subroutine outfil(lunp,luns,lunw,imodel,lun1) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Opens output files (if requested) for slope plotting, c erosion plotting, and hydrology output. c c Called from: SR CONTIN c Author(s): Livingston, Ascough II, Others c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: This module not yet recoded. c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c Output Files: c c Unit # Output file description c ------ ----------------------- c 30 Event by event summary c 31 Ofe soil loss c 32 Single event output file c 33 Event by event summary for each ofe (hillslope only) c 34 Ofe abbreviate raw summary (ABBREV.RAW) c 35 Water balance daily output c 36 Plant and residue daily output c 37 Channel profile erosion output file c 38 Watershed erosion output file c 39 Soil properties daily output c 40 Hillslope large graphics output file (PLOTFILE.WGR) c 41 Watershed large graphics output file (PLOTFILE.WGR) c 42 Winter component output c 43 Hillslope profile erosion output file c 44 Rangeland range output file c 45 Rangeland animal output file c 46 Crop yield output file c 47 Initial condition warmup results c 48 Hillslope hydrology/sediment pass files c 49 Watershed hydrology/sediment master pass file c 50 Impoundment unformatted hydraulic pass file c 51 Impoundment output file c 52 Temporary summary file c 53 Final summary file c 54 Impoundment sediment graph output c 55 Impoundment hydrograph output c 56 Impoundment detailed sediment output c 57 Impoundment detailed hydraulic output c 59 Watershed runoff detailed output c c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer lunp, luns, lunw, imodel, lun1 c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c lunp,luns,lunw - flags for plant, soil, and water output respectively c imodel - flag for type of simulation (continuous or single event) c lun1 - flag for plotting output c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c modify: ioutpt,ioutss c include '' c read: ibomb,iost c include '' c modify: bigflg,ichplt,ipdout,snoflg,wflag,wgrflg,yldflg c include '' c read: impond c include '' include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c read outopt c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c character*51 filen character*65 ostrng character*72 header integer useout c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c filen - local file name to be opened c ostrng - string passed to subroutine open c outopt - flag for output option c useout - integer function for yes/no answers c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c open c useout (function) c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c ... open output files if hillslope or hillslope/watershed version c outopt = 0 if ( then c if (imodel.eq.1) then c c ... continuous version output files c outopt = 1 write (6,1100) c read (5,2000,err=10) outopt c 10 if (( then write (6,1200) outopt = 1 end if c if (outopt.eq.1) then header = ' Annual; abbreviated (English Units)' if(units.eq.0)header = ' Annual; abbreviated (Metric Units)' ioutpt = 3 ioutas = 2 c else if (outopt.eq.2) then header = ' Annual; detailed (Metric Units)' ioutpt = 3 ioutas = 1 else if (outopt.eq.3) then header = ' Event-by-event; abbreviated (Metric Units)' ioutpt = 1 ioutss = 2 else if (outopt.eq.4) then header = ' Event-by-event; detailed (Metric Units)' ioutpt = 1 ioutss = 1 else if (outopt.eq.5) then header = ' Monthly (Metric Units)' ioutpt = 2 ioutas = 1 end if c c ... open abbrev.raw output file c c open (unit=34,file='abbrev.raw',status='unknown') c c ... open initial condition WARMUP output