The Within-Field Erosion detailed report displays information for various types of erosion activity by period, by rotation year and for the simulation run. These activities include amounts as well as area and fraction of the field which had saltation emission and deposition. In addition high flux and sheltered area and fraction of the field are given. The high flux region is that area that is near transport capacity. A sheltered area is one that had no saltation or suspension material being emitted. Sheltered areas are typically those immediately downwind of barriers. This information is useful in determining how much of the field is actively eroding and how much is not, which may impact what control measures, if any should be applied and where. This information is also useful in understanding how much of the field is actively eroding and thus may be causing plant or soil damage or how much is subject to burial. Finally, this information is useful in understanding how much of the field is contributing to overall (net) field loss.