subroutine watbal(lunp,luns,lunw,nowcrp,elevm) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Updates the soil water balance during the simulation period. c c Called from CONTIN c Author(s): Savabi c Reference in User Guide: Chapters 4, 6, 7, and 8. c Also see "A Compendium of Soil Erodibility Data from c WEPP Cropland Soil Field Erodibility Experiments 1987 c & 88", NSERL Report No. 3. c Also see "EPIC -- Erosion Productivity Impact Calcu- c lator (EPIC Model Documentation) printed Sept. 1990. c Also see "Microclimate, the Biological Environment" c by Norman J. Rosenberg, et. al. 1983. c Also see "Soil Cover Prediction with Various Amounts c and Types of Crop Residue". 1982. James M. Gregory. c Trans. ASAE. pp 1333-1337. c c c Changes: c 1) Changed setup of do-loop from: c do 989 nowres = 1,3 c to: c do 40 nowres = 1,mxres c 2) De-referenced PTILTY.INC. c 3) De-referenced: CCRPVR3.INC, CRINPT1.INC, CRINPT3.INC, c and CRINPT5.INC. c 4) Changed parameter order in call to DRAIN to conform c to WEPP Coding Convention: 2nd moved to 6th; 3rd moved c to 8th moved to 7th. ALSO NEED TO CHANGE *DRAIN*. c 5) Introduced TMPVR1 to eliminate recalculation of: c xfin*dg(i,iplane)/tillay(2,iplane) c 6) Eliminated local variables TDEP & RSD. c 7) Substituted: c soldep=solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) c for the iterative use of: c soldep = soldep + dg(i,iplane) c 8) CHANGES made by Dennis Flanagan 5/21/93 to make this c routine compatible with WEPP version 93.04 include: c a) addition of NBEG to argument list, declarations, def c b) addition of "include '' c c) dimensioning of WATCON to mxplan and changing all c occurences of WATCON to WATCON(iplane). c d) IRDEPT changed to IRDEPT(iplane) c e) Correction added for case where FIN calculation c yields a negative value because of Case 3 c hydrologic plane c f) addition of Savabi's correction to calculation of c surface drainage water (SURDRA), which prevents c the water content of any layer from now exceeding c the upper limit for that layer. c g) changed L1 IF to "if(idrain.eq.1)" since idrain c can only be 0 (no drainage) or 1 (drainage) c h) removal of "if(idrain.eq.1 ...." from within the c L1 IF-ELSE block - since idrain must be 1 to reach c this statement. c i) removed calls to DECOMP and SOIL - these have been c moved to the beginning of the simulation day in c subroutine CONTIN. c j) changed unit numbers on write statements. Added c YEAR to write statements and changed formats c k) added in section of commented out code which can c be used to check the water balance c l) added changes for new winter routines from Savabi c dcf 5/20/94 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 91.50. c Date recoded: 01/21/93 - 01/22/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer lunp,luns,lunw,nowcrp real elevm c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c lunp - Flag for plant output to be written to files c luns - Flag for soil output to be written to files c lunw - Flag for water output to be written to files c nowcrp - current crop c elevm - passed value of weather station elevation (meters) c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c include '' c read: idrain,ddrain,drainc,sdrain,drdiam c modify: satdep c write: drainq c include '' c read: tmnavg c include '' c read coca c include '' c read: lanuse, canhgt, cancov c include '' c include '' c read: lai c include '' c read: itype c include '' c read: smrm,rtm,rmogt,rmagt c include '' c read: vdmt c include '' c read: iflag c include '' c read: runoff, rain(mxplan) c include '' c read: irapld(mxplan) c include '' c read: irdept c include '' c read: ks(mxplan), sm(mxplan), por(mxnsl,mxplan) c include '' c read: imngmt(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c modify: roffon, rvolon c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: ielmt c include '' c read: tillay(2,mxplan) c include '' c read: sdate c include '' c read: thetdr(mxnsl,mxplan),thetfc(mxnsl,mxplan), c solthk(mxnsl,mxplan),dg(mxnsl,mxplan) c modify: soilw(mxnsl,mxplan), sep(mxplan), ul(mxnsl), fc(mxnsl), c fin, ep, es, cv c write: s1(mxplan),s2(mxplan),hk(mxnsl) c include '' c read: wmelt(mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c c SURDRA, LATQC assigned values never used 12-20-93 10:51am sjl c c real watcon(mxplan), xfin, soldep, surdra, sd, ch, h, tmpvr1, c 1 drfc(mxnsl), latqc, latqcc, latk, fcdep real watcon(mxplan), xfin, soldep, sd, ch, h, tmpvr1, 1 drfc(mxnsl), latqcc, latk, fcdep, avcoca, avfca, avhk, avpora, 1 avstt, avul, fffx, fslope, rm, sstz, subq, totdg, totk, 1 totlqc, watyld integer i, mn, jj, lflag c real totp,totrm,totq,totep,totes,totdp,totsubq c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c watcon - water content of the root zone c xfin - water available to infiltrate into the current soil layer c soldep - soil profile depth c surdra - surface drainage water c sd - sun's declination angle c ch - c h - c tmpvr1 - c drawat - c drfc - c latqc - c latqcc - c latk - c fcdep - c c + + + SAVES + + + save watcon, fcdep, totlqc cweijun 5/11/94 c save totp,totrm,totq,totep,totes,totdp,totsubq c data totp/0.0/ c data totrm/0.0/ c data totq/0.0/ c data totep/0.0/ c data totes/0.0/ c data totdp/0.0/ c data totsubq/0.0/ cend c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c PURK c DRAIN c EVAP c PTGRA c PTGRP c DECOMP c RANGE c SWU c SOIL c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c If this an initialization call, initialize constants. if (iflag.eq.0) then watcon(iplane) = 0.0 s1(iplane) = 0.0 s2(iplane) = 0.0 c c SURDRA assigned value but not used 12-20-93 10:53am sjl c c surdra = 0.0 resint(iplane) = 0.0 plaint(iplane) = 0.0 totlqc = 0.0 c c LATQC assigned value but not used 12-20-93 10:53am sjl c c latqc = 0.0 latqcc = 0.0 subq = 0.0 c c TDR assigned value but not used 12-20-93 10:54am sjl c c tdr = 0.0 c c Initialize soil water limits -- compute potential available water. c c totwat=0.0 do 10 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c ------ upper limit of water content for current layer ul(i) = (por(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane)) * dg(i,iplane) c ------ field capacity for current layer (ISN'T THIS CONSTANT ? dcf) fc(i) = dg(i,iplane) * (thetfc(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane)) c ------ Used in PERC to adjust sat. hyd. cond. on non-saturated soils. c (WEPP Equation 7.4.4) hk(i) = -2.655 / alog10(fc(i)/ul(i)) c ------ calculate total soil water in the root zone (m) soilw(i,iplane) = st(i,iplane) + (thetdr(i,iplane)* 1 dg(i,iplane)) cweijun 5/12/94 c totwat=totwat+soilw(i,iplane) c write(35,*)'totwat === ',totwat*1000. cend 10 continue c end if c sep(iplane) = 0.0 soldep = solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) c c *** L0 IF *** c (If this is NOT an initialization call, proceed; otherwise, RETURN) if ( then c Note: Intercepted rainfall is subtracted from rainfall Reza 9/93 c ------ Calculate infiltration. fin = rain(iplane) - (plaint(iplane)+resint(iplane)) + 1 wmelt(iplane) + irdept(iplane) + irapld(iplane) - runoff(iplane) c c ------ Add in check if FIN is negative which will happen on a c case 3 hydrologic plane on a multiple OFE hillslope - dcf if ( then if ( fin = runoff(iplane-1) - runoff(iplane) end if c in case of channel water balance (ivers.eq.3) runoff(iplane-1) c is not relevant. Use rvolon(ielmt) calculated in wshirs. Also c we do not need something equivalent to if( since a c channel has always something draining into it - CB 3/95 if ( 1 fin = rvolon(ielmt) - runoff(iplane) c c *** L1 IF *** c If there is infiltration, prorate water into the plow layer. if ( then c -------- available water xfin = fin c c *** Begin L2-Loop *** c -------- Starting at top, infiltrate water into each tilled layer. i = 0 20 continue i = i + 1 c ---------- If plow layer does not end in current soil layer, add water if (solthk(i,iplane).lt.tillay(2,iplane)) then tmpvr1 = xfin * dg(i,iplane) / tillay(2,iplane) st(i,iplane) = st(i,iplane) + tmpvr1 xfin = xfin - tmpvr1 c ---------- If plow layer ends in current soil layer, dump remaining c water into this layer. else st(i,iplane) = st(i,iplane) + xfin xfin = 0.0 end if c *** End L2-Loop *** c if (( go to 20 c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c -- XXX -- Why is this needed? Why not use RIGCOV or RILCOV as calculated c in COVCAL? -- CRM 4/5/93. c ------ combined standing & fallen residue (used in EVAP to compute % bare soil) cv = rmagt(iplane) do 30 i = 1, mxres cv = rmogt(i,iplane) + cv 30 continue c c ------ percolation of water through soil layers call purk c ep(iplane) = 0.0 es(iplane) = 0.0 c c ------ compute evapotranspiration (ET). call evap(elevm) c c ------ prevent the soil water content of any layer from exceeding the c upper limit for that layer. Add water to next higher layer. c Moved to after lateral flow calculations and et - reza 7/25/93 c do 40 i = nsl(iplane), 2, -1 if (st(i,iplane).gt.ul(i)) then st(i-1,iplane) = st(i-1,iplane) + (st(i,iplane)-ul(i)) st(i,iplane) = ul(i) end if 40 continue c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC subsurface lateral flow calculation CCCCCCCCCCCC cCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Reza Savabi, 7/93 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c fcdep = 0.0 unsdep(iplane) = 0.0 do 50 i = 1, nsl(iplane) drfc(i) = fc(i) + ((1-coca(i,iplane))*dg(i,iplane)) if (st(i,iplane).ge.drfc(i).and.unsdep(iplane).eq.0.0) then fcdep = fcdep + dg(i,iplane) else unsdep(iplane) = unsdep(iplane) + dg(i,iplane) end if 50 continue c latqcc = 0.0 subq = 0.0 c c ****M1 if, the big subsurface lateral flow M1 if c if ( then c c radinc = average slope in degree c Calculate average saturated soil hydraulic conductivity in c saturated zone c (below water table). c avpora = 0.0 avfca = 0.0 avcoca = 0.0 totk = 0.0 totdg = 0.0 avstt = 0.0 avul = 0.0 avhk = 0.0 fffx = 1.0 lflag = 1 c do 60 mn = 1, nsl(iplane) if (st(mn,iplane).ge.drfc(mn).and.lflag.eq.1) then totdg = totdg + dg(mn,iplane) totk = totk + (ssc(mn,iplane)*dg(mn,iplane)) avpora = avpora + (por(mn,iplane)*(dg(mn,iplane)/fcdep)) avfca = avfca + (thetfc(mn,iplane)*(dg(mn,iplane)/fcdep)) avcoca = avcoca + (coca(mn,iplane)*(dg(mn,iplane)/fcdep)) avstt = avstt + (st(mn,iplane)*(dg(mn,iplane)/fcdep)) avul = avul + (ul(mn)*(dg(mn,iplane)/fcdep)) avhk = avhk + (hk(mn)*(dg(mn,iplane)/fcdep)) else if ( lflag = 0 end if 60 continue c c Get average Ks of soil layers with more than fc moisture c content and convert it to m/day. c Assume horizontal flow KZ = KY, where KY = vertical K. c Note that ssc is in m/sec c c Adjust ks for unsaturated soil if ( then sstz = avstt / avul if ( then fffx = sstz ** avhk if ( fffx = 0.002 else fffx = 1. end if end if c c latk = hydraulic conductivity for the c subsurface lateral flow calculations, m/day c c c SLOPED assigned a value but not used 12-20-93 10:55am sjl c c sloped = radinc * 180. / 3.14159 fslope = sin(radinc) latk = 86400. * (totk/totdg) * fffx latqcc = fcdep * latk * fslope subq = latqcc if ( latqcc = 0.0 totlqc = totlqc + latqcc c c calculate new hoo2 (depth of saturated depth at the bottom of hillslope) c for next day (m) c watyld = avpora - (avfca+(1.0-avcoca)) fcdep = fcdep - (latqcc/watyld) if ( fcdep = 0.0 unsdep(iplane) = unsdep(iplane) - fcdep c c Convert subsurface lateral flux to soil water depth using average c drainable porosity (water yield). c c If there is lateral flow, latqcc, update the c available water content (ST) in each soil layer to reflect c the lateral flow from each layer, starting at the top layer. c c ****M2 if loop*** if ( then c c *** Begin M2 DO-LOOP *** c do 70 jj = 1, nsl(iplane) c c********M3 IF *** c - If layer is above field capacity, drain it. if (st(jj,iplane).gt.drfc(jj) then c ---------- potential