subroutine nowup(tlseq2,ntill2,jdplt2,jdhrv2,jdhrv1,jdstp1,switch) c c find the date to update nowcrp to the next crop c (the minimum of the planting date and the minimum c tillage date of the next crop) c if the above is zero then default to the harvest of the c current crop (next crop is fallow with no tillage) c note NOWUP is only called if nycrop > 1 c c integer tlseq2, ntill2, jdplt2, jdhrv2, jdhrv1, switch, jdstp1, 1 indtil c c ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS c c tlseq2 - flag for tillage sequence for next crop c ntill2 - number of tillages in tlseq2 c jdplt2 - julian date of planting for next crop c jdhrv2 - julian date of harvesting for next crop c jdhrv1 - julian date of harvesting for current crop c jdstp1 - julian stop date for perennial growth for current crop c switch - day of simulation year on which switch to new crop made c c include '' include '' include '' c include '' c c set the initial switch date to 1 day previous to the planting date c of the next crop c switch = jdplt2 - 1 c c if the next crop has a tillage sequence, check to see if there is c a tillage between the harvest (or growth stop date) of the current c crop and this tillage date. c if ( then c c for the case of a fallow crop - with an input of 0 planting date - c set the switch date to the last tillage date in the sequence c NOTE - this assumes that dates are in increasing order - this may c cause problems if they are not. dcf 2/24/93 c if (switch.le.0) then switch = mdate(ntill2,tlseq2) - 1 end if c c go through the next crop's tillage sequence - check each tillage c date and see if it is a lower date than the current value for the c switch date AND that it is a greater date than the harvest date c of the current crop OR a greater date than the kill date of the c current perennial crop if one exists - if it is - set the switch c date to this earlier tillage date minus 1 day. c c NOTE - must subtract 1 day because the updating to the next crop c takes place at the bottom of the loop in subroutine CONTIN - c thus to have the correct tillage sequence and tillage to be done c on the desired management day the "switch" has to be done at the c end of the previous day. dcf 2/24/93 c do 10 indtil = 1, ntill2 if (mdate(indtil,tlseq2) then if (,tlseq2) then switch = mdate(indtil,tlseq2) - 1 else if (mdate(indtil,tlseq2) then switch = mdate(indtil,tlseq2) - 1 end if end if 10 continue c c Added a check to make sure that the switch date does not c occur before the kill date of a perennial. A perennial's c kill date must be reached before a switch is made so that c all root masses and indices will be changed properly. c A problem can arise when the same tillage sequence is used c for 2 different crops in a rotation (a perennial and an annual) c dcf 12/20/93 c if ( switch = jdstp1 end if c c following check made because of problems with computed c switch date for winter annual crops grown in conjunction c with summer annual crops. This will check to see if the switch c date that has been computed falls after the current crop's c harvest or kill date BUT before the next crop's harvest date c if it is before the next crop's harvest date - set the switch c date to that harvest date - which will prevent harvesting of c of crop which has never been planted by the plant growth routines c dcf 2/24/93 c if ( then if (switch.le.jdhrv2) switch = jdhrv2 end if c c fallow crop with no tillage c if (switch.le.0) switch = jdhrv1 c return end