subroutine irs(xmxint,imodel,nowcrp,wmelt,ibrkpt,iuprun,runmax, 1 pkrmax,pkefdn,effdrr) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Controls the hydrologic routing. c c Called from CONTIN. c Author(s): Stone c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Parameter QOUT (4th) not used. Deleted. c 2) Parameter order changed to conform to coding convention. c IUPRUN (2nd) & EFFLEN (3rd) moved after NBEG; RUNMAX c (6th), PKRMAX (7th), & PKEFDN (8th) moved after EFFLEN; c and EFFDUR (11th) moved after PKEFDN. c 3) Parameter order and/or number changed in calls to: c RDAT, ROCHEK, & EPLANE. c 4) Common blocks CNTOUR, ROZERO, & WATER not used. c They were de-referenced. c 5) Local variable RUNON not used. Deleted. c 6) Local variable JUMPFG added to handle jumps to outside c of IF-THEN-ELSE structure. c 7) Corrections from Stone for duration of rainfall excess. c May-June 1993. dcf c 8) Addition of TOTRUN argument and calculations to predict c correct runoff depth for output from multiple OFE's. c Stone request implemented by dcf. 6/11/93 c 9) Moved ALPHAY to common block jca2 8/31/93 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 05/08/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real xmxint(mxplan), wmelt(mxplan), runmax real pkrmax, pkefdn, effdrr(mxplan) integer imodel, nowcrp(mxplan), iuprun(mxplan) c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c xmxint(mxplan) - maximum rainfall intensity c wmelt - amount snow melt c runmax - maximum runoff volume c pkrmax - maximum peak discharge c pkefdn - maximum runoff duration c effdrr - duration of rainfall excess c imodel - single storm or continuous simulation flag c nowcrp - number of current crop c iuprun - flag. Indicates flow onto the top of an element. c 0 - no flow onto I-th plane c 1 - flow c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: aveks(mxplan), avesm(mxplan) c include '' c MODIFY: TR(MXTIME), R(MXTIME), RR(MXTIME) c include '' c include '' c include '' c modify: runoff(mxplan), remax, durexr, peakro(mxplan), effdrn c write: effint(mxplan) c include '' c modify: irfrac c read: irdept(mxplan) c include '' c read: irnit(mxplan) c include '' c write: s(mxtime) c include '' c write: t(mxtime) c include '' c modify: ns c include '' c read: m c modify: alpha(mxplan) c write: norun(mxplan) c include '' c read: totlen c include '' c modify: iplane c include '' c modify: irrund(mxplan),irrunm(13,mxplan),irrunt(mxplan), c irruny(mxplan) c include '' c read: contrs(conseq(mxcrop,mxplan)) c include '' c write: a1,a2 c include '' c read: rrc(mxplan) c include '' c read: nf c include '' c read: p c include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) c include '' c read: ks,km c include '' c read: avgslp c include '' c read: nmon c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real aveksm, ealpha, sumks, sumsm, tf(mxtime) real dep(mxplan), sumdep, avedep, re(mxtime) real avere, runtmp(mxplan) integer ibpln, iepln, xnpln, i, apr, nstemp, kplane, jumpfg integer jmpfg2 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c aveksm - average KS*SM c ealpha - alpha for the equivalent plane c sumks - summation of KS for AVEKS c sumsm - summation of SM for AVESM c tf - time array for rainfall excess c dep - potential depression storage depth c sumdep - summation of depression storage c avedep - average depressional storage for equivalent plane c re - rainfall excess rate (m/s) c avere - average rainfall excess rate c ibpln - 1st OFE which has runoff c iepln - last OFE for which there is runoff on all OFE's above c