subroutine sloss(imodel,idout,dslost,wmelt,nowcrp) c******************************************************************* c * c This subroutine called from SR CONTIN calculates sediment * c concentration and sediment yield on a storm-by-storm basis, * c and prints out soil loss and sediment load information by * c input segment and by erosion /deposition section. It also * c prints out an abbreviated hydrology output for the event * c under consideration, by calling SR HYDOUT. * c * c******************************************************************* c******************************************************************* c * c Arguments * c imodel - flag for type of simulation (cont. or single storm) * c hydrologic planes - and is length of Case 4 plane * c with runoff present - (m) * c idout - flag for hydrology output * c dslost - net soil loss/gain at each point on hillslope for * c a storm event (time*dG/dx) - (kg/m**2) * c * c******************************************************************* c * include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c******************************************************************* c * c Common Blocks * c * c******************************************************************* c include '' c c******************************************************************* c * c avloss variables updated * c dsmon(mxplan,100),dsyear(mxplan,100),dsavg(mxplan,100) * c avsols,avsole,avsolm,avsoly,avsolf * c * c******************************************************************* c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c read: efflen(pxplan) include '' c c******************************************************************* c * c ends variables updated * c qsout * c * c******************************************************************* c include '' c c******************************************************************* c * c enrpas variables updated * c enrmm1,enrmm2,enryy1,enryy2 * c enrff1,enrff2 * c frcmm1(10),frcmm2(10) * c frcyy1(10),frcyy2(10),frcff1(10),frcff2(10) * c * c******************************************************************* c include '' c c******************************************************************* c * c erdval variables updated * c load(101) * c * c******************************************************************* c include '' c include '' c c********************************************************************** c * c iravlo variables updated * c irsold,irsolm, irsoly, irsolt * c * c********************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c integer imodel, idout, nowcrp real wmelt c c******************************************************************* c * c local variables * c conc - sediment concentration at OFE end - (kg/kg) * c dslend - dimensional sediment load at OFE end - (kg/m) * c dslod1 - dimensional sediment load at point - (kg/m) * c dslod2 - dimensional sediment load at point - (kg/m) * c dslost - net soil loss/gain at each point on hillslope for * c a storm event (time*dG/dx) - (kg/m**2) * c * c******************************************************************* c save c real conc(mxplan) integer i, ipart, j, jun real dslend, dslod1, dslod2 real dslost(mxplan,100) c c******************************************************************* c jun = 31 if (imodel.eq.2) jun = 32 c c initialize load variables c dslend = 0.0 dslod1 = 0.0 dslod2 = 0.0 c conc(iplane)=0.0 do 10 j = 2, 101 dslost(iplane,j-1) = 0.0 10 continue c if (ioutpt.eq.1.and.imodel.eq.1) call hydout(jun,idout,wmelt) c c Calculate dimensional sediment load at beginning of OFE (x=0) c dslod1 = load(1) * effdrn(iplane) * tcend * width(iplane) / 1 rspace(iplane) c c If contours present, then compute an average detachment rate on c the OFE using the sediment discharge at the end of the contours. c contours are assumed not to fail if present. c c START OF CONTOUR ELSE-IF c ofelod(iplane)=0.0 if (conseq(nowcrp,iplane).ne.0) then dslend = load(101) * effdrn(iplane) * tcend * width(iplane) / 1 rspace(iplane) avsols = dslend / cntlen(iplane) c do 20 j = 2, 101 dslost(iplane,j-1) = avsols 20 continue c c following line added 2/4/91 to calculate interrill contribution c for an OFE on which contours have held c irdgdx(iplane) = (theta*tcend*effdrn(iplane)*width(iplane)) / ( 1 rspace(iplane)*cntlen(iplane)) c c Set the average sediment discharge off the plane equal to zero c since if contours hold no sediment reaches the next OFE from c above. c avsols = 0.0 c c ELSE if no contours are present on the OFE c calculate the net sediment loss or gain at a point by taking c the difference between the sediment load at the points divided c by the distance between the points. c else c do 30 j = 2, 101 dslod2 = load(j) * effdrn(iplane) * tcend * width(iplane) / 1 rspace(iplane) dslost(iplane,j-1) = (dslod2-dslod1) / (slplen(iplane)*0.01) dslod1 = dslod2 30 continue ofelod(iplane)=dslod1 c c ADDED 11/8/90 by dcf - to allow estimation of interrill c contribution to sediment loss. c irdgdx(iplane) = (theta*tcend*effdrn(iplane)*width(iplane)) / ( 1 rspace(iplane)*slplen(iplane)) c c avsols = dslod2 / cntlen(iplane) c c END OF CONTOUR ELSE-IF c end if c c summing for monthly and annual dslost c do 40 j = 2, 101 dsmon(iplane,j-1) = dsmon(iplane,j-1) + dslost(iplane,j-1) dsyear(iplane,j-1) = dsyear(iplane,j-1) + dslost(iplane,j-1) dsavg(iplane,j-1) = dsavg(iplane,j-1) + dslost(iplane,j-1) 40 continue c c START OF IPLANE=NPLANE ELSE-IF (is this the last c OFE on the current hillslope?) c if (iplane.eq.nplane) then c c If contours are not present the sediment reaching the end of c the hillslope is equal to the sediment load at the last point c of the last OFE on the current hillslope. c else - if contours are present then they are assumed to not c fail and all sediment is assumed routed to the side of the c hillslope and none reaches the end of the OFE, thus c avsole = 0. c if (conseq(nowcrp,nplane).eq.0) then if ( then avsole = dslod2 else avsole = 0.0 end if else avsole = 0.0 end if c if ( avsole = 0.0 c avsolm = avsolm + avsole avsoly = avsoly + avsole avsolf = avsolf + avsole c irsold = avsole * irfrac irsolm = irsolm + irsold irsoly = irsoly + irsold irsolt = irsolt + irsold c c c summing for weighted enrichment ratio c sets single storm and sums for monthly and annual c enrmm1 = enrmm1 + (enrato(nplane)*avsole) enrmm2 = enrmm2 + avsole enryy1 = enryy1 + (enrato(nplane)*avsole) enryy2 = enryy2 + avsole enrff1 = enrff1 + (enrato(nplane)*avsole) enrff2 = enrff2 + avsole c do 50 i = 1, npart c frcmm1(i) = frcmm1(i) + (frcflw(i,nplane)*avsole) frcmm2(i) = frcmm2(i) + avsole frcyy1(i) = frcyy1(i) + (frcflw(i,nplane)*avsole) frcyy2(i) = frcyy2(i) + avsole frcff1(i) = frcff1(i) + (frcflw(i,nplane)*avsole) frcff2(i) = frcff2(i) + avsole c 50 continue c c compute sediment concentration (kg/m**3), c for each particle size leaving the hillslope, c avsole is in (kg/m) and runvol is in (m**3) c if (iplane.eq.nplane) then do 60 ipart = 1, npart if (peakro(nplane).le.0.0) then sedcon(ipart,nplane) = 0.0 else sedcon(ipart,nplane) = avsole / (runoff(nplane)* 1 efflen(nplane)) * frcflw(ipart,nplane) end if 60 continue end if c c c END OF IPLANE=NPLANE IF-ELSE c end if c c c If contours hold, qsout equals zero since no sediment reaches c the next OFE. If contours fail, qsout equals the sediment load c at the end of the current OFE. c if contours exist they are assumed not to fail c if (conseq(nowcrp,iplane).eq.0) then if ( then qsout = dslod2 / effdrn(iplane) else qsout = 0.0 end if else qsout = 0.0 end if c c c Determine the sediment concentration at the end of each OFE. c If contours hold, conc = 0. If contours fail or no contours, c then the concentration is equal to the sediment discharge c divided by the water discharge. c Concentration is a fraction - to obtain parts per million, c multiply conc by 1000000. c c c if(peakro(iplane).le.0..or.conseq(nowcrp,iplane).ne.0) then c conc(iplane)=0.0 c else c conc(iplane)=qsout/ c 1 (peakro(iplane)*efflen(iplane)*msdens) c endif c c return end