
This menu allows the user to make a WEPS Run using the currently displayed information or to retrieve information used when previous WEPS Runs were made. Clicking on "Make a WEPS Run" or the "Run" button   executes a WEPS simulation run.

The 'Run' menu on the WEPS Main Screen brings up the following options:

Make a WEPS Run
This item makes a WEPS Run using the information currently displayed (Ctrl-R).
Make a Yield Calibration WEPS Run
This item makes a WEPS simulation Run in "yield calibration mode" (Ctrl-C). If the user has correctly specified the target yield(s) for a selected a crop(s) within MCREW, then WEPS will automatically determine the correct adjustments necessary for the simulation to achieve the desired crop "target yield(s)" for this WEPS Run. The modified parameter values are displayed in a popup message at the end of the WEPS Run and also are stored in the "Notes" section of the output results. A "Yield Calibration" WEPS Run will take significantly longer to complete than a normal WEPS Run.
Restore a WEPS Run
This item retrieves and displays the information used when a previous WEPS Run was made (Ctrl-E).