subroutine tmpadj(hour,halfdy) c c +++PURPOSE+++ c This function adjusts the surface temperature on an hourly c basis by using the daily minumum and maximum temperatures. c It also uses a similar method for computing the hourly c dewpoint based on the daily average. c c Authors(s): John Witte, UofMn WCES @ USDA-ARS-NCSRL c Date: 04/01/93 c Verified and tested by Reza Savabi, USDA-ARS, NSERL 317-494-5051 c August 1994 c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ real halfdy integer hour c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c halfdy - The amount of time from sunrise until noon (hrs). c hour - The hour of the day that we are calculating. c c +++PARAMETERS+++ include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ include '' c read: tave,vwind,hradmj,hrtemp,radmj c include '' c read: snodpy(mxplane),tfrdp(mxplan),tthawd(mxplan),surtmp c frdp(mxplan),thdp(mxplan),densg(mxplan) c include '' c read: salb(mxplan), c include '' c read: canhgt(mxplan) c include '' c read: rrc(mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ c save real alb,rads,lytomj,clouds,ktemp,aemiss,displ,wsrgh,etrgh, 1 convht,vkcons,denair,hcpair,htwind,radcof,semiss,sbcons, 2 netrad,grdp,gutdp,sysdep,ksnow,kres,kftill,kfutil, 3 numer,denom,surfcn,effk,bakup, gtdp c 2 netrad,radadj,grdp,gutdp,sysdep,ksnow,kres,kftill,kfutil, c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c alb - Albedo of the top layer for the system (Dec %). c rads - Radiation on a sloping surface (L/min). c lytomj - Conversn factor of solar radiation (Langly's to MJ/m^2). c clouds - Estimated cloud cover (Dec %). c ktemp - Average temperature in degrees Kelvin units. c aemiss - Atmospheric emissivity. c displ - Zero-plane displacment, a function of canopy cover (m). c wsrgh - Roughness parameter for wind speed (m). c etrgh - Roughness parameter for energy transfer (m). c convht - Convective heat transfer coeff (Lang-sec / min-cm). c vkcons - Von Karman constant. c denair - Approximate density of air (Kg/m^3). c hcpair - Heat capacity of air (J/Kg-m^3). c htwind - Height at which wind velocity is measured (m). c radcof - Long_wave radiation transfer coefficient (L/min-C). c semiss - Surface emissivity for all layers. c sbcons - Stefan-Bolzman constant (L/min-deg K^4). c netrad - Calculated net radiation (L/min). c radadj - Daily radiation adjusted to hourly (MJ/m^2). c grdp - Depth from soil's surface to first 0 degree isotherm (m). c gutdp - Temperature gradient depth of untilled layer (m). c sysdep - Depth of the frozen layer system from surface to c first 0 degree isotherm (m). c ksnow - These are temporary variables representing the thermal c kres --_ conductivity of the snow, residue, frozen tilled and c kftill -- frozen untilled layers. Reason for temps is because c kfutil - if no such layer exists, the values are set to zero. c numer - Temporary numerator. c denom - Temporary denominator. c surfcn - Surface conductivity of top layers (W/m-C). c effk - Effective thermal conductivity of the entire layered c system to 0 degree isotherm (L/min -c). c bakup - Temporary variable used in simplifying equations. c c +++DATA INITIALIZATIONS+++ c data sbcons/8.1247e-11/ c data vkcons/0.4/ c data hcpair/101.0/ c data denair/1.0/ c data htwind/2.0/ c data lytomj/0.04184/ c data kres/0.0232/ c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ sbcons = 8.1247e-11 vkcons = 0.4 hcpair = 101.0 denair = 1.0 htwind = 2.0 lytomj = 0.04184 c c XXX WHY is the value for KRES here set to 0.0232, while in c subroutine FROST, kres = 0.168 ?????? dcf 2/23/94 c kres = 0.0232 grdp = 0.0 alb = salb(iplane) if (snodpy(iplane) .gt. 0.01) alb = 0.5 c -- Convert from MJ/m^2/hr to L/min. rads = (hradmj / 60) * (1 / lytomj) if (rpoth .lt. 0.0001) then clouds = 1.0 else clouds = (1.0 - radmj / rpoth) / 0.7 endif if (clouds .gt. 0.999) then clouds = 1.0 endif call hrtmp(hour,halfdy) tave = hrtemp ktemp = tave + 273.16 semiss = 1.0 aemiss = (1.0 - 0.84 * clouds) * (1.0 - 0.261 * 1 exp(7.77e-4 * (tave * tave))) + (0.84 * clouds) displ = 0.77 * canhgt(iplane) c reza added next line 7/27/94 if(*htwind c reza added the above line 7/27/94 if((snodpy(iplane) .lt. 0.01).and.