subroutine sedsta(jnum,dloss,dsstd,vmax,pmax,vmin,pmin) c c******************************************************************* c * c This subroutine is called from SR SEDSEG and finds the mean * c and standard deviation of detachment or deposition points * c within a segment. It calls SR SEDMAX. * c * c******************************************************************* c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real dloss, dsstd, pmax, pmin, vmax, vmin c * c Arguments * c jnum - number of the detachment or deposition region * c dloss - computed detachment (or deposition) at a point * c dsstd - computed sample standard deviation of segment * c vmax - maximum detachment (or deposition) in a segment * c pmax - point of maximum detach. or depos. in segment (m) * c vmin - minimum detachment (or deposition) in a segment * c pmin - point of minimum detach. or depos. in segment (m) * c * c******************************************************************* c include '' include '' include '' c c******************************************************************* c * c Common Blocks * c * c******************************************************************* c include '' c c******************************************************************* c * c Local Variables * c deviat : deviation of detach. (or depos.) from the mean * c dssum : sum of the squared deviations from the mean * c dsloss : sum of the detachment (or deposition) at all pts * c i : counter variable * c jjplan : variable to assign OFE number for array assignment * c ncomp : used to set jjplan * c ncompr : used to find which OFE point belongs to * c * c******************************************************************* c dimension dloss(mxseg), dsstd(mxseg), vmax(mxseg), pmax(mxseg), 1 vmin(mxseg), pmin(mxseg) integer jjplan, ncomp, ncompr, i, jnum real deviat, dssum c c******************************************************************* c dssum = 0.0 dsloss = 0.0 dsdist = 0.0 ncompr = 101 ncomp = 1 c do 20 i = ibegin, iend 10 if ( then jjplan = ncomp else ncompr = ncompr + 100 ncomp = ncomp + 1 go to 10 end if c dsloss = dsloss + delxx(jjplan) * dstot(i) dsdist = dsdist + delxx(jjplan) 20 continue c c dloss(jnum) = dsloss / dsdist c c do 30 i = ibegin, iend c deviat = dstot(i) - dloss(jnum) dssum = dssum + (deviat*deviat) 30 continue c if ( then dsstd(jnum) = sqrt((dssum/(iend-ibegin))) else dsstd(jnum) = 0.0 end if c c Original Code: c call sedmax(jnum,vmax,pmax,vmin,pmin) call sedmax(jnum,vmax,vmin,pmax,pmin) c return end