file c if (useout('initial condition scenario').eq.1) then ostrng = 1 'Enter initial condition scenario output file name -->' call open(47,iost,1,ostrng,scefil) ifile = 2 end if c c ... open file containing soil loss output c ... unit = 31, iost depends on ibomb, 1 if ibomb=2, 3 if ibomb=1 c ... loop if ibomb=2, write over if ibomb=1 c ostrng = 'Enter file name for soil loss output -->' call open(31,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c write (31,2800) header c detailed output for water data c if (useout('water balance').eq.1) then c c ... open file for water balance output c ostrng = 'Enter file name for water balance output -->' call open(35,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c c write headers for the water c write (35,1400) write (35,1500) lunw = 1 end if c if (useout('crop').eq.1) then c c ... open file for plant output c ... unit = 36, status = iost c ostrng = 'Enter file name for plant output -->' call open(36,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c write (36,1600) write (36,1700) write (36,1800) lunp = 1 end if c if (useout('soil').eq.1) then c c ... open file for soil output c ... unit = 39, status = iost c ostrng = 'Enter file name for soil output -->' call open(39,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c write (39,1900) luns = 1 end if c else c header = ' Single storm' c c single event version output file c ostrng = 'Enter file name for single event output -->' call open(32,iost,1,ostrng,filen) write (32,2800) header c end if c c .. end of single event output c c ... if desired, open file for plotting output c ... unit = 43, status = iost c if (useout('distance and sediment loss').eq.1) then ostrng = 'Enter file name for plotting output -->' call open(43,iost,1,ostrng,filen) write (43,2500) lun1 = 1 end if c c ... only print out large graphics file for c continuous simulations c if (imodel.eq.1) then c if (useout('large graphics').eq.1) then bigflg = 1 ostrng = 'Enter file name for large graphics output -->' call open(40,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c if (lun1.eq.1) then lun1 = 2 else lun1 = 3 end if c end if end if c ievt = 0 ifofe = 0 isum = 0 c if (useout('event by event').eq.1) then c ostrng = 'Enter file name for event by event summary -->' call open(30,iost,1,ostrng,filen) write (30,2100) write (30,2200) c ievt = 1 end if c if (useout('element').eq.1) then c ostrng = 'Enter file name for variable OFE line summary -->' call open(33,iost,1,ostrng,filen) write (33,2300) ifofe = 1 end if c if (useout('final summary').eq.1) then c ostrng = 'Enter file name for final summary file -->' call open(53,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c isum = 1 c if (ioutpt.eq.1) then write (53,2700) else write (53,2600) end if c c ... open yearly summary temp file c ... unit = 52, status = 'unknown' c open (unit=52,file='',status='unknown') c end if c if (useout('daily winter').eq.1) then snoflg = 1 ostrng = 'Enter file name for daily winter output -->' call open(42,iost,1,ostrng,filen) end if c c ... open crop yield output file c if (imodel.eq.1) then c if (useout('plant yield').eq.1) then yldflg = 1 ostrng = 'Enter file name for plant yield outputs -->' call open(46,iost,1,ostrng,filen) write (46,1300) filen end if c end if c c ... end of output files open for hillslope and c watershed/hillslope versions c end if c c files if watershed version only c if (ivers.eq.3) then c if (imodel.eq.1) then c c ... open initial condition warmup output file c if (useout('initial condition scenario').eq.1) then ostrng = 1 'Enter initial condition scenario output file name -->' call open(47,iost,1,ostrng,scefil) ifile = 2 end if c c ... open file for watershed erosion output c ... unit = 38, status = iost ... c watsum = 0 write (6,3000) c read (5,2000,err=20) watsum c 20 if (( then write (6,3100) watsum = 0 end if c if (watsum.eq.0) then header = ' Annual average watershed values;Abbreviated' c wattyp = 0 else if (watsum.eq.1) then header = ' Yearly average watershed values;Abbreviated' c wattyp = 1 else if (watsum.eq.2) then header = ' Monthly average watershed values;Abbreviated' c wattyp = 2 c else if (watsum.eq.3) then c header = ' Annual average subwatershed values;Abbreviated' c wattyp = 0 c else if (watsum.eq.4) then c header = ' Yearly average subwatershed values;Abbreviated' c wattyp = 1 c else if (watsum.eq.5) then c header = ' Monthly average subwatershed values;Abbreviated' c wattyp = 2 end if c else c watsum = 2 header = ' Single storm ' c wattyp = 2 c end if c ostrng = 'Enter file name for watershed erosion output -->' call open(38,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c write (38,2800) header c if (imodel.eq.1) then c ... detailed output for water data c if (useout('water balance').eq.1) then c c ... open file for water balance output c ostrng = 'Enter file name for water balance output -->' call open(35,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c c ... write headers for the water balance output c write (35,1400) write (35,1500) lunw = 1 end if c if (useout('crop').eq.1) then c c ... open file for plant output c ... unit = 36, status = iost c ostrng = 'Enter file name for plant output -->' call open(36,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c write (36,1600) write (36,1700) write (36,1800) lunp = 1 end if c c ... open file for soil output c if (useout('soil').eq.1) then c c ... open file for soil output c ... unit = 39, status = iost c ostrng = 'Enter file name for soil output -->' call open(39,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c luns = 1 c write (39,1900) end if c end if c c ... if desired, open file for channel plotting output c ... unit = 43, status = iost c if (useout('channel erosion plotting').eq.1) then ostrng = 'Enter file name for channel plotting output -->' call open(43,iost,1,ostrng,filen) write (6,1000) write (43,2500) write (43,2900) ichplt = 1 lun1 = 1 end if c c ... if desired, open file for watershed large graphics output c ... only if continuous simulation c ... unit = 40, status = iost c if (imodel.eq.1) then if (useout('watershed large graphics').eq.1) then ostrng = 'Enter file name for watershed graphics output -->' call open(40,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c wgrflg = 1 bigflg = 1 c if (lun1.eq.1) then lun1 = 2 else lun1 = 3 end if c end if c end if c c ... if desired, open files for event, OFE and final summary files c c ievt = 0 isum = 0 ifofe = 0 c if (useout('event by event').eq.1) then c ostrng = 'Enter file name for event by event summary -->' call open(30,iost,1,ostrng,filen) write (30,3200) c ievt = 1 end if c c if (useout('element').eq.1)then c c ostrng = 'Enter file name for variable OFE line summary -->' c call open(33,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c write (33,2200) c write (33,2300) c iofe = 1 c end if c if (useout('final summary').eq.1) then c ostrng = 'Enter file name for final summary file -->' call open(53,iost,1,ostrng,filen) c isum = 1 c if (ioutpt.eq.1) then write (53,2700) else write (53,2600) end if c c ... open yearly summary temp file c ... unit = 52, status = 'unknown' c open (unit=52,file='',status='unknown') c end if c c ... if desired open winter output file c if (useout('daily winter').eq.1) then snoflg = 1 ostrng = 'Enter file name for daily winter output -->' call open(42,iost,1,ostrng,filen) end if c c ... if desired open crop yield output file c if (imodel.eq.1) then c if (useout('plant yield').eq.1) then yldflg = 1 ostrng = 'Enter file name for plant yield outputs -->' call open(46,iost,1,ostrng,filen) write (46,1300) filen end if c end if c c ... if impoundment(s) open file for impoundment output c ... unit = 51, status = iost c if ( then if (useout('impoundment').eq.1) then ostrng = 'Enter file name for impoundment output -->' call open(51,iost,1,ostrng,filen) ipdout = 1 end if end if c c ... open file for detailed runoff output c open (unit=59,file='runout',status='unknown') c end if c return 1000 format (20x,' *** NOTE ***',/, 1 ' Channel erosion plotting disabled at this time') c 1100 format (/' Soil loss output options for continuous simulation',/, 1 ' ---- ---- ------ ------- --- ---------- ----------',/, 1 ' [1] - Abbreviated annual',/, 1 ' 2 - Detailed annual',/, 1 ' 3 - Abbreviated event by event',/, 1 ' 4 - Detailed event by event',/, 1 ' 5 - Monthly',/, 1 ' --------------------------------------------------',/, 1 ' Enter Soil Loss output option [1]',/) 1200 format (/,' *** WARNING ***',/,' output options are 1-5',/, 1 ' Abbreviated annual output assumed',/,' *** WARNING ***',/) 1300 format (' WEPP CROP YIELD OUTPUT FILE - YIELDS BY CROP', 1 ' TYPE AND OFE AT EACH HARVEST',/, 1 ' ************'/, 1 ' SILAGE VALUES NOT SUMMARIZED',/, 1 ' ************',//'OUTPUT FILE NAME:',a51) 1400 format (//22x,'WATER BALANCE DAILY OUTPUT',/,22x,5('-'),1x,7('-'), 1 1x,5('-'),1x,6('-'),/) 1500 format (21x,' '/1x,'J= julian day, Y= simulation year',/1x, 1 'P= precipitation ',/1x, 1 'RM= rainfall, irrigation, and/or melted snow',/1x, 1 'Q= daily runoff, Ep= plant transpiration',/1x, 1 'Es= soil evaporation, Dp= deep percolation',/1x, 1 'watstr= water stress for plant growth ', 1 'latqcc= lateral subsurface flow',//1x, 1 ' -------------------------------------------------------', 1 '----------------------'/2x,'OFE ', 1 'J Y P RM Q Ep Es Dp watstr', 1 ' latqcc Total Soil',/,2x,'# ', 1 ' mm mm mm mm mm mm ', 1 ' mm Water (mm)'/1x, 1 ' -------------------------------------------------------', 1 '----------------------'/) 1600 format (26x,'PLANT AND RESIDUE OUTPUT',/,26x,24('-')/) 1700 format (26x,'All residue mass units are kg/m**2',/,26x, 1 'NOTE : output is by Overland Flow Element',/) 1800 format (52x,'-----FLAT RESIDUE MASS----',22x, 1 '------DEAD ROOT MASS------ avg',/52x,'i',8x,'i',8x,'i',29x, 1 'i',8x,'i',8x,'i',6x,' min'/,36x,'i',15x,'r',8x,'r',8x,'r', 1 29x,'r',8x,'r',8x,'r',9x,'temp',/36x,'t',15x,'e',8x,'e',8x, 1 'e',29x,'o',8x,'o',8x,'o',10x,'(C)'/'jday',1x,'yr',3x, 1 'canopy',4x,'lai',4x,'cover',4x,'y',1x,'live',1x,' standg',1 1 x,3('s',8x),' SUBMERGED ',3('o',8x),/,8x,'hgt',2x, 1 'cover',7x,'rill',1x,'inter',1x,'p',1x,'bio',2x,' resid.',1x, 1 3('d',8x),'----RESIDUE MASS--- ',3('t',8x),/,8x,'(m)',25x, 1 'e',1x,'mass',3x,'mass',3x,'1',4x,'1',3x,'2',4x,'2',3x,'3',4x, 1 '3',6x,'1',6x,'2',6x,'3',3x,'1',4x,'1',3x,'2',4x,'2',3x,'3',4 1 x,'3',/,137('-')/) 1900 format (' Soil properties, daily output'/,78('-'),/, 1 ' OFE Day Y Poros Keff Suct', 1 ' FC WP Rough Ki Kr Tauc',/, 1 ' % mm/hr mm ', 1 ' mm/mm mm/mm mm adjsmt adjsmt adjsmt',/,78('-')/) c 2000 format (i8) 2100 format(' D D D'/, 1 ' e e e', 1 ' D D'/, 1 ' I t t t', 1 ' e e E'/, 1 ' n a a a', 1 ' M p p M S D n'/, 1 ' t t A t M t', 1 ' a A o M o a e e r'/, 1 ' P R e c v c a c', 1 ' x v s a s x d l i') 2200 format(' M r N u r h e h x h', 1 ' P e i x i P i i c'/, 1 ' o