subroutine ptgra(nowcrp) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This is the plant growth subroutine for annual crops. c This subroutine predicts canopy cover, canopy height, and c root mass at different soil zones, root depth, leaf area c index and plant basal area. c c Called from WATBAL c Author(s): Alberts, Ghiddey, Arnold c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Parameter MXGRAZ not used, so PMAXGRZ.INC c was dereferenced. c 2) Common blocks RINPT1, CLIYR, CLIM, RIDGE, & WATER were c not used, so they were dereferenced. c 3) Imbedded RETURN's were converted to IF's. c 4) ISENES changed to ISENES(MXPLAN). -- CRM -- 5/29/92 c 5) Since ISENES is now stored in common block SENES, c DATA statement which set it to zero was removed. c This is statement is now included in BLKDATA. c CRM -- 6/9/92. c 6) Variables IDECOM[p], ISTART, TMPVAR, IFLAG, X5, and c X6 are not needed for the call to GROW, since in c PTGRA they are always zero. ISTART & IFLAG were c the only ones that were even initialized. All these c variables were deleted. 6/09/92 -- CRM c 7) VDMT set to zero at planting. 6/26/92 -- CRM. c 8) In order to conform to the WEPP Coding Convention, the c 5th - 8th arguments to GROW moved after the 2nd one, c and the last argument moved after the 3rd one. Cor- c responding changes made in the call to GROW from this c routine. c 9) Deleted dummy parameters TMPFLG, ISTART, & TRTMAS from c GROW, and its calls from PTGRA, PTGRP, and RANGE c 10) Adding setting back of TLIVE to 0.0 whenever VDMT was c set back to zero. TLIVE is used by new interception c code from Savabi. Also XXX Arnold needs to review c the meaning, computation, and use of variables VDMT, c TLIVE, RMOGT, RMAGT, CANCOV, CANHGT - as there appear c to be inconsistencies between CROPLAND and RANGELAND c usage - and RANGELAND usage seems to match variable c descriptions better. dcf 7/30/93 c c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.40. c Date recoded: 10/02/91. c Note: This module is current with WEPP release version 91.50. c Date checked: 12/5/91. c Note: This module is current with WEPP release version 92.25. c Date checked: 5/29/92 - 6/09/92. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c Note: This module is current with WEPP version 93.05 dcf 5/19/93 c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer nowcrp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c nowcrp - index of current crop c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: rmagt(mxplan),rtm(mxres,iplane) c include '' c modify: vdmt(mxplan) c include '' c read: fgs,dlai,gssen c write: sumgdd(mxplan) c include '' c read: ncount(mxplan) c include '' c write: canhgt(mxplan), cancov(mxplan), gcover(mxplan) c include '' c write: rtd(mxplan), rtmass(mxplan), lai(mxplan) c include '' c read: jdharv(mxcrop,mxplan), jdplt(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c write: hia(mxplan) include '' c read: cuthgt(ntype) c include '' c read: yldflg include '' c modify: gcvplt(mxplan) c include '' c read: jdherb(mxcrop, mxplan),jdburn(mxcrop, mxplan), c jdslge(mxcrop, mxplan) c include '' c modify: tlive(mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane, ivers c include '' c read: sdate c include '' c modify: isenes(mxplan) c c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer intcrp, idecom, nowres real silamt c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c intcrp - flag set at harvest, planting, burning, silage or c herbicide date. Vegetative dry matter, canopy cover, c canopy height, root mass, and root depth are set to c zero while the canopy cover decays. c idecom - dummy variable required by GROW. IDECOM is a flag used c to indicate whether residue updating needs to be done c at the first freezing of a perennial crop (call to RESUP) c setting of IDECOM is done in PTGRP c isenes - flag used in resup to indicate type of update for residue c 1 - harvest after senescence c 0 - harvest before senescence c -1 - stop/kill date of perennial c -2 - senescence (annual) or 1st freeze of perennial c silamt - silage harvest amount kg/m^2 c c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c initpl c resup c grow c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c intcrp = 0 c c Planting Date c if (sdate.eq.jdplt(nowcrp,iplane)) then if ( write (6,*) 'PLANTING CROP #',nowcrp, 1 ' on OFE #',iplane,' on DAY',sdate if (ivers.eq.3) write (6,*) 'PLANTING CROP #',nowcrp, 1 ' on CHANNEL #',iplane,' on DAY',sdate isenes(iplane) = 0 intcrp = 1 c vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 c c XXX - Variable TLIVE is never reset to 0.0 - this probably should c be done here when plant date is reached and other variables c set back to zero. dcf 7/30/93 c tlive(iplane) = 0.0 c hia(iplane) = 0.0 c c Need to save the ground cover on the day of planting value - c this value will then be passed to subroutine INFPAR to compute c the macroporosity adjustment factor. dcf 1/6/93 c gcvplt(iplane) = gcover(iplane) end if c c c TRAPS: If simulation date is greater than date of silage, c burning or herbicide application, then RETURN. c c *** L0 IF *** if ((,iplane)).and.(jdslge(nowcrp,iplane) 1 .ne.0)) then continue c c *** L0 ELSE-IF *** else if ((,iplane)).and.( 1 jdburn(nowcrp,iplane).ne.0).and.(jdburn(nowcrp,iplane).gt. 1 jdplt(nowcrp,iplane))) then continue c c *** L0 ELSE-IF *** else if ((,iplane)).and.( 1 jdherb(nowcrp,iplane).ne.0)) then continue c c *** L0 ELSE *** else c c *** L1 IF *** c c silage modifications 3/24/98 c if (sdate.eq.jdslge(nowcrp,iplane)) then c set residue mass above ground to ratio of c vegetative dry matter- c (harvest cut height/canopy height)*vegetative dry matter intcrp = 1 if(canhgt(iplane).le.0.0.or.vdmt(iplane).le.0.0)then write(6,1400) else if(canhgt(iplane).le.cuthgt(nowcrp))then silamt=((canhgt(iplane)-(canhgt(iplane)*0.05))/ 1 canhgt(iplane))*vdmt(iplane) write(6,1300)canhgt(iplane)*0.05 else silamt=((canhgt(iplane)-cuthgt(nowcrp))/ 1 canhgt(iplane))*vdmt(iplane) end if rmagt(iplane)=rmagt(iplane)+vdmt(iplane)-silamt c Kill annual crop vdmt(iplane)=0.0 if ( write (6,1000) sdate, iplane, silamt if (ivers.eq.3) write (6,1200) sdate, iplane, silamt c if (yldflg.eq.1) 1 write (46,1100)itype(nowcrp,iplane),sdate,iplane,silamt nowres = 1 rtm(3,iplane) = rtm(2,iplane) rtm(2,iplane) = rtm(nowres,iplane) rtm(nowres,iplane) = rtm15(iplane) end if c c Herbicide Application Date c c *** L1 ELSE-IF *** else if (sdate.eq.jdherb(nowcrp,iplane).and. 1 jdherb(nowcrp,iplane).ne.0) then rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) + vdmt(iplane) nowres = 1 rtm(3,iplane) = rtm(2,iplane) rtm(2,iplane) = rtm(nowres,iplane) rtm(nowres,iplane) = rtm15(iplane) intcrp = 1 c c Harvest Date c c *** L1 ELSE-IF *** else if (sdate.eq.jdharv(nowcrp,iplane)) then c call resup(nowcrp,isenes(iplane)) intcrp = 1 c c Burning Date c c *** L1 ELSE-IF *** else if (sdate.eq.jdburn(nowcrp,iplane).and. 1 jdburn(nowcrp,iplane).ne.0) then rmagt(iplane) = (rmagt(iplane)+vdmt(iplane)) nowres = 1 rtm(3,iplane) = rtm(2,iplane) rtm(2,iplane) = rtm(nowres,iplane) rtm(nowres,iplane) = rtm15(iplane) intcrp = 1 c end if c c Vegetative dry matter, canopy cover, canopy height, root mass, c and root depth values are set to zero when any of the following c times: at harvest, before planting, or at burning, silage, and c herbicide dates. c if (intcrp.eq.1) then c rtd(iplane) = 0.0 rtmass(iplane) = 0.0 rtm15(iplane) = 0.0 rtm30(iplane) = 0.0 rtm60(iplane) = 0.0 sumgdd(iplane) = 0.0 cancov(iplane) = 0.0 canhgt(iplane) = 0.0 if(jdslge(nowcrp,iplane).ne.sdate)vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 lai(iplane) = 0.0 c c XXX - Variable TLIVE is never reset to 0.0 - this probably should c be done here when stop date is reached and other variables c set back to zero. dcf 7/30/93 c tlive(iplane) = 0.0 else if (intcrp.eq.0) then c c Check whether simulation date is within the growing season. c -------- summer crop or winter crop if (((jdplt(nowcrp,iplane).lt.jdharv(nowcrp,iplane)).and.(( 1,iplane)).and.(sdate.le. 1 jdharv(nowcrp,iplane)))).or.((jdplt(nowcrp,iplane).ge. 1 jdharv(nowcrp,iplane)).and.(( 1 jdplt(nowcrp,iplane)).or.(sdate.le.jdharv(nowcrp,iplane))) 1 )) then c call grow(nowcrp,iplane,0.0,0.0,ncount(iplane),idecom) end if end if c c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c return 1000 format(' SILAGE HARVEST DATE ',i3,' -- plane ',i2, 1 ' yield ',f6.3,'(kg/m**2) '/) 1100 format(' Crop Type # ',i2,' Date = ',i3,' OFE # ',i2, 1 ' SILAGE= ',f8.3,'(kg/m**2) ') 1200 format(' SILAGE HARVEST DATE ',i3,' -- channel ',i2, 1 ' yield ',f6.3,'(kg/m**2) '/) 1300 format(//,' *** WARNING ***',/,' Cutting height greater than or', 1 ' equal to canopy height!',/,' Cutting height set to 5% of', 1 ' canopy height, cutting height for silage =',f5.2,' m', 1 /,' *** WARNING ***',//) 1400 format(//,' *** WARNING ***',/,' Canopy height or Vegetative dry ', 1 'matter less than or equal to 0.0,',/,' No silage operation' 1 ' performed!',/,' *** WARNING ***',//) end