program tstwman *$noereference include '' include '' include '' include '' include 'manage/' include 'manage/' *$reference integer lay, sr, mm, dd, yyyy, syear, eyear character *30 manfil integer thisyr logical fexist data mm, dd, yyyy, syear, eyear & /01, 01, 1992, 1992, 2001/ c Init the management data file nsubr = 3 nslay(1) = 5 nslay(2) = 5 aszlyt(1,1) = 1.0 aszlyt(2,1) = 2.0 aszlyt(3,1) = 3.0 aszlyt(4,1) = 5.0 aszlyt(5,1) = 5.0 aszlyt(1,2) = 1.0 aszlyt(2,2) = 2.5 aszlyt(3,2) = 5.0 aszlyt(4,2) = 3.0 aszlyt(5,2) = 3.0 fexist = .FALSE. 01 write(*,*) 'Enter MANAGEMENT input file (return for default)' read (*,'(a)') manfil inquire(file=manfil, exist = fexist) 05 if (.not. fexist) then write(*,*) 'MANAGEMENT input file not found. Using default...' manfil = 'mngmnt2.dat' inquire(file=manfil, exist = fexist) if (.not. fexist) then write(*,*) 'Default file not found!' goto 01 endif goto 05 endif do 200 sr=1, nsubr do 100 lay=1, nslay(sr) aslagm(lay, sr) = 10*sr+5*lay as0ags(lay, sr) = 4 + lay aslagn(lay, sr) = 0.01 * sr aslagx(lay, sr) = 100.0 + sr 100 continue 200 continue call mfinit (nsubr,manfil) c Now in the mfinit routine - LEW c Init the asd stuff c call asdini () c ------------------------------------------------------------------------- print *, 'Starting up daily time step' c Cycle through a calendar year. c c year is <= eyear 10 do 20 sr=1, nsubr call manage (sr, dd, mm, yyyy, syear) 20 continue thisyr = yyyy call mvdate (1, dd, mm, yyyy, dd, mm, yyyy) if (thisyr .ne. yyyy) print *, 'End of year: ', thisyr if (yyyy.le.eyear) go to 10 c c close (unit=10) stop end