subroutine radcur(day,hr,rdlat,decl,ratio) c c +++PURPOSE+++ c This function is from Jensen etal. 1990 ACSE No. 70 c "ET and Irrigation Water Requirements". We are using c it to find the ratio between the hourly potential radiation c and the estimated radiation on a sloping surface for the day. c This function returns an hourly value which, in turn is used c in the sunmap routine to find the ratio of hourly to c daily. The daily radiation value is then broken up into c an hourly value distributed over a bell shaped curve. c c Author(s): John Witte, UofMn WCES @ USDA-ARS-NCSRL c Date: 03/24/93 c Verified and tested by Reza Savabi, USDA-ARS, NSERL 317-494-5051 c August 1994 c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ real ratio,rdlat,decl integer day,hr c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c ratio - The calculated factor with which to multiply daily c radiation to calculate hourly radiation. c rdlat - The latitude in radian units. c day - The julian day of year. c hr - The hour of the day being run. c decl - Declination of the sun in radian units.(+)North (-)Sth. c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ real pi,slrtm,hasun,haset,harise,solcon,rdsun,dfact c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c dfact - Day factor used in solar time correction equation. c pi - Estimated value of 22/7. c slrtm - Seasonal correction for solar time (hrs). c hasun - Hour angle of the sun given the day of year (degrees). c haset - Hour angle at sunset (deg). c harise - Hour angle at sunrise (deg). c solcon - Solar constant--this time units are: (MJ/m^2.min). c rdsun - Relative distance between earth and sun. c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ c pi = 3.141593 solcon = 0.082 dfact = ((2 * pi) * (day - 81)) / 365 slrtm = (0.1645 * sin(2 * dfact)) - (0.1255 * cos(dfact)) - 1 (0.025 * sin(dfact)) hasun = ((hr + slrtm) - 12) * (pi / 12) c -- Could possibly add a longitude adjustment for locations between c -- longitudinal coordinates. However, such an adjustment is so c -- minute that Bob decided we didn't need it here. haset = hasun - (pi / 24) harise = hasun + (pi / 24) rdsun = 1 + 0.033 * cos((2 * pi * day) / 365) ratio = ((12 * 60) / pi) * solcon * rdsun * (cos(rdlat) * 1 cos(decl) * (sin(harise) - sin(haset)) + 2 (harise - haset) * sin(rdlat) * sin(decl)) if (ratio .lt. 0.0) ratio = 0.0 return end