/* Recipes for building WEPS with Lahey F95 compiler */ /* FC "compile" recipe */ %0%[O]: %0%[F] { [FC] -I \"[INC]\;[dos-path [dirname %0]]\" [FC_FLAGS] -c %0%[F] -o [target]; } /* Not currently used, thus not tested */ /* FC "library build" recipe */ %0[LIB_PREFIX]%[A]: [[target]_obj] set unlink { [AR] [AR_FLAGS] [target] [[target]_obj]; } /* FC "link" recipe */ /* not yet tested */ [BIN]/%: [[target]_obj] set mkdir { /* echo "target_obj is: " [[target]_obj]; */ [LD] [LD_FLAGS] name [target] file [[target]_obj]; } /* This seems to be affected by some idiosyncracies in CYGWIN */ /* FC "link" recipe */ %: [ [downcase [target]]_obj] set mkdir { /* echo "target_obj is: " [target]_obj]; */ if [not link.l95] then touch link.l95; echo [[target]_obj] > link.l95; [LD] [LD_FLAGS] @link.l95 -out [downcase [target]]; }