The Project Summary Report screen will automatically display at the conclusion
of a WEPS simulation run. If the Project Summary screen has been closed,
the user can display the Project Summary screen for the most recent
WEPS run or previous WEPS Runs by clicking the ViewOutput menu on the WEPS
main screen menu bar.
The Project Summary contains names of the WEPS simulation run input files as well as other
information pertinent to the WEPS Run. It also includes
basic soil loss information by rotation year and the average annual for the completed simulation.
Soil loss output in the Project Summary includes: Gross Loss
which is the average erosion within the field; Total which is the average
total net loss from the field; Creep/Salt which is the average
creep plus saltation net loss from the field; Suspension which is the
average suspension net loss from the field; and PM10 which is the
average PM10 net loss from the field. If an erosion event occurred but values
generated by the model are too small to be significant, i.e., less than 0.01 kg/m2 (0.1 tons/acre),
then the amount is listed as "trace". If amounts are too large to be accurately simulated then
the amount is listed simply as greater than a specified amount, i.e., greater than 300 kg/m2 (150 tons/acre). In these
cases erosion amounts are so large that they are generally unacceptable.
If any barriers were present on the field borders, a summary of their properties is also listed.
Finally, any notes entered on the main screen for the WEPS Run are reproduced and can be edited
or added to here if desired and saved via the appropriate button at the top of the Project Summary form.
A button tool bar is included at the top of the Project Summary screen which allows the user to
close the window ,
save any modificatons to the notes for the WEPS Run ,
print the WEPS Summary Report ,
print the WEPS Run Notes ,
open general help for the summary ,
and use the context help .
The Project Summary screen includes the following panels: