c $Header: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/asd/asdinit.for,v 1.2 1999-03-16 23:55:41 wjr Exp $ c subroutine asdini() *$noreference include 'manage/asd.inc' *$reference c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subroutine performs the initialization of the asd/sieve c variables which include the number of sieves and their sizes, c the geometric mean diameter of each sieve cut and specifies which c lognormal case will be used to represent aggregate size distributions c in WERM/WEPS. c The routine decides which lognormal case to apply based on the c value of logcas: c c logcas = 0 --> "normal" lognormal case (mnot = 0, minf = infinity) c logcas = 1 --> "abnormal" lognormal case (mnot != 0, minf = infinity) c logcas = 2 --> "abnormal" lognormal case (mnot = 0, minf != infinity) c logcas = 3 --> "abnormal" lognormal case (mnot != 0, minf != infinity) c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c aggregate size distribution, asd, sieves, mass fractions c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c currently none c c + + + INCLUDED COMMON BLOCK DEFINITIONS + + + c nsieve - number of sieves used c sdia - array containing sieve size diameters c mdia - array containing gmd sieve cut diameters c mnsize - minimum (imaginary) sieve size to use for computing c lower sieve cut geometric mean diameter c mxsize - maximum (imaginary) sieve size to use for computing c upper sieve cut geometric mean diameter c logcas - flag to represent which lognormal case to apply c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c integer i c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c i - loop variable for sieve diameters c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c compute geometric mean dia. for each sieve cut mdia(1) = sqrt(mnsize*sdia(1)) do 5 i = 2, nsieve mdia(i) = sqrt(sdia(i)*sdia(i-1)) 5 continue mdia(nsieve+1) = sqrt(mxsize*sdia(nsieve)) return end c c$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ c Revision 1.2 1995/09/13 15:49:34 wagner c Necessary changes made to allow FORTRAN src files (*.for) to use the c extended FORTRAN include statement rather than the MICROSOFT $INCLUDE c directive as previously used. This is required to allow use of other c FORTRAN compilers. c c Changes have been made to the prologue.mk, epilogue.mk, and the Unix c master startup.mk files as well as the src files. c c Revision 1995/01/18 04:19:56 wagner c Initial checkin c c Revision 1.2 1992/10/10 21:44:14 wagner c Changed names appropriate for submodel name change c from TILLAGE to MANAGEMENT. c c Revision 1.1 1992/04/16 21:41:37 wagner c Initial revision c