(canhgt(iplane) .gt. 0.0)) then wsrgh = 0.13 * canhgt(iplane) elseif (snodpy(iplane) .lt. 0.01) then wsrgh = rrc(iplane) elseif (snodpy(iplane) .gt. canhgt(iplane)) then wsrgh = 0.0002 else wsrgh = 0.13 * (canhgt(iplane) - snodpy(iplane)) endif if (wsrgh .lt. 0.001) wsrgh = 0.001 c Reza added 7/27/94 if( c end Reza 7/27/94 etrgh = 0.2 * wsrgh convht =((vkcons * vkcons) * denair * hcpair) / 1 (log((htwind - displ + etrgh) / etrgh) * 2 log((htwind - displ + wsrgh) / wsrgh)) radcof = 4.0 * semiss * sbcons * (ktemp**3) c c XXX WHY is RADADJ set equal to RADCOF here, then never used??????? c Is the correct variable being used below (RADCOF) or should c RADADJ be used??? Can RADADJ be deleted???? dcf 2/22/94 c c radadj = radcof netrad = (1.0 - alb) * rads + (aemiss - semiss) * sbcons * tave**4 c -- Now we calculate the gradient depth for both top frost and none... c -- If average temperature is below zero. if (tave .lt. 0.0) then c -- If top frost is present... if (tfrdp(iplane) .gt. 0.0) then bakup = tthawd(iplane) / tfrdp(iplane) if (bakup .gt. 0.5) then grdp = 0.0 else grdp = tfrdp(iplane) endif else c -- If no top frost is present... if (frdp(iplane) .gt. 0.0001) then if (thdp(iplane) .gt. 0.0001) then grdp = 0.0 else grdp = frdp(iplane) endif endif endif c -- The above assumption comes directly out of Flershinger's notes c -- and assumes frost exists all the way from the frost depth to c -- the surface. c -- Now, we consider the gradient depth is avg temperature is above 0. else c -- If top frost is present... if (tfrdp(iplane) .gt. 0.0) then bakup = tthawd(iplane) / tfrdp(iplane) if (bakup .gt. 0.5) then grdp = thdp(iplane) else grdp = 0.0 endif else c -- If no top frost is present... if (frdp(iplane) .gt. 0.0) then if (thdp(iplane) .gt. 0.0) then grdp = thdp(iplane) else grdp = 0.0 endif endif endif endif if ((grdp .le. tilld(iplane)) .or. (tilld(iplane) .gt. 1.0)) then gtdp = grdp gutdp = 0.0 else gtdp = tilld(iplane) gutdp = grdp - tilld(iplane) endif if (gtdp .lt. 0.001) gtdp = 0.0 if (gutdp .lt. 0.001) gutdp = 0.0 if (grdp .lt. 0.001) grdp = 0.0 sysdep = snodpy(iplane) + resdep(iplane) + grdp c -- Now we make sure that each layer exists, if not we simply c -- set the "tc" value of that layer to 1.0 so that multiplying c -- by the "tc" will leave the final value unaffected by that c -- absent layer. if (snodpy(iplane) .lt. 0.0001) then ksnow = 1.0 else ksnow = 0.046 + 0.0451 * (densg(iplane)/1000) + 0.3447 * 1 ((densg(iplane)/1000) * (densg(iplane)/1000)) endif if (resdep(iplane) .lt. 0.0001) kres = 1.0 c c XXX IS the following right??? Values for KFTILL when c were not defined. I got the value of 1.75 from subroutine FROST c REZA ??? if (gtdp .lt. 0.0001) then kftill = 1.0 else kftill = 1.75 endif c c XXX IS the following right??? Values for KFUTIL when c were not defined. I got the value of 2.1 from subroutine FROST c REZA ??? if (gutdp .lt. 0.0001) then kfutil = 1.0 else kfutil = 2.1 endif c -- Now we use the harmonic mean method to calculate the surface c -- temperature for the hour. NOTE that the final calculation of c -- numerator/denominator has been broken up into two parts... the c -- "numer" and the "denom". numer = (ksnow * kres * kftill * kfutil) * 1 (snodpy(iplane) + resdep(iplane) + grdp) denom = (ksnow * kres * kftill * grdp) + 1 (ksnow * kres * gtdp * kfutil) + 2 (ksnow * resdep(iplane) * kftill * kfutil) + 3 (snodpy(iplane) * kres * kftill * kfutil) c -- Now we must make sure we have no floating point errors... if ((denom .lt. -0.0001) .or. (denom .gt. 0.0001)) then surfcn = numer / denom else surfcn = 0.0 endif c -- If the second case is chosen, an error has occurred! c -- The following line converts from MJoules to Langly's effk = surfcn / 0.0697333 if (sysdep .gt. 0.0) then surtmp(hour) = (netrad+(radcof+convht*(vwind*100))*tave+0.0)/ 1 (radcof+convht*(vwind*100)+(effk/sysdep)) else surtmp(hour) = (netrad+(radcof+convht*(vwind*100))*tave+0.0)/ 1 (radcof+convht*(vwind*100)) endif return end