water which can be flow laterally from this layer drawat(jj) = st(jj,iplane) - drfc(jj) c c***********M4 IF *** if ( then c c ------------ If water excess in this layer exceeds or equals what has c run from latqcc. c*************** M5 IF *** if (drawat(jj).ge.latqcc) then c ------- subtract amount that has run out the drain from this layer. st(jj,iplane) = st(jj,iplane) - latqcc if (st(jj,iplane).lt.1e-10) st(jj,iplane) = 1e-10 latqcc = 0.0 c ------- If water excess in this layer is less than what has run c from profile ... else c ------- subtract from latqcc what this layer can contribute. latqcc = latqcc - drawat(jj) c ------- adjust soil layer water content by same amount of water st(jj,iplane) = fc(jj) c c *************** M5 ENDIF *** end if c ********* M4 ENDIF *** end if c ****** M3 ENDIF *** end if c **** M2 DO-LOOP END *** 70 continue c *** M2 ENDIF *** end if c ** M1 ENDIF *** end if c cCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC cCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC end subsurface flow calculations CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7/93 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c c If unsaturated depth is greater than or equal to the depth c of the drains than DRAIN will not be called and DRAINQ c will be 0.0 c satdep(iplane) = 0.0 unsdep(iplane) = 0.0 do 80 i = 1, nsl(iplane) drfc(i) = fc(i) + ((1-coca(i,iplane))*dg(i,iplane)) if (st(i,iplane).ge.drfc(i).and.satdep(iplane).eq.0.0) then satdep(iplane) = soldep - (solthk(i,iplane)-dg(i,iplane)) end if 80 continue c unsdep(iplane) = soldep - satdep(iplane) drainq(iplane) = 0.0 c c reza, please note the next statement 7/14/93 c if (idrain(iplane).eq.1.and.unsdep(iplane).lt.ddrain(iplane)) 1 call drain(solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane),nowcrp) c c Compute surface drainage water (SURDRA). c if (st(1,iplane).gt.ul(1)) then c c -- XXX -- Variable SURDRA is never used! -- CRM -- 5/14/93. c c -- NOTE -- Problem currently exists of how to handle this surface c drainage water computed - it should really be added back c into the runoff for the current day - HOWEVER - this c runoff has already been routed and erosion computations c made at this point in the model. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: c move the call to WATBAL to within SR IRS or CONTIN - c check to see if SURDRA(iplane) > 0.0 for any OFE - if it c is then somehow add this water as an input and go back c and redo the IRS-GRNA computations. ANOTHER SOLUTION - c discard this water amount as done currently. c DCF - 5/21/93 c c c SURDRA assigned a value but not used 12-20-93 10:56am sjl c c surdra = st(1,iplane) - ul(1) st(1,iplane) = ul(1) unsdep(iplane) = 0.0 else c c SURDRA assigned a value but not used 12-20-93 10:56am sjl c c surdra = 0.0 end if c c QUESTION?? Is the following equation applicable to all c world hemispheres????? (will equation work in c Brazil or Australia???) dcf 5/21/93 c c ------ Sun's declination angle c (EPIC Equation 2.195) sd = 0.4102 * sin((sdate-80.25)/58.09) c c Code changed because of bug in Lahey compiler using tangent c function on AT&T 6300 machine. dcf -- 10/1/91 c Original code: c ch = -ytn * tan(sd) ch = -ytn * sin(sd) / cos(sd) c if ( then h = 0.0 else if (ch.le.-1.0) then h = 3.1416 else h = acos(ch) end if c c ------ day length c (EPIC Equation 2.194) daylen = 7.72 * h c c c ***************************************************************** c * Compute canopy cover, canopy height, root mass by soil * c * layer, root depth, leaf area index, and plant basal area, * c * and plant residue for CROPLAND plants. * c ***************************************************************** c if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then c -------- (PERENNIALS) if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.2) then call ptgrp(nowcrp) c -------- (ANNUALS) else if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1) then call ptgra(nowcrp) end if c c NOTE --- call to DECOMP moved to SR CONTIN at beginning of c simulation day so that residue managements for a given c day will impact that day's cover values. dcf 5/21/93 c -------- residue decomposition c call decomp(nowcrp) c c ***************************************************************** c * Compute canopy cover, canopy height, root mass by soil * c * layer, root depth, leaf area index, and plant basal area, * c * plant residue, and residue decomposition for RANGELAND. * c ***************************************************************** c else cWarning from ftnchek, changed nsl to nsl(iplane) in call to range c Dummy arg is scalar in module RANGE line 1 file range.f c Actual arg is whole array in module WATBAL line 576 file watbal.f call range(watstr(iplane),nsl(iplane),nowcrp) end if c c -------- Write output to Plant File. if ( write (36,1000) sdate, year-ibyear, 1 canhgt(iplane), cancov(iplane), lai(iplane), inrcov(iplane), 1 rilcov(iplane), itype(nowcrp,iplane), vdmt(iplane), 1 rmagt(iplane), (iresd(i,iplane),rmogt(i,iplane),i = 1,3), ( 1 smrm(i,iplane),i = 1,3), (iroot(i,iplane),rtm(i,iplane),i = 1 1,3), tmnavg c c ------ If evapotranspiration and root depth are positive.... if (ep(iplane).gt.0.0.and.rtd(iplane).gt.0.0) then c -------- estimate evaporation and plant water use call swu(nowcrp) else c -------- no evapotranspiration ep(iplane) = 0.0 c -------- no water stress QUESTION - do we want to do this ? dcf watstr(iplane) = 1.0 end if c c c NOTE - variable waty is used below in water balance checking c code which is currently commented out dcf 5/21/93 c waty=watcon(iplane) c watcon(iplane) = 0.0 do 90 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c --------- soil water content by layer soilw(i,iplane) = st(i,iplane) + (thetdr(i,iplane)* 1 dg(i,iplane)) c --------- water content of the root zone watcon(iplane) = watcon(iplane) + soilw(i,iplane) 90 continue c c check the water balance (equation 7.1) c c watsm=abs(rain+wmelt(iplane)+irdept(iplane)+irapld(iplane) - c 1 (ep(iplane) + es(iplane) + sep(iplane) + runoff(iplane))) c c watdel=watcon(iplane)-waty c c if( c watdif=watdel-watsm c else c watdif=watdel+watsm c endif c write (6,*)'watdif',watdif c if(abs(watdif) c write (6,*)' ' c write (6,*)'IN SR WATBAL - watdif = ',watdif c write (6,*)'SDATE = ',sdate,' rain= ',rain c write (6,*)'iplane=',iplane,' wmelt(iplane)=',wmelt(iplane) c write (6,*)'irdept,irapld=',irdept(iplane),irapld(iplane) c write (6,*)'ep(iplane)= ',ep(iplane),'es(iplane)=',es(iplane) c write (6,*)'sep(iplane)=',sep(iplane),'runoff=',runoff(iplane) c write (6,*)' ' c endif c c c -------- Write output to Soil File. if( 1 write (39,1100) iplane, sdate, year-ibyear, 1 por(1,iplane)*100., 1 ks(iplane) * 3.6e6, sm(iplane) * 1000., thetfc(1,iplane), 1 thetdr(1,iplane), rrc(iplane)*1000., kiadjf(iplane), 1 kradjf(iplane), tcadjf(iplane) c rm=(rain(iplane)+wmelt(iplane)+irdept(iplane)+irapld(iplane)) 1 *1000. c c -------- Write output to Water Balance File. if(lunw.eq.1) 1 write (35,1200) iplane, sdate, year-ibyear, prcp*1000., rm, 1 runoff(iplane)*1000., ep(iplane)*1000., es(iplane)*1000., 1 sep(iplane)*1000., watstr(iplane), subq*1000., 1 watcon(iplane)*1000. c c ------ initialize soil parameters like bulk density, porosity, etc. c -- XXX -- IMODEL is undefined. -- CRM -- 5/14/93. c c NOTE - call to SOIL has been moved to beginning of simulation day c in SR CONTIN so that tillage impacts on roughness and c residue and infiltration will occur before storm event c dcf 5/21/93 c call soil(nowcrp,imodel) c c c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c return 1000 format (i3,1x,i5,1x,f4.2,1x,f5.3,1x,f4.2,2(1x,f5.3),1x,i1,1x,f6.4, 1 1x,f6.4,3(1x,i1,1x,f6.4),3(1x,f6.4),1x,i1,1x,f6 1 .4,2(1x,i1,1x,f6.4),1x,f5.1) 1100 format (1x,i2,2x,i3,2x,i5,1x,9f7.2) 1200 format (1x,i3,1x,i3,1x,i5,1x,6(f6.2,1x),1x,f4.2,2x,f6.2,3x,f7.2) end