subroutine param(effdrr,nowcrp,frara) c c****************************************************************** c * c Called from subroutine CONTIN * c Finds dimensionless rill and interrill soil erosion * c parameters. One for interrill erosion (theta), two for * c rill erosion (eata and tauc), and one for deposition (phi). * c Calls functions shears, trcoef, and falvel. * c * c****************************************************************** c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real effdrr(mxplan), frara integer nowcrp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c efflen - effective OFE length (m) c effdrr - effective duration of rainfall excess (s) c nowcrp - index for current crop on OFE c frara - ask Reza Savabi (winter stuff) c c--------------------------------------------------------------------* c The following common blocks are used in this subroutine: c c c****************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c read: rrc(mxplan) include '' c read: efflen(mxplan) include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c ends variables updated * c ktrato, tcend, strldn. * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c read: nozzle(mxplan) c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c modify: fidel(mxplan) c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c parval variables updated * c eata, tauc, theta, phi. * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c slope variables updated * c slpend(mxplan) * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c solvar variables updated * c kt * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c c----------------------------------------------------------------------* external trcoef, falvel, shears c c****************************************************************** c * c Local Variables * c drinti : interrill delivery ratio of each particle size * c class. Computed as function of rif (unitless) * c intdr : Weighted interrill sediment delivery ratio * c (unitless) * c kt2 : transport coefficient calculated using the average * c of shrend and shrsol * c npart : number of particle types to use in calculating * c effective particle parameters * c shrend : shear stress calculated using actual slope at end * c of OFE * c shrsol : shear stress calculated using average slope of OFE * c detinr : interrill detchment rate * c diaeff : effective sediment diameter * c fall : fall velocity of each particle size of each OFE (m/s) * c spgeff : effective sediment specific gravity * c sumf : sum of the mass fractions of npart fractions * c veleff : effective particle full velocity * c beta : rainfall induced turbulence factor * c pkro : slope of the flow discharge line. For 1-OFE hills * c pkro is the flow discharge per unit width * c qi : average unit discharge of runoff from interrill * c over time of excess rainfall * c rif : interrill roughness factor for calculating sediment* c delivery. From Foster, 1981 modeling chapter * c * c****************************************************************** save shrsol, anflst, bnflst, cnflst, atclst, btclst, ctclst real kt2, shrend, shrsol, detinr, diaeff, spgeff, sumf, veleff, 1 beta, ktrprv, tcprev, anflst, bnflst, cnflst, atclst, btclst, 1 ctclst, sterm1, sterm2, spart1, tpart1, tterm1, tterm2, tprod, 1 denom, shrspv, qi, rif, intdr, drinti(mxpart), az,bz c c Compute actual slope gradient at the end of slope (slpend): c c *** CASE OF NO CONTOURS AND POSITIVE OUTFLOW *** if (conseq(nowcrp,iplane) then slpend(iplane) = (a(nslpts(iplane),iplane)*1.0+ 1 b(nslpts(iplane),iplane)) * avgslp(iplane) c c *** CASE OF NO CONTOURS AND NO