subroutine yldopt(ityp,nowcrp,iplane,imngmt) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Estimate growing degree days during the growing season (gddmax). c Compute optimum biomass production (dm), and use it to adjust c the biomass conversion factor (be) if the user inputs an optimum c yield. c c Called from TILAGE c Author(s): Arnold c Reference in User Guide: c c NOTE: REMOVE REFERENCE TO "YOPTP" FROM MAKEFILE. THIS SAVED c 8k in the UNIX VERSION. c c Changes: c 1) Converted XMONTH from a subroutine to a function. c Calls to it from this routine were modified c accordingly. c 2) Program structure used to look like this: c c CONTIN c | c TILAGE c / \ c YOPTP YLDOPT c | | c ----------------- ----------------- c | | | | | | c GROWOPT XMONTH GDMAX GDMAX XMONTH GROWOPT c | | c XMONTH XMONTH c c Eliminated call to XMONTH from GDMAX, and combined c YOPTP & YLDOPT, giving the following structure: c c CONTIN c | c TILAGE c | c YLDOPT c | c ---------------- c | | | c GDMAX XMONTH GROWOP c c 3) Since XMONTH is now a function, the following line c call growop(imngmt,xmonth(ida),ityp,sumgd,alai,dm) c was substituted for: c call xmonth(ida,month) c call growop(dm,month,ityp,sumgd,alai,imngmt) c 4) Eliminated local variable YIELD. c 5) Embedded RETURN's eliminated. c 6) GOTO's to outside of do-loops eliminated. c 7) CALLS to subroutine GROWOPT were changed to send the c extinction coefficient to it. dcf 2/5/93 c 8) CALLS to subroutine GROWOPT changed to GROWOP. c dcf 6/2/94 c c c Version: This module recoded from Arnold's WEPP Post-version 92.25. c Date recoded: 07/14/92 - 07/16/92. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer ityp, nowcrp, iplane, imngmt c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c ityp - Index of plant, from list of those used in the simulation. c nowcrp - Index of plant (1st, 2nd, 3rd....) of the sequence grown c on this OFE, this year. c iplane - Index of the current OFE (land use area). c imngmt - Cropping System (annual, perennial, or fallow). c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: jdharv(mxcrop,mxplan), jdplt(mxcrop,mxplan), c yld(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c read: dlai(ntype),itype(mxcrop,mxplan) c modify: gddmax(ntype) c include '' c read: beinp(ntype), y4(ntype), hi(ntype), extnct(ntype) c write: be(ntype) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real dm, alai, sumgd, yield integer ida c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c dm - Biomass; ie, dry matter c alai - Leaf area index c sumgd - Accumulated growing degree days (gdd). c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c GDMAX c GROWOP c c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + integer xmonth c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c *** L0 IF *** c ANNUALS if (imngmt.eq.1) then c c *** L1 IF *** c SUMMER CROPS if (jdharv(nowcrp,iplane).gt.jdplt(nowcrp,iplane)) then c c -------- If user did not input the number of degrees in the growing c season (gddmax), estimate it. if (gddmax(ityp).le.0.0) then c c ---------- Estimate maximum growing degree days (gddmax) from planting c date (jdplt) to harvest date (jdharv). call gdmax(jdplt(nowcrp,iplane),jdharv(nowcrp,iplane),sumgd, 1 ityp) gddmax(ityp) = sumgd c end if c c c *** L2 IF *** c -------- If the user did not input an optimum yield (yld), then c do not adjust the biomass conversion factor (be). c if (yld(ityp).le.0) then c be(ityp) = beinp(ityp) c c c *** L2 ELSE *** c -------- Estimate maximum biomass production (dm) from planting c date (jdplt) to harvest date (jdharv). c else c dm = 0. alai = 0. sumgd = 0.0 c ida = jdplt(nowcrp,iplane) - 1 10 continue ida = ida + 1 c Original Code: c call xmonth(ida,month) c call growop(dm,month,ityp,sumgd,alai,imngmt) c c call growop(imngmt,xmonth(ida),ityp,sumgd,alai,dm) call growop(imngmt,xmonth(ida),ityp, 1 extnct(itype(nowcrp,iplane)),sumgd,alai,dm) if ((,iplane)).and.