subroutine wshiqi c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR WSHIQI calculates the inflow volume and the peak inflow into c an impoundment. c c Called from: SR WSHDRV c Author(s): Ascough II, Baffaut c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real peaksu(3), qpmax integer icnt, ieltmp(3), j c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c peaksu(3) - c qpmax - c icnt - c ieltmp(3) - c j - counter c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c peak c wshscs c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c the total runoff volume history for the upstream elements is c known at this point (runoff volume from hillslopes as read in c from the pass file and runoff volume on the channels as c calculated from the channel water balance) c idflag = 0 c ipond = ipond + 1 c c the duration for the impoundment element is the maximum c duration of the watershed elements that may feed it c watdur(ielmt) = amax1(watdur(nhleft(ielmt)), 1 watdur(nhrght(ielmt)),watdur(nhtop(ielmt)), 1 watdur(ncleft(ielmt)),watdur(ncrght(ielmt)), 1 watdur(nctop(ielmt))) c c impoundments can fed by either ONE hillslope or MULTIPLE c channels (up to three) but not by both c if ((ncleft(ielmt).eq.0).and.(ncrght(ielmt).eq.0).and.( 1 nctop(ielmt).eq.0)) then c c no channels are feeding the impoundment c idflag = 1 c c determine which hillslope is contributing runoff, c runoff volume and peak runoff to the impoundment c if (nhleft(ielmt).gt.0) then runvol(ielmt) = tmpvol(nhleft(ielmt)) runoff(ielmt) = tmprof(nhleft(ielmt)) peakin(ielmt) = tmppkr(nhleft(ielmt)) c else if (nhrght(ielmt).gt.0) then c runvol(ielmt) = tmpvol(nhrght(ielmt)) runoff(ielmt) = tmprof(nhrght(ielmt)) peakin(ielmt) = tmppkr(nhrght(ielmt)) c else if (nhtop(ielmt).gt.0) then c runvol(ielmt) = tmpvol(nhtop(ielmt)) runoff(ielmt) = tmprof(nhtop(ielmt)) peakin(ielmt) = tmppkr(nhtop(ielmt)) end if c c calculate the average runoff entering the impoundment c from the hillslope c rofave(ielmt) = runvol(ielmt) / wsarea(ielmt) c c set variable to track runoff volume entering impoundment c rvoimp(ielmt) = runvol(ielmt) c else c c one or more channels are feeding the impoundment c idflag = 2 c runvol(ielmt) = tmpvol(ncleft(ielmt)) + tmpvol(ncrght(ielmt)) + 1 tmpvol(nctop(ielmt)) c c calculate the average runoff entering the impoundment c from the channel(s) c rofave(ielmt) = runvol(ielmt) / wsarea(ielmt) c c set variable to track runoff volume entering impoundment c rvoimp(ielmt) = runvol(ielmt) c runoff(ielmt) = runvol(ielmt) / (charea(idelmt(ncleft(ielmt)))+ 1 charea(idelmt(ncrght(ielmt)))+charea(idelmt(nctop(ielmt)))) c c peak runoff into an impoundment depends on the contributing c hillslope or channel elements (one hillslope or up to c three channels may contribute to an impoundment) c c initialize local variables c do 10 j = 1, 3 peaksu(j) = 0.0 ieltmp(j) = 0 10 continue c icnt = 0 c call peak(peaksu,peakro(nhtop(ielmt)),nhtop(ielmt),ieltmp,icnt) call peak(peaksu,peakot(ncleft(ielmt)),ncleft(ielmt),ieltmp,icnt 1 ) call peak(peaksu,peakot(ncrght(ielmt)),ncrght(ielmt),ieltmp,icnt 1 ) call peak(peaksu,peakot(nctop(ielmt)),nctop(ielmt),ieltmp,icnt) c if (icnt.eq.1) peakin(ielmt) = peaksu(1) c if ( then c c more than one channel element (only one hillslope element c can contribute to an impoundment so superposition of c hillslope runoff is not necessary) is contributing runoff c to the impoundment - calculate SCS Triangular Hydrographs c and superimpose to find a new peak runoff rate c call wshscs(peaksu,ieltmp,icnt,qpmax) c peakin(ielmt) = qpmax c end if c end if c return end