Y e E n r m r m i m', 1 ' o r t i t o m v h R'/, 1 ' D n e c L o i e a e m e', 1 ' i a i m i i e e m a'/, 1 ' a t a i E f l n g n u n', 1 ' n g o u o n n r e t'/, 1 ' y h r p M f l t e t m t', 1 ' t e n m n t t y n i'/, 1 ' (kg/ (kg/ (kg/', 1 ' (kg/ (kg/ t o'/, 1 ' (mm) (mm) m*m) m*m) m*m)', 1 ' (m) m*m) m*m) (m) (kg/m)'/,89('-')) 2300 format( 1'OFE DD MM YYYY Precip Runoff EffInt PeakRO EffDur Enrich', 1' Keff Sm LeafArea CanHgt Cancov IntCov RilCov LivBio', 1' DeadBio Ki Kr Tcrit RilWid SedLeave',/, 1'na na na na mm mm mm/h mm/h h Ratio', 1' mm/h mm Index m % % % Kg/m^2', 1' Kg/m^2 na na na m kg/m') c 2300 format (' P'/, c 1 ' e E'/, c 1 ' E I a E n I'/, c 1 ' R f n k f D r n'/, c 1 ' a f t f u i t',13x,'B B'/, c 1 ' i R e e R e r ', c 1 ' c C H C e',13x,'i i'/, c 1 ' n u c n u c a ', c 1 ' h R I a e a C r C ', c 1 ' C o o W') c 2400 format (' D f n t s n R t t ', c 1 ' m a L A n n i n o r o ', c 1 ' R o L M D M R i'/, c 1 ' O a a o i i o a i i ', c 1 ' e t e r d o g o v i v ', c 1 ' i v i a e a i d'/, c 1 ' F t l f v t f t v o ', c 1 ' n i a e e p h p e l e ', c 1 ' l e v s a s Ki Kr Tcrit l t'/, c 1 ' E e l f e y f e e n ', c 1 ' t o Keff Sm f a x y t y r l r ', c 1 ' l r e s d s adj adj adj l h'/, c 1 ' (mm) (mm) (mm/h) (mm/h) (h) ', c 1 ' (mm/h) (mm) (m) (%) (%) (%) ', c 1 '(kg/(m*m)) (m)') 2500 format (1x,'Dist. Downslope',1x,'Elevation',1x,'Soil Loss'/,/, 1 ' (meters) ',1x,' (meters) ',1x,'(kg/m**2)'/) 2600 format (/,/,/, 1' IV. EROSION OUTPUT SUMMARIES FOR SIMULATION',/, 1' ------- ------ --------- --- ----------',/,/, 1' 1 2 3 4 5 ', 1' 6 7 8 9 10',/, 1'Year Month Tot. Tot. ---------- Runoff ---------- ', 1' Total Interrill Total Sediment Enrich.',/, 1' Precip. Irrig. Rain Snowmelt Irrig. ', 1' Detach. Detach. Depos. Yield Ratio',/, 1' --------------------(mm)------------------------- ', 1' ---------(kg/m^2)---------- (kg/m) (m^2/m^2)',/,110('-')) 2700 format (5x, 1 '******************************************************', 1 '*****',/,5x, 1 '* ', 1 ' *',/,5x, 1 '* SUMMARY OUTPUT NOT AVAILABLE WHEN EVENT OUTPUT SELEC', 1 'TED *',/,5x, 1 '* ', 1 ' *',/,5x, 1 '* SELECT EITHER DETAILED ANNUAL, ABBREVIATED ANNUAL OR', 1 ' *',/,5x, 1 '* MONTHLY SOIL LOSS OUTPUT ', 1 ' *',/,5x, 1 '* ', 1 ' *',/,5x, 1 '******************************************************', 1 '*****') 2800 format (a72) 2900 format (10x,//, 1 '*******************************************************',/, 1 '* *',/, 1 '* WATERSHED PROFILE OUTPUT NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME *',/, 1 '* *',/, 1 '*******************************************************') 3000 format (/' Soil loss output options for watershed simulation',/, 1 ' ---- ---- ------ ------- --- ---------- ----------',/, 1 ' [0] - Abbreviated annual average for watershed',/, 1 ' 1 - Abbreviated yearly average for watershed',/, 1 ' 2 - Abbreviated monthly average for watershed',/, 1 ' 3 - Abbreviated annual average for SUB-watersheds',/, 1 ' 4 - Abbreviated yearly average for SUB-watersheds',/, 1 ' 5 - Abbreviated monthly average for SUB-watersheds',/, 1 ' --------------------------------------------------',/, 1 ' Enter watershed soil loss output option [0]',/) 3100 format (/' *** WARNING ***',/,' output options are 0-5',/, 1 ' Abbreviated annual average output for watershed assumed', 1 /,' *** WARNING ***',/) 3200 format (/, 1 'WATERSHED OUTPUT: DISCHARGE FROM WATERSEHD OUTLET',/, 1 '(Results listed for Runoff Volume > 0.005m^3)',//, 1 'Day Precip. Runoff Peak Sediment',/, 1 ' Month Depth Volume Runoff Yield',/, 1 ' Year (mm) (m^3) (m/s) (kg)',/, 1 '-------------------------------------------------------',/) end