FC := wfc386 FC_IFLAGS := -INCP=..\..\inc # WEPS default include (relative) path .IF $(OS) == DOS MODEL := L # 16-bit large memory model .ELSE MODEL := F # 32-bit flat memory model .END MDL := $(MODEL:l) # put library model symbol in lowercase FC_FLAGS += -M$(MODEL) # set compiler memory model flag FC_FLAGS += -Q # operate quietly FC_FLAGS += -NOER # no error file created # default error checking stuff FC_FLAGS += -WA # issue warnings FC_FLAGS += -BO # subscript bounds checking (disable for speed) FC_FLAGS += -EXP # declare type of all symbols FC_FLAGS += -ST # generate stack checking code FC_FLAGS += -R # issue unreferenced warnings # debugging stuff (use if $(DEBUG) is set FC_DFLAGS += -HW # Watcom debugging information FC_DFLAGS += -D2 # full debug info FC_DFLAGS += -OD # disable optimizations (helpful for debugging) FC_DFLAGS += -DEB # runtime debug checking # (includes subscript bounds checking) # Is this desireable? Coders should probably be doing this explicitly. FC_FLAGS += -SA # SAVE all local variables # "optimization" flags (use if $(OPT) is set FC_OFLAGS += -OX # sets several optimization options LD := wlink LD_FLAGS += option caseexact,quiet # debugging stuff (use if $(DEBUG) is set LD_DFLAGS += DEBUG WATCOM all AR := wlib AR_FLAGS += -c # perform case sensitive comparison AR_FLAGS += -n # always create a new library AR_FLAGS += -q # operate quietly