c file name: aggss.for subroutine aggss ( ak, bseagg, semin, semax ) c + + + PURPOSE + + + c calculates agg stability increase due to pressure and wet dry cycle. c eq. S(58), S(59) c + + + AUTHOR + + + c Imam Elminyawi c + + + KEY WORDS + + + c wind erosion, soil processes, aggregate stability c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real ak, bseagg, semin, semax c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real anc c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c anc c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + anc = 0.0 if ( bseagg .ge. semax .or. bseagg .le. semin) go to 100 anc = -ak * alog(( semax - bseagg ) / ( semax - semin )) +1.0 bseagg = (semax - semin) * ( 1.0 - exp(-anc / ak) ) + semin 100 continue return end