Output Details Table

The Output Details report contains all of the erosion, weather, and surface information available by period, by rotation year, and for the entire simulation run.

The columns of the Output Details report have the following information.
- This column contains the start and end dates (day/month/rotation year) of the reporting period.
- This column contains the management operation which occurred on the specified date.
Wind Erosion
Average Total Gross Soil Loss
- The Average Total Gross Soil Loss is the average erosion within the field, averaged across the field as well as averaged over the number of simulation years in each rotation year (kg/m2 or tons/acre).
Net Soil Loss from Field
Average Total
- The average total net loss from the field(kg/m2 or tons/acre).
Average Creep/Sal.
- This column contains the total creep plus saltation net loss for the period, averaged across the field grid areas, as well as averaged over the number of simulation years in each year of the crop rotation (kg/m2 or tons/acre).
Average Susp.
- This column contains the total suspension net loss for the period, averaged across the field grid areas as well as averaged over the number of simulation years in each rotation year (kg/m2 or tons/acre).
Average PM10
- This column contains the net PM10 soil loss for the period, averaged across the field grid areas as well as averaged over the number of simulation years in each rotation year (kg/m2 or tons/acre).
Mass of Soil Passing Indicated Field Boundary
- These columns display the average mass of creep plus saltation size material passing each field boundary (kg/m or tons/1000 ft) in the direction indicated outs1.gif.
- These columns display the average mass of suspension size material passing each field boundary (kg/m or tons/1000 ft) in the direction indicated outs11.gif.
- These columns display the average mass of PM10 (particulate matter less than 10 microns) size material passing each field boundary (kg/m or tons/1000 ft) in the direction indicated outs12.gif.
Within Field Wind Erosion Activity
The information in this section is useful in determining how much of the field is actively eroding and how much is not, which may impact what control measures, if any should be applied and where. This information is also useful in understanding how much of the field is actively eroding and thus may be causing plant or soil damage or how much is subject to burial. Finally, this information is useful in understanding how much of the field is contributing to overall (net) field loss.
Saltation Emission Region
Soil Loss
- This column displays the amount of soil loss from that area of the field that had saltation emission (kg/m2 or tons/acre).
Field Area
- These columns display both the area (acres or hectares) and fraction of that area of the field that had saltation emission.
Deposition Region
Soil Deposition
- This column displays the amount of soil deposited in that area of the field where deposition is the primary activity (kg/m2 or tons/acre).
Field Area
- These columns display both the area (acres or hectares) and fraction of that area of the field that had deposition.

High Flux Region
Field Area
- These columns display both the area (acres or hectares) and fraction of that area of the field which was near transport capacity.
Sheltered Region
Field Area
- These columns display both the area (acres or hectares) and fraction of that area of the field that had no saltation or suspension material being emitted. Sheltered areas are typically those immediately downwind of barriers.
Weather Info
Average Total Period Precip
- This column contains the total precipitation for the period averaged over the simulation years in each year of the crop rotation (mm or inches).
Average Wind Energy >8 m/s
- This column contains the average daily wind energy for the period for winds greater than 8 m/s, averaged over the simulation years in each year of the crop rotation (KJ/day).
Average Snow Cover > 20 mm
- This column contains the total average fraction of time that snow cover on the field which is greater than 20 mm in depth (mm or inches).
Average Biomass Surface Conditions on Date
Crop Vegetation (Live)
Canopy Cover
- This column contains the fraction of live crop biomass cover (vertical view) at the period end, averaged over the simulation years for the period listed (fraction).
Effective Standing Silhouette
- Effective standing silhouette is the standing silhouette area index of live plants expressed on a fraction basis. If the plants are planted in the furrow as opposed to the ridge top, the index is adjusted (down) to have less of an effect on the wind. These are values at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year.
Above Ground Mass
- This column contains the total live crop biomass, above ground, at the period end, averaged over the simulation years for the period listed (kg/m2 or lbs/acre).
Crop Residue (Dead)
Flat Cover
- This column contains the amount of flat dead cover on the soil surface, expressed as a fraction. These are values at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (fraction).
Effective Standing Silhouette
- Effective standing silhouette is the standing silhouette area index of dead plants expressed on a fraction basis. If the plants are planted in the furrow as opposed to the ridge top, the index is adjusted (down) to have less of an effect on the wind. These are values at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year.
Flat Mass
- This column contains the amount of flat dead biomass on the soil surface. These are values at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (kg/m2 or lbs/acre).
Standing Mass
- This column contains the amount of standing dead biomass on the soil surface. These are values at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (kg/m2 or lbs/acre).
Live and Dead Biomass
Flat Cover
- This column contains the amount of flat cover from live (canopy cover) and dead (flat cover) biomass on the soil surface expresses on a fraction basis. These are values at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (fraction).
Standing Silhouette
- Effective standing silhouette is the standing silhouette area index of live plus dead plants. If the plants are planted in the furrow as opposed to the ridge top, the index is adjusted (down) to have less of an effect on the wind. These are values at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (fraction).
Flat Mass
- This column contains the amount of flat live (air dried) and dead biomass on the soil surface. These are values at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (kg/m2 or lbs/acre).
Standing Mass
- This column contains the amount of standing live and dead biomass. These are values at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (kg/m2 or lbs/acre).
Average Soil Surface Conditions on Date
Oriented Roughness
Ridge Orientation
- This column contains orientation of the ridges with zero degrees (0°) representing north/south ridges.
Ridge Height
- This column contains the height of ridges. This is the value at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (mm or inches).
Ridge Spacing
- This column contains the spacing between ridges. This is the value at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (mm or inches).
Random Roughness
- This column contains the standard deviation of the soil surface random roughness. This is the value at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year (mm or inches).
Aggregates > 0.84 mm
- This column lists the fraction of aggregates greater than 0.84 mm. Aggregates > 0.84 mm are generally considered to be non-erodible. This is the value at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year.
Aggregate Stability
- This column lists aggregate stability which is the log of crushing energy of dry soil aggregates (ln(J/kg)) and is related to abrasion resistance. This is the value at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year.
Crust Cover
- This column lists the fraction of the soil surface that is crusted. This is the value at the period end averaged over the simulation years in each rotation year.
The rows in the Output Details table vary depending on the number of cropping years in the rotation and the number of management operations in each year of the rotation.
Each year of the rotation has output displayed for the two week periods as well as for each management operation date. This output allows the user to view the erosion and other output for each year of the rotation. At the end of each year in the rotation is a row which contains the average annual value for that rotation year.
The last row in the output form contains the average annual values for the complete crop rotation.