subroutine wshimp(elevm) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR WSHIMP converts WEPP variables to impoundment variables c and controls the hydraulic and sediment routing through the c impoundment. c c Called from: SR WSHRUN c Author(s): Ascough II, C. Baffaut c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENTS DECLARATIONS + + + real elevm c c + + + ARGUMENTS DEFINITIONS + + + c elevm - elevation of climate station in meters c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real diam(5), durimp, frac(5), htw integer i c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c diam(5) - c durimp - c frac(5) - c htw - c i - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c impeo c impmai c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c if (idflag.eq.0) then c c no runoff volume - hydraulic routing only c qiin(ipond) = 0.0 vi(ipond) = 0.0 ciin(ipond) = 0.0 c else c qiin(ipond) = peakin(ielmt) vi(ipond) = runvol(ielmt) c c total sediment concentration entering the impoundment c depends on the contribution from the hillslope and c channel elements c ciin(ipond) = 0.0 c do 10 i = 1, cnpart c ciin(ipond) = ciin(ipond) + ((tmpvol(nhtop(ielmt))* 1 sedcon(i,nhtop(ielmt)))+(tmpvol(nhleft(ielmt))* 1 sedcon(i,nhleft(ielmt)))+(tmpvol(nhrght(ielmt))* 1 sedcon(i,nhrght(ielmt)))+(tmpvol(ncleft(ielmt))* 1 sedcon(i,ncleft(ielmt)))+(tmpvol(ncrght(ielmt))* 1 sedcon(i,ncrght(ielmt)))+(tmpvol(nctop(ielmt))* 1 sedcon(i,nctop(ielmt)))) c 10 continue c c divide by the runoff volume (m^3) and convert to c mg/l for input to main impoundment routine c ciin(ipond) = (ciin(ipond)/runvol(ielmt)) * 1000.0 c c calculate average fraction in each particle type c entering impoundment c c impoundments can fed by either one hillslope or multiple c channels (up to three) but not by both c if ((ncleft(ielmt).eq.0).and.(ncrght(ielmt).eq.0).and.( 1 nctop(ielmt).eq.0)) then c c no channels are feeding the impoundment - determine c which hillslope is contributing runoff to the c impoundment c if (nhleft(ielmt).gt.0) then do 20 i = 1, cnpart frac(i) = frcflw(i,nhleft(ielmt)) diam(i) = crdia(i,nhleft(ielmt)) * (1000.0/3.281) 20 continue c else if (nhrght(ielmt).gt.0) then do 30 i = 1, cnpart frac(i) = frcflw(i,nhrght(ielmt)) diam(i) = crdia(i,nhrght(ielmt)) * (1000.0/3.281) 30 continue c else if (nhtop(ielmt).gt.0) then do 40 i = 1, cnpart frac(i) = frcflw(i,nhtop(ielmt)) diam(i) = crdia(i,nhtop(ielmt)) * (1000.0/3.281) 40 continue end if c else c c one or more channels feeding the impoundment c if (ncleft(ielmt).gt.0) then c do 50 i = 1, cnpart frac(i) = frcflw(i,ncleft(ielmt)) diam(i) = crdia(i,ncleft(ielmt)) * (1000.0/3.281) 50 continue c else if (ncrght(ielmt).gt.0) then c do 60 i = 1, cnpart frac(i) = frcflw(i,ncrght(ielmt)) diam(i) = crdia(i,ncrght(ielmt)) * (1000.0/3.281) 60 continue c else if (nctop(ielmt).gt.0) then c do 70 i = 1, cnpart frac(i) = frcflw(i,nctop(ielmt)) diam(i) = crdia(i,nctop(ielmt)) * (1000.0/3.281) 70 continue c end if end if c c average fraction in each particle type entering impoundment c pcl(ipond) = frac(1) psl(ipond) = frac(2) psa(ipond) = frac(3) pla(ipond) = frac(4) psd(ipond) = frac(5) c c average particle size diameter entering impoundment (mm) c cl50 = diam(1) sl50 = diam(2) sa50 = diam(3) la50 = diam(4) sd50 = diam(5) c end if c c depth of tailwater set to zero - need to come up with c a subroutine or function to calculate tailwater depth c based on downstream hydraulic conditions c htw = 0.0 c c eo is pet and is calculated by SR IMPEO using simplifications c of the equations used in SR EVAP (called by SR WATBAL) c call impeo(elevm,eo) call impmai(htw,eo) c c convert impoundment routine output variables back into c WEPP variables c runvol(ielmt) = volo(ipond) tmpvol(ielmt) = runvol(ielmt) peakot(ielmt) = qomx(ipond) / 3.281 ** 3 c c update the event duration variable (watdur) c if (runvol(ielmt).gt.0.0) then durimp = runvol(ielmt) / peakot(ielmt) watdur(ielmt) = amax1(watdur(ielmt),durimp) else watdur(ielmt) = 0.0 end if c c calculate the average runoff leaving the impoundment c rofave(ielmt) = runvol(ielmt) / wsarea(ielmt) c c save monthly, annual, and total runoff from the c impoundment element c trunm(ielmt) = trunm(ielmt) + runvol(ielmt) truny(ielmt) = truny(ielmt) + runvol(ielmt) trunt(ielmt) = trunt(ielmt) + runvol(ielmt) c c return if hydraulic routing only c if (runvol(ielmt).lt.0.001) return c c sediment concentration exiting the impoundment (kg/m^3) c if (runvol(ielmt).gt.0.0) then c sedcon(1,ielmt) = clout(ipond) / runvol(ielmt) sedcon(2,ielmt) = slout(ipond) / runvol(ielmt) sedcon(3,ielmt) = saout(ipond) / runvol(ielmt) sedcon(4,ielmt) = laout(ipond) / runvol(ielmt) sedcon(5,ielmt) = sdout(ipond) / runvol(ielmt) c c if the final watershed element is an impoundment then sum c the number of runoff events for each month, year, and total c at the outlet c if (ielmt.eq.nelmt) then nrunm = nrunm + 1 nruny = nruny + 1 nrunt = nrunt + 1 end if c end if c c average fraction in each particle type exiting impoundment c frcflw(1,ielmt) = clot frcflw(2,ielmt) = slot frcflw(3,ielmt) = saot frcflw(4,ielmt) = laot frcflw(5,ielmt) = sdot c c average particle size diameter exiting impoundment (mm) c crdia(1,ielmt) = cl50o * (3.281/1000.0) crdia(2,ielmt) = sl50o * (3.281/1000.0) crdia(3,ielmt) = sa50o * (3.281/1000.0) crdia(4,ielmt) = la50o * (3.281/1000.0) crdia(5,ielmt) = sd50o * (3.281/1000.0) c return end