code - Revision 21826: /branches/bleeding_edge/weps/weps1.install/db/operations/NRCS
- ..
- Add Crop Residue.oprn
- Add Non-Crop Mulch.oprn
- Add mulch.oprn
- Aerator, field surface, ground driven 0 degree offset.oprn
- Aerator, field surface, ground driven 10 degree offset.oprn
- Aerator, field surface, ground driven.oprn
- Aerial seeding.oprn
- Bale straw or residue.oprn
- Baler.oprn
- Bed shaper.oprn
- Bedder, hipper, disk hiller.oprn
- Bedder, hipper, hiller 12 in high.oprn
- Begin weed growth, less than 3 mo.oprn
- Begin weed growth.oprn
- Biomass removal 70 percent.oprn
- Burn Residue.oprn
- Burn residue, high intensity.oprn
- Burn residue, low intensity.oprn
- Burn residue, mod. high intensity.oprn
- Burn residue, moderate intensity.oprn
- Chisel, st. pt..oprn
- Chisel, sweep shovel 5 in. depth.oprn
- Chisel, sweep shovel.oprn
- Chisel, twisted shovel.oprn
- Coulter caddy, fluted coulters.oprn
- Coulter caddy, smooth coulters.oprn
- Cultipacker, roller mod.oprn
- Cultipacker, roller.oprn
- Cultivator, field 6-12 in sweeps.oprn
- Cultivator, field sweep change order.oprn
- Cultivator, field, spike points.oprn
- Cultivator, row - 1st pass ridge till.oprn
- Cultivator, row - 2nd pass ridge till.oprn
- Cultivator, row 1 in ridge.oprn
- Cultivator, row 3 in ridge.oprn
- Cultivator, row crop, 40 inch row spacing (3 inch ridge ht).oprn
- Cultivator, row, rotary.oprn
- Defoliate (Spray) crop.oprn
- Disk, offset, heavy.oprn
- Disk, single gang.oprn
- Disk, tandem heavy primary op..oprn
- Disk, tandem light finishing.oprn
- Disk, tandem secondary op..oprn
- Do all.oprn
- Drill or air seeder single disk openers 7-10 in spac..oprn
- Drill or air seeder single disk openers, fert. opnrs 7-10 in spac..oprn
- Drill or air seeder, hoe opener in hvy residue.oprn
- Drill or air seeder, hoe or chisel opener 12-15 in spac..oprn
- Drill or air seeder, hoe or chisel openers 6-12 in spac..oprn
- Drill or airseeder, double disk opener, fert openers.oprn
- Drill or airseeder, double disk, fluted coulters.oprn
- Drill or airseeder, double disk.oprn
- Drill or airseeder, offset double disk openers.oprn
- Drill, air seeder, sweep or band opener.oprn
- Drill, deep furrow 12 to 18 in spacing.oprn
- Drill, range.oprn
- Drill, semi-deep furrow 12 to 18 in spacing.oprn
- Fert applic. deep plcmt hvy shnk.oprn
- Fert applic. shank low disturbance, 12 in.oprn
- Fert applic. surface broadcast.oprn
- Fert. applic. anhyd knife 30 in.oprn
- Fert. applic., strip-till 30 in.oprn
- Gouger.oprn
- Graze, continuous.oprn
- Graze, stubble or residue 25 pct.oprn
- Graze, stubble or residue 50 pct.oprn
- Graze, stubble or residue 75 pct.oprn
- Graze, stubble or residue.oprn
- Harrow, coiled tine.oprn
- Harrow, heavy on heavy residue.oprn
- Harrow, heavy.oprn
- Harrow, rotary.oprn
- Harrow, spike tooth.oprn
- Harvest (Undercut Windrow Combine).oprn
- Harvest (cut and remove whole plant above cut height).oprn
- Harvest (cut or break stalks high).oprn
- Harvest Alfalfa - hay (silage cutter).oprn
- Harvest Alfalfa - seed (combine cutterbar header).oprn
- Harvest Corn - grain (combine corn header).oprn
- Harvest Corn - silage (silage cutter).oprn
- Harvest Crop (leave stalks undisturbed).oprn
- Harvest Grain Sorghum - silage (silage cutter).oprn
- Harvest Small Grain (stripper).oprn
- Harvest Sunflower Seed - grain (combine cutterbar header).oprn
- Harvest Tobacco (leaf).oprn
- Harvest Tobacco - leaf (hand pick).oprn
- Harvest Wheat - grain (combine cutterbar header).oprn
- Harvest Wheat - grain (combine stripper header).oprn
- Harvest Wheat - hay (silage cutter).oprn
- Harvest, cabbage and head lettuce .oprn
- Harvest, cabbage and head lettuce.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 01 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 02 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 04 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 06 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 08 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 10 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 12 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 14 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 16 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 18 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 20 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 22 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 24 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 26 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 28 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 30 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 32 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 34 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 36 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 38 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 40 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 42 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 44 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, corn grain and part of stover, 46 inch stubble.oprn
