subroutine scon(uselan) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Initializes soil parameters which are to remain constant c throught the simulation, i.e., parameters which are c independent of changes in bulk density. c c Called from CONTIN. c Author(s): Savabi,Flanagan,Nearing c Reference in User Guide: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer uselan c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c uselan - type of land use (1-crop,2-range,3-forest) c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c cons variables updated * c bddry(mxnsl,mxplan),bdcons(mxnsl,mxplan), c coca(mxnsl,mxplan),thtdk1(mxnsl,mxplan), c thtdk2(mxnsl,mxplan),thetfk(mxnsl,mxplan), c wrdk(mxnsl,mxplan),ck1(mxnsl,mxplan), c ck2(mxnsl,mxplan),rre(mxplan) c * c******************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c crpout variables updated * c bd(mxnsl,mxplan),lai(mxplan),rrc(mxplan) c * c******************************************************************** c c include '' c include '' c modify ksflag c include '' c modify: krcrat(mxplan), bconsd(mxplan) c include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c parame variables updated * c por(mxnsl,mxplan) c * c******************************************************************** c include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c parval variables updated * c shcrit(mxplan) c * c******************************************************************** c c include '' include '' c include '' c input: rooty(mxnsl,mxplan) c include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c tillge variables updated * c trans * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c c c******************************************************************** c * c solvar variables updated * c solcon(mxnsl,mxplan),rfg(mxnsl,mxplan), * c ki(mxplan),kr(mxplan),sscadj(i,iplane) * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c water variables updated * c st(mxnsl,mxplan),ul(mxnsl),ssc(mxnsl,mxplan), * c thetdr(mxnsl,mxplan),thetfc(mxnsl,mxplan),tu(mxplan), * c fctill(mxplan),fcutil(mxplan),wiltil(mxplan),wilutl(mxplan) * c * c******************************************************************** c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real al, bdl, bdu, bt1, bt2, crr real cecc, kconsd, oca, sm20c, ssl real s15, s33, te15, te33 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c al - c bdl - bulk density near lower boundary (from EPIC) c bdu - bulk density near upper boundary (from EPIC) c crr - variable for calculating random roughness decay coefficient c bt1 - parameter for EPIC Ksat computation c bt2 - parameter for EPIC Ksat computation c cecc - CEC of the clay fraction c kconsd - temporary variable used to compute fully consolidated c values for interrill erodibility, rill erodibility, c and critical shear stress c oca - entrapped air c sm20c - 200 cm water content c ssl - soil strength factor for a layer (from EPIC) c s15 - c s33 - c te15 - c te33 - c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c******************************************************************** c do 10 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c c calculate the cation exchange capacity of the c clay fraction (meq/100g) c cecc = cec(i,iplane) - orgmat(i,iplane) * (142.+170.* 1 dg(i,iplane)) if (clay(i,iplane).le.0.0) then solcon(i,iplane) = 0.0 else solcon(i,iplane) = cecc / (100.*clay(i,iplane)) end if if (solcon(i,iplane).lt.0.15) solcon(i,iplane) = 0.15 if (solcon(i,iplane).gt.0.65) solcon(i,iplane) = 0.65 c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c compute baseline bulk densities c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if measured bulk density has not been input than calculate bdcons c if (bd(i,iplane).le.0.0) then c c calculate the consolidated bulk density of the soil (kg/m**3) c bdcons(i,iplane) = (1.5138+(0.25*sand(i,iplane))-(13.