subroutine ptgrp(nowcrp) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This is the plant growth subroutine for perennials. It c predicts canopy cover, canopy height, root mass in the c soil layers, root depth, leaf area index, and plant basal c area. c c Called from WATBAL c Author(s): Alberts, Ghiddey, Ferris, Arnold, Flanagan c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Common blocks CLIYR & RIDGE are not used. They c were dereferenced. c 2) Blank lines and some block-IF's eliminated. c 3) Embedded RETURN's & GOTO eliminated. c 4) The line: c if(cancov(iplane).ge.1.0) cancov(iplane)=0.999 c changed to: c if(cancov(iplane).gt.0.999) cancov(iplane)=0.999 c 5) Flag IFREEZ was backwards; ie, zero during freezing, c and one during warm temps. This was corrected. c 6) ICOUNT changed to an array; ie, ICOUNT(MXPLAN), for c V-92.25. This lets PTGRP keep up with the number of c consecutive days below the upper temperature limit, c so growth can resume after 5 days, FOR EACH OFE. c This does not change ANY of the results reported by c TEST1, TEST2, or TEST3. -- CRM -- 5/19/92. c 7) IDECOM changed to an array; ie, IDECOM(MXPLAN), c because it is never USED until the iteration AFTER c it is SET, and there is no guarantee it is processing c the same OFE. -- CRM -- Re: 5/21/92 conversation with c Jeff Arnold. c 8) Order of grazing & cutting, and sections of code to c determine temperatures outside growth regime, were c switched to put ALL temperature code together. This c resulted in NO CHANGES to results from Tests 1,2,& 3. c CRM -- 5/21/92. c 9) IBURN changed to an array; ie, IBURN(MXPLAN) -- (like c IFREEZ), because it is never USED until the iteration c AFTER it is SET, and there is no guarantee it is c processing the same OFE. -- CRM -- 5/21/92. c 10) Embedded RETURN's removed by use of XITFLG. c 11) Where GROW is called to grow the plants, IDECOMP c (which is undefined) was changed to IDECOM(IPLANE). c CRM -- 6/09/92. c 12) Variables IFLAG, X5, & X6 are not needed for the c call to GROW, since they are always zero. They were c deleted. 6/09/92 -- CRM c 13) The line: c hia(iplane) = 0.0 c was moved from *above* the equation that updates leaf c index, to *below* it. 6/26/92 -- CRM c 14) Code added to zero HIA, when VDMT is zero'ed. c 15) In order to conform to the WEPP Coding Convention, the c 5th - 8th arguments to GROW moved after the 2nd one, c and the last argument moved after the 3rd one. Cor- c responding changes made in the call to GROW from this c routine. c 16) Following lines added above call to GROW: c x1 = .01 c x2 = .95 c x3 = 5 c x4 = 15 c call scurv(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) c This permits cropland perennials to be handled like c rangeland perennials in GROW for calculating FRST. c 17) Made some pretty major changes to the structure of c the code to make it easier to read/understand. c 18) Deleted dummy parameters TMPFLG, ISTART, & TRTMAS from c GROW, and its calls from PTGRA, PTGRP, and RANGE. c 19) Added code to allow computation of average yields c of perennial cuttings. Addition of CYIELD.INC. c dcf 4/93 c 20) Changed code to no longer use hia(iplane) and c vdmx(iplane) in computations of perennial harvests c and associated variables. Dereferenced CCRPGRO.INC c Added include CDECVAR.INC to now use "cuthgt" in the c calculation of perennial yields. dcf 4/93 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.40. c Date recoded: 10/04/91 - 10/9/91. c Note: This module is current with WEPP release version 91.50. c Date checked: 12/5/91. c Note: This module is current with WEPP release version 92.25. c Date recoded: 5/19/92 - 7/31/92. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c Note: This module is current with WEPP version 93.05 dcf 5/19/93 c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer nowcrp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c nowcrp - index of current crop c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c modify: rmagt(mxplan), rtm(mxres,iplane) c include '' c modify: vdmt(mxplan) c include '' c read: gdd, hmax, bb, bbb c modify: sumgdd(mxplan) c include '' c read: ncount(mxplan) c include '' c read: tmnavg, tmxavg c include '' c read: canhgt(mxplan) c modify: cancov(mxplan) c include '' c read: rtd(mxplan) c modify: