c********************************************************************** c subroutine sbdzo c********************************************************************** subroutine sbdzo i(wadir, sargo, szrgh, sxrgs, slrr, o wzzo) c c +++ PURPOSE +++ c c Calc. aerodynamic roughness parm., wzzo, with no standing biomass c c ++++ ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS +++ real*4 wadir, sargo, szrgh, sxrgs, slrr real*4 wzzo c c +++ ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS +++ c pid180 - parameter c wadir - wind direction c sargo - ridge orientation c szrgh - ridge height c sxrgs - ridge spacing c sxdks - dike spacing c wzzo - aerodynamic roughness length (mm). c c +++ LOCAL VARIABLES +++ real*4 xa, sxprg, hl, wzorg, wzorr, pid180 c c +++ PARAMETERS +++ parameter(pid180 = 3.14159/180) c c +++ END SPECIFICATIONS +++ c c calc. for ridge aerodynamic roughness wzorg = 0. if (szrgh .eq. 0) go to 30 xa = abs ( sin( pid180 * abs( wadir - sargo))) if (xa .lt. 0.25) xa = 0.25 sxprg = sxrgs/xa c not used now c sxprg = amin1(sxprg, sxdks) hl = szrgh / sxprg wzorg = szrgh * 1/(-64.1+135.5*hl+(20.84/sqrt(hl))) c c calculation for random aerodynamic roughness 30 wzorr = slrr*0.3 c estimate combined ridge and random aerodynamic roughness c (later- no data sets at present) c chose the largest of the two. wzzo = amax1 (wzorg, wzorr) c return end c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++