#---------------------- WEPS SIMULATION RUN FILE ---------------- # # # --USER INFORMATION # User name: Wind E. Rosion # Simulation ID: Agronomy Farm 111 # Site location: BACA,CO # # --SITE INFORMATION # Site Latitude (decimal degrees): 37.34 # Site Longitude (decimal degrees): 102.51 # Site Elevation: 4580 # # --SIMULATION PERIOD # Start date: day month year 01 01 0001 # End date: day month year 31 12 5 # Number of time steps per day for wind speed distribution 24 # # --RUN FILES (INPUT) # CLIGEN file: cli_gen.cli # WINDGEN file: win_gen.win # sub-daily wind file (for 'real' data): # * if entire sub-daily data set is to be # generated - enter 'none' none # Initial Field Conditions file: amarillo.ifc # MANAGEMENT (TILLAGE) file: CO_wheat_fallow.man # WEPS OUTPUT OPTIONS # General report # Filename: out.out # General report forms - enter 1 for output, 0 for none # Client I/O Weather Sim Region Manage Erosion # ------ --- ------- ---------- ------ ------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 # enter code number for frequency of Period output for general report # note that yearly and simulation summaies are always output # 1 = daily, 2 = weekly, 3 = biweekly, 4 = monthly 2 # -- Submodel Output # Detailed submodel outputs - enter code # for output, 0 for none # Code: HYDRO SOIL MANAGE CROP DECOMP EROSION 0 0 0 1 0 0 # -- Debug Output # Generate debug file - enter 1 for output, 0 for none # file name will have the format '*bug.out' (eg. hdbug.out for HYDRO) # note - no debug output for MANAGEMENT or EROSION for this release # HYDRO SOIL CROP DECOMP MANAGE 0 0 1 0 0 # # --SIMULATION REGION INFORMATION # Simulation region angle clockwise from North: 333 # Simulation region coordinates (meters) # point 1: x y 120 120 # point 2: x y 300 234 # size: width height 1800.0 1140.0 # # No. accounting regions: 1 # # ******** repeat for each accounting region ************* # ******** only one allowed for current release ********** # Accounting region 1: # coordinates (meters) # point 1: x y 0.0 0.0 # point 2: x y 100.0 100.0 # # No. of subregions: 1 # # ******** repeat for each subregion ********************* # ******** only one allowed for current release ********** # *Subregion 1: # coordinates (meters) # point 1: x y 0.0 0.0 # point 2: x y 100.0 100.0 # No. of barriers: 0 # barrier endpoints (if none - all coordinates must = 0.0) # Barrier 1: # coordinates (meters) # point 1: x y 0.0 0.0 # point 2: x y 0.0 0.0 # height (meters) 0.0 # width (meters) 0.0 # porosity (decimal fraction) 0.0 # soil series: # Reading Silt Loam # average slope: 0.50 # #--------------- END OF SIMULATION RUN FILE ----------------