subroutine stmget(imodel,ibrkpt,mxint) c****************************************************************** c * c This subroutine is called from SR CONTIN to read in storm data * c on a storm-by-storm basis. It calls SR SUMRNF. * c * c****************************************************************** c****************************************************************** c * integer imodel, ibrkpt c Arguments * c imodel - flag for type of model simulation 1-continuous * c 2-single storm * c ibrkpt - flag for breakpoint rainfall inputs 0 - no brkpts * c mxint - maximum rainfall intensity based on average * c intensity value and Ip value * c * c****************************************************************** c * c Parameters * c mxplan : maximum number of over land flow elements * c mxtlsq : maximum number of tillage sequences * c mxtill : maximum number of tillage operations per tillage * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c****************************************************************** c c Common Blocks * c * c****************************************************************** c * include '' c read: iclig c include '' c****************************************************************** c c clim variables updated * c tave,tmnavg,tmxavg * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' include '' c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c hydrol variables updated * c stmdur,avrint * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c stmflg variables updated * c norain * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c local variables * c mxint * c * c****************************************************************** c c real mxint,totrn real mxint integer xday(10), xmon(10), xyear(10), nbrkpt, i, jkjk, jkl, kjl real xrain(10), xstmdr(10), xtimep(10), xip(10), xtmax(10), 1 xtmin(10), xradly(10), xvwind(10), xwind(10), xtdpt(10) c 1 xnint(10) c c XXX NOTE - use of global save does not follow WEPP coding c conventions. Only local variables whose values need c to be retained should be saved. dcf 5/20/94 save c data totrn /0.0/ c c Variables needed to "lump" disk reads. c mxint = 0. c c Added if-else to prevent numeric overflow of integer variable c IDTOT in very long simulations (model bombed in year 90). dcf 2/94 c if(jyear.le.1 .and. sdate.le.1)then idtot = 0 elseif( idtot = idtot + 1 endif c do 10 kjl =1,nplane norain(kjl) = 1 10 continue c if (ibrkpt.eq.0) then c read(13,*) day,mon,year,rain,stmdur,timep,ip, c 1 tmax,tmin,radly,vwind,wind,tdpt c c Try to speed up disk I/O by doing it in larger chunks. nrec = nrec + 1 if ( then nrec = 1 read (13,*,end=20) (xday(i),xmon(i),xyear(i),xrain(i), 1 xstmdr(i),xtimep(i),xip(i),xtmax(i),xtmin(i),xradly(i), 1 xvwind(i),xwind(i),xtdpt(i),i = 1,10) end if c 20 continue c c Most of the variables below are never used in STMGET (except RAIN). c They are just stuffed into common. c day = xday(nrec) mon = xmon(nrec) year = xyear(nrec) c c If a leap year check to see if 29 days in Feb c if (mod(year,4).eq.0) then if ( then write (6,1000) write (6,1100) year end if end if c do 30 jkjk=1,nplane rain(jkjk) = xrain(nrec) 30 continue prcp = xrain(nrec) stmdur = xstmdr(nrec) c c CLIGEN versions 2.3 to 3.1 correction factor for storm duration c from Risse 7/1/94 dcf c c STILL NEED THIS IF USER IS RUNNING OLD (pre-CLIGEN 4) FILES if (imodel.eq.1 .and. iclig.eq.2) stmdur = stmdur * 2.06 c if (stmdur .gt. 23.999) stmdur = 23.999 c timep = xtimep(nrec) ip = xip(nrec) c if (imodel.eq.1 .and. iclig.eq.2)then c c correction factor for CLIGEN versions 2.3 to 3.1 c From Risse and Nearing. 