* 1 sand(i,iplane)*orgmat(i,iplane))-(6.000001* 1 clay(i,iplane)*orgmat(i,iplane))-(0.48*clay(i,iplane)* 1 solcon(i,iplane))) * 1000. c if (bdcons(i,iplane).lt.1000.0) bdcons(i,iplane) = 1000.0 if (bdcons(i,iplane).gt.1800.0) bdcons(i,iplane) = 1800.0 bd(i,iplane) = bdcons(i,iplane) end if bdcons(i,iplane) = bd(i,iplane) c c calculate the bulk density of the soil at wilting c point (kg/m**3) c bddry(i,iplane) = (-0.024+(1.003e-03*bdcons(i,iplane))+(1.55* 1 clay(i,iplane)*solcon(i,iplane))+(1.0*(clay(i,iplane)**2)*( 1 solcon(i,iplane)**2))-(1.1*(solcon(i,iplane)**2)* 1 clay(i,iplane))-(1.4*orgmat(i,iplane))) * 1000. c c if (bddry(i,iplane),iplane)) bddry(i,iplane) = 1 bd(i,iplane) c c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c porosity correction factors c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute entrapped air (baumer's equation) (percent) c oca = 3.80 + 1.9 * (clay(i,iplane)**2) - (3.365*sand(i,iplane)) 1 + (12.6*solcon(i,iplane)*clay(i,iplane)) + (100.* 1 orgmat(i,iplane)*((sand(i,iplane)/2.)**2)) c c compute entrapped air correction factor (fraction not containing c entrapped air) c coca(i,iplane) = (1-oca/100.0) c c rfg is %rocks by weight must convert rfg to volume reza 6/89 cpm(i,iplane) = 1.0 - ((rfg(i,iplane)*(bd(i,iplane)/1000.0))/( 1 2.65*(1-rfg(i,iplane)))) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c c water content calculations c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c c calculate the 15-bar water content (m**3/m**3) if c value is not input c thtdk1(i,iplane) = 0.00217 + (0.383*clay(i,iplane)) - ((0.5* 1 clay(i,iplane)**2)*(sand(i,iplane)**2)) + (0.265* 1 clay(i,iplane)*(solcon(i,iplane)**2)) thtdk2(i,iplane) = (-6.0e-02*(clay(i,iplane)**2)) + (0.108* 1 clay(i,iplane)) c if (thetdr(i,iplane).le.0.0) then thetdr(i,iplane) = thtdk1(i,iplane) + thtdk2(i,iplane) * (( 1 bd(i,iplane)/1000.)**2) end if c c calculate the 1/3-bar water content (m**3/m**3) if c value is not input c thetfk(i,iplane) = .2391 - (0.19*sand(i,iplane)) + (2.1* 1 orgmat(i,iplane)) c if (thetfc(i,iplane).le.0.0) thetfc(i,iplane) = 1 thetfk(i,iplane) + .72 * thetdr(i,iplane) c c constants for log log interpolation to compute moisture tension c curve from 3333 cm and 15300 cm moisture c te33 = 3333.0 te15 = 15300.0 al = log(10.0) t33 = (log(te33)) / al t15 = (log(te15)) / al te20 = 100.0 s33 = (log(thetfc(i,iplane))) / al s15 = (log(thetdr(i,iplane))) / al slo = abs((s15-s33)/(t15-t33)) c c compute the 200 centimeters water content c sm20c = 10. ** (slo*(t15-(log(te20))/al)+s15) c c calculate the residual water content (m**3/m**3) c do we want to use bd or bddry? c wrdk(i,iplane) = (2.0e-06+1.0e-04*orgmat(i,iplane)+2.5e-04* 1 clay(i,iplane)*(solcon(i,iplane)**0.45)) c c compute porosity (m**3/m**3) c por(i,iplane) = (2650.-bd(i,iplane)) / 2650. c c correct porosity and residual water for entrapped air c por(i,iplane) = por(i,iplane) * coca(i,iplane) c c correct moisture content values for rocks and c entrapped air c thetfc(i,iplane) = thetfc(i,iplane) * cpm(i,iplane) thetdr(i,iplane) = thetdr(i,iplane) * cpm(i,iplane) sm20c = sm20c * cpm(i,iplane) c c correction for soil water values greater than porosity c if (,iplane)) sm20c = por(i,iplane) * 0.95 if (thetfc(i,iplane).ge.sm20c) then temp = thetfc(i,iplane) - thetdr(i,iplane) thetfc(i,iplane) = sm20c * 0.99 thetdr(i,iplane) = thetfc(i,iplane) - temp if (thetdr(i,iplane).lt.0.01) thetdr(i,iplane) = 0.01 if (thetfc(i,iplane).lt.0.01) thetfc(i,iplane) = 0.01 end if c c NEW Corrections to make sure field capacity is not very close to c porosity as this causes too much saturation. RISSE-7/1/94 c if ((thetfc(i,iplane)/por(i,iplane)).gt.0.85) then c temp = thetfc(i,iplane)/(por(i,iplane)*0.85) c thetfc(i,iplane) = (por(i,iplane)*0.85) c thetdr(i,iplane) = thetdr(i,iplane)/temp c end if c c Changed 0.85 to 0.75 at Risse's request. dcf 7/28/94 c c if ((thetfc(i,iplane)/por(i,iplane)).gt.0.75) then c temp = thetfc(i,iplane)/(por(i,iplane)*0.75) c thetfc(i,iplane) = (por(i,iplane)*0.75) c thetdr(i,iplane) = thetdr(i,iplane)/temp c end if c c Changed 0.75 to 0.83 at Risse's request. dcf 8/16/94 c if ((thetfc(i,iplane)/por(i,iplane)).gt.0.83) then temp = thetfc(i,iplane)/(por(i,iplane)*0.83) thetfc(i,iplane) = (por(i,iplane)*0.83) thetdr(i,iplane) = thetdr(i,iplane)/temp end if c if (thetdr(i,iplane).lt.0.01) thetdr(i,iplane) = 0.01 if (thetfc(i,iplane).lt.0.01) thetfc(i,iplane) = 0.01 c -- Field capacity for tilled and untilled soil layers. fctill(iplane) = (thetfc(1,iplane) + thetfc(2,iplane)) / 2. temp = 0. do 100 icnt = 3, nsl(iplane), 1 temp = temp + thetfc(icnt,iplane) 100 continue if(nsl(iplane)-2 .gt. 0)then fcutil(iplane) = temp / float(nsl(iplane) - 2 ) else fcutil(iplane) = thetfc(2,iplane) endif c -- 1/3 bar water content values for both tilled and untilled. wiltil(iplane) = (thetdr(1,iplane) + thetdr(2,iplane)) / 2. temp = 0. do 200 icnt = 3, nsl(iplane), 1 temp = temp + thetdr(icnt,iplane) 200 continue if(nsl(iplane)-2 .gt. 0)then wilutl(iplane) = temp / float(nsl(iplane) - 2 ) else wilutl(iplane) = thetdr(2,iplane) endif c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c c saturated hydraulic conductivity calculations c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c c K-sat for soil layers below the tillage layers are calculated here c These equations are from EPIC - Model Documentation p.11 and p.57 c Unit conversions are made for bulk density, sand, and clay terms c Mark Risse and Mark Nearing - 7/6/93 c c For the current soil layer, if the user has input a value of c zero (or any value less than 0.0701 mm/hr), make estimates of c EFFECTIVE baseline hydrualic conductivity (soil layers 1 & 2) c of SATURATED hydrualic conductivity (soil layers 3 and greater). c if (ssc(i,iplane)* then c c For the sublayers (soil layers 3 and greater) use the EPIC c equation set to estimate SATURATED hydraulic conductivity c if the input value is zero. c if ( then c c EPIC Equations 2.241 and 2.242 with unit conversion for sand c bdl = 1.15 + (0.445*(sand(i,iplane))) bdu = 1.50 + (0.500*(sand(i,iplane))) c c EPIC Equations 2.243 and 2.244 c bt2 = (alog(0.112*bdl)-alog(8.0*bdu)) / (bdl-bdu) bt1 = alog(0.0112*bdl) - bt2 * bdl c c EPIC Equation 2.240 with unit conversion for bulk density c ssl = 0.1 + (0.0009*bd(i,iplane)) / (0.001*bd(i,iplane)+ 1 exp(bt1+bt2*0.001*bd(i,iplane))) c c EPIC Equation 2.31 with unit conversion for clay c ssc(i,iplane) = (12.7*(100.0-clay(i,iplane)*100.0)*ssl) / (( 1 100.0-clay(i,iplane)*100.0)+ 1 exp(11.45-0.097*(100.0-clay(i,iplane)*100.0))) c c Limit saturated hydraulic conductivity to a minimum value c of 0.07 mm/hr c if (ssc(i,iplane).lt.0.07) ssc(i,iplane) = 0.07 c c Convert from mm/hr to meters/second c ssc(i,iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) / 3.6e6 else c c ELSE if in the top 2 soil layers and the input value of c conductivity has been set to zero, estimate a value. c (2/7/94 dcf from nearing) c c CONDUCTIVITY ESTIMATION FOR ALL LAND USES EXCEPT RANGE c if( c if (clay(i,iplane).le.0.4) then if (cec(i,iplane).gt.1.0) then ssc(i,iplane) = -0.265 + 0.0086*(sand(i,iplane)*100.0) 1 **1.80 + 11.46 * (cec(i,iplane)**(-0.75)) else ssc(i,iplane) = 11.195 + 0.0086*(sand(i,iplane)*100.0) 1 **1.80 end if else ssc(i,iplane) = 0.0066 * 1 exp(244.0/(clay(i,iplane)*100.0)) end if c c RANGELAND CONDUCTIVITY ESTIMATION c else c c NEW KIDWELL EQUATION AS OF June 7, 1995 dcf c if(rilcov(iplane).lt.0.45)then ssc(i,iplane) = 57.99 1 - (14.05 * alog(cec(1,iplane))) 1 + (6.20 * alog(rooty(1,iplane))) 1 - (473.39 * (fbasr(iplane)*bascov(iplane))**2) 1 + (4.78 * fresi(iplane)*rescov(iplane)) else ssc(i,iplane) = -14.29 1 - (3.40 * alog(rooty(1,iplane))) 1 + (37.83 * sand(1,iplane)) 1 + (208.86 * orgmat(1,iplane)) 1 + (398.64 * rrough(iplane)) 1 - (27.39 * fresi(iplane)*rescov(iplane)) 1 + (64.14 * fbasi(iplane)*bascov(iplane)) endif c c Following line should be commented out because for c rangeland the adjustment equations should be used c daily - since rescov, bascov, and rooty can change. c dcf 11/29/95 c ksflag=0 c endif c c Limit EFFECTIVE baseline conductivity value to 0.2 mm/hr c minimum. c For cropland, set the ksflag to 1 (regardless of its c original input setting) so that the model will use the c internal adjustments to conductivity for the case of c model estimated ke for Cropland (uselan = 1). c For Range ksflag = 0 in all cases. why? dcf 11/29/95 c if (ssc(i,iplane).lt.0.2) ssc(i,iplane) = 0.2 if (uselan.eq.1) ksflag = 1 c Convert from mm/hr to meters/second c ssc(i,iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) / 3.6e6 c end if end if c if (sat(iplane).lt.(thetdr(i,iplane)/(por(i,iplane)* 1 cpm(i,iplane)))) sat(iplane) = thetdr(i,iplane) / ( 1 por(i,iplane)*cpm(i,iplane)) c st(i,iplane) = (((sat(iplane)*por(i,iplane))*cpm(i,iplane))- 1 thetdr(i,iplane)) * dg(i,iplane) if (st(i,iplane).lt.1e-10) st(i,iplane) = 0.00 c ul(i) = (por(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane)) * dg(i,iplane) if (i.eq.1) then sscmin(iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) else if (ssc(i,iplane).lt.sscmin(iplane)) sscmin(iplane) = 1 ssc(i,iplane) end if c 10 continue c c if the input bulk density after tilage is zero set to c the consolidated bulk density c if (uselan.eq.1) then if (bdtill(iplane).le.0) bdtill(iplane) = bdcons(1,iplane) end if c------------------------------------------------------------------ c c various coefficients relating to surface characteristics c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c compute random roughness coefficient c rre(iplane) = 2.8 - (30.0*silt(1,iplane)) c c ZZZ change RR decay function based on Potter' work (ASAE 1990), 10/7/94 crr = 63.0 + 62.7*log(orgmat(1,iplane)*50) + 1 1570.*clay(1,iplane) - 0.25*(clay(1,iplane)*100)**2 c c set the minimum of crr to 30, which produces the maximum decay c rate. Namely at this rate, the RR will be reduced to 13% of c initial RR after 100mm rain. if (crr .lt. 30.) crr = 30. rre(iplane) = -(1./crr)**0.6 c c correction added by dcf 1/31/92 can't allow rre to be positive c which can occur in V91.5 when silt content of soil is less than 10% c c if(rre(iplane).gt.0.0) rre(iplane)= 0.0 c c changed 2/2/93 in accordance with page 6.2 of NSERL #2 - setting c rre equal to -0.1 if it is computed to be more than -0.1 dcf c c if (rre(iplane).gt.-0.1) rre(iplane) = -0.10 c c c fraction of soil compacted by planting, cutivation and harvesting c trans = 4.165 + (2.456*sand(1,iplane)) - (1.703*clay(1,iplane)) - 1 (4.