xnpln - number of OFE's, from IBPLN to IEPLN. c i - index for IPLANE c apr - flag. Indicates when approximate method should be used. c nstemp - index for the last time of cumulative rainfall excess. c kplane - counter to indicate last OFE for equivalent plane calcs. c For Case 2 & 3 hydrologic planes kplane is the last plane c runoff exits. For a Case 4 situation, kplane is set to c the OFE number preceding the Case 4 OFE. c jumpfg - 0=execute next section of code; 1=skip to "M1 IF"; c 2=skip to end of "do 35" loop c jmpfg2 - 0=execute next section of code; 1=skip to end of L00 IF c drlast - variable to hold last value of DURRE for multiple OFE c hillslopes - this is to prevent divide by zero values c for multiple OFE hillslopes and Case 3 hydrologic planes c runtmp - temporary array to hold runoff volumes decreased by c infiltration recession until the peak flow is computed c by subroutine QINF. (added by Jeff Stone, 2/98) c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c idat c grna c frcfac c rdat c rochek c eplane c appmth c hdrive c qinf c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c drlast = 0.0 apr = 0 iuprun(1) = 0 sumks = 0.0 sumsm = 0.0 sumdep = 0.0 pkrmax = 0.0 runmax = 0.0 c do 10 l = 1, nplane efflen(l) = 0.0 effint(l) = 0.0 peakro(l) = 0.0 effdrn(l) = 0.0 alpha(l) = 0.0 effdrr(l) = 0.0 10 continue c c Loop through the OFEs and compute the infiltration parameters for c the equivalent planes. Compute infiltration and rainfall excess. c Compute the peak discharge rate. c c *** Begin L0 loop *** do 60 i = 1, nplane c iplane = i c c CALL IDAT IF RAINFALL, SPRINKLE IRRIGATION OR SNOWMELT OCCURS if ((norain(iplane).eq.1).or.(irint(iplane).ge.1.0e-8).or. 1 (wmelt(iplane).gt.0.0)) then call idat(xmxint(iplane),wmelt(iplane),ibrkpt,rain(iplane)) else p = 0.0 do 20 it = 1, mxtime tr(it) = 0.0 r(it) = 0.0 rr(it) = 0.0 20 continue end if c c Note: If it is desired not to calculate and subtract off c depression storage, the user should set AVEDEP to c zero in GRNA. c dep(iplane) = 0.112 * rrc(iplane) + 3.1 * rrc(iplane) * 1 rrc(iplane) - 1.20 * rrc(iplane) * avgslp(iplane) c if (dep(iplane).lt.0.0) dep(iplane) = 0.0 c dpress(iplane) = dep(iplane) c c Check for contours. Jeff Stone's changes for contours. c c Check to see if contouring in effect for current day of year c sjl, 12/22/98 c jumpfg = 0 jmpfg2 = 0 if (contrs(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).ne.0)then call conrun(iplane,imodel,nowcrp(iplane),dep(iplane),effdrr, 1 runmax,pkrmax,pkefdn,wmelt(iplane),xmxint,drlast) if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 0 jumpfg = 2 jmpfg2 = 1 end if c c *** L00 IF *** if (jmpfg2.eq.0) then c iepln = iplane c c Summation for average infiltration parameters for the c equivalent plane c if (iuprun(iplane).eq.0) then ibpln = iplane sumks = ks(iplane) * slplen(iplane) sumsm = sm(iplane) * slplen(iplane) sumdep = dep(iplane) * slplen(iplane) efflen(iplane) = slplen(iplane) else sumks = sumks + ks(iplane) * slplen(iplane) sumsm = sumsm + sm(iplane) * slplen(iplane) sumdep = sumdep + dep(iplane) * slplen(iplane) efflen(iplane) = efflen(iplane-1) + slplen(iplane) end if c xnpln = iepln - ibpln + 1 aveks(iplane) = sumks / efflen(iplane) avesm(iplane) = sumsm / efflen(iplane) aveksm = aveks(iplane) * avesm(iplane) c avedep = sumdep / efflen(iplane) c c******************************************************************************** c The following runon-runoff cases are treated: * c * c case 1 : q(iplane-1) = 0 re(iplane) = 0 q(iplane) = 0 * c case 2 : q(iplane-1) >= 0 re(iplane) > 