subroutine nuse (bn1, bn2, bn3, bp1, bp2, bp4) c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subroutine calculates the daily soil supply of N & P from each c soil layer in which there are roots. c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real bn1, bn2, bn3, bp1, bp2, bp4 c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + *$noereference include 'crop/' include 'crop/' include 'crop/' include 'crop/' include 'crop/' include 'crop/' include 'crop/' *$reference c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real vt, xx, clp, flu, xy integer j, k c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c Note:variable names in brackets are the names used in the EPIC manual c cnt(cnb) - optimal plant N concentration(kg/t) on day i c bn1,bn2,... - crop parameters for plant N concentration equation c hui - heat unit index(0-1) on day i c un2(undef.) - optimal crop N concentration (kg/ha) on day i c un1(undef.) - sum of soil supplied plus fixed N (kg/ha) on day i ?? c uno3(und) - N demand rate for crop (kg/ha/d) c dm(b) - accumulated plant biomass(tops+roots) (t/ha) c ddm(undef.) - daily plant biomass accumulation (t/ha/d) c cpt(cpb) - optimal plant P concentration(kg/t) on day i c bp - crop parameters for plant P concentration equation c hui - heat unit index(0-1) on day i c up2(undef.) - optimal crop P concentration (kg/ha) on day i c up1(undef.) - actual crop P concentration (kg/ha) on day i c upp(UPD) - P demand rate for crop (kg/ha/d) c dm(b) - accumulated plant biomass(tops+roots) (t/ha) c upp(upd) = P demand rate (kg/ha/d) c rw(rwt) = total root weight upto day i (t/ha) c ir = deepest layer number to which roots have extended c un = rate of N supplied by the soil from layer J (kg/ha/d) c wno3 = amount of N in a layer (kg/ha) c u = water uptake from a layer by evpt (mm) c st(sw) = soil water content of a layer (mm) c sunn(uns) = sum of N supplied from all rooted layers (kg/ha) c clp(clp) = P concentration in a layer(g/ton) c flu(lfu) = labile P factor for crop uptake(0-1) c up = soil supply of P from a layer (kg/ha) c sup(ups) = soil supply of P from all rooted layers (kg/ha) c ap = amount of labile P in a layer (kg/ha) c xy = c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c2000 format(1x,i3,1x,9(f7.3,1x)) c + + + END OF SPECIFICATIONS + + + c This section is the EPIC subroutine NUP c dimension fr(10) un1=un2 c sunn=0. sup=0. c calculate optimal N concentration for a crop using a modified version of c eq. 2.215 in the next 2 lines. cnt=bn1+bn2*exp(-bn3*hui) un2=cnt*dm*1000. c if ( un2=un1 c allow positive N demand late in the season ? c uno3=amin1(4000.*.0023*ddm,un2-un1) uno3=un2-un1 if (uno3.le.0.) uno3=0. vt=uno3 c This section is the EPIC subroutine NPUP c Calculate P concentration for a crop using a modified form of eq.2.229. cpt=bp2+bp1*exp(-bp4*hui) up2=cpt*dm*1000. if ( up2=up1 upp=up2-up1 c c This section is the EPIC subroutine NUSE c calculate parts of eq. 2.231 --- P demand rate if (rw.eq.0.) goto 45 xx=1.5*upp/rw c loop for computing soil supply of N and P from each layer do 4 j=1,ir c compute soil supply of N in the next 2 lines c next line commented out unitl water use data is available c un(j)=wno3(j)*u(j)/(st(j)+.001) c un(j)=wno3(j)*0.05 c sunn=sunn+un(j) c above 3 lines replaced by the following 5 lines c un(j)=uno3*rwt(j)/rw if (vt.le.0.) goto 75 if (wno3(j).eq.0.) goto 75 xy=wno3(j)-vt if ( then wno3(j)=wno3(j)-vt sunn=sunn+vt vt=0. endif if ( then sunn=sunn+wno3(j) vt=vt-wno3(j) wno3(j)=0. endif c xy=wno3(j)-un(j) c if (xy.le.0.) un(j)=wno3(j) c sunn=sunn+un(j) c wno3(j)=wno3(j)-un(j) c compute soil supply of P in the next 8 lines c F in the next line replaced by CLP 75 continue clp=1000.*ap(j)/wt(j) c F in the next and subsequent lines replaced by FLU --- eq 2.232 c *********** re-arranged to avoid the goto statement ************** flu=clp/(clp+exp(a_s11-b_s11*clp)) if ( flu=1. c use equation 2.231 c rwt(j) = ??? if this is root mass by layer - change to bcmbgr(j) c bcmbgr should also be passed as an argument up(j)=xx*flu*rwt(j) if (up(j).ge.ap(j)) up(j)=.9*ap(j) sup=sup+up(j) 4 continue c the following algorithms may be temporary depending whether subroutine c najn & najp are eliminated. c adjust soil supply and plant demand for N c sum=0. c rt=uno3/(sunn+1.e-20) c if ( then c do 2 k=1,ir c un(k)=un(k)*rt c sum=sum+un(k) c 2 continue c sunn=sum c endif cc adjust soil supply and plant demand for P c sum=0. c rt=upp/(sup+1.e-20) c if ( then c do 3 k=1,ir c up(k)=up(k)*rt c sum=sum+up(k) c 3 continue c sup=sum c endif c acummulate plant uptake of N and P c un1=un1+sunn up1=up1+sup c a new variable un3 added for debugging purposes suno3=suno3+uno3 c update remaining no3 and labile p in the soil and ouput for debugging do 8 k=1,ir c wno3(k)=wno3(k)-un(k) ap(k)=ap(k)-un(k) c write(310,2133) jd,k,ap(k),rwt(k),wno3(k),un(k),up(k) c2133 format (i3,1x,i3,1x,5(f8.4,1x)) 8 continue tno3=tno3-sunn+rmnr tap=tap-sup+wmp j=j-1 c write(39,2000)jd,cnt,un1,un2,uno3,suno3,sunn,vt,dm,ddm 45 continue return end