(sumgd.le. 1 gddmax(ityp)*dlai(ityp))) go to 10 c c Adjust the biomass conversion factor (be) c yldbsh = hi(ityp) * dm * 8907.7 / y4(ityp) yield = hi(ityp) * dm be(ityp) = beinp(ityp) * yld(ityp) / yield c c write (6,2000) iplane,yld(ityp),yldbsh write (6,1000) iplane, yld(ityp), yield c c *** L2 ENDIF *** end if c c c *** L1 ELSE *** c WINTER CROPS else c c -------- If user did not input the number of degrees in the growing c season (gddmax), estimate it. if (gddmax(ityp).le.0.0) then c c ---------- Estimate maximum growing degree days (gddmax) from planting c date (jdplt) to end of year. call gdmax(jdplt(nowcrp,iplane),365,sumgd,ityp) gddmax(ityp) = sumgd c c ---------- Estimate maximum growing degree days (gddmax) from beginning c of year to harvest date (jdharv). call gdmax(1,jdharv(nowcrp,iplane),sumgd,ityp) gddmax(ityp) = gddmax(ityp) + sumgd c end if c c c *** M2 IF *** c If the user did not input an optimum yield (yld), then c do not adjust the biomass conversion factor (be). c if (yld(ityp).le.0) then be(ityp) = beinp(ityp) c c c *** M2 ELSE *** else c dm = 0. alai = 0. sumgd = 0.0 c c ---------- Estimate maximum biomass production (dm) from planting c date (jdplt) to end of calendar year. ida = jdplt(nowcrp,iplane) - 1 20 continue ida = ida + 1 c Original Code: c call xmonth(ida,month) c call growop(dm,month,ityp,sumgd,alai,imngmt) c c call growop(imngmt,xmonth(ida),ityp,sumgd,alai,dm) call growop(imngmt,xmonth(ida),ityp, 1 extnct(itype(nowcrp,iplane)),sumgd,alai,dm) if ((*dlai(ityp))) 1 go to 20 c if (sumgd.le.gddmax(ityp)*dlai(ityp)) then c c ------------ Estimate maximum biomass production (dm) from beginning c of calendar year to harvest date (jdharv). ida = 0 30 continue ida = ida + 1 c Original Code: c call xmonth(ida,month) c call growop(dm,month,ityp,sumgd,alai,imngmt) c c call growop(imngmt,xmonth(ida),ityp,sumgd,alai,dm) call growop(imngmt,xmonth(ida),ityp, 1 extnct(itype(nowcrp,iplane)),sumgd,alai,dm) if ((,iplane)).and.(sumgd.le. 1 gddmax(ityp)*dlai(ityp))) go to 30 c end if c c Adjust the biomass conversion factor (be) c yldbsh = hi(ityp) * dm * 8907.7 / y4(ityp) yield = hi(ityp) * dm c be(ityp) = beinp(ityp) * yld(ityp) / yield c write (6,1000) iplane, yld(ityp), yield c c *** M2 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c c *** L0 ELSEIF *** c PERENNIALS else if (imngmt.eq.2) then c c ------ If user did not input the number of degrees in the growing c season (gddmax), estimate it. if (gddmax(ityp).le.0.0) then call gdmax(1,365,sumgd,ityp) gddmax(ityp) = sumgd end if c c *** N1 IF *** c If the user did not input an optimum yield (yld), then c do not adjust the biomass conversion factor (be). c if (yld(ityp).le.0) then be(ityp) = beinp(ityp) c c *** N1 ELSE *** else c c Estimate maximum biomass production (dm). dm = 0. alai = 0. sumgd = 0.0 c ida = 0 c *** BEGIN N2 LOOP *** 40 continue ida = ida + 1 c Original Code: c call xmonth(ida,month) c call growop(dm,month,ityp,sumgd,alai,imngmt) c c call growop(imngmt,xmonth(ida),ityp,sumgd,alai,dm) call growop(imngmt,xmonth(ida),ityp, 1 extnct(itype(nowcrp,iplane)),sumgd,alai,dm) c *** END N2 LOOP *** if ((*dlai(ityp))) go to 1 40 c c -------- Compute YLDTON in tons c yldton = hi(ityp) * dm * 4.0469 c yldton = hi(ityp) * dm * 4.4609 yield = hi(ityp) * dm c c c -------- Adjust the biomass conversion factor (be) be(ityp) = beinp(ityp) * yld(ityp) / yield c write (6,1000) iplane, yld(ityp), yield c c *** N1 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c return 1000 format (/,' For OFE #',i2,', User Input Peak Crop Yield =',f7.2, 1 '; EPIC Peak Crop Yield =',f7.2) end