0 q(iplane) > 0 * c case 3 : q(iplane-1) > 0 re(iplane) = 0 q(iplane) > 0 * c case 4 : q(iplane-1) > 0 re(iplane) = 0 q(iplane) = 0 * c****************************************************************************** c if (xmxint(iplane).gt.aveks(iplane)) then call grna(aveksm,avedep,wmelt(iplane),nstemp,tf,re,effdrr, 1 durre) c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c runtmp(iplane) = runoff(iplane) c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c if (runoff(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c Case Two - rainfall excess > zero c drlast = durre apr = 0 ns = nstemp c c Get rainfall excess into HDRIVE format. c do 30 ii = 1, ns - 1 t(ii) = tf(ii) s(ii) = re(ii) 30 continue c s(ns) = 0. t(ns) = tf(ns) c call frcfac(nowcrp(iplane)) c call rdat(nowcrp(iplane)) c alphay(iplane) = alpha(iplane) ealpha = alphay(iplane) norun(iplane) = 1 c if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 1 c kplane = iplane c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c c Get equivalent depth discharge coefficient for peak c discharge computations for multiple OFE situations. if ( call 1 eplane(ibpln,iepln,slplen,alphay,m,ealpha) c c reduce runoff volume due to recession infiltration call qinf(m,ealpha,efflen(kplane),aveks(kplane),drlast, 1 f(nstemp-1),runtmp(kplane)) c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c if (iplane.eq.nplane) then jumpfg = 1 else jumpfg = 2 end if end if end if c *** L00 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L1 IF *** if (jumpfg.eq.0) then if (iuprun(iplane).eq.0) then c c Case One - rainfall excess = zero c norun(iplane) = 0 if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 0 runoff(iplane) = 0.0 c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c runtmp(iplane) = 0.0 c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c jumpfg = 2 else c c Case Three or Four c call rochek(ks(iplane),sm(iplane),iuprun,dep(iplane)) c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c runtmp(iplane) = runoff(iplane) c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c if (runoff(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c Case Three - rainfall excess = 0, runoff > 0 c call frcfac(nowcrp(iplane)) c call rdat(nowcrp(iplane)) c alphay(iplane) = alpha(iplane) ealpha = alphay(iplane) apr = 1 norun(iplane) = 1 c if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 1 c kplane = iplane c if ( jumpfg = 2 c c else c c Case Four - rainfall excess = 0, runoff = 0 c norun(iplane) = 1 c if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 0 c runoff(iplane) = 0.0 c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c runtmp(iplane) = 0.0 c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c iepln = iepln - 1 xnpln = iepln - ibpln + 1 kplane = iplane - 1 c end if c c RAINFALL EXCESS DURATION = 0 FOR CASE 3 & 4 - JJS JUN 93 c effdrr(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c c Get runoff parameters for equivalent plane. c c *** M1 IF *** if ( then avere = 0.0 c c Summation of rainfall excess for approximate hydrograph method c do 40 j = ibpln, iepln avere = avere + remax(j) * slplen(j) / efflen(kplane) 40 continue c cc Get equivalent depth discharge coefficient for peak discharge cc computations. c c Lines commented out by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c c if ( call c 1 eplane(ibpln,iepln,slplen,alphay,m,ealpha) c c End of commented out code by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c a1 = m * ealpha a2 = m - 1.d0 c if (ibrkpt.eq.1) then if (apr.eq.1) then c c approximate method is