Opening and Saving MCREW Files

In WEPS 1.0, there are two primary locations that management rotation files exist:
  1. In the "Management Templates" directory.
    This is the location that complete or partial (single or multi-crop year) management rotation files are kept. Files in this directory always show up on the management rotation selection choice lists. Typically, management rotation files to be used in WEPS projects are selected from previously built management rotation files or are constructed from several partial management rotation files located in this directory.

  2. Within a "WEPS Projects" directory.
    Any edited or viewed management rotation file used in a WEPS project run is always located in that WEPS project's directory. There can be more than one management rotation file in a WEPS project. The current management rotation file to be used when making a WEPS run is the one specified in the "" file (e.g., the one listed in the "management" input field on the WEPS main screen. Usually, management rotation files in a WEPS project are simply copies of those selected from the "Template" directory with local "project or run specific" modifications.