*(sand(1,iplane)**2)) if ( trans = 3.0 tu(iplane) = 0.009 * ((trans-3.0)**0.42) c if (uselan.eq.1) then c c****************************************************************** c c cropland c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c c CROPLAND BASELINE INTERRILL ERODIBILITY FACTOR MUST BE c ENTERED IN THE SOIL INPUT FILE BY THE USER - if the user c enters a 0.0, WEPP sets the value to a constant 5300000. c These values represent an average of 43 soils of wide ranges c of properties. c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c if (ki(iplane).le.0.) then c ki(iplane) = 5.3e06 c end if c c Compute variables needed for new consolidation calculations. c kconsd = 1000. * (3042.0-3166.0*sand(1,iplane)-8816.* 1 orgmat(1,iplane)-2477.*thetfc(1,iplane)) if ( kconsd = 10000. if ( kconsd = 2000000. kicrat(iplane) = kconsd / ki(iplane) if (kicrat(iplane).gt.1.0) kicrat(iplane) = 1.0 if (kicrat(iplane).lt.0.1) kicrat(iplane) = 0.1 c c c Compute the decay coefficient for the consolidation equation. c Model uses the same decay coefficient for Ki, Kr, and Tauc c bconsd(iplane) = 0.02 c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c c CROPLAND BASELINE RILL ERODIBILITY AND CRITICAL SHEAR STRESS c MUST BE ENTERED IN THE SOIL INPUT FILE BY THE USER - if the c user enters a 0.0, WEPP sets the value of Kr to a constant 0.0115 c and the value of TauC to a constant 3.1. These values represent an c average of 43 soils of wide ranges of properties. c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (kr(iplane).le.0.) then kr(iplane) = 0.0115 end if c if (shcrit(iplane).le.0.) then shcrit(iplane) = 3.1 end if c c Nearing's new code to set coefficients for use in new c consolidation function equation for cropland c c Question by Nearing on whether new Drungil equation correct c kconsd = 0.00035 - 0.0014 * thetfc(1,iplane) + 0.00068 * 1 silt(1,iplane) + 0.0049 * rfg(1,iplane) c if ( kconsd = 0.00001 if ( kconsd = 0.004 c krcrat(iplane) = kconsd / kr(iplane) c c limit the ratio values to between 0.05 and 1.0 c if (krcrat(iplane).gt.1.0) krcrat(iplane) = 1.0 if (krcrat(iplane).lt.0.05) krcrat(iplane) = 0.05 c c Compute the critical shear stress consolidation parameters c kconsd = 8.37 - 11.8 * thetfc(1,iplane) - 4.9 * sand(1,iplane) c if ( kconsd = 0.3 if ( kconsd = 7.0 c tccrat(iplane) = kconsd / shcrit(iplane) c if (tccrat(iplane).lt.1.0) tccrat(iplane) = 1.0 if (tccrat(iplane).gt.4.0) tccrat(iplane) = 4.0 c c else c********************************************************************** c c rangeland c c********************************************************************** c c compute rangeland rill erodibility and critical shear stress c factors - equations were modified in August of 1991 based on c re-evaluation of the rangeland experimental data by Carol c Drungil, Roger Simanton, and John Laflen. dcf 9/10/91 c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c c orgc calculation moved outside of if statement in order for c following 2 if loops to be correct. sjl c orgc = orgmat(1,iplane) * 0.58 if (kr(iplane).le.0.) then c c kr equation 8/89 ala Simanton c kr(iplane) = 0.0017 + (0.0024*clay(1,iplane)-0.014*orgc- 1 0.00088*bddry(1,iplane)/1000.0-0.00048*rooty(1,iplane)) c c c c if (kr(iplane).lt.0.00001) kr(iplane) = 0.00001 if (kr(iplane).gt.0.004) kr(iplane) = 0.004 end if c c if (shcrit(iplane).le.0.) then c c shcrit equation 8/89 ala Simanton c shcrit(iplane) = 3.23 - 5.6 * sand(1,iplane) - 39.1 * orgc + 1 0.90 * bddry(1,iplane) / 1000.0 c c if (shcrit(iplane).lt.0.3) shcrit(iplane) = 0.3 if (shcrit(iplane).gt.7.0) shcrit(iplane) = 7.0 end if c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c if (ki(iplane).le.0.) then c c New new ki equation - Simanton, 1994 (for I*Q model) c ki(iplane) = 1000. * (1810.0-1910.0*sand(1,iplane)-6327.* 1 orgmat(1,iplane)-846.*thetfc(1,iplane)) c if (ki(iplane).lt.10000.) ki(iplane) = 10000. if (ki(iplane).gt.2000000.) ki(iplane) = 2000000. c end if c c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c c end if c return end