subroutine patrib(iplane,plant,tlive,tmpave,nowres,smrati,dwood, 1 ptlive) c c *************************************************************** c * NOTE: ALL SOURCE FILES THAT REFERENCE "CRINPT3.INC" MUST BE * c * COMPILED WITH THE *NEW* CRINPT.INC TO WORK WITH THIS * c * FILE. * c *************************************************************** c c NOTE: Equation numbers refer to the August 1989 User Doc. c c NOTE: Definitions in CRINPT3.INC need improvement: gcoeff, scoeff. c GHGT was incorrectly defined. Definitions in CRINPT5.INC c also need improvement: tcoeff. c Be sure ~/wepp/v9225/weltz/ in included with recoded c files. -- CRM 3/23/93. c c NOTE: In CRINPT3.INC need definitions for: RROUGH, BCOVER, RUFCOV. c CRM -- 3/25/93. c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Updates plant attributes on rangeland, including: canopy and ground c cover, LAI, plant height, and projected (side view) plant area, and c canopy height. c c Called from RANGE c Author(s): Weltz, Meyer c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 8 c c Changes: c 1) Moved 4th parameter to last position to conform to WEPP c recoding convention. Same needed in RANGE. c 2) Deleted reference to common block PTILTY.INC. c 3) This code: c if(thgt(plant) .ge. shgt(plant) .and. c 1 thgt(plant) .ge. ghgt(plant))then c tarea=thgt(plant)*100. c endif c c (WEPP Equation 8.5.18) c if(shgt(plant) .ge. thgt(plant) .and. c 1 shgt(plant) .ge. ghgt(plant))then c tarea=shgt(plant)*100. c endif c c (WEPP Equation 8.5.18) c if(ghgt(plant) .ge. thgt(plant) .and. c 1 ghgt(plant) .ge. shgt(plant))then c tarea=ghgt(plant)*100. c endif c changed to: c tarea=max(thgt(plant),shgt(plant),ghgt(plant))*100.0 c 4) Modified code relating to decomposition and bugs. c 5) Changed canopy height (by factoring) from: c canhgt(iplane) = ghgt(plant)*(gpai/tarea)/basden+ c 1 shgt(plant)*(spai/tarea)/basden+ c 2 thgt(plant)*(tpai/tarea)/basden c to: c canhgt(iplane) = (ghgt(plant)*gpai+shgt(plant)*spai+ c 1 thgt(plant)*tpai)/totpai c 6) Added range check to horizontal portion of GPAI calc. c Changed: c gpai = ghgt(plant) * gdiam(plant) * gcoeff(plant) * gpop(plant) c to: c tmpvr4 = gdiam(plant) * gcoeff(plant) * gpop(plant) c if(tmpvr4 .gt. 100.0) tmpvr4 = 100.0 c gpai = ghgt(plant) * tmpvr4 c Did same thing for shrubs & trees in the code in RNGINT. c 7) The following code moved from PATRIB to RANGE: c if(yield(iplane) .gt. 0.0 .or. oldplt .gt. 0.0)then c utiliz = tfood / (yield(iplane)+oldplt) c else c utiliz = 0.0 c endif c This meant OLDPLT & TFOOD can be removed from the dummy parameter c list for PATRIB. UTILIZ which was incorrectly treated as a local c variable in PATRIB (never passed to RANGE where it is needed), c can now be ignored in PATRIB. c 8) Added SPAI, & TPAI to CRINPT3.INC permit single initial c calculation of SPAI & TPAI in RNGINT, rather than daily c computation in PATRIB. Deleted appropriate code in c PATRIB. