subroutine sedout(iyear,imodel,dslost,isum,ievt,ifofe, 1 lun1,noout,flag,nowcrp) c*********************************************************************** c * c This subroutine is called from SR CONTIN and controls the * c printing of the output. It calls SR MONOUT, SR ANNOUT, SR * c ENDOUT, SR SEDSEG, and SR ENRPRT. * c * c*********************************************************************** c * c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real dslost integer iyear, imodel, isum, ievt, ifofe, lun1, noout, nowcrp, 1 flag c Arguments * c iyear - flag that indicates getting average annual summaries * c through sedout ( set in CONTIN or WSHDRV) * c imodel - simulation type 1 - continuous 2 - single event * c dslost - array containing net soil loss/gain at each of 100 * c points on each overland flow element * c isum - flag to indicate if the information sent to sedout is * c supposed to write to summary files * c (0 - means no, 1 - means yes ) * c ievt - flag to indicate if the information sent to sedout is * c supposed to write to event line output * c summary files (0 - means no, 1 - means yes ) * c ifofe - flag to indicate if the information sent to sedout is * c supposed element line output (0 - no; 1 - yes) * c lun1 - flag which indicates type of graphic output desired * c 0 - none, 1 - dG/dx plotting file only, 2 - dG/dx plot * c file plus large graphics file for screen plotting * c 3 - large graphics file for screen plotting only * c flag - indicates call from CONTIN or WSHDRV * c noout - flag indicating type of output desired * c 0 - event by event - no summary files * c 1 - event by event - summary files * c 2 - all other output - with summary or graphics * c nowcrp - array containing index numbers for current crops on OFEs* c efflen - array containing the values of effective plane length * c for runoff computations. At the end of any given OFE, * c volume of runoff per unit width is * c efflen(iplane)*runoff(iplane) * c and flow discharge per unit width is * c efflen(iplane)*peakro(iplane) * c avirdt - weighted average interrill detachment * c outopt - output option for basic output file. c 1 = Annual Average; abbreviated, English units c 2 = Annual Detailed: detailed, metric units c 3 = Event by event: abbreviated, metric units c 4 = Event by event: detailed, metric c 5 = Monthly: metric c c * c*********************************************************************** include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c read: efflen(mxplan) c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c read outopt, units c include '' c include '' c c c + + + LOCAL DECLARATIONS + + + c integer i, ilay, j, jend, jun, nelem1, nelem2, nelem3 real ss1, ss2, ss3, watcon, x1, x2, x3, avirdt,kgmtpa,mtf,earea, 1 marea,kgmlpf c Places deposition and detachment data into column form c dimension dslost(mxplan,100) integer ncol1(10), ncol2(10), ncol3(10), ncol4(10), ncol11, 1 ncol22, ncol33, ncol44, nfelem(1000) c******************************************************************** c * c Local variables * c jun : * c ncol11: * c ncol22 : * c ncol33 : * c ncol44 : * c jend : * c m : * c x1 : * c ss1 : * c nelem1 : * c x2 : * c ss2 : * c nelem2 : * c x3 : * c ss3 : * c nelem3 : * c * c******************************************************************** c c character*4 mths(12) character*7 unit(13) c data ncol1 /10 * 1/ data ncol2 /35, 68, 101, 135, 168, 201, 235, 268, 301, 335/ data ncol3 /69, 135, 201, 269, 335, 401, 469, 535, 601, 669/ data ncol4 /33, 67, 101, 133, 167, 201, 233, 267, 301, 333/ data nfelem /100 * 1, 100 * 2, 100 * 3, 100 * 4, 100 * 5, 100 * 6, 1 100 * 7, 100 * 8, 100 * 9, 100 * 10/ data mths /'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 1 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'/ data unit /' mm', ' kg/m2',' in.',' t/a',' ft.' 1,' lbs/ft',' lbs',' kg/m',' m',' kg',' t/ha' 2,' ha',' acres'/ c kg/m2>t/a kgmtpa=(0.2048*43560)/2000 c m>ft mtf=3.2808 c kg/m>lbs/ft kgmlpf=2.2046/3.2808 c english hillslope area earea=totlen(nplane)*mtf*fwidth(1)*mtf c metric hillslope area marea=totlen(nplane)*fwidth(1) c c data unit c 1=mm c 2=kg/m2 c 3=in. c 4=t/a c 5=ft. c 6=lbs/ft c 7=lbs c 8=kg/m c 9=m c c******************************************************************** c jun = 31 if(imodel.eq.2)jun = 32 if( if(noout.le.1)then if ( then write (jun,2600) ihill, mths(mon), year - ibyear + 1 call monout end if c if ( then write (jun,2700) ihill, year - ibyear + 1 call annout end if c if (iyear.eq.1) then write (jun,2800) call endout end if c ncol11 = ncol1(nplane) ncol22 = ncol2(nplane) ncol33 = ncol3(nplane) ncol44 = ncol4(nplane) jend = nplane * 100 end if c call sedseg(dslost,jun,iyear,noout,imodel) c if (noout.le.1) then if ( then write (jun,1300) write (jun,1400) if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units write (jun,1500)unit(5),unit(5),unit(5) write (jun,1600)unit(4),unit(4),unit(4) else write (jun,1550) write (jun,1650) end if write (jun,1700) end if c c m = ncol22 - 1 c do 20 i = 1, m c j = 0 c do 10 k = 1, jend c j = j + 1 if (k.eq.ncol11) then x1 = dstot(k) ss1 = stdist(k) nelem1 = nfelem(j) else if (k.eq.ncol22) then x2 = dstot(k) ss2 = stdist(k) nelem2 = nfelem(j) else if (k.eq.ncol33) then x3 = dstot(k) ss3 = stdist(k) nelem3 = nfelem(j) end if c 10 continue c if ( then c if ( then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units write (jun,1200) ss1*mtf, x1*kgmtpa, nelem1, ss2*mtf, 1 x2*kgmtpa, nelem2, ss3*mtf, x3*kgmtpa, nelem3 else write (jun,1250) ss1, x1, nelem1, ss2, x2, nelem2, ss3 1 ,x3, nelem3 end if end if c else c if ( then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units write (jun,1200) ss1*mtf, x1*kgmtpa, nelem1, ss2*mtf, 1 x2*kgmtpa, nelem2 else write (jun,1250) ss1, x1, nelem1, ss2, x2, nelem2 end if end if c end if c ncol11 = ncol11 + 1 ncol22 = ncol22 + 1 ncol33 = ncol33 + 1 c 20 continue c if ( then write (jun,1800) end if c write (jun,1900) if (iroute.eq.0) avsole = 0.0 c if ( then write (jun,2000) mths(mon), day, year - ibyear + 1, avsole if ( then write (jun,2400) irsold / avsole * 100. else if (conseq(nowcrp,nplane).ne.0) write (jun,3000) end if end if if ( then write (jun,2100) mths(mon), year - ibyear + 1, avsolm if ( then write (jun,2400) irsolm / avsolm * 100. irsolm = 0.0 nirrm = 0 end if end if if ( then write (jun,2200) year - ibyear + 1, avsoly if ( then write (jun,2400) irsoly / avsoly * 100. avsoly = 0.0 irsoly = 0. nirry = 0 end if end if c if (iyear.eq.1) then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units c per unit of width lbs/ft write (jun,2300) avsolf*kgmlpf,unit(6) c for entire hillslope lbs write (jun,2325) (avsolf*fwidth(1))*2.2046,unit(7), 1 fwidth(1)*3.2808,unit(5) c per unit area t/a write (jun,2350) (avsolf*fwidth(1)/marea)*kgmtpa,unit(4), 1 (marea/10000)*2.471,unit(13) else write (jun,2310) avsolf,unit(8) write (jun,2335) avsolf*fwidth(1),unit(10),fwidth(1), 1 unit(9) write (jun,2360) (avsolf*fwidth(1)*0.001)/(marea*0.0001), 1 unit(11),marea/10000,unit(12) end if if ( write (jun,2400) irsolt / 1 avsolf * 100. / float(nyear) end if c c write (jun,2500) cc end if cc if (noout.le.1) then call enrprt(jun,iyear,nowcrp) end if c c open plotting files c if (noout.le.1) then if ((lun1.eq.1.or.lun1.eq.2).and.