- Harvest, cotton.oprn
- Harvest, dig root crops res. buried.oprn
- Harvest, dig root crops res. on surf.oprn
- Harvest, hand pick.oprn
- Harvest, hay, grass.oprn
- Harvest, hay, legume.oprn
- Harvest, killing crop 20pct standing stubble.oprn
- Harvest, killing crop 30pct standing stubble.oprn
- Harvest, killing crop 50pct standing stubble.oprn
- Harvest, killing crop 60pct standing stubble.oprn
- Harvest, killing crop 70pct standing stubble.oprn
- Harvest, knife (undercut), windrow, combine.oprn
- Harvest, silage 3ft stubble.oprn
- Harvest, silage.oprn
- Harvest, sorghum-milo.oprn
- Harvest, stripper header.oprn
- Harvest, vine crops, mechanical.oprn
- Iirrigation, (surface drip, 2 in. app).oprn
- Initialize Crop Residue.oprn
- Irrigation (1 inch, 25 mm, Buried Drip).oprn
- Irrigation (1 inch, 25 mm, Pivot, Linear).oprn
- Irrigation (2 inch, 51 mm).oprn
- Irrigation (2 inch, 51 mm, Border, Furrow).oprn
- Irrigation (2 inch, 51 mm, Buried Drip).oprn
- Irrigation (2 inch, 51 mm, Pivot, Linear).oprn
- Irrigation (4 inch, 103 mm).oprn
- Irrigation (4 inch, 103 mm, Border, Furrow).oprn
- Irrigation (border, furrow, 2 in. app).oprn
- Irrigation (border, furrow, 4 in. app).oprn
- Irrigation (custom depth).oprn
- Irrigation (custom depth, Border Furrow).oprn
- Irrigation (custom depth, Buried Drip).oprn
- Irrigation (custom depth, Pivot, Linear).oprn
- Irrigation (pivot, linear, wheelline, 1 in. app).oprn
- Irrigation Custom Depth, (drip, buried 8 in. deep).oprn
- Irrigation, (pivot, linear, wheelline, 2 in. app).oprn
- Irrigation, Custom Depth (pivot, linear, wheelline).oprn
- Irrigation, Custom Depth, (border, furrow).oprn
- Irrigation, Custom Depth, (surface drip).oprn
- Irrigation, Start Monitor (Border, Furrow).oprn
- Irrigation, Start Monitor (Buried Drip).oprn
- Irrigation, Start Monitor (Pivot, Linear).oprn
- Irrigation, Start Monitor (drip, buried 8 in. deep).oprn
- Irrigation, Start Monitor (pivot, linear, wheelline).oprn
- Irrigation, Stop Monitor.oprn
- Kill crop.oprn
- Killing Frost.oprn
- Land plane.oprn
- Lister, 40 in.oprn
- Manure injector, liquid high disturb.30 inch.oprn
- Manure spreader, solid and semi-solid.oprn
- Mower, swather, windrower.oprn
- Mulch treader.oprn
- Planter, double disk 40 in row in bottom.oprn
- Planter, double disk opener on 12 inch high beds.oprn
- Planter, double disk opener on 8 inch high beds.oprn
- Planter, double disk opnr, fluted coulter, 15 in row sp.oprn
- Planter, double disk opnr, fluted coulter.oprn
- Planter, double disk opnr.oprn
- Planter, in-row subsoiler.oprn
- Planter, ridge till.oprn
- Planter, small veg seed on 8 inch high beds.oprn
- Planter, small veg seed.oprn
- Planter, strip till.oprn
- Planter, transplanter, vegetable on 8 inch high beds.oprn
- Planter, transplanter, vegetable.oprn
- Planting, broadcast seeder.oprn
- Planting, manual.oprn
- Plastic mulch applic. 48 inch beds 80 percent cover.oprn
- Plastic mulch, remove.oprn
- Plow, moldboard.oprn
- Plow, reversable.oprn
- Rodweeder.oprn
- Roller harrow.oprn
- Roller, corrugated packer.oprn
- Roller, residue incorporator.oprn
- Roller, smooth.oprn
- Rotary hoe.oprn
- Rototiller, field.oprn
- Sand fighter (Texas).oprn
- Seeder - Broadcast.oprn
- Seeder, corrugated packer.oprn
- Set Crop Residue.oprn
- Shred stalks.oprn
- Shredder, flail or rotary.oprn
- Shredder, rotary, regrow veg.oprn
- Sprayer, defoliant.oprn
- Sprayer, kill crop.oprn
- Sprayer, post emergence.oprn
- Start Irrigation Monitor (Border, Furrow).oprn
- Start Irrigation Monitor (Buried Drip).oprn
- Start Irrigation Monitor (Pivot, Linear).oprn
- Stop Irrigation Monitor.oprn
- Subsoiler bedder (ripper hipper).oprn
- Subsoiler.oprn
- Sweep plow 20-40 in wide.oprn
- Sweep plow, under bed.oprn
- Sweep plow, wider than 40 in.oprn
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