subroutine res_dp(lanuse,numres,iplane,resdep) c c +++ PURPOSE +++ c This function computes total residue depth (for all residue c types) on a single Overland Flow Element (OFE). c It was originally incorporated into WINTER, but was split out c by Charles R. Meyer 6/7/96 to reduce code complexity. c c +++ ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS +++ integer lanuse,numres,iplane real resdep c c +++ ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS +++ c lanuse - c numres - c iplane - c resdep - c c +++ PARAMETERS +++ include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c c +++ COMMON BLOCKS +++ include '' c read: iresd include '' c read: diam include '' c read: rmogt c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ c c resdep = 0.0 c c XXX WHY ARE WE SETTING NUMRES EQUAL TO 1? We are limiting c our residue depth calculations to only the residue that c is currently in register 1 (most recently harvested)? c We could easily use all 3 residue registers. dcf 2/6/97 c c c Determine number of residue groups currently being tracked c if (iresd(3,iplane).ne.0) then numres = 3 else if (iresd(2,iplane).ne.0) then numres = 2 else numres = 1 end if c numres = 1 c do 10 nowres = 1,numres c c ----- Corn and sorghum (pithy residue). if (lanuse .eq. 1) then if (iresd(nowres,iplane) .ne. 0) then if (diam(iresd(nowres,iplane)) .le. 0.06) then if (diam(iresd(nowres,iplane)) .ge. 0.03) then efsg = 0.042 c c ------------ Soybeans, cotton, etc.. (woody residue). else if (diam(iresd(nowres,iplane)) .ge. 0.007) then efsg = 0.078 c c ------------ Winter wheat, spring wheat and alfalfa, etc... (hollow residue). else if (diam(iresd(nowres,iplane)) .ge. 0.001) then efsg = 0.027 c c -- XXX - Problem with undefined variable here - for case of Forest c Service inputting a tree diameter of 0.5 meters - variable c efsg is undefined. SO - set efsg to the value for c woody residue (as above - 0.078) dcf 9/9/94 c else efsg = 0.078 endif else efsg = 0.078 endif else efsg = 0.0 endif else efsg = 0.078 endif c if (efsg .le. 0.0) then resdep = 0.0 else resdep = resdep + rmogt(nowres,iplane) / (efsg * 100.0) endif c 10 continue c return end