OUTFLOW FROM OFE *** else if (conseq(nowcrp,iplane).eq.0.and.qout.le.0.0) then c slpend(iplane) = b(2,iplane) * avgslp(iplane) c c *** CASE OF CONTOURS *** else slpend(iplane) = cnslp(iplane) end if c c Obtain variables needed for making shear stress and c Transport Capacity continuous at OFE breaks c if ( then ktrprv = ktrato shrspv = shrsol * (frcsol(iplane)/frctrl(iplane)) * ( 1 frctrl(iplane-1)/frcsol(iplane-1)) tcprev = tcend * ((frcsol(iplane)/frctrl(iplane))*( 1 frctrl(iplane-1)/frcsol(iplane-1))) ** 1.5 end if c c Compute shear stress at the end of slope (shrend) using actual c slope gradient: c shrend = shears(qshear,slpend(iplane)) if ( shrend = 0.000001 c c Compute shear stress at the end of the slope (shrsol) using average c slope gradient (avgslp): c shrsol = shears(qshear,cnslp(iplane)) if ( shrsol = 0.000001 c c Compute the transport coefficient (kt) based on the average slope c for the purpose of normalizing: c kt = trcoef(shrsol) c c Compute transport coefficient (kt2) using the average of c shrend and shrsol: c kt2 = trcoef((shrend+shrsol)/2.0) c c Compute the normalized transport coefficient (ktrato) c ktrato = kt2 / kt c c Compute sediment transport capacity (tcend) at end of avg slope: c tcend = kt * shrsol ** 1.5 c c Limit tcend so that it is a very small number, but never 0.0 so c that model will not bomb for inputs of zero slopes: c if ( tcend = 1.0e-10 c c Compute the starting nondimensional sediment load at the top of c the current Overland Flow Element. c strldn = qsout * rspace(iplane) / tcend / width(iplane) c c Compute new values of shear stress (ainf,binf,cinf) coefficients c and new values of transport coefficients (ainftc,binftc,cinftc) that c make shear stress and transport capacity functions continuous on c adjacent OFE's. dcf 7/23/91 c if ( then c c add an additional correction to SHSPRV and TCPREV to account for c width discontinuities at the OFE breaks. Assume that the flow cross c sectional area remains the same as one goes from an upper to c a lower OFE - but that the channel width abruptly changes - c this is not the best solution, but it is the easiest to implement c here - best solution is to force width to be a continuous c function also - but this messes up all of the redimensionalization c and is also a problem when flow width expands due to nonhomogeneous c OFE's - need to continue work in this area - dcf 7/24/91. c c shrspv = shrspv * (width(iplane-1)/width(iplane)) c tcprev = tcprev * (width(iplane-1)/width(iplane)) ** 1.5 c c c Check to see that the shear stress at the end of the previous c OFE was not zero. If it is zero the solutions for the new shear stress c and transport coefficients are not valid and must use original values c calculated in XINFLO. c c WARNING from ftnchek cVariables may be used before set in module PARAM: c ANFLST ATCLST BNFLST BTCLST c CNFLST CTCLST SHRSOL c spart1 = anflst + bnflst + cnflst c if ( .and. then c sterm1 = b(2,iplane) / spart1 sterm2 = (shrspv/shrsol) ** 1.5 c shrati = 1.0 / ((sterm1/sterm2)-1.0) c tpart1 = atclst + btclst + ctclst c if ( then tterm1 = b(2,iplane) / tpart1 else tterm1 = b(2,iplane) / 1.0e-5 end if c tterm2 = ((tcend/tcprev)*(ktrato/ktrprv)) tprod = (tterm1*tterm2) - 1.0 c if (abs(tprod).gt.1.0e-5) then tcrati = 1.0 / tprod else if ( then tcrati = 1.0 / 1.0e-5 else tcrati = -1.0 / 1.0e-5 end if end if c c c c ELSE - have 0 transport capacity at beginning of OFE due to a c zero slope condition - if this is the case - best solution is to c use QOSTAR in place of shrati and tcrati since it will usually c still have a reasonable number - and when you have a zero slope c at an OFE