always used for case three c situations, in both continuous and single storm versions. c c WHEN CALLING APPMTH AND TESTING IF TO USE APPMTH OR c HDRIVE, USE DDRLAST - JJS JUN 93 c call appmth(runoff(kplane),remax(kplane), 1 efflen(kplane),ealpha,m,drlast,peakro(kplane)) else call hdrive(ealpha,m,efflen(kplane),runoff(kplane), 1 peakro(kplane)) end if else if (apr.eq.1) then c c Approximate method is always used for case three c situations, in both continuous and single storm versions. c call appmth(runoff(kplane),remax(kplane), 1 efflen(kplane),ealpha,m,drlast,peakro(kplane)) else if (imodel.eq.2) then call hdrive(ealpha,m,efflen(kplane),runoff(kplane), 1 peakro(kplane)) c c Test for using the approximate method c else if (tp(2) .gt. 0.) then call hdrive(ealpha,m,efflen(kplane),runoff(kplane), 1 peakro(kplane)) else call appmth(runoff(kplane),remax(kplane), 1 efflen(kplane),ealpha,m,drlast,peakro(kplane)) end if end if c if (peakro(kplane).lt.3.6e-8) peakro(kplane) = 3.63e-8 c c Lines commented out by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c Call to subroutine QINF has been moved earlier in this c subroutine. c cc REDUCE RUNOFF VOLUME DUE TO RECESSION INFILTRATION - JJS 9-94 c c call qinf(m,ealpha,efflen(kplane),aveks(kplane),drlast, c 1 f(nstemp-1),runoff(kplane)) c c End of commented out code by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c c get effective runoff duration = qvol/qpeak c c Code change by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c c effdrn(kplane) = runoff(kplane) / peakro(kplane) effdrn(kplane) = runtmp(kplane) / peakro(kplane) c c End of code change by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c c Limit EFFDRN less than or equal to one day (86400 seconds) c if (effdrn(kplane).gt.86400.) effdrn(kplane) = 86400. c do 50 l = ibpln, iplane c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c runoff(l) = runtmp(l) c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c effdrn(l) = effdrn(kplane) peakro(l) = runoff(l) / effdrn(l) if (runoff(l).gt.runmax) runmax = runoff(l) if (peakro(l).gt.pkrmax) pkrmax = peakro(l) if (effdrn(l).gt.pkefdn) pkefdn = effdrn(l) 50 continue c c else if(ivers.eq.3.and.runoff(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c if ( call c 1 eplane(ibpln,iepln,slplen,alphay,m,ealpha) c a1 = m * ealpha c a2 = m - 1.d0 c call qinf(m,ealpha,efflen(iplane),aveks(iplane),drlast, c 1 f(nstemp-1),runoff(iplane)) c c *** M1 ENDIF *** end if c c *** End L0 loop *** 60 continue c c Estimate runoff due to irrigation c if ( then do 70 ipl = 1, nplane if ( then irfrac = 0. else if (ipl.eq.irofe) then c c XXX NOTE - the setting of rainfall to zero in subroutine CONTIN c will likely cause errors in calculation of "irfrac", c "irrund", "irrunt", "irruny" and "irrunm" for multiple c OFE hillslopes. dcf 5/26/94 c XXX Altered code to fix anticipated problem. dcf 5/26/94 c if (ipl.eq.1) then if(wmelt(ipl).gt.0.0)then irfrac = irdept(ipl) / (wmelt(ipl)+irdept(ipl)) else irfrac = irdept(ipl) / (rain(ipl) + irdept(ipl)) endif else if(wmelt(ipl).gt.0.0)then irfrac = irdept(ipl) / (wmelt(ipl)+irdept(ipl)+ 1 runoff(ipl-1)) else irfrac = irdept(ipl) / (rain(ipl)+irdept(ipl)+ 1 runoff(ipl-1)) endif end if else if (runoff(ipl-1).gt.0.00001) then irfrac = irfrac * runoff(ipl-1) / (runoff(ipl-1) 1 + rain(ipl) + wmelt(ipl)) else irfrac = 0. end if end if irrund(ipl) = runoff(ipl) * irfrac irrunt(ipl) = irrunt(ipl) + irrund(ipl) irruny(ipl) = irruny(ipl) + irrund(ipl) irrunm(ipl) = irrunm(ipl) + irrund(ipl) 70 continue else irfrac = 0. end if c return end