subroutine sumrun(wmelt) c******************************************************************** c * c This subroutine is called from SR CONTIN to generate a summary * c of the number of runoff events and total runoff volume generated * c during the simulation period. * c * c******************************************************************** c real wmelt c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' c include '' include '' c read: efflen(mxplan) include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' include '' include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c sumout variables updated * c nrunot(mxplan),nrunoy(mxplan),nrunom(13,mxplan) * c trunot(mxplan),trunoy(mxplan),trunom(13,mxplan) * c * c******************************************************************** cReza put IF here 3/4/94 c Change to include consideration of irrigation-induced runoff. c dcf 8/25/94 c if(rain(iplane) .gt. 0.0 .or. irrund(iplane) .gt. 0.0) then nrunot(iplane) = nrunot(iplane) + 1 nrunoy(iplane) = nrunoy(iplane) + 1 nrunom(iplane) = nrunom(iplane) + 1 c trunot(iplane) = trunot(iplane) + (runoff(iplane)*1000.0) * 1 efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) trunoy(iplane) = trunoy(iplane) + (runoff(iplane)*1000.0) * 1 efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) trunom(iplane) = trunom(iplane) + (runoff(iplane)*1000.0) * 1 efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) c c monthly rainfall runoff totals 06-27-94 sjl c else c Reza 3/7/94. c c XXX this appears to be incorrect. Will calculate melt runoff if c irrigation has occured on a day without rainfall in the middle c of the summer. 06-22-94 04:49pm sjl c however there is probably a flag for frozen soil c that i do not know about, i added following condition for my work c c c ...if 5 day avg temp less than freezing count runoff as melt runoff c otherwise it will be calculated as irrigation runoff06-27-94 10:49am sjl c c XXX The following causes problems with the water balance, because c melt runoff events on days in which average temp is greater c than 0 degrees Centigrade are not added in. Change this so that c it checks melt values (wmelt(iplane)) - dcf 7/6/94 c if( c if(wmelt .gt. 0.0)then nmunot(iplane) = nmunot(iplane) + 1 nmunoy(iplane) = nmunoy(iplane) + 1 nmunom(iplane) = nmunom(iplane) + 1 c tmunot(iplane) = tmunot(iplane) + (runoff(iplane)*1000.0) * 1 efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) tmunoy(iplane) = tmunoy(iplane) + (runoff(iplane)*1000.0) * 1 efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) tmunom(iplane) = tmunom(iplane) + (runoff(iplane)*1000.0) * 1 efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) endif endif c return end