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 92.25. c Date recoded: 03/18/93 4/05/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer iplane, plant, nowres real tlive, tmpave, smrati, dwood, ptlive real tmpvr1, tmpvr2, tmpvr3, tmpvr4 c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c iplane - current OFE c plant - current plant type c nowres - current residue type c tlive - total current live plant material c tmpave - average daily temperature c smrati - fraction of yesterday's residue remaining today c dwood - standing dead biomass after burning or herbicide c ptlive - previous total live leaf biomass c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: cancov, gcover c write: canhgt, inrcov, rilcov c include '' c modify: rescov c write: lai c include '' c read: rmagt c modify: rmogt c include '' c read: vdmt c modify: cf c include '' c read: hmax, bbb, vdmmax c include '' c read: aleaf, wcf, crypto, cold, bugs, wood, yield c modify: ffk c write: pyield c include '' c modify: ghgt, basden c read: spai, tpai, shgt, spop, sdiam, scoeff, gpop, gdiam, gcoeff c include '' c read: thgt, tpop, tdiam, tcoeff c include '' c modify: bcover, rufcov c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real gpai, totpai, tarea, rmagy, produc c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c gpai - total projected area from the side, intercepted for grass & c herbaceous plants, per 100 meter transect; ie, vertical area c "blocked" by plants, measured perpendicular to the slope. c Used for snowdrift calculations. c totpai - total projected area from the side, for all plants combined c tarea - area of the vertical rectangle circumscribed around the c largest plant type present (trees, shrubs, & herbs). c rmagy - amount of standing residue yesterday c produc - test variable used in exponential underflow traps c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ---- herbacious plant height if (bbb(plant).gt.0.0) then c -- XXX -- This equation is incorrect in the User Doc. RE: 3/23/93 c telcon w/Weltz -- CRM -- 3/23/93. c (WEPP Equation 8.5.14) c ghgt(plant) = hmax(plant)*(1.0-exp(-bbb(plant)* c 1 (tlive+rmagt(iplane)))) produc = (bbb(plant)*(tlive+rmagt(iplane))) if ( then ghgt(plant) = hmax(plant) * (1.0-exp(-produc)) else ghgt(plant) = hmax(plant) end if else if (bbb(plant).eq.0.0) then ghgt(plant) = 0.0 else ghgt(plant) = hmax(plant) * (tlive+rmagt(iplane)/ 1 vdmmax(iplane)) end if c c ---- projected area of herbaceous plants (changes daily) c (WEPP Equation 8.5.17) if (gdiam(plant).gt.0.0) then tmpvr4 = gdiam(plant) * gcoeff(plant) * gpop(plant) if ( tmpvr4 = 100.0 gpai = ghgt(plant) * tmpvr4 else gpai = 0.0 end if c c ********************************************************************** c * NOTE: We assume NO OVERLAP between the grass, shrubs, and trees. * c * If we did, a random overlap would be represented by the * c * product of the 2 PAI's involved; ie, for overlap of ALL * c * 3 types of vegetation: * c * totpai=spai+gpai+tpai -spai*gpai -spai*tpai -gpai*tpai * c * Should we assume that grass & trees don't overlap, but * c * shrubs overlap with both grass and trees? Then we get: * c * totpai=spai+gpai+tpai -spai*gpai -spai*tpai * c * ie: * c * totpai=spai+gpai+tpai -spai*(gpai+tpai) * c * Since the current purpose of TOTPAI is solely to compute * c * a weighted average for canopy height, adding the complexity * c * of considering overlap did not seem worth the cost. * c * CRM -- 4/7/93. * c ********************************************************************** c ---- total projected area for vegetation c (WEPP Equation 8.5.16) totpai = spai(plant) + gpai + tpai(plant) c c ---- vertical area required for largest plant type, using 100 meter transect. c (WEPP Equation 8.5.18) tarea = max(thgt(plant),shgt(plant),ghgt(plant)) * 100.0 c c ---- basal density of plants; ie, the fraction of the "vertical