subroutine resup(nowcrp,isenes) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subroutine is called at harvest ,senescence and c when residue is added, to update the residue partitions. c c ********************************************************************* c * NOTE: Variable RESMGT is read by subroutine TILAGE, and is stored * c * in common block CRPPRM, but is apparently NEVER USED! * c * -- CRM -- 12/01/92. * c ********************************************************************* c c ********************************************************************* c * At senescence, or at harvest before senescence, the previous * c * residue is added to the old residue, and the current is shifted * c * to the previous residue. At senescence for annuals, and at the * c * stop date for perennials, all current residues are initialized * c * to zero. At harvest the residues are calculated as a fraction * c * of the biomass. At harvest after senescence, the fraction of * c * the biomass is added to the current residue. * c * * c * At harvest date the root mass is updated. * c ********************************************************************* c c Called from DECOMP, GROW, PTGRA, and PTGRP. c Author(s): c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 8 c c Changes: c 1) Removed local variable NUMRES, which was always set to '3', c and substituted '3' for it, and '2' for NUMRES-1. c 2) Removed local variable NRES, which was always set to '4'. c 3) Removed local variable NOWRES, which was always set to '1'. c 4) The lines below seemed to exist for the sole purpose of c communicating with DECOMP. Most of the values don't even c seem to be used. The arrays are dimensioned to (mxcrop,mxplan) c in common block CRPPRM, and MXCROP is set to 5 in PMXCRP.INC. c Seems like a waste of memory space! In DECOMP the code was c changed from XXXXXX(4,iplane) to XXXXXX(nowcrp,iplane). c -- CRM -- 12/01/92 c c jdplt(4,iplane) = jdplt(nowcrp,iplane) c jdharv(4,iplane) = jdharv(nowcrp,iplane) c rw(4,iplane) = rw(nowcrp,iplane) c resmgt(4,iplane) = resmgt(nowcrp,iplane) c jdherb(4,iplane) = jdherb(nowcrp,iplane) c jdburn(4,iplane) = jdburn(nowcrp,iplane) c jdslge(4,iplane) = jdslge(nowcrp,iplane) c jdcut(4,iplane) = jdcut(nowcrp,iplane) c jdmove(4,iplane) = jdmove(nowcrp,iplane) c fbrnag(4,iplane) = fbrnag(nowcrp,iplane) c fbrnog(4,iplane) = fbrnog(nowcrp,iplane) c frmove(4,iplane) = frmove(nowcrp,iplane) c jdstop(4,iplane) = jdstop(nowcrp,iplane) c tothav(4,iplane) = tothav(nowcrp,iplane) c frcut(4,iplane) = frcut(nowcrp,iplane) c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.50. c Date recoded: 12/06/91 - 12/24/91. c Updated to version 92.25. c Date recoded: 12/01/92 - 12/09/92. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer nowcrp, isenesg c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c nowcrp - index of current crop c isenes - flag used in resup to indicate type of update for residue c 13 - residue removal with disturbance c 12 - residue addition with disturbance c 11 - residue removal with no disturbance c 10 - residue addition with no disturbance c 1 - harvest after senescence c 0 - harvest before senescence c -1 - stop(kill) date for a perennial c -2 - senescence (annual) or 1st freeze of perennial c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: tilseq( include '' c read: itype c modify: iresd(mxres,mxplan), jdplt(mxcrop,mxplan), c jdharv(mxcrop,mxplan), rw(mxcrop,mxplan), c resmgt(mxcrop,mxplan), iroot(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c read: vdmx(mxplan), hia(mxplan), y4(ntype) c include '' c modify: rtm15(mxplan) c write: rtm30(mxplan), rtm60(mxplan), rtmass(mxplan) c include '' c modify: smrm(mxres,mxplan), rmogt(mxres,mxplan), rmagt(mxplan) c rtm(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c read: vdmt(mxplan) c c include '' c include '' c read: pltsp(ntype), diam(ntype) c