rtmass(mxplan), rtm15(mxplan) c write: lai(mxplan), rtm30(mxplan), rtm60(mxplan) c include '' c read: jdplt(mxcrop,mxplan), itype(mxcrop,mxplan) c modify: jdharv(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c read: cuthgt(ntype) c include '' c read: yldflg c c include '' c read: critvm(mxtype) c include '' c read: mgtopt,ncycle,digest,jdstop,tmpmin,tmpmax c include '' c c include '' c read: animal,bodywt,gday,gend,area,yield c include '' c modify: tlive(mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: sdate c include '' c read: yldflg c modify: sumyld(ntype,mxplan), c iyldct(ntype,mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real pyld, vdmact, tlfood, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 integer xitflg, iadflg c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c tlfood - biomass removed by grazing (km/m^2) c iburn - Flag. Tells whether ambient temperature is above upper c limit for plant growth. 0=OK; 1=too hot. Stops growth c for 5 days. c icount - number of consecutive days below upper temperature limit, c once limit is exceeded. (Five days required to resume c growth.) c idecom - Flag to indicate whether the current perennial plant c has been through an initial freeze cycle which would c cause a call to RESUP to update residue parameters. c idecom=1 (call RESUP) idecom=0 (don't call RESUP) c ngraz - Index of the current grazing cycle. c ifreez - Flag. IFREEZ is set to 1 the first day the ambient c temperature falls below that required for [this type of] c plant growth. At this time, live biomass is converted c to dead biomass. IFREEZ is reset to zero on the first c "warm" day, and at planting. c pyld - projected yield at maturity in SI units c vdmact - vegetative dry matter after cutting (in kg/m**2) c xitflg - Flag. 1=exit PTGRP. (Equivalent to a RETURN.) c c + + + SAVES + + + c save iburn, icount, ifreez, idecom, ngraz c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c resup c initgr c grow c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data ngraz /mxplan * 0/, idecom /mxplan * 0/, ifreez /mxplan * 1/, c 1 icount /mxplan * 0/, iburn /mxplan * 0/ c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c2000 format(' HARVEST date ',i3,' plane ',i4,' yield ',f8.3, c 1 '(kg/m**2)',f8.3,' (ton/ac) harvest index',f8.2) c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c xitflg = 0 iadflg = 0 c c After the first growing season, growth for perennial crops c is re-initiated when the 5-day average minimum temp. exceeds c critical min. temp. c c c If current date (SDATE) is NOT a planting date.... c *** L0 IF *** if (,iplane)) then c c If this is NOT the day when perennial crop growth stops.... c *** L1 IF *** if (,iplane).or.jdstop(nowcrp,iplane).eq.0 1 ) then c c c Make Adjustments to Crop Variables for Various Residue c Management Options c c *** L2 IF *** c Management Option 1 (cutting with removal OR without removal) c if (mgtopt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1 .or. c 1 mgtopt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.4) then c c Management Option 1 (cutting with removal) if (mgtopt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1) then if (sdate.eq.jdharv(nowcrp,iplane)) then c c New way to compute yield for cut perennial crops is by use c of input variable "cuthgt" ---- dcf 4/8/93 c c If canopy height is greater than cutting height - then you c will have a positive value for yield. We assume here that c vegetative biomass being harvested through the cutting c operation is uniformly distributed with plant height. c if (canhgt(iplane).gt.cuthgt(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) then canhgt(iplane) = cuthgt(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) c c Update vegetative dry matter today c vdmact = log(1.0-canhgt(iplane)/ 1 hmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) / (- 1 bbb(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) pyld = vdmt(iplane) - vdmact c c Calculate initial crop parameter values for simulation c of next cutting period c c Update vegetative dry matter today c vdmt(iplane) = vdmact c c Update LAI and cumulative growing degree days c lai(iplane) = (xmxlai(itype(nowcrp,iplane))* 1 vdmt(iplane)) / (vdmt(iplane)+0.2756* 1 exp(-13.6*vdmt(iplane))) c