Location information is entered through the rightmost panel labeled 'Location Information' on the main WEPS interface screen.
Choosing a location within WEPS defines the physical location of the field to be simulated. This location information is used to assist in selecting weather stations (CLIGEN and WINDGEN) for the WEPS simulation. By default, the nearest stations will be selected. The user has the option to select other stations if desired.
The user has several methods available to specify a location and the weather stations:
1) Select a State and County
2) Specify latitude and longitude coordinates
3) Use the "Map" feature to select a location
Each of these methods are sufficient to identify the nearest weather stations,
which will be automatically selected when using any of the above methods. The user
can then select alternate weather stations if desired via the drop down choice lists,
which are sorted by distance from the specified lat/lon location.
Here is a list of all the input fields available in the "Location" panel: