subroutine table(flag,length,colmn1,colmn2,given,found) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR TABLE inserts an additional value into the first c column of an ordered, paired data set and uses linear c interpolation to compute the corresponding value of the c column c c Called from: SRS CHNCON, HYDCHN, DCAP, AND OTHERS c Author(s): CREAMS file, C. Baffaut c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer length, flag real colmn1(length), colmn2(length), given, found, mxfound c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c colmn1(length) - c colmn2(length) - c given - c found - c length - c flag - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real intrpl, tval integer i, npos, j, k c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c intrpl - c tval - c i - c npos - c j - c k - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c intrpl c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c if ( then if (flag.eq.3) go to 60 if (flag.eq.4) go to 80 c do 10 i = 1, length npos = i if (colmn1(i).lt.given) go to 100 10 continue c go to 120 end if c do 20 i = 1, length npos = i c if (colmn1(i).gt.given) then if (npos.eq.1) go to 120 mxfound = intrpl(colmn1(npos-1),colmn2(npos-1),colmn1(npos), 1 colmn2(npos),given) c exit go to 30 end if c 20 continue c 30 do 50 k = 2, length tval = colmn1(k) c do 40 j = npos, length c if (colmn1(j) then found = intrpl(colmn1(j-1),colmn2(j-1),colmn1(j),colmn2(j), 1 given+tval) - colmn2(k) if ( mxfound = found npos = j c exit go to 50 end if c 40 continue c 50 continue c found = mxfound return c 60 continue c do 70 i = 1, length npos = i if (colmn2(i).lt.given) go to 110 70 continue c go to 120 c 80 continue c do 90 i = 1, length npos = i if (colmn2(i).gt.given) go to 110 90 continue c go to 120 c 100 continue c if (npos.eq.1) go to 120 found = intrpl(colmn1(npos-1),colmn2(npos-1),colmn1(npos), 1 colmn2(npos),given) return c 110 continue c if ( then found = intrpl(colmn2(npos-1),colmn1(npos-1),colmn2(npos), 1 colmn1(npos),given) return end if c 120 continue c write (38,1000) flag, given, colmn1(3), colmn2(3) write (6,1000) flag, given, colmn1(3), colmn2(3) c stop 1000 format (' ',/,12x,'**********ERROR**********',/,12x, 1 'GIVEN is outside the range of the table',//,1x, 1 'use this info to identify the function where', 1 ' the problem occured',//,4x, 1 'flag: 1 - given column 1 find column 2 ', 1 '(column 1 decreases)',/,4x, 1 ' 2 - given column 1 find column 2 ', 1 '(column 1 increases)',//,4x, 1 ' 3 - given column 2 find column 1 ', 1 '(column 2 decreases)',/,4x, 1 ' 4 - given column 2 find column 1 ', 1 '(column 2 increases)',//,12x,'the flag = ', 1 i2,/,12x,'given value = ',e10.3,/,12x, 1 'third value from column 1 = ',e10.3,/,12x, 1 'third value from column 2 = ',e10.3) end