boundary the shear and transport will still be continuous c even when using QOSTAR. c c else shrati = qostar tcrati = qostar end if c c c Re-calculate the shear stress and transport coefficients using the c just calculated shear stress and transport ratios. c do 10 i = 2, nslpts(iplane) c c denom = (shrati+1.0) c c prevent the denominator term for the coefficients from c becoming zero, which will cause model to bomb in c following computations c if (abs(denom).lt.1.0e-3) then if ( then denom = 0.001 else denom = -0.001 end if end if c ainf(i) = a(i,iplane) / denom binf(i) = (a(i,iplane)*shrati+b(i,iplane)) / denom cinf(i) = (b(i,iplane)*shrati/denom) c denom = (tcrati+1.0) c c prevent the denominator term for the coefficients from c becoming zero, which will cause model to bomb in c following computations c if (abs(denom).lt.1.0e-3) then if ( then denom = 0.001 else denom = -0.001 end if end if c ainftc(i) = a(i,iplane) / denom binftc(i) = (a(i,iplane)*tcrati+b(i,iplane)) / denom cinftc(i) = (b(i,iplane)*tcrati/denom) c anflst = ainf(i) bnflst = binf(i) cnflst = cinf(i) c atclst = ainftc(i) btclst = binftc(i) ctclst = cinftc(i) c 10 continue c end if c if (qin.le.0.0) then do 20 i = 2, nslpts(iplane) anflst = ainf(i) bnflst = binf(i) cnflst = cinf(i) c atclst = ainf(i) btclst = binf(i) ctclst = cinf(i) 20 continue end if c c Compute dimensionless parameters for rill erosion (eata and tauc): c c *** SOIL IS FROZEN TO THE SURFACE *** if (frdp(iplane).gt.0.0.and.thdp(iplane).le.0.0) then eata = 0.0 c c *** SURFACE SOIL IS UNFROZEN *** else c c XXX Changed equation for rill parameter EATA so that KT parameter c is not used here, (ONLY tcend is used). dcf 11/21/94 c eata = cntlen(iplane) * kr(iplane) * kradjf(iplane) / (( c 1 sqrt(shrsol))*kt) eata = cntlen(iplane) * kr(iplane) * kradjf(iplane) * shrsol 1 / tcend end if c tauc = tcadjf(iplane) * shcrit(iplane) / shrsol c if(lanuse(iplane).eq.1)then c For CROPLAND situations only, c compute the interrill delivery ratio as function of c random roughness and particle size distribution c rif = -23.0 * rrc(iplane) +1.14 c if ( rif = 0.0 if ( rif = 1.0 c intdr = 0.0 do 30 iclass = 1,npart if (fall(iclass,iplane).lt.0.01) then bz = 0.1286+2209.0*fall(iclass,iplane) az = exp(0.0672+659.0*fall(iclass,iplane)) drinti(iclass)=az*rif**bz else drinti(iclass)=2.5*rif-1.5 endif if (drinti(iclass).gt.1.0) drinti(iclass) = 1.0 if (drinti(iclass).lt.0.0) drinti(iclass) = 0.0 intdr = intdr + frac(iclass,iplane) * drinti(iclass) 30 continue c do 40 iclass = 1, npart c c XXX Added check to prevent a divide by zero if no delivery of c interrill sediment. This problem has been enhanced due c to the new equation added above to compute RIF (Now, for c an "rrc" value of 0.05 meters (2 inches) or greater, the c value of RIF is always zero - causing a bomb here). c dcf 11/18/94 c if( fidel(iclass) = frac(iclass,iplane) * drinti(iclass) / intdr else fidel(iclass) = 0.0 endif 40 continue c else c NON-CROPLAND situation - do not do interrill sediment c delivery calculations. dcf 12/2/96 intdr=1.0 do 45 iclass=1,npart fidel(iclass)=frac(iclass,iplane) 45 continue endif c c Compute dimensionless interrill erosion parameter (theta): c if (effdrr(iplane).gt.0.0) then qi = runoff(iplane) / effdrr(iplane) else qi = 0.0 end if c c c Code to incorporate a nozzle impact energy factor added below. c On OFE's which have a positive value for sprinkler irrigation c depth, we use the input value for nozzle impact energy for c that OFE. When there is no irrigation water applied, we use c the value of 1.0 for nozzle impact energy factor (natural c rainfall). dcf 3/8/94 c if (width(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c NO IRRIGATION DEPTH TODAY c if(irdept(iplane).le.0.0)then detinr = ki(iplane) * kiadjf(iplane) * effint(iplane) * qi 1 * intdr * rspace(iplane) / width(iplane) c c ELSEIF SPRINKLER IRRIGATION (irsyst = 1) c elseif(irsyst.eq.1)then c c Ratio of rain to irrigation depth is less than 1.0 - use c the input value of nozzle impact energy c if( (rain(iplane) /irdept(iplane)) .lt. 1.0)then detinr = ki(iplane) * kiadjf(iplane) * effint(iplane) * qi 1 * nozzle(iplane) 1 * intdr * rspace(iplane) / width(iplane) c c Ratio of rain to irrigation depth is 1.0 or greater - use c the assumed impact energy factor for natural rainfall c (nozzle = 1.0) c else detinr = ki(iplane) * kiadjf(iplane) * effint(iplane) * qi 1 * intdr * rspace(iplane) / width(iplane) endif c c ELSE you have furrow irrigation - which should not have any c interrill detachment - set detinr to 0.0 c else detinr = 0.0 endif c c ELSE the rill width is zero (which is impossible on a day with c runoff) so set the value for detinr to zero. c else detinr = 0.0 end if c c theta set to zero if the plane is covered by snow or the surface c layer is frozen or there is no rainfall or sprinkler irrigation c c creza 4/19/94 if (snodpy(iplane).gt.0.0.or.(frdp(iplane).gt.0.0.and. c 1 thdp(iplane).le.0.0).or.(rain.le.0..and.wmelt(iplane).gt.0. c 1 .and.irdept(iplane).le.0.).or.(rain.le.0..and.irdept(iplane) c 1 .gt.0..and.irsyst.eq.2)) then creza 4/19 c frozl=frdp(iplane)-thdp(iplane) if (snodpy(iplane).gt.0.0 .or. 1 (frara.le.0.8 .and. wmelt(iplane).gt.0. 1 .and. irdept(iplane).le.0.) .or. 1 (rain(iplane).le.0. .and. irdept(iplane).gt.0.0 .and. 1 irsyst.eq.2)) then theta = 0.0 else c c Time correction for interrill detachment (8/15/90) dcf c theta = cntlen(iplane) * detinr / tcend theta = theta * (effdrr(iplane)/effdrn(iplane)) c c For OFE's with no rainfall excess, set interrill detachment c parameter to 0.0 c if (qout.le.qin) theta = 0.0 end if c c Compute the effective particle diameter (diaeff), effective c specific gravity (spgeff), and effective particle fall c velocity (veleff) using three size classes (primary clay, c silt and sand): c diaeff = 0.0 spgeff = 0.0 sumf = 0.0 c c c NEEDS TO BE SOME CORRECTIONS MADE HERE - TO COMPUTE THE EFFECTIVE c DIAMETER, SPECIFIC GRAVITY, and FALL VELOCITY. NEED TO ADDRESS c WHEN THERE ARE LARGE AMOUNTS OF LARGE AGGREGATES OR SAND PRESENT. c Currently using only smallest 3 size classes (clay, silt, s.agg.) c c dcf 5/20/91 c do 50 k = 1, 3 diaeff = diaeff + frac(k,iplane) * alog(dia(k,iplane)) spgeff = spgeff + frac(k,iplane) * alog(spg(k)) sumf = sumf + frac(k,iplane) 50 continue c if ( then diaeff = exp(diaeff/sumf) spgeff = exp(spgeff/sumf) veleff = falvel(spgeff,diaeff) c c Compute dimensionless deposition parameter (phi): c Note: the turbulence factor beta is set to 0.5 for the moment c if there is rainfall. set to zero if no rainfall c phi=beta*veleff/peakro(iplane) c if (rain(iplane).le.0.0.and.irdept(iplane).le.0.00001) then beta = 1.0 else beta = 0.5 end if end if c c Compute the slope of the flow discharge line (PKRO) c if ( then pkro = (qout-qin) / slplen(iplane) else if ( then if (efflen(iplane).gt.1.e-10) then pkro = -qin / efflen(iplane) else pkro = -1.0e-10 end if end if end if c if (abs(pkro).ge.1.0e-15) then phi = beta * veleff / pkro else c c Set maximum value of deposition parameter to +-100000 c if slope of flow discharge line is almost 0.0 c if ( then phi = 100000. else phi = -100000. end if end if c c Limit value of deposition parameter to absolute value of 100000 c if ( phi = 100000.0 if ( phi = -100000.0 c return end