subroutine runout c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR RUNOUT outputs the watershed runoff balance. c c Called from: SR WSHDRV c Author(s): Ascough II c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real runbef c character*3 text(12) character*40 runsrc c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c runbef - c runsrc - c text(12) - text for month of year c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data text /'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 1 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c write (59,1000) text(mon), day, year, sdate, prcp * 1.0e3 c write (59,1200) nhill c if (ipeak.eq.1) write (59,2600) if (ipeak.eq.2) write (59,2700) c do 10 ielmt = 1, nhill if (ipeak.eq.1) write (59,2800) ielmt, htcs(ielmt), 1 halpha(ielmt) if (ipeak.eq.2) write (59,2800) ielmt, htcs(ielmt) 10 continue c write (59,2900) nhill + 1, nelmt c do 20 ielmt = nhill + 1, nelmt c write (59,1100) c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2.and.runvol(ielmt).gt.0.0) then if (ipeak.eq.1) write (59,1300) if (ipeak.eq.2) write (59,1400) end if c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.3.or.runvol(ielmt).eq.0.0) write (59,1500) c if (runvol(ielmt).gt.0.0) then c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then if (ipeak.eq.1) write (59,1600) ielmt, ieltyp(ielmt), 1 idelmt(ielmt), htcc(ielmt), walpha(ielmt) if (ipeak.eq.2) write (59,1700) ielmt, ieltyp(ielmt), 1 idelmt(ielmt), htcc(ielmt) end if c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.3) write (59,1800) ielmt, ieltyp(ielmt), 1 idelmt(ielmt) else write (59,1900) ielmt, ieltyp(ielmt), idelmt(ielmt) end if c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then c if (idflag.eq.2) then if (wmelt(idelmt(ielmt)).gt.0.0) then runsrc = 'channel runoff only with snowmelt' else runsrc = 'channel runoff only' end if c else if (idflag.eq.3) then runsrc = 'channel runon only' c else if (idflag.eq.4) then c if (wmelt(idelmt(ielmt)).gt.0.0) then runsrc = 'channel runon and runoff with snowmelt' else runsrc = 'channel runon and runoff' end if end if end if c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.3) then c if (idflag.eq.1) then runsrc = 'hillslope runoff' else if (idflag.eq.2) then runsrc = 'channel runoff' end if c end if c if (runvol(ielmt).gt.0.0) write (59,2000) runsrc c if ((elmt(ielmt).eq.2).and.(wmelt(idelmt(ielmt)).gt.0.0)) write 1 (59,2100) wmelt(idelmt(ielmt)) * 1.0e3 c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then c write (59,2200) c runbef = rvolon(ielmt) + chnvol(ielmt) c write (59,2300) rvotop(ielmt), rvolat(ielmt), chnvol(ielmt), 1 runbef, rtrans(ielmt), runvol(ielmt), peakin(ielmt), 1 peakot(ielmt) c end if c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.3) then write (59,2400) write (59,2500) rvoimp(ielmt), runvol(ielmt), peakin(ielmt), 1 peakot(ielmt) end if c 20 continue c return 1000 format (//9x,60('e'),//,18x,'Runoff Event Summary',/,18x,20('-'), 1 //,18x,'Calendar Date',10x,a3,1x,i2,',',i2,/,18x, 1 'Julian Date',12x,i3,/,18x,'Rainfall',12x,f6.2,2x,'(mm)') 1100 format (/9x,60('-')) 1200 format (//18x,'Hillslope elements: 1 - ',i2/) 1300 format (/6x,'Element',5x,'Element',5x,'Channel/Impoundment',3x, 1 'Time of',6x,'Channel',/,6x,'Number',7x,'Type',13x,'Number',10 1 x,'Conc. (hr)',4x,'Alpha',/,6x,6('-'),7x,4('-'),13x,6('-'),10 1 x,10('-'),4x,5('-')) 1400 format (/11x,'Element',5x,'Element',5x,'Channel/Impoundment',3x, 1 'Time of',/,11x,'Number',7x,'Type',13x,'Number',10x, 1 'Conc. (hr)',/,11x,6('-'),7x,4('-'),13x,6('-'),10x,10('-')) 1500 format (//18x,'Element',5x,'Element',5x,'Channel/Impoundment',/,18 1 x,'Number',7x,'Type',13x,'Number',/,18x,6('-'),7x,4('-'),13x,6 1 ('-')) 1600 format (7x,i3,8x,a11,9x,i2,12x,f8.4,5x,f6.2) 1700 format (12x,i3,8x,a11,9x,i2,12x,f8.4,5x,f6.2) 1800 format (19x,i3,8x,a11,9x,i2) 1900 format (19x,i3,8x,a11,9x,i2,//,18x, 1 '*** NO RUNOFF VOLUME ON THIS ELEMENT ***') 2000 format (//18x,'Runoff Source:',3x,a) 2100 format (18x,'Snowmelt Amount:',4x,f8.3,' (mm)') 2200 format (//21x,'Runoff Volumes (m^3)',17x,'Peak',7x,'Peak',/,1x, 1 'Top',5x,'Lat.',5x,'Chan.',2x,'Before Trans.',2x,'Trans.',3x, 1 'Final',4x,'Runoff',5x,'Runoff',/,1x,'Runon',3x,'Runon',4x, 1 'Runoff',5x,'Losses',5x,'Losses',3x,'Runoff',3x,'Entering',3x, 1 'Exiting',/,1x,'Volume',2x,'Volume',3x,'Volume',5x,'Volume',5 1 x,'Volume',3x,'Volume',3x,'(m^3/s)',4x,'(m^3/s)',/,1x,6('-'),2 1 x,6('-'),3x,6('-'),5x,6('-'),5x,6('-'),3x,6('-'),3x,7('-'),4x, 1 7('-')) 2300 format (f7.2,1x,f7.2,2x,f7.2,4x,f7.2,4x,f7.2,3x,f7.2,2x,f9.5,1x,f9 1 .5) 2400 format (//4x,'Impoundment Runoff Volume (m^3)',5x, 1 'Impoundment Peak Runoff (m^3/s)',/,8x,'Entering',5x, 1 'Exiting',17x,'Entering',7x,'Exiting',/,8x,8('-'),5x,7('-'),17 1 x,8('-'),7x,7('-')) 2500 format (8x,f8.3,5x,f8.3,16x,f8.3,7x,f8.3) 2600 format (18x,'Hillslope',6x,'Time of',9x,'Hillslope',/,19x, 1 'element',6x,'conc.(hr)',9x,'Alpha',/,19x,7('-'),6x,9('-'),9x, 1 5('-')) 2700 format (18x,'Hillslope',6x,'Time of',/,19x,'element',6x, 1 'conc.(hr)',/,19x,7('-'),6x,9('-')) 2800 format (21x,i2,8x,f8.2,10x,f6.2) 2900 format (//18x,'Channel and Impoundment elements: ',i2,' - ',i2/) end