effdrn(irofe) c c *** P1 ELSE *** c ---- If a furrow irrigation system is NOT used.... else c c ---- Determine irrigation parameters specifically for c sprinkler irrigation systems irdur = irdept(irofe)/irint(irofe) if( irdur = 86400.0 irdept(irofe) = irdur*irint(irofe) endif c if(rain(iplane)+irdept(irofe).gt.0.5)then irdept(irofe) = 0.5 - rain(iplane) irdur = irdept(irofe)/irint(irofe) endif c c *** P1 ENDIF *** endif c c This section is common to all irrigation systems but used only c if an irrigation occurs c c If the following is true then the supply rate is too low and c the model will continue without irrigation. c Note: NOIRR would have been changed in SR FURADV c c *** Q1 IF *** if( nirrt = nirrt+1 nirry = nirry+1 nirrm = nirrm+1 c if(irsyst.eq.1)then tmpvr1 = irdept(irofe)*1000.0 tirrt = tirrt+tmpvr1 tirry = tirry+tmpvr1 tirrm = tirrm+tmpvr1 if(ioutpt.eq.3.and.ioutas.eq.1)yirig=yirig+tmpvr1 else tmpvr1 = splyvm*1000.0/(totlen*rwdth) tirrt = tirrt+tmpvr1 tirry = tirry+tmpvr1 tirrm = tirrm+tmpvr1 if(ioutpt.eq.3.and.ioutas.eq.1)yirig=yirig+tmpvr1 endif c c XXX Changed from using NORAIN to using PRCP dcf 6/3/94 c if(norain.eq.1)then if( ncommt = ncommt+1 ncommy = ncommy+1 ncommm = ncommm+1 endif c c *** Q1 ENDIF *** endif c c *** P0 ENDIF *** endif c c *** X0 ENDIF *** endif c c Read in new operating parameters for depletion level scheduling c do 80 iplane = 1, nplane c c *** N1 IF *** if(irschd(iplane).ne.2)then c c *** N2 IF *** c If current day is the last day of a depletion level c scheduling period then read parameters for next period c if(yrend(iplane).eq.iiyear .and. irend(iplane).eq.sdate)then c c *** N3 IF *** if(irsyst.eq.1)then c c Solid-set, side-roll, or hand-move irrigation system c read(15,*)ofeflg,irrate(iplane),aprati(iplane), 1 deplev(iplane),nozzle(iplane),irbeg(iplane), 2 yrbeg(iplane),irend(iplane),yrend(iplane) if(,2020) c c *** N3 ELSE *** c ---- Furrow irrigation system else c read(15,*)ofeflg,endpln(iplane),florat(iplane), 1 timest(iplane),depsrg(iplane),filrat(iplane), 2 deplev(iplane),irbeg(iplane),yrbeg(iplane), 3 irend(iplane),yrend(iplane) if(depsrg(iplane).gt.6)depsrg(iplane) = 6 if(depsrg(iplane).eq.3)depsrg(iplane) = 4 c c *** N3 ENDIF *** endif c c Check for no more depletion level scheduling periods c if(irbeg(iplane).eq.0)then if(irschd(iplane).eq.3)then irschd(iplane) = 2 else irschd(iplane) = 0 endif endif c c *** N2 ENDIF *** endif c c *** N1 IF *** endif 80 continue c return 1000 format(/ 1,' *** WARNING ***',/, 1' FIXED DATE SPRINKLER IRRIGATION ', 1'FILE PRE ',f7.3,', nozzle factor set to 1.0',/, 1' *** WARNING ***',/) end