write: basmat(mxplan) c include '' c modify: benvin(mxres,mxplan), fenvin(mxres,mxplan) c write: senvin(mxres, mxplan) c include '' c read: yldflg c include '' c read: partcf(ntype) c modify: jdherb(mxcrop,mxplan), jdburn(mxcrop,mxplan), c jdslge(mxcrop,mxplan), jdcut(mxcrop,mxplan), c jdmove(mxcrop,mxplan), fbrnag(mxcrop,mxplan), c fbrnog(mxcrop,mxplan), frmove(mxcrop,mxplan), c jdstop(mxcrop,mxplan), tothav(mxcrop,mxplan), c frcut(mxcrop,mxplan), popmat(mxplan), c srmhav(mxplan) c modify: popmat(mxplan), srmhav(mxplan) c include '' c modify: idecom(mxplan) c include '' c modify: rilrm(mxres,mxplan), rigrm(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c read: ivers c include '' c read: resman(indxy(iplane),tillseq(nowcrp,iplane) c include '' c read: sdate, indxy(iplane) c include '' c modify: sumyld(ntype,mxplan),sumbsh(ntype,mxplan), c iyldct(ntype,mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real areacv, stemar, hyield c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c nowres - 1 = current residue c 2 = previous residue c 3 = total of all residue prior to the previous c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c If this is a harvest (either before or after senescence), c calculate yield. c if ( then hyield = hia(iplane) * vdmx(iplane) c yldbsh = hyield * 8907.7 / y4(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) c if ( write (6,1000) sdate, iplane, hyield if (ivers.eq.3) write (6,1200) sdate, iplane, hyield c c ADD a write statement to a file to store crop yields c for George Foster 3/25/93 dcf c if (yldflg.eq.1) then write (46,1100) itype(nowcrp,iplane), sdate, iplane, hyield c c ADD summation variables to total up the yields of the c various crops on the various OFE's. ADD variable to c ADD up the total number of harvests of the various crops c on the various OFE's. c sumyld(itype(nowcrp,iplane),iplane) = 1 sumyld(itype(nowcrp,iplane),iplane) + hyield iyldct(itype(nowcrp,iplane),iplane) = 1 iyldct(itype(nowcrp,iplane),iplane) + 1 end if c end if c c *** L0 IF *** c If this is NOT a harvest after senescence.... if (isenes.le.0) then c c Add residue from previous crop; ie, crop before current crop c (RMOGT(2,iplane)), to oldest residue total (RMOGT(3,iplane)) c rmogt(3,iplane) = rmogt(3,iplane) + rmogt(2,iplane) rilrm(3,iplane) = rilrm(3,iplane) + rilrm(2,iplane) rigrm(3,iplane) = rigrm(3,iplane) + rigrm(2,iplane) smrm(3,iplane) = smrm(3,iplane) + smrm(2,iplane) c c Shift residue type, buried environment coefficient, and c flat environment coefficient from "previous" to "oldest". c iresd(3,iplane) = iresd(2,iplane) benvin(3,iplane) = benvin(2,iplane) fenvin(3,iplane) = fenvin(2,iplane) c c Shift current residue to previous residue c rmogt(2,iplane) = rmogt(1,iplane) rilrm(2,iplane) = rilrm(1,iplane) rigrm(2,iplane) = rigrm(1,iplane) smrm(2,iplane) = smrm(1,iplane) iresd(2,iplane) = iresd(1,iplane) benvin(2,iplane) = benvin(1,iplane) fenvin(2,iplane) = fenvin(1,iplane) c c Set current residue type to current crop. iresd(1,iplane) = itype(nowcrp,iplane) c c basal area at maturity (BASMAT) c c (WEPP Equation 8.2.18) c areacv=pltsp(iresd(1,iplane))*rw(4,iplane) areacv = pltsp(iresd(1,iplane)) * rw(nowcrp,iplane) c (WEPP Equation 8.2.17) popmat(iplane) = (1.0/areacv) c (WEPP Equation 8.2.19) c stemar=3.14159*(diam(iresd(1,iplane)/2.0)**2) stemar = 3.14159 * (diam(iresd(1,iplane))/2.0) ** 2 c (WEPP Equation 8.2.16) basmat(iplane) = popmat(iplane) * stemar c c ------ standing residue mass at harvest srmhav(iplane) = vdmx(iplane) * partcf(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) if (srmhav(iplane).le.0.1) srmhav(iplane) = 0.10 c c ------ submerged residue for new residue is zero until tillage smrm(1,iplane) = 0.00001 c c c *** L1 IF *** c Harvest before senescence if (isenes.eq.0) then rmogt(1,iplane) = (vdmt(iplane)-hyield) * (1.