rectangle" c (re: TAREA) covered by plants c (WEPP Equation 8.5.15) if ( then basden = totpai / tarea else basden = 0.0 end if c c ---- canopy height, a weighted mean. c (WEPP Equation 8.5.13) cC -- XXX -- This calculation would be simpler -- particularly if the cC "max" value were saved above (call it MAXHT): cC canhgt(iplane) = max(thgt(plant),shgt(plant),ghgt(plant))*basden if ( then canhgt(iplane) = (ghgt(plant)*gpai+shgt(plant)*spai(plant)+ 1 thgt(plant)*tpai(plant)) / totpai else canhgt(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c ---- leaf area index c -- XXX -- This seems to be simply "leaf area"; ie, m**2 -- CRM -- 3/24/93. lai(iplane) = tlive * aleaf(plant) c c ---- ( Update residue mass; correct for removal by insects. ) c ---- today's residue amount, after decomposition tmpvr1 = rmogt(nowres,iplane) * smrati c ---- average temp. exceeds 8 degrees (bugs active). if ( then c ------ more present than the bugs will eat if ( then rmogt(nowres,iplane) = tmpvr1 - bugs(plant) c ------ bugs finish it off. else rmogt(nowres,iplane) = 0.0 end if c ---- average temp. is less than 8 degrees (bugs inactive). else rmogt(nowres,iplane) = tmpvr1 end if if (rmogt(nowres,iplane).lt.0.00001) rmogt(nowres,iplane) = 1 0.00001 c c ---- calculate residue cover from residue mass c (WEPP Equation 8.5.20) c* produc = 12.61 * rmogt(nowres,iplane) c c NOTE - When I fixed the underflow problem below caused by VDMT c becoming very large (4462.15 kg/m**2) this caused another c error to rear its ugly head. At this point - the value c of RMOGT for the range test data set becomes 1730.51 kg/m**2 c and causes another underflow error using the old Lahey c compiler. This may be related to the VDMT problem. c WELTZ needs to determine the error and fix the problems. c c ADDED a temporary fix to prevent underflow - trap. dcf 6/4/93 c if( (6,*)'SPOT 2 produc= ',produc c if( (6,*)'rmogt = ',rmogt(nowres,iplane) c tmpvr2 = 1.085*(1.0+1.069*exp(-12.61*rmogt(nowres,iplane)))-0.5838 c c* if ( then c* tmpvr2 = 1.085 * (1.0+1.069*exp(-produc)) - 0.5838 c* else c* tmpvr2 = 1.085 - 0.5838 c* end if c c* cf(plant) = 10.0 ** (tmpvr2) c -- XXX -- Need a second equation number in the User Doc. c c NOTE - PROBLEM HERE WITH range test data set - value for c rmogt(nowres,iplane) going too high (1730.51 kg/m**2). c WELTZ needs to check and fix. For now add a trap to prevent c underflow using old Lahey compiler. dcf 6/4/93 c c rescov(iplane) = 1.0 - exp(-cf(plant)*rmogt(nowres,iplane)) c c* produc = cf(plant) * rmogt(nowres,iplane) c* if ( then c* rescov(iplane) = 1.0 - exp(-produc) c* else c* rescov(iplane) = 1.0 c* end if c* if (rescov(iplane).lt.0.0) rescov(iplane) = 0.0 c c **Added by Mary Kidwell on 5/25/95 rescov(iplane) = 1.0 - exp(cf(plant)*rmogt(nowres, iplane)) c c ---- calculate canopy cover from plant mass corresponding to 100% cover (COLD) c (WEPP Equation 8.5.22) c Original Code: c ffk(plant) =21.39148-54.90758*cold(plant)+61.11016*cold(plant) c 1 **2-30.44471*cold(plant)**3+5.561994*cold(plant)**4 c* tmpvr3 = cold(plant) ** 2 c* ffk(plant) = 21.39148 - 54.90758 * cold(plant) + 61.11016 * tmpvr3 c* 1 - 30.44471 * cold(plant) * tmpvr3 + 5.561994 * tmpvr3 ** 2 c -- XXX -- Need a second equation number in the User Doc. c (WEPP Equation 8.5.22) c c NOTE - value of VDMT goes to 4462.15 kg/m**2 running WEPP V93.06 c and the range test data set (range.dat soil.dat slope.dat c clim.dat). Weltz