subroutine sedmax(jnum,amax,amin,ptmax,ptmin) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Finds the maximum and minimum detachment and deposition from segments. c c Called from SEDSTA. c Author(s): c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) The line: c do 10 i=ibegin,iend c was changed to: c do 10 i=ibegin+1,iend . c 2) Code was added to find *middle* of region, if a series c of numbers match the maximum detachment/deposition. c 3) Position of 3rd & 4th parameters switched. Corresponding c change must be made in SEGSTA. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 04/26/91 - 04/29/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer jnum real amax(mxseg), amin(mxseg), ptmax(mxseg), ptmin(mxseg) c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c jnum - detachment/deposition region number c amax - maximum detachment/deposition for region c amin - minimum detachment/deposition for region c ptmax - location of maximum detachment/deposition c ptmin - location of minimum detachment/deposition c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: dstot(mxpts),stdist(mxpts),ibegin,iend,jflag(mxseg), c lseg c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer iptmin,jptmin,iptmax,jptmax,i real chkval c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c iptmin - point where min. is first encountered c jptmin - point where min. is last encountered c iptmax - point where max. is first encountered c jptmax - point where max. is last encountered c chkval - amount 2 numbers must differ by to be "different" c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + EQUIVALENCES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + INPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c iptmin = ibegin iptmax = ibegin jptmin = ibegin jptmax = ibegin amax(jnum) = dstot(ibegin) ptmax(jnum) = stdist(ibegin) amin(jnum) = dstot(ibegin) ptmin(jnum) = stdist(ibegin) c chkval = dstot(ibegin) * 0.0001 c c For a segment where DETACHMENT is occurring.... if (jflag(lseg).eq.1) then c do 10 i = ibegin + 1, iend c if (dstot(i).gt.amax(jnum)) then if ((dstot(i)-amax(jnum)).gt.chkval) then amax(jnum) = dstot(i) ptmax(jnum) = stdist(i) iptmax = i jptmax = i else c write (6,'(" Same Max detected #1", e12.7)') dstot(i) jptmax = i end if end if c c if (dstot(i).lt.amin(jnum)) then if ((amin(jnum)-dstot(i)).gt.chkval) then amin(jnum) = dstot(i) ptmin(jnum) = stdist(i) iptmin = i jptmin = i else c write (6,'(" Same Min detected #1", e12.7)') dstot(i) jptmin = i end if end if c 10 continue c if ( then c write (6,'(" Averaging Mins #1")') i = (iptmin+jptmin) / 2 amin(jnum) = dstot(i) ptmin(jnum) = stdist(i) end if c if ( then c write (6,'(" Averaging Maxes #1")') i = (iptmax+jptmax) / 2 amax(jnum) = dstot(i) ptmax(jnum) = stdist(i) end if c c c For a segment where DEPOSITION (negative detachment) is occurring.... else if (jflag(lseg).eq.0) then c c do 20 i = ibegin, iend c if (dstot(i).lt.amax(jnum)) then if ((amax(jnum)-dstot(i)).gt.chkval) then amax(jnum) = dstot(i) ptmax(jnum) = stdist(i) iptmax = i jptmax = i else c write (6,'(" Same Max detected #2", e12.7)') dstot(i) jptmax = i end if end if c c if (dstot(i).gt.amin(jnum)) then if ((dstot(i)-amin(jnum)).gt.chkval) then amin(jnum) = dstot(i) ptmin(jnum) = stdist(i) iptmin = i jptmin = i else c write (6,'(" Same Min detected #2", e12.7)') dstot(i) jptmin = i end if end if c 20 continue c if ( then c write (6,'(" Averaging Mins #2")') i = (iptmin+jptmin) / 2 amin(jnum) = dstot(i) ptmin(jnum) = stdist(i) end if c if ( then c write (6,'(" Averaging Maxes #2")') i = (iptmax+jptmax) / 2 amax(jnum) = dstot(i) ptmax(jnum) = stdist(i) end if c c else if (jflag(lseg).eq.2) then iptmax = ibegin iptmin = ibegin end if c return end