The 'Configuration' menu displays various configuration options for WEPS.
- Edit Configuration
- The 'Edit Configuration' menu is arranged in tabular fashion. To access each option click the
appropriate tab at the top of the window.
- 'Miscellaneous' - This tab opens a tab that allows the user to set the following:
- Display either Metric or English units on WEPS screens.
- Enter the number of time steps used for the daily distribution of simulated wind speed.
- Check box to display the latitude and longitude fields. Un-checking the box, hides these fields.
- Check box to display the state and county fields. Un-checking the box, hides these fields.
- Check box to display the 'Use Map' button. Un-checking the box, hides this button.
- Check box to enable MCREW editing. This function enables the ability to open existing
management files within MCREW via the 'File' menu. Checking this box enables the 'Open' and
'Open Copy of Template' on the MCREW 'File' menu.
- Maximum search radius for climate station choice lists (kilometers or miles, depending upon
the "Measurement Units" setting). Usually the user wants the nearest station to their
simulaiton site. However the user may want to select a different station that is more
typical of the climate for the field being simulated. An example of not selecting the
closest station might occur in mountainous areas where the adjacent station does not
typify the climate for the simulated field.
- Tooltip delays sets the delay time for the initial appearance of the tooltip and for the
dismissal of the tooltip box from the screen. The units are in milli-seconds. To
disable tooltip display, set the "Initial" value to 1000 (1 second) and the "Dismiss"
value to zero.
- 'Output' - This tab opens a screen that allows the user to set the following:
- Reporting period for generated reports.
- Flags for submodel reports which give model developers and selected users more detailed
output than is available through the interface. See the Appendix for flag numbers to
set for submodel reports.
- 'Email' - This tab opens the email configuration settings window:
- Sender Addr - enter the default email address of the sender.
- SMTP Server - enter your mailhost SMTP server address.
- Comments - enter a default recipient for comments to the WEPS developers.
- Bugs - enter a default recipient for a bug report.
- 'Run' - This tab opens a panel with run options:
- Run Length Mode - click a button to select a type of run length as either the NRCS method
(specifies a fixed number of cycles and is required for all "official" NRCS WEPS runs),
use simulation run start and end dates on the main screen, or specify the use of
rotation cycles on the main screen.
- Alternative weather files - click the check box next to the name of a weather file type
to use alternative weather file (e.g. measured wind data). Then enter the file name
and path or choose the file by clicking the folder icon .
- 'Executables' - This opens a tab that allows the user to select executable files and command line arguments
(see Appendix of the WEPS User Manual for the command line argument definitions):
- WindGen.exe - enter the path and file name for the default Windgen executable.
- WindGen cmd - enter the default Windgen command line arguments (see Appendix for argument list).
- CliGen.exe - enter the path and file name for the default Cligen executable.
- CliGen cmd - enter the default Cligen command line arguments (see Appendix for argument list).
- WEPS.exe - enter the path and file name for the default WEPS executable.
- WEPS cmd - enter the default WEPS command line arguments (use Popup Help to see argument list).
- 'Directories' - This opens a tab that allows the user to select the directories used for templates, skeleton files, databases, and projects:
- Man Template - enter the default directory for the management templates.
- Man Skeleton - enter the default directory for the management skeleton files.
- Man Op DB - enter the default directory for the management operation database files.
- Crop DB - enter the default directory for the crop database files.
- MCREW Dir - default directory for MCREW configuration files.
- Soil DB - enter the default directory for the soil database files.
- Soil DB spec - ebter the JDBC:OBDC driver specification for accessing SSURGO soil data in a Microsoft
Access database file. This field should be left blank if the "Soil DB" field specifies a directory containing "ifc" soil files.
- Projects Dir - enter the default directory for the project directories and files.