subroutine rherb(plant) c c NOTE: The definitions in CRINPT6.INC were missing. Some have c been supplied from other sources in the new include file c (~/wepp/v9225/weltz/ This file should be c included with the recoded files, and the missing definitions c must be supplied. -- CRM -- 3/16/93. c c NOTE: The definitions in CRINPT4.INC have been corrected. This c new include file (~/wepp/v9225/weltz/ should c be included with the recoded files. -- CRM -- 3/04/93. c c NOTE: Variable IDEATH seems to serve no purpose outside RHERB. c It should be removed from common block RINPT6, and used c as a local variable in RHERB. It should be removed from c RANGE, and set to zero at the top of RHERB. -- CRM -- 3/16/93. c Mark agrees. RE: 3/16/93 telcon. c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Simulates killing of live plants with either soil herbicide or c foliar herbicide. Herbicide application can either increase c or decrease potential production, and can change access of forage c for grazing livestock. Application will change canopy cover, c LAI, litter cover, and root biomass. c c Called from RANGE c Author(s): Weltz, Meyer c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 8 c c Changes: c 1) Dereferenced common blocks: CRPVR2, CRPVR3, CRPVR5, CONS, c CRPOUT, CRPPRM, ENDS, PARAME, RINPT2, RINPT3, and RINPT5. c 2) Dereferenced include files: '' & ''. c 3) Eliminated global SAVE of local variables. c 4) Combined the following to IF's: c if(tlive(iplane).gt.0.0)then c if(sdate.eq.ihdate(iplane))then c 5) Changed references to NOWRES to '1'. c 6) Changed c ideath(iplane) = 5 c to: c ideath(iplane) = 0 c Re: 3/4/93 telcon with Mark Weltz. (Setting c 7) Calculation for tlive did not include evergreen fraction: c tlive(iplane)= (tlive(iplane)-xlive(iplane))* c 1 dleaf(iplane) c Changed to: c tlive(iplane) = tlive(iplane) - hold - adhere c Re: 3/4 & 3/16 telcon w/Weltz and 3/17/93 telephone message c from Mark Weltz. c 8) Changed PLIVE(PLANT) to PLIVE(PLANT,IPLANE). -- CRM -- 5/14/93. c 9) PROOT was altered analogous to PLIVE. -- CRM -- 5/14/93. c 10) Changed variable "woody" usage from real to integer. 2/16/94 dcf c c c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 92.25. c Date recoded: 01/29/93 - 03/16/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer plant c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c plant - current plant type; set to itype(nowcrp,iplane) in RANGE c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: rmogt(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c read: am2(mxplan) c include '' c read: rain(mxplan) c include '' c read: woody(mxplan) c modify: plive(ntype,mxplan), proot(ntype,iplane) c write: access(mxplan) c include '' c read: active, herb, update, regrow, dleaf c modify: ihdate(mxplan), xlive(mxplan) c include '' c modify: ideath c write: sdead c include '' c modify: tlive(ntype,mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: sdate c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real hold, adhere, drop c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c hold - amount of non-evergreen leaves killed by herbicide (kg/m^2) c adhere - amount of evergreen leaves killed by herbicide c drop - amount of grass and forb (herbaceous) leaves killed by herbicide c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c *** L0 IF *** c LIVE MATERIAL EXISTS, and this is the herbicide application date. if ((tlive(plant).gt.0.0).and.(sdate.eq.ihdate(iplane))) then c c *** L1 IF *** c (FOLIAR HERBICIDE) if (active(iplane).eq.0) then c c *** L2 IF *** c -------- If rainfall <= 10 mm, permit herbicide application. if (rain(iplane).le.0.01) then c ---------- set flag to kill plants immediately ideath(iplane) = 1 c ---------- (EVERGREENS PRESENT) if (xlive(iplane).gt.0.0) then c ------------ (MIXED POPULATION) if (tlive(plant).gt.xlive(iplane)) then c -------------- amount of non-evergreen leaf biomass killed c (WEPP Equation 8.6.18) hold = (tlive(plant)-xlive(iplane)) * (1.0- 1 dleaf(iplane)) c -------------- amount of evergreen leaf biomass killed c (WEPP Equation 8.6.19) adhere = xlive(iplane) * (1.0-herb(iplane)) c -------------- total amount of leaf biomass remaining c tlive(plant) = tlive(plant)-hold-adhere c -------------- amount of evergreen leaf biomass remaining xlive(iplane) = xlive(iplane) * herb(iplane) c ------------ (ONLY EVERGREENS) else c -------------- amount of evergreen leaf biomass killed c (WEPP Equation 8.6.19) adhere = xlive(iplane) * (1.0-herb(iplane)) c -------------- amount of evergreen leaf biomass remaining xlive(iplane) = xlive(iplane) * herb(iplane) c -------------- total amount of live biomass today tlive(plant) = xlive(iplane) end if c ---------- (NO EVERGREENS PRESENT) else c ------------ amount of grass and forb (herbaceous) leaves killed c (WEPP Equation 8.6.17) drop = tlive(plant) * (1.0-dleaf(iplane)) c ------------ total amount of live biomass today tlive(plant) = tlive(plant) - drop end if c c -------- Rainfall exceeds 10 mm. Postpone herbicide application 1 day. c *** L2 ELSE *** else ihdate(iplane) = ihdate(iplane) + 1 c c *** L2 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L1 ELSE *** c (GRANULAR [SOIL] HERBICIDE) else c c *** M2 IF *** c -------- Either 12.5 mm of rain has fallen, or the 5-day antecedent c moisture for submerged residue >= 12.5 mm. c c XXX NOTE - in future may want to change "rain(iplane)" to c XXX "rain+melt+irdept" to allow impact of snow melt and c XXX irrigation water. dcf 12/19/94 if (rain(iplane).gt.0.0125.or.am2(iplane).gt.0.0125) then c ---------- set flag to kill plants ideath(iplane) = 1 c c *** M3 IF *** c ---------- (EVERGREENS PRESENT) if (xlive(iplane).gt.0.0) then c ------------ (MIXED POPULATION) if (tlive(plant).gt.xlive(iplane)) then c -------------- non-evergreen biomass killed c (WEPP Equation 8.6.18) hold = (tlive(plant)-xlive(iplane)) * (1.0- 1 dleaf(iplane)) c -------------- amount of evergreen leaf biomass killed c (WEPP Equation 8.6.19) adhere = xlive(iplane) * (1.0-herb(iplane)) c -------------- amount of evergreen leaf biomass remaining xlive(iplane) = xlive(iplane) * herb(iplane) c -------------- total amount of leaf biomass remaining tlive(plant) = tlive(plant) - hold - adhere c c ------------ (ONLY EVERGREENS) else c (WEPP Equation 8.6.19) c -------------- amount of evergreen leaf biomass killed adhere = xlive(iplane) * (1.0-herb(iplane)) c -------------- amount of evergreen leaf biomass remaining xlive(iplane) = xlive(iplane) * herb(iplane) c -------------- total amount of live biomass today tlive(plant) = xlive(iplane) end if c c *** M3 ELSE *** c ---------- (NO EVERGREENS PRESENT) else c ------------ amount of grass and forb (herbaceous) leaves killed c (WEPP Equation 8.6.17) drop = tlive(plant) * (1.0-dleaf(iplane)) c ------------ total amount of live biomass today tlive(plant) = tlive(plant) - drop c c *** M3 ENDIF *** end if c c *** M2 ELSE *** c -------- 12.5 mm of rain has NOT fallen, and the 5-day antecedent c moisture for submerged residue < 12.5 mm. else ihdate(iplane) = ihdate(iplane) + 1 c c *** M2 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c c c ********************* c * UPDATE RESIDUE * c ********************* c c *** N0 IF *** c ---- If there has been death by herbicide... if (ideath(iplane).eq.1) then c c *** N1 IF *** c ------ (NO EVERGREENS PRESENT) if (xlive(iplane).eq.0.0) then c -------- no woody plants ==> death is immediate and residue falls to ground if (woody(iplane).eq.0) then c ---------- residue on ground c (WEPP Equation 8.6.23) rmogt(1,iplane) = rmogt(1,iplane) + drop else c ---------- standing residue of woody plants ==> may take months to fall sdead(iplane) = drop end if c c *** N1 ELSE *** c ------ (EVERGREENS PRESENT) else c c -------- no woody plants ==> death is immediate and residue falls to ground c *** N2 IF *** if (woody(iplane).eq.0) then c ---------- (MIXED POPULATION) if (tlive(plant).gt.xlive(iplane)) then c ------------ residue on ground c (WEPP Equation 8.6.24) rmogt(1,iplane) = rmogt(1,iplane) + adhere + hold c ---------- (ONLY EVERGREENS) else c ------------ residue on ground rmogt(1,iplane) = rmogt(1,iplane) + adhere end if c c *** N2 ELSE *** c -------- woody plants ==> standing residue may take months to fall else c ---------- (MIXED POPULATION) if (tlive(plant)-xlive(iplane).gt.0.0) then c ------------ standing residue c (WEPP Equation 8.6.25) sdead(iplane) = hold + adhere c ---------- (ONLY EVERGREENS) else c ------------ standing residue sdead(iplane) = adhere end if c c *** N2 ENDIF *** end if c c *** N1 ENDIF *** end if c c ------ change access of forage for livestock to fraction available after c herbicide application access(iplane) = update(iplane) c c ------ either increase or decrease potential plant growth because of herbicide c (WEPP Equation 8.6.20) plive(plant,iplane) = plive(plant,iplane) * regrow(iplane) c c ------ either increase or decrease potential root growth because of herbicide c (WEPP Equation 8.6.21) proot(plant,iplane) = proot(plant,iplane) * regrow(iplane) c c ideath(iplane) = 5 ideath(iplane) = 0 c -- XXX -- See note RE: ideath, at top of routine. -- CRM -- 3/16/93. c c *** N0 ENDIF *** end if c return end