- 1 partcf(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) + (vdmt(iplane)-hyield) * 1 partcf(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) rilrm(1,iplane) = (vdmt(iplane)-hyield) * (1.- 1 partcf(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) rigrm(1,iplane) = (vdmt(iplane)-hyield) * (1.- 1 partcf(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) idecom(iplane) = 1 c c *** L1 ELSE *** else c c Senescence or stop date of perennial c rmogt(1,iplane) = 0.0 rilrm(1,iplane) = 0.0 rigrm(1,iplane) = 0.0 c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c set environmental factors for decomposition to zero c benvin(1,iplane) = 0.0 fenvin(1,iplane) = 0.0 senvin(iplane) = 0.0 c c *** L0 ELSE *** c Residue addition else if(isenes.eq.10)then c c Add residue from previous crop; ie, crop before current crop c (RMOGT(2,iplane)), to oldest residue total (RMOGT(3,iplane)) c rmogt(3,iplane) = rmogt(3,iplane) + rmogt(2,iplane) rilrm(3,iplane) = rilrm(3,iplane) + rilrm(2,iplane) rigrm(3,iplane) = rigrm(3,iplane) + rigrm(2,iplane) c c c Shift current residue to previous residue c rmogt(2,iplane) = rmogt(1,iplane) rilrm(2,iplane) = rilrm(1,iplane) rigrm(2,iplane) = rigrm(1,iplane) c c Shift residue type, iresd(3,iplane) = iresd(2,iplane) iresd(2,iplane) = iresd(1,iplane) c ------ submerged residue for new residue is zero until tillage smrm(1,iplane) = 0.00001 c c if surface disturbance accompanies residue addition then c disturb surface and then add residue, c elseif( c c shift submerged residues from previous to oldest c smrm(3,iplane) = smrm(3,iplane) + smrm(2,iplane) c c shift submerged residues from current to previous c smrm(2,iplane) = smrm(1,iplane) c c Shift buried environment coefficient, and c flat environment coefficient from "previous" to "oldest". c benvin(3,iplane) = benvin(2,iplane) fenvin(3,iplane) = fenvin(2,iplane) c c Shift buried environment coefficient, and c flat environment coefficient from "previous" to "oldest". c benvin(2,iplane) = benvin(1,iplane) fenvin(2,iplane) = fenvin(1,iplane) c c Add residue from previous crop; ie, crop before current crop c (RMOGT(2,iplane)), to oldest residue total (RMOGT(3,iplane)) c rmogt(3,iplane) = rmogt(3,iplane) + rmogt(2,iplane) rilrm(3,iplane) = rilrm(3,iplane) + rilrm(2,iplane) rigrm(3,iplane) = rigrm(3,iplane) + rigrm(2,iplane) c c c Shift current residue to previous residue c rmogt(2,iplane) = rmogt(1,iplane) rilrm(2,iplane) = rilrm(1,iplane) rigrm(2,iplane) = rigrm(1,iplane) c c Shift residue type, iresd(3,iplane) = iresd(2,iplane) iresd(2,iplane) = iresd(1,iplane) else c c Harvest after senescence - no shift of residue (done at senescence) c rmogt(1,iplane) = rmogt(1,iplane) + (vdmt(iplane)-hyield) * (1.- 1 partcf(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) + (vdmt(iplane)-hyield) * 1 partcf(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) rilrm(1,iplane) = rilrm(1,iplane) + (vdmt(iplane)-hyield) * (1.- 1 partcf(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) rigrm(1,iplane) = rigrm(1,iplane) + (vdmt(iplane)-hyield) * (1.- 1 partcf(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) c c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c c At harvest (annual) or kill date (perennial) update root mass. c if ( then rtm(3,iplane) = rtm(3,iplane) + rtm(2,iplane) iroot(3,iplane) = iroot(2,iplane) rtm(2,iplane) = rtm(1,iplane) iroot(2,iplane) = iroot(1,iplane) rtm(1,iplane) = rtm15(iplane) iroot(1,iplane) = itype(nowcrp,iplane) c c Reset live root mass to zero. c rtmass(iplane) = 0.0 rtm15(iplane) = 0.0 rtm30(iplane) = 0.0 rtm60(iplane) = 0.0 c end if c return 1000 format(' ANNUAL CROP HARVEST DATE ',i3,' -- plane ',i2, 1 ' yield ',f6.3,'(kg/m**2) '/) 1100 format(' Crop Type # ',i2,' Date = ',i3,' OFE # ',i2,' yield= ', 1 f8.3,'(kg/m**2) ') 1200 format(' ANNUAL CROP HARVEST DATE ',i3,' -- channel ',i2, 1 ' yield ',f6.3,'(kg/m**2) '/) end