(iyear.eq.1.or.imodel.eq.2)) 1 then do 30 i = 1, jend write (43,2900) stdist(i), ysdist(i), dstot(i) 30 continue end if end if c if (isum.eq.1 .or. ievt.eq.1 .or. ifofe.eq.1) then avirdt=0.0 do 35 l=1,nplane avirdt=avirdt+(slplen(l)*irdgdx(l)) 35 continue avirdt=avirdt/totlen(nplane) c if(ievt.eq.1) 1 write (30,1100) day, mon, year - ibyear + 1, prcp * 1000.0, 1 runoff(nplane) * efflen(nplane) * 1000.0 / totlen(nplane), 1 avirdt, avedet, maxdet, ptdet, avedep, maxdep, ptdep, 1 avsole, enrato(nplane) do 50 iplane = 1, nplane watcon = 0.0 do 40 ilay = 1, nsl(iplane) watcon = watcon + soilw(ilay,iplane) 40 continue nowres = 1 if(ifofe.eq.1) 1 write (33,1000) iplane, day, mon, year - ibyear + 1, 1 rain(iplane) * 1000.0, 1 runoff(iplane) * efflen(iplane) * 1000.0 / totlen(iplane), 1 effint(iplane) * 3.6e06, peakro(iplane) * 3.6e06, 1 effdrn(iplane) / 3600, enrato(iplane), 1 ks(iplane) * 3.6e06, watcon * 1000, lai(iplane), 1 canhgt(iplane), cancov(iplane) * 100, inrcov(iplane) * 1 100, rilcov(iplane) * 100, vdmt(iplane), rmagt(iplane) + 1 rmogt(nowres,iplane), ki(iplane) * kiadjf(iplane) / 1 1000000., kr(iplane) * kradjf(iplane) * 1000., 1 shcrit(iplane) * tcadjf(iplane), width(iplane), 1 ofelod(iplane) 50 continue end if c c Watershed event output c else c sedyld = 0.0 do 60, i=1,npart sedyld=sedyld+tgsd(i,nelmt) 60 continue if(runvol(nelmt).gt.0.005) 1 write(30,3100)day, mon, year - ibyear + 1, prcp * 1000, 1 runvol(nelmt), peakot(nelmt), sedyld * 0.4536 end if c return c c 1000 format (3(1x,i2),1x,i3,1x,f6.1,1x,f6.1,3(1x,f6.2),f5.2,1x,f6.2,1x, c 1 f5.1,1x,f6.2,1x,f5.2,3(1x,f5.1),6(1x,f5.2)) 1000 format (3(1x,i2),1x,i4,1x,f8.3,1x,f8.3,3(1x,f7.3),f6.3,1x,f7.3,1x, 1 f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,f6.3,3(1x,f7.3),6(1x,f6.3),1x,f8.3) 1100 format (2(1x,i2),1x,i5,1x,f5.1,1x,f7.1,1x,f7.3,2(1x,f6.2),1x,f6.1, 1 2(1x,f7.2),1x,f6.1,1x,f7.1,f5.2) 1200 format (3(f7.1,1x,f9.1,1x,i2,5x)) 1250 format (3(f7.2,1x,f9.3,1x,i2,5x)) 1300 format (///2x,'C. SOIL LOSS/DEPOSITION ALONG SLOPE PROFILE',//,10 1 x,'Profile distances are from top to bottom of hillslope'//) 1400 format (1x,'distance',1x,'soil',2x,'flow',4x,'distance',3x,'soil', 1 2x,'flow',4x,'distance',3x,'soil',2x,'flow') 1500 format (a,3x,'loss',2x,'elem',3x,a,5x,'loss',2x,'elem', 1 3x,a,5x,'loss',2x,'elem') 1550 format (4x,'(m)',3x,'loss',2x,'elem',7x,'(m)',5x,'loss',2x,'elem', 1 7x,'(m)',5x,'loss',2x,'elem') 1600 format (6x,a,18x,a,18x,a) 1650 format (9x,'(kg/m2)',18x,'(kg/m2)',18x,'(kg/m2)') 1700 format (72('-'),/) 1800 format (/'note: (+) soil loss - detachment (-) soil loss', 1 ' - deposition') 1900 format (///'III. OFF SITE EFFECTS OFF SITE EFFECTS', 1 ' OFF SITE EFFECTS',/,5x,(3(16('-'),2x))/) 2000 format (5x,'A. SEDIMENT LEAVING PROFILE for ',a3,1x,i2,1x,i4,1x, 1 f9.3,' kg/m'/) 2100 format (5x,'A. SEDIMENT LEAVING PROFILE for ',a3,1x,i4,1x,f9.3, 1 ' kg/m'/) 2200 format (5x,'A. SEDIMENT LEAVING PROFILE for year ',i4,1x,f9.3, 1 ' kg/m'/) 2300 format (5x,'A. AVERAGE ANNUAL SEDIMENT LEAVING PROFILE',/, 1 9x,f9.1,a,' of width') 2310 format (5x,'A. AVERAGE ANNUAL SEDIMENT LEAVING PROFILE',/, 1 9x,f9.3,a,' of width') 2325 format (9x,f9.1,a,' (based on profile width of ',f9.1,a,')') 2335 format (9x,f9.3,a,' (based on profile width of ',f9.3,a,')') 2350 format (9x,f9.1,a,' (assuming contributions from ',f9.1,a,')') 2360 format (9x,f9.3,a,' (assuming contributions from ',f9.3,a,')') 2400 format (9x,'PERCENTAGE ATTRIBUTED TO IRRIGATION',2x,f5.1,' %'/) 2500 format (5x,'B. SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS AND ENRICHMENT') 2600 format (//5x,'HILLSLOPE ',i1,' MONTHLY SUMMARY ',a3,1x,i4,/,5x,34( 1 '-')) 2700 format (//5x,'HILLSLOPE ',i1,' YEARLY SUMMARY FOR ',i4,/,5x,34('-' 1 )) 2800 format (//5x,'ANNUAL AVERAGE SUMMARIES',/,5x,24('-')) 2900 format (1x,f10.3,1x,f10.3,1x,f10.3) 3000 format (/,9x,'CONTOURS USED ON LAST OVERLAND FLOW ELEMENT',/,9x, 1 'sediment detached on hillslope does not reach end', 1 ' of profile',//) 3100 format(2(1x,i2),1x,i3,1x,f5.1,1x,f12.2,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.1) end