subroutine xinflo(nowcrp) c********************************************************************** c * c This subroutine controls the variables affected by the * c runoff both leaving and entering the overland flow element * c * c********************************************************************** c integer nowcrp c********************************************************************** c * c Arguments * c nowcrp - flag indicating current crop index number * c * c********************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c********************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c********************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c c c include '' c c********************************************************************* c * c cntour variable updated * c cntlen(mxplan), cnslp(mxplan) * c * c********************************************************************* c include '' c c********************************************************************** c * c dist variables updated * c xinput(101,mxplan) * c * c********************************************************************** c include '' c read: efflen(mxplan) include '' c c********************************************************************** c * c ends variables updated * c rspace(mxplan),qshear,qout,qin,strldn * c * c********************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c c********************************************************************** c * c infcof variables updated * c ainf(mxslp),binf(mxslp),cinf(mxslp),qostar * c * c********************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' include '' c c c********************************************************************** c * c Local Variables * c cnslp : contour slope if contours hold - or average hill slope if * c contours fail or no contours used * c del : difference between discharge out and into an OFE * c * c********************************************************************** c save integer plant, i real del c plant = itype(nowcrp,iplane) c do 10 i = 2, 101 xinput(i,iplane) = float(i-1) * .01 10 continue c c c the contours failed or no contours c c 4/4/91 JEF c if(cnfail(iplane).eq.1) then c if (conseq(nowcrp,iplane).eq.0) then c if(cnfail(iplane).ne.0.or.conseq(nowcrp,iplane).eq.0)then c qin = qout if (irsyst.eq.2.and.iplane.eq.irofe) qin = irqin c rspace(iplane)=1.0 c c calculate rill spacing for rangeland c if (lanuse(iplane).eq.2) then if (spop(plant).gt.0.0.or.hmax(plant).gt.0.30) then rspace(iplane) = 100.0 / (spop(plant)+gpop(plant)+ 1 tpop(plant)+1) else rspace(iplane) = 1.0 end if if (rspace(iplane).gt.5.0) rspace(iplane) = 5.0 if (rspace(iplane).lt.0.5) rspace(iplane) = 0.5 end if c cntlen(iplane) = slplen(iplane) cnslp(iplane) = avgslp(iplane) c qout = peakro(iplane) * efflen(iplane) del = qout - qin if (qout.le.0.0) then qostar = -efflen(iplane) / slplen(iplane) else if (abs(del).gt.1.0e-10) then if (qin.le.0.0) then qostar = 0.0 else qostar = qin / del end if else c c c corrected by dcf - 4/12/90 c c qostar=qin/1.0e-6 c c ELSE - the value of del is smaller than 1e-10 m**2/s c if ( qostar = qin / 1.0e-10 if ( qostar = -qin / 1.0e-10 end if c if ( then c if (qostar.eq.-1.0) qostar = -1.001 c do 20 i = 2, nslpts(iplane) ainf(i) = a(i,iplane) / (qostar+1.0) binf(i) = (a(i,iplane)*qostar+b(i,iplane)) / (qostar+1.0) cinf(i) = (b(i,iplane)*qostar/(qostar+1.0)) ainftc(i) = ainf(i) binftc(i) = binf(i) cinftc(i) = cinf(i) 20 continue c qshear = qout * rspace(iplane) c else c c Change 4/6/90 by dcf c c if(qout.le.0.0)qout=1.e-10 c if(qostar.eq.0.0)qostar=0.001 c if (abs(qostar).lt.0.00001) qostar = -0.00001 c do 30 i = 2, nslpts(iplane) ainf(i) = a(i,iplane) / (qostar) binf(i) = (a(i,iplane)*qostar+b(i,iplane)) / (qostar) cinf(i) = b(i,iplane) ainftc(i) = ainf(i) binftc(i) = binf(i) cinftc(i) = cinf(i) 30 continue c qshear = qin * rspace(iplane) c c Change made by dcf - 8/10/90 c c xfend=-qostar c do 40 i=2,101 c if(xinput(i,iplane).gt.xfend)then c jend=int(xfend*100.) c xinput(i,iplane)=real(jend)/100. c endif c 40 continue c c end if c else c c contours held c rspace(iplane) = rowspc(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)) cntlen(iplane) = rowlen(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)) cnslp(iplane) = cntslp(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)) c do 40 i = 1, mxslp ainf(i) = 0.0 binf(i) = 1.0 cinf(i) = 0.0 ainftc(i) = ainf(i) binftc(i) = binf(i) cinftc(i) = cinf(i) 40 continue c qshear = cntlen(iplane) * peakro(iplane) * rspace(iplane) qout = qshear qin = 0.0 qostar = 0.0 strldn = 0.0 c end if c return end