needs to check and correct the error c causing the large values for VDMT (which causes a bomb c using the old Lahey compiler. FOR NOW - add a trap to c prevent the underflow from occurring. dcf 6/4/93 c* produc = ffk(plant) * vdmt(iplane) c if( (6,*)'POSITION 3 produc= ',produc c if( (6,*)'VDMT = ',vdmt(iplane) c cancov(iplane) = 1. - exp(-ffk(plant)*vdmt(iplane)) c* if ( then c* cancov(iplane) = 1. - exp(-produc) c* else c* cancov(iplane) = 1.0 c* end if c* if (cancov(iplane).lt.0.0) cancov(iplane) = 0.0 c **Added by Mary Kidwell on 5/25/95 cancov(iplane) = 1.0 - exp(ffk(plant)*vdmt(iplane)) c c -- XXX -- Can't find this equation in the User Doc. -- CRM -- 3/25/93. c ---- basal plant cover (ground area occupied by stalks, stems, trunks) c XXX Following If/Else commented out by Mary Kidwell 3/95 c XXX Question is how is basal cover to be calculated for a c XXX continuous WEPP model simulation?????? dcf 3/9/95 c if (wood(plant).gt.0.0) then c bcover(iplane) = 0.3354242 * cancov(iplane) c else c bcover(iplane) = 0.429118 * cancov(iplane) c end if c c **Added by Mary Kidwell on 5/25/95 If (wood(plant).gt.0.0) then bascov(iplane) = 0.3354242 * cancov(iplane) Else bascov(iplane) = 0.429118 * cancov(iplane) End if c c -- XXX -- Can't find this equation in the User Doc. -- CRM -- 3/25/93. c ---- calculate hydraulic roughness cover from basal cover and moss & lichens c Change from Mary Kidwell, 3/95 dcf c rufcov(iplane) = bcover(iplane) + crypto(iplane) c bcover unset at this time so taken out of eqn. 04-20-95 05:28pm c* rufcov(iplane) = crycov(iplane) c* if (rufcov(iplane).lt.0.0) rufcov(iplane) = 0.0 c **Added by Mary Kidwell on 5/25/95 rufcov(iplane) = crycov(iplane) * fcryr(iplane) + 1 bascov(iplane) + fbasr(iplane) if (rufcov(iplane).lt.0.0) rufcov(iplane) = 0.0 c c ---- total ground cover (residue, rocks & gravel, stems and moss & lichens) c Change from Mary Kidwell, 3/95 dcf c gcover(iplane) = rescov(iplane) + wcf(iplane) + rufcov(iplane) gcover(iplane) = rescov(iplane) + rokcov(iplane) + rufcov(iplane) if (gcover(iplane).gt.1.0) gcover(iplane) = 1.0 c c -- XXX -- THIS STUFF LOOKS LIKE IT SHOULD BE DONE IN "RANGE" AFTER THE c CALL TO "PATRIB" -- NOT HERE. -- CRM 3/25/93. c ---- previous day's total live plant material ptlive = tlive c -- XXX -- WHY even save this? -- CRM -- 3/25/93. c ---- above ground plant production for simulation year pyield(iplane) = yield(iplane) c -- XXX -- Why compute this. It never seems to get USED... CRM -- 3/29/93. c ---- residue mass yesterday (residue mass today + dead wood) rmagy = rmagt(iplane) + dwood if (rmagy.le.0.00001) rmagy = 0.0 c c c -- XXX -- Need an equation number in the User Doc. c ---- rill cover (residue + rocks & gravel) c Change from Mary Kidwell, 3/95 dcf c rilcov(iplane) = rescov(iplane) + wcf(iplane) c* rilcov(iplane) = rescov(iplane) + rokcov(iplane) c **Added by Mary Kidwell on 5/25/95 rilcov(iplane) = rescov(iplane) * fresr(iplane) 1 + rokcov(iplane) * frokr(iplane) 1 + bascov(iplane) * fbasr(iplane) 1 + crycov(iplane) * fcryr(iplane) c c -- XXX -- Need an equation number in the User Doc. c ---- interrill cover (residue + rocks & gravel + moss & lichens) c* inrcov(iplane) = gcover(iplane) c **Added by Mary Kidwell on 5/25/95 inrcov(iplane) = rescov(iplane) * fresi(iplane) 1 + rokcov(iplane) * froki(iplane) 1 + bascov(iplane) * fbasi(iplane) 1 + crycov(iplane) * fcryi(iplane) c c return end