7/1/94. dcf c ip=ip*1.44 c elseif(iclig.eq.1)then c c correction factor for CLIGEN version 4.0+ to c account for effects of steady-state erosion equation c assumption. mn/dcf 3/95 c ip=ip*0.70 c endif c tmax = xtmax(nrec) tmin = xtmin(nrec) radly = xradly(nrec) vwind = xvwind(nrec) wind = xwind(nrec) tdpt = xtdpt(nrec) c c ...rain is changed from mm to meters c c CONVERT RAIN FROM MM TO METERS AND STMDUR FROM HR TO SEC c if ( then c do 40 jkjk=1,nplane rain(jkjk) = rain(jkjk) * 0.001 40 continue c prcp = prcp * 0.001 stmdur = stmdur * 3600.0 avrint = rain(1) / stmdur mxint = ip * avrint else if( write (6,1300)mon,day,year prcp = 0.0 do 45 jkjk=1,nplane 45 rain(jkjk) = 0.0 end if end if c else c READ IN BREAKPOINT DATA read (13,*) day, mon, year, nbrkpt, tmax, tmin, radly, vwind, 1 wind, tdpt if (mod(year,4).eq.0) then if ( then write (6,1000) write (6,1200) year end if end if c c NINT IS THE NUMBER OF BREAKPOINTS OCCURRING ON THE GIVEN DAY. c READ IN BREAKPOINT DATA IF RAINFALL OCCURS c if ( then call brkpt(nbrkpt,mxint) c do 50 jkjk=1,nplane rain(jkjk) = prcp ninten(jkjk) = nbrkpt 50 continue c else c do 60 jkjk=1,nplane rain(jkjk) = 0.0 ninten(jkjk) = 0 60 continue c prcp = 0.0 end if end if c c ...if continuous simulation then get five day antecedent c moisture for plant growth c****************************************************************** c if (imodel.eq.1) then if ( then tmp(sdate) = tmin tmpx(sdate) = tmax tmnavg = (tmnavg*(sdate-1)+tmp(sdate)) / float(sdate) tmxavg = (tmxavg*(sdate-1)+tmpx(sdate)) / float(sdate) else tmp(6) = tmin tmpx(6) = tmax tmnavg = 0. tmxavg = 0. do 70 i = 1, 5 tmp(i) = tmp(i+1) tmpx(i) = tmpx(i+1) tmnavg = tmnavg + tmp(i) tmxavg = tmxavg + tmpx(i) 70 continue tmnavg = tmnavg / 5. tmxavg = tmxavg / 5. end if c end if c tave = (tmin+tmax) / 2. c if (prcp.le.0.0) then do 80 jkl=1,nplane norain(jkl) = 0 80 continue return end if c c if (imodel.eq.1) call sumrnf c return 1000 format ('') 1100 format ('********************************************************' 1 /' *** WARNING ***'/ 1 '*Leap year detected with 28 days in February *'/ 1 '*please modify your climate file by adding 1 day *'/ 1 '*to February in year ',i4,'. Leap year annual values *'/ 1 '*will not be output. *'/ 1 ,' *** WARNING ***',/ 1 '* *'/ 1 '********************************************************') 1200 format ('********************************************************' 1 /'* WARNING!! *'/ 1 '*Leap year detected with 28 days in February *'/ 1 '*please modify your climate file by adding 1 day *'/ 1 '*to February in year ',i4,'. Simulation will not be *'/ 1 '*completed. *'/ 1 ,' *** WARNING ***',/ 1 '* *'/ 1 '********************************************************') 1300 format ('********************************************************' 1 /'* WARNING!! *'/ 1 '* Input precipitation event detected which has a *'/ 1 '* positive value for precipitation depth and a ZERO *'/ 1 '* value for precipitation duration. WEPP has changed *'/ 1 '* the value for precipitation depth to 0.0. *'/ 1 '* *'/ 1 '* PLEASE CHECK YOUR CLIMATE INPUT FILE FOR THE DATE: *'/ 1 '* ',i2,'/',i2,'/',i4,' ', 1 ' *'/ 1 ,' *** WARNING ***',/ 1 '* *'/ 1 '********************************************************') end