sumgdd(iplane) = gddmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) * 1 lai(iplane) / xmxlai(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) c c Equation 8.2.4 c CANCOV = 1 - e ^ (BB * VDMT) c c update canopy cover, based on vegetative dry matter (VDMT). c cancov(iplane) = 1. - 1 exp(-bb(itype(nowcrp,iplane))*vdmt(iplane)) c if (cancov(iplane).lt.0.0) cancov(iplane) = 0.0 if (cancov(iplane).gt.0.999) cancov(iplane) = 0.999 c c ELSE if the canopy height is less than the cutting height c you will have no yield and no impact on canopy or LAI c else pyld = 0.0 end if c c if(mgtopt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1) c 1 write (6,1000) sdate, iplane, pyld c if ( write (6,1000) sdate, iplane, pyld if (ivers.eq.3) write (6,1200) sdate, iplane, pyld iadflg = 1 c c c ADD a write statement to a file to store crop yields c for George Foster 3/25/93 dcf c c if (mgtopt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1. and. yldflg.eq.1) then if (yldflg.eq.1) then c write (46,1100) itype(nowcrp,iplane), sdate, iplane, 1 pyld c c ADD summation variables to total up the yields of the c various crops on the various OFE's. ADD variable to c ADD up the number of harvests of the various crops c on the various OFE's. c sumyld(itype(nowcrp,iplane),iplane) = 1 sumyld(itype(nowcrp,iplane),iplane) + pyld iyldct(itype(nowcrp,iplane),iplane) = 1 iyldct(itype(nowcrp,iplane),iplane) + 1 c end if c c NEW CODE to put cut material on soil surface as residue c cover. dcf 4/25/94 c c if(mgtopt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.4) c 1 call resup2(nowcrp,iplane,pyld) c end if c c Management Option 2 (grazing) c *** L2 ELSEIF *** else if (mgtopt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.2) then c c *** L3 IF *** if (ngraz(iplane).eq.0) then ngraz(iplane) = 1 c c *** L3 ELSEIF *** else if (ngraz(iplane).gt.0) then c c If current day is during grazing interval .... if (,nowcrp,iplane).and.sdate 1 .lt.gend(ngraz(iplane),nowcrp,iplane)) then c c If there's enough veg. dry matter (VDMT) for grazing, c calculate amount removed, and update VDMT. c if (vdmt(iplane).gt.critvm(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) then tlfood = ((0.1*(bodywt(ngraz(iplane),nowcrp,iplane)** 1 0.75/digest(itype(nowcrp,iplane))))* 1 animal(ngraz(iplane),nowcrp,iplane)) / 1 area(iplane) vdmt(iplane) = vdmt(iplane) - tlfood if (vdmt(iplane).lt.0.0) vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c If current day is the day grazing ENDS .... else if (sdate.eq.gend(ngraz(iplane),nowcrp,iplane)) then c c Prepare for next grazing cycle, and set harvest c date to end of grazing cycle. if (ngraz(iplane).lt.ncycle(nowcrp,iplane)) then ngraz(iplane) = ngraz(iplane) + 1 jdharv(nowcrp,iplane) = 1 gend(ngraz(iplane),nowcrp,iplane) else ngraz(iplane) = 0 jdharv(nowcrp,iplane) = 0 end if end if c c *** L3 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L2 ENDIF *** end if c c c *** M2 IF *** c Not cutting harvest today (normal growth and/or grazing) .... if (iadflg.eq.0) then c c Determine whether ambient temperatures are within the c ranges required for growth of this plant type. c c *** M3 IF *** c --If temp was below upper limit LAST time through PTGRP .... if (iburn(iplane).eq.0) then c c *** M4 IF *** c If temp NOW is above upper limit .... if (,iplane))) then iburn(iplane) = 1 c c *** M5 IF *** c If this is the date to stop perennial growth .... if (sdate.eq.jdstop(nowcrp,iplane)) then c c If residue parameters are to be updated .... call resup(nowcrp,-1) idecom(iplane) = 1 rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) + vdmt(iplane) sumgdd(iplane) = 0.0 cancov(iplane) = 0.0 canhgt(iplane) = 0.0 vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 lai(iplane) = 0.0 tlive(iplane) = 0.0 ncount(iplane) = 0 c c *** M5 ENDIF *** end if c c *** M4 ENDIF *** end if c c *** M3 ELSE *** c If temp LAST exceeded upper limit .... else c -Max. temp. (still) exceeds upper limit. Reset the clock. if (,iplane))) then icount(iplane) = 0 xitflg = 1 c c ----------- If temp NOW is below upper limit .... else c ------ If 5 days has not elapsed, count off another day. if (icount(iplane).lt.5) then icount(iplane) = icount(iplane) + 1 xitflg = 1 c ------ After 5 days, allow plant growth to resume. else iburn(iplane) = 0 end if end if c c *** M3 ENDIF *** end if c c *** N3 IF *** c If no problems are detected so far, continue. if (xitflg.eq.0) then c c *** N4 IF *** c ---If temp was below lower limit yesterday .... if (ifreez(iplane).ne.0) then c -- If temp. is still below min. temp. .... if (tmnavg.le.tmpmin(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) then xitflg = 1 c -- Temp exceeds min temp today, allow growth to resume else ifreez(iplane) = 0 rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) + vdmt(iplane) call initgr(nowcrp) end if c c *** N4 ELSEIF *** c If today is the FIRST day ambient temp. falls below min. c temp., kill plants. else if (tmnavg.le.tmpmin(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) then ifreez(iplane) = 1 c if (idecom(iplane).eq.1.and.vdmt(iplane).gt.0.0) then call resup(nowcrp,-2) idecom(iplane) = 0 end if c c On freeze date - convert live biomass to standing c dead residue (rmagt) c rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) + vdmt(iplane) sumgdd(iplane) = 0.0 c c XXX When freezing does occur - should CANCOV be reset to c zero immediately??? Don't the frozen-dead plants still c provide significant canopy cover??? Is this canopy c sufficiently accounted for by RMAGT, or does additional c code need to be developed that decreases CANCOV from c its pre-frost value???? Arnold needs to determine. c dcf 7/30/93 c cancov(iplane) = 0.0 c c XXX When freezing occurs - should CANHGT be reset to zero c immediately?? Don't the frozen-dead plants still provide c significant canopy??? By resetting CANHGT to zero here c we immediately eliminate the contribution of the plant c stems in reducing effective shear stress on the soil in c the transport and erosion routines. Arnold / Gilley need c to evaluate this effect. dcf 7/30/93 c canhgt(iplane) = 0.0 vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 lai(iplane) = 0.0 xitflg = 1 tlive(iplane) = 0.0 c c XXX Set NCOUNT to zero - this resets senescence day counter c so that a perennial with no management (such as grapes c in Italy) will have senescence each year. dcf 5/20/94 c ncount(iplane) = 0 c c *** N4 ENDIF *** end if c c *** O3 IF *** c TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS FAVORABLE FOR GROWTH if (xitflg.eq.0) then c x1 = .01 x2 = .95 x3 = 5 x4 = 15 call scurv(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) call grow(nowcrp,iplane,x5,x6,ncount(iplane), 1 idecom(iplane)) c c *** O3 ENDIF *** end if c c c *** N3 ENDIF *** end if c c *** M2 ENDIF *** end if c c c At JDSTOP (the date when growing perennial crop is stopped) c live above ground biomass and rootmass are converted to dead. c c This IS the day when perennial crop growth stops.... c *** L1 ELSEIF *** else if (sdate.eq.jdstop(nowcrp,iplane)) then call resup(nowcrp,-1) idecom(iplane) = 1 rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) + vdmt(iplane) sumgdd(iplane) = 0.0 cancov(iplane) = 0.0 canhgt(iplane) = 0.0 vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 lai(iplane) = 0.0 tlive(iplane) = 0.0 ncount(iplane) = 0 c *** L1 ELSE *** else continue c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c Since this IS a planting date, initialize variables. c *** L0 ELSE IF *** else if (sdate.eq.jdplt(nowcrp,iplane)) then if ( write (6,*) 'PLANTING CROP #',nowcrp, 1 ' on OFE # ',iplane,' on DAY',sdate if (ivers.eq.3) write (6,*) 'PLANTING CROP #',nowcrp, 1 ' on CHANNEL #',iplane,' on DAY',sdate ifreez(iplane) = 0 idecom(iplane) = 1 c c Vegetative dry matter, canopy cover, canopy height, root mass c and root depth values are set to zero on the following days: c at harvest, before planting, or at burning, silage, or herbicide c date. c rtd(iplane) = 0.0 rtmass(iplane) = 0.0 rtm15(iplane) = 0.0 rtm30(iplane) = 0.0 rtm60(iplane) = 0.0 sumgdd(iplane) = 0.0 cancov(iplane) = 0.0 canhgt(iplane) = 0.0 vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 lai(iplane) = 0.0 ncount(iplane) = 0 c c Today is not within a possible growing period for a perennial c *** L0 ELSE *** else c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c return 1000 format (' HARVEST date ',i3,' plane ',i4,' yield ',f8.3, 1 '(kg/m**2)') 1100 format (' Crop Type # ',i2,' Date = ',i3,' OFE # ',i2,' yield= ', 1 f8.3,'(kg/m**2)') 1200 format (' HARVEST date ',i3,' channel ',i4,' yield